View Full Version : Let the Power of Youth Explode!!

2011-08-08, 02:33 PM
So I had a cool character idea I've been thinkin about just for fun. A taijutsu fighter, sort of like Might Guy/Rock Lee. So unarmed combat is a must, which seems monk like to me. Plus monks get a speed boost, so combine that with spring attack, and you have a sort of high speed taijutsu thing goin on. Add in whirlwind attack feat, and use it as Leaf Whirlwind, and Flying Kick feat gives you dynamic entry. But what about the big moves? That's my question. Does anyone know of anythin that could resemble Gates, Primary Lotus, or Hidden Lotus? I just wanted to see if a Guy/Lee build is possible?

Admiral Squish
2011-08-08, 02:35 PM
Hmm... I suppose, at it's most basic level, you could pick up a level of barbarian and swap Rage for Whirling Frenzy. It adds an extra attack and boosts your strength.

2011-08-08, 02:36 PM
Whelp, might as well get this out of the way...

Is Tome of Battle allowed?

What about psionics?

2011-08-08, 02:39 PM
Hmm... I suppose, at it's most basic level, you could pick up a level of barbarian and swap Rage for Whirling Frenzy. It adds an extra attack and boosts your strength.

Yeah that could work. I forgot about whirling frenzy so that's good. And all books allowed as long as it's not 3rd party or homebrew.

2011-08-08, 02:58 PM
I was going to suggest psywarrior, but that would be a normal ninja in that world. Rock lee cant use powers like the rest of them so he would be better served with TOB, or only using physical style psywarrior powers.

Monk 1, psywarrior x (tasholatora feat)
Unarmed swordsage x

Either of those are good. Maybe a Barbarian dip for rage representing opening a gate, some psywarrior power for an additional gate?

2011-08-08, 03:08 PM
And all books allowed as long as it's not 3rd party or homebrew.
In that case, there is a suggestion in Tome of Battle for an Unarmed Swordsage adaptation. It is very frequently suggested to people who want to play a monk class, but are looking for a little more oomph in their fighting.

In this case, you'd want to avoid picking Shadow Hand or Desert Wind maneuvers, while they're all kind of nifty and there might be a few to pick anyways, they're among the most magical of your choices. Diamond Mind's probably a good theme to go with, as it's about focusing on your enemy and turning your Concentration into your big weapons. Setting Sun's probably your second choice, it's about catching up to people and throwing them around for damage. Tiger Claw and Stone Dragon also have nice stuff, but I think it loses your "feel" if you invest too much in those (Tiger Claw for being so feral attacky, Stone Dragon because of the ground stuff).

The "Psionic" stuff is usually about the Tashalatora (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20070212a&page=5) feat, the idea being that you take one or two Monk levels and then invest the rest in a psionic class, allowing you to pick up buffs that you'd normally not get. The big-name one for Monk-likes is Expansion, which increases your size category, giving you better unarmed strike damage... Though that might not be the flavor you're looking for, there are still other powers, such as Grip of Iron, Prescience, or Hustle, that might be closer to the idea.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-08-08, 03:16 PM
In that case, there is a suggestion in Tome of Battle for an Unarmed Swordsage adaptation. It is very frequently suggested to people who want to play a monk class, but are looking for a little more oomph in their fighting.

In this case, you'd want to avoid picking Shadow Hand or Desert Wind maneuvers, while they're all kind of nifty and there might be a few to pick anyways, they're among the most magical of your choices. Diamond Mind's probably a good theme to go with, as it's about focusing on your enemy and turning your Concentration into your big weapons. Setting Sun's probably your second choice, it's about catching up to people and throwing them around for damage. Tiger Claw and Stone Dragon also have nice stuff, but I think it loses your "feel" if you invest too much in those (Tiger Claw for being so feral attacky, Stone Dragon because of the ground stuff).

He wants lots of attacks. Pretty much the only way to get that is heavy Tiger Claw investment, plus maybe the Bounding Assault and Rapid Blitz feas from PHBII. And that feral thing? It's called refluffing. Also, warblade gets Iron Heart, which has a couple maneuvers that are basically Whirlwind Attack+ as a standard action. Take Superior Unarmed Strike for unarmed strike damage if you're a warblade.

2011-08-08, 05:19 PM
He wants lots of attacks. Pretty much the only way to get that is heavy Tiger Claw investment, plus maybe the Bounding Assault and Rapid Blitz feas from PHBII. And that feral thing? It's called refluffing. Also, warblade gets Iron Heart, which has a couple maneuvers that are basically Whirlwind Attack+ as a standard action. Take Superior Unarmed Strike for unarmed strike damage if you're a warblade.

Rapid Blitz and Bounding Assault are definitely good feats for this. Although I don't think I will end up doing much with Swordsage or Warblade. I don't really have anything against monks, and their unarmed strikes get better as you level up, plus the speed bonus they get just seems like it fits.

2011-08-08, 05:24 PM
Unarmed Swordsage gets the same unarmed damage as the Monk.

2011-08-08, 06:16 PM
Roundabout Kick and Snap Kick could be of use. If leaning more towards Lee Drunken Master levels might be fitting.

Silva Stormrage
2011-08-08, 06:39 PM
Roundabout Kick and Snap Kick could be of use. If leaning more towards Lee Drunken Master levels might be fitting.

The downside is the Lee becomes STRONG when drunk and drunken master is a suboptimal class.

I would suggest using unarmed sword sage as well. You could refluff some desert wind manuvers as that morning peacock move Guy used against the kisame clone.

2011-08-08, 06:52 PM
If I remember correctly, Lee didn't actually get drunk, 'cause he was still minor (I think). It was just acting to confuse the enemy.

2011-08-08, 06:56 PM
So I had a cool character idea I've been thinkin about just for fun. A taijutsu fighter, sort of like Might Guy/Rock Lee. So unarmed combat is a must, which seems monk like to me. Plus monks get a speed boost, so combine that with spring attack, and you have a sort of high speed taijutsu thing goin on. Add in whirlwind attack feat, and use it as Leaf Whirlwind, and Flying Kick feat gives you dynamic entry. But what about the big moves? That's my question. Does anyone know of anythin that could resemble Gates, Primary Lotus, or Hidden Lotus? I just wanted to see if a Guy/Lee build is possible?

Shape Soulmelds.

If I remember correctly, Lee didn't actually get drunk, 'cause he was still minor (I think). It was just acting to confuse the enemy.

Censorship. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FrothyMugsOfWater)

2011-08-08, 06:58 PM
The downside is the Lee becomes STRONG when drunk and drunken master is a suboptimal class.

I would suggest using unarmed sword sage as well. You could refluff some desert wind manuvers as that morning peacock move Guy used against the kisame clone.

Hm. That is true, refluffing that to morning peackock would be cool. Well I will check out the unarmed swordsage, but where do you find that? The only swordsage I know is in ToB, and it doesn't have anythin like unarmed attack damage in it's table of class features.

Roundabout Kick and Snap Kick could be of use. If leaning more towards Lee Drunken Master levels might be fitting.

Probably no drunken master, since I didn't really plan on using drunken fist moves, but snap kick might b cool to get.

2011-08-08, 07:01 PM
Also, got this from Brilliantgameologists.

Rock Lee – Human Monk 6/Fist of Zuoken 8/Lucid Cenobite (Hyperconscious) 3/Drunken Master (Complete Warrior) 3

Feats: Wild Talent (1), Improved Unarmed Strike (Monk1), Stunning Fist (Monk1), Dodge (Human), Combat Reflexes (Monk2), Great Fortitude (3), Improved Disarm (Monk6), Speed of Thought (6), Mental Leap (9), Up the Walls (Fist of Zuoken5), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike) (12), Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike) (15), Psionic Fist (18)

1st – Biofeedback, Adrenaline Boost*, Metaphysical Weapon, Vigor
2nd – Animal Affinity, Psionic Lion’s Charge, Hustle, Body Adjustment
3rd – Danger Sense 5th – Psychofeedback

* - Power Found in Complete Psionic

Lee's Signature Abilities: Not much to say here, he looks goofy, he tries hard, and he hits like a mac truck. With the student ability of the Lucid Cenobite Lee’s speed, armor class, and unarmed damage are that of a level 21 monk, and his flurry of blows and ki strike are that of a 13th level monk. Lee’s powers are specifically chosen to enhance his combat ability without showing visible supernatural effect, as Lee is incapable of Ninjutsu. Lee’s most devastating attacks, the kinjutsu Omote Renge and Ura Renge are represented by Animal Affinity and Psychofeedback. Also, he has three drunken master levels to cover his natural talent in the art of the drunken fist.

2011-08-08, 07:02 PM
In the adaption section of the swordsage entry in TOB it describes how to make an unarmed swordsage
by removing it's light armor proficiency and adding instead the monk unarmed damage advancement

Hiro Protagonest
2011-08-08, 07:19 PM
In the adaption section of the swordsage entry in TOB it describes how to make an unarmed swordsage
by removing it's light armor proficiency and adding instead the monk unarmed damage advancement


If you don't want to go unarmed swordsage or warblade, go fighter. Fighter gives you full BAB and more feats, so it's easier to get all the feat prereqs for Spring Attack, Bounding Assault, Rapid Blitz, and Whirlwind Attack. Suerior Unarmed Strike + Improved Natural Attack give you good unarmed strike damage, and take Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus for lack of magic weapon (or just buy magic gauntlets).