View Full Version : Need Miscellaneous Encounters in My Setting's Land That Time Forgot.

Angry Bob
2011-08-08, 06:47 PM
I'm mapping out a "land that time forgot" for my high-level(ECL 18-19, pretty well-optimized) campaign for my PCs to explore. It's a small continent located inside the Rift, a dimensional lock effect spanning most of the unknown world and preventing magical travel between the two major hemispheres. This land remains unexplored mainly because no one wants to risk being stranded there. The point I'm trying to get across is that even the high-level mages of my world are terrified of the place.

I'm building a random encounter table for the place. So far, I'm including brachyurus packs, tayellahs, sirrushs, tarrasques(not a unique creature in this setting), devastation beetles(with much forewarning, and only if the PCs manage to blunder into its stomping ground), and garngraths(altered to be natives of the prime material). For a breather, I might include packs of MMI dinosaurs or something. Flying parties would be accosted by similar creatures, but I don't yet have anything for that other than legendary eagles. I haven't started on the ocean around the place yet, but I'm sure the Playground can give me some good ideas for them.

I'm looking for more monsters to fit the theme of "giant, powerful animals." Basically, animals, magical beasts, and possibly plant creatures that can harass or threaten a high-level party. Terrestrial, aerial, and aquatic all welcome.

2011-08-08, 07:30 PM
Problem is that even statistically powerful dumb melee brutes with high cr on paper will fall easily to any party if it lacks magical support. It woud be fairly easy for the casters to disable them, say forcecage/maze one of them, attack the other, move on etc.

One idea would be to advance existing animals, then tack on the dungeonbred template to reduce its size, followed by monster of legend for the extra stats.

If your party really needs a challenge, you could consider using the wild hunt encounter in MM5. Fluffwise, he could be some sort of predator-like hunter who seeks new game, and has his sights set on the PCs.

If elementals aren't too exotic for you, you can either use elemental monoliths, or my personal favourite - elder elementals with martial adept lvs. An air elemental swordsage5 can be deceptively stronger than its cr16 lets on, 3 of them should prove a decent challenge. Use their superior flight with flyby attack and standard action strikes. Or improved rapidstrike+time stands still.

For more ideas, you can consider looking at the "Lost library" portion of the "Age of worms" adventure module. In it, the party is transported to an island inhabited by ultra-advanced versions of stock monsters, such as gargantuan girrallons and even a titan. :smallsmile:

For sea creatures, if you have elder evils, you can use the leviathan stats.

More may come later as I gather my thoughts.

2011-08-08, 07:48 PM
A Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus helping each other get out of deep pool of mud (where they'd otherwise starve to death and die). After they get out the Tyrannosaurus Rex turns on the Stegosaurus.

Angry Bob
2011-08-08, 11:35 PM
Let me reword that. I need monsters that are big enough for the party to actually encounter, rather than have me tell them "Today, you encountered a pack of wolves. They all died messily. Loot was exty-three pounds of wolf meat."

The party right now is a knife-throwing pirate that can kill anything he can get a full attack on, an AOO goliath warblade, and a (LA +3 variant with various nerfs)pixie Sorcerer/Initiate of the Seven Veils. All LA bought off already.

So they aren't exactly super high-op, but they are very strong for their respective classes.