View Full Version : Tales of Jade: Three Beginnings

2011-08-08, 07:06 PM
Guo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhvNQATgXJc)

Travel has a special allure for those who seek to learn about the world, becoming removed from the dreary treks of merchants and peasants merely seeking to reach their destination. Every twist of the Imperial Highway potentially held a new wonder to behold, people foreign to the traveler's knowledge, and many more such grand possibilities all leading to the grandest of them all. Grassy plains and hills stretch off into the distance, with the harsh northern mountains to Guo's back, a sense of serenity pervading the air without the constant threat of a sudden storm or rock slide to tease across the northerner's danger-honed senses. Other travelers along the highway are frequent, the lone man often passing a wagon or two of goods led by an over-perfumed merchant and his wary guards, once even the curtained palenquinn of nobility being born towards some country estate no doubt.

Not all the men and women that Guo passes are of the peaceful variety though, more then once he passed by a contingent of soldiers, resplendent in their wrought steel armor that bears the jade disc of of the Celestial Emperor in the center of the breastplate. These men and women look edgy and paranoid, casting suspicious glances at the well armed northern martial artist but neglecting to stop him and inquire about his business. Such an attitude isn't too unexpected though, deserters and rogue martial artists often drifted through Guo's current region, seeking soft targets as they moved further and further away from the seat of Imperial power. Civilization was a frequent sight too, rice and millet farms seen off in the distance with the little hamlets that spring up around close by, distant motion signalling the toils of the lower class. Still, the day was hot and few could resist the temptation to pause in their travels and work when a strong breeze blew in from the south, rippling through the grasslands, briefly transforming into a veritable sea of green before it settles back into place once more.

Thus it is with a small measure of relief when the long-traveled walker comes to a road-side tea house, a simple affair for peasants, merchants, soldiers, and lordlings alike to rest their weary feet for a time before returning to their individual journeys. A tiled roof keeps the moisture draining sun from beating down on the patrons while a small garden and koi pond in a central courtyard gives the customers a pleasant visage while they rest. Close to a dozen people currently sup tea and lightly dine at the moment, leaving many tables open for Guo to choose from. Most are in hushed conversation with one another, talking about local news they had managed to hear in-between stops along the highway.

Just a chance for you to introduce Guo and do some light-roleplaying, though it could lead to more.

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Lu Shuo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTdmhUlYnyE)

Steel rings against steel in the still air, the sounds of combat echoing off of the colorful walls from distant conflicts, the smell of smoke and incense thick in the air. Riotous colors whirl and clash along the walls and floor, making those unaccustomed to the display feel dizzy and nauseous as their eyes unconsciously tried to trace and follow the elaborate patterns hinted at. Grand jade pillars rise to the roof of the vaulted chamber, golden dragons snarling at those insignificant mortals who dared trespass beneath them, jealously clutching at the prominent stone as if their cold, hard lives depended on it.

Crimson pools stretch out from still bodies, piled around the feet of a haggard looking man in white silk who stands before center of the chamber, a fanciful gold and teak throne that is the center of Imperial power. His jian leaves a trail of scarlet behind him, the liquid flowing into the carved characters down the center of the blade that denote the virtues of peace even as the tip of his cane taps against the tiles below that form the tiers leading up to that central position. He stands before it silently, dark eyes contemplating the throne before his blade rises into the air, the air ringing as if cut by the simple motion.

The massive double doors leading into the throne room buckle and burst inwards from the force on the other side, Lu Shuo standing at the head of his men. Horror touches his features as he sees the massacre that had been completed in his absence before his gaze falls on the man in white. Shocked eyes take in graying black hair tied back into a hassled pony-tail and the sharp features of the serious faced individual.

"No...why did you do this L...?!

With a cold shock the nightmare ends, sending the dreamer bolting upright as the last vestiges of sleep are cast aside. Eyes quickly dart about, seeking comfort in the familiar white-washed walls of his bed-chamber and the tatami mats laid out across the floor. No riotous colors, no blood...it had all been a dream?

Lu Shuo can take solace in the familiar sights of his personal quarters in the dojo. A scroll of Vinh's wisdom positioned in a place of honor across from the bed, twin candles set up on either side of it. Light can just barely be seen through the paper walls that separate Lu's room from the practice area of his dojo, the beginnings of activity not much further off. It seems he had slept a little longer then he had intended to, but the unease of the nightmare is quickly forgotten as duty and order reasserts itself...

Dream sequence ahoy! Giving you some freedom on how you wish to proceed Cespenar, got multiple plot routes that you could take.

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Within the main house of the Fu compound in Jueru, there is one room that is seen as a bad omen above all others, the one where the head of the family meets with the heads of all of the branch families to discuss business important to all the Fu househoulds. Here they determine the fate of the heirs, what direction each household will take, and so on. The matters that a minor noble family concerns themselves with in their bids to ascend higher in the pecking order. A very solemn and...grim room, there is little color to be had in this chamber, and there actively seemed to be less with the presence of the sole-occupant in the room. The man sits rigidly, irritation creasing his face as he places his hands on his knees. He wears the broad shouldered kimono of a man who can trace his heritage to the spring court, his daisho laid out on a rack behind him.

As the time continues to tick by, counted by the soft thud from the bamboo device to scare off deer, he finally lets out a long sigh.

"That girl will be the death of me yet..."

Somewhere on the fourth tier... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1PQtAvznrA)

"Mistress Fu! Mistress Fu where are you?" calls out a hapless voice, it's owner struggling to push her way through the crowds on the street. Meiling was a slight thing, not accustomed to having to assert herself through the bubbling masses of humanity that make up the market tiers of mighty Jueru, and thus makes very little headway through the crowds. Perfume and incense create a thick miasma that hangs over the street as colorful silk banners snap in the air, each proclaiming the purpose of the building behind it. Important guild houses or dojos usually had more then a couple of banners waving in the air for many reasons, not the least of which is because their buildings take up more space.

Here, in the district that Meiling finds herself in, at each intersection of streets a large stone platform is raised above street level, platforms for martial artists to battle one another for the appreciation of the citizens of the city, though not all are used at any given time. Most bear stains of blood or scarring from the battles that take place upon them, a testament to their history of battle. Moisture hangs thick in the air here, the servant girl's travels having carried her towards one of the massive canals that lead down from the palace. Calls and orders ring through the air from the traffic up and down the canal, a backdrop to the constant murmur and talking of the people shifting along the streets. Most people look well-off, as fitting their position on the tiers, however some are more like Meiling. Dressed well, but not too well, servants dispatched on some task or another meant to look well for the honor of whatever group they served but not to be mistaken for someone of importance from said group.

Right now, the servant girl had important information from Shirin's father, but she hadn't been able to find the wayward fighter yet. Still, she had a hunch. Rumor had it that a small competition was being held between the Northern Devil Boxing style and the Thousand Spear Kick school, and if she knew her mistress then she would certainly be in attendance...

I admittedly struggled on how to introduce Shirin, so I finally decided to let you introduce Shirin how you wanted too Partysan :smallwink: Assume that Shirin sees Meiling before Meiling sees her.

2011-08-08, 11:28 PM
[Guo Bao Sheng]

Bao Sheng smiles, and wipes his brow with his forearm.

Father did say that the lowlands would be much warmer than home. Still, hard to believe that warmth could ever be such a challenge to bear. Best to get some additional supplies to assist me in managing this.

With such thoughts in mind, he stoops a bit to enter the door, then steps forward, and almost begins to carve a gouge in the doorway with the spear strapped to his back. Realizing his error, he backs out, and comes back in, stooped yet lower.

Rising up again, he offers a pleasant smile to the rest of the tea house, and moves carefully toward a table roughly in the middle of the other patrons, upon whom he quietly tries to eavesdrop, at least until he receives service...

2011-08-09, 06:23 AM
Lu Shuo

While a couple trained breaths start to regulate his spiked blood tension, Lu forces himself to think about the dream. "An omen?" he thinks for the fraction of a second, but dismisses it quickly. He valued his ability to know his own limits and potentials, and developing self-doubts from only a... dream wouldn't something he would do.

He rises up, irritated by the disturbance of his usual schedule, but only slightly. It just meant he would cut back on the morning walk a little. No problem. Glancing at the ornate scabbard of his fine sword resting on two hooks on the wall, he shrugs and reaches for his walking stick instead. He didn't like the idea of being a crippled old man, but looking as one had its advantages.

With those thoughts, he leaves his room and then the dojo. A brief look at the sun says to him that he has just the time for a twenty-thirty minutes' walk before the students start to wake up. Not that they couldn't do without their master for a little bit - discipline and organized work were an integral part of Lu's teachings, but punctuality was one as well. And how would one teach what he doesn't use himself?

Grimacing against his aching right leg, he walks on.

2011-08-10, 06:51 AM
Shirin put the last piece of sweet puff pastry in her mouth and sent another glance at the fighters on the stone platform, before she decided she had seen enough. Those fighters were undoubtedly skilled, but she found them also annoyingly brutish.She turned around to see whether the old man she had discussed the merits of both styles with was still there. Of course he wasn't. Good thing she hadn't made a bet this time.
When she turned back though, she caught something in the corner of her eye that braught back a mile. a slender girl, dressed like rich house's servant desperately tried to make her way through the excited masses. "Oh Meiling, this really isn't the place for you, is it?"
She left her place at the podium, circling Meiling and getting closer from behind her, closer and closer - and put her arms around the girl from behind. "I didn't know you had an interest in Demon Fist martial arts, Meiling." she whispered into her friends ear. Then she let go, pondering what kind of half-serious indignation Mailing would amuse her with first, sneaking up on her, indecent clothing, indecently touching her or another stupid rule she had already forgotten. It was good to see her. She had been missed.

2011-08-14, 12:19 AM
Guo Bao Sheng

It doesn't take long for one of the servers to notice the new arrival, a servile man slipping across the room with the faux-happy smile of those displeased with their place in life plastered across his face. Once he arrives, a tea-pot is set down on the table before the waiter takes Guo's order and slips away to arrange for the food to be brought out. The sudden arrival of the northerner with a massive spear causes a small commotion, seeing how he had arrived by himself, but the curiousity doesn't take long to fade away by the time Guo's food is brought out to him.

As he eats, he keeps his ear turned towards the other patrons, straining his ear to try and catch whisper of news in the area. What he hears is rather telling, the most popular topic by far seeming to be how one of the dams built to control the flow of water had recently ceased to function, sending those suddenly denied water into a panic as they tried to discern just what had happened. Some of the other customers believed it to be a simple construction problem, nothing to get excited about, while others wondered if this was the first strike of some new bandit clan or warlord seeking to make an impression.

Another favorite topic was the arrival of a new magistrate in a nearby province to the west, displacing the minor nobles that had ruled the land for as long as anyone could remember, and how both sides had begun to rattle their swords at one another in a crass display of arms. It was suspected that such hostilities would soon flare into open conflict, not that it would amount to much this far into the Central provinces.

With all the talking, Guo almost misses the arrival of two more travelers, a man and woman who quickly hurried to a secluded corner of the tea house before sitting in quiet conference with one another. Both wear the same shiftless tunic of peasants but...there's something that nibbles at the back of Guo's mind. The two move too deliberately and purposefully to be simple farm-hands, their clothes too clean. Disguises perhaps? It's difficult to tell, but the couple glance at the door frequently with a surprising display of wide-eyed emotion...was it fear?


Lu Shuo

There's something bewitching about Jueru in the morning, the quiet shuffle and noises of people preparing to begin their days is reminiscent of an army camp rousing it self from slumber, that has pulled more then one soldier to the Jade City. This was the quiet time, when those with nefarious purpose sought their dens to hide from the sun while those of truer purpose had only just awakened, a time of transition. Still, Lu Shuo is not the only one who enjoys walks in the early morning and he sees some familiar faces as he ambles across the tier. There the acolyte of a friendly rival, over there was the rice merchant who handled the orders for the dojo with his pipe who nods cordially to one of his better customers.

Here, in the soft buzz of this dawn, Lu can hear rumors and stories without hassle and a few stand out to him. Soft voices speak that one of the Empresses was going to descend from the Imperial Palace this day, idle betting on which it would be before the discussion turned from the unusual to the more mundane. The Mu family was holding a celebration for the birth of a new child, one said to be born under good omens, that would be commencing on the next day once preparations had been finished. From all accounts, it seems like quite the important occasion and many members of the nobility along with various influential citizens of the city as well. For one always on the look out for news concerning the important people of the Empire, it was interesting news that could occupy one's thoughts, but there was little to act on and soon it was time to return to the dojo to begin the day.

By the time that Lu has returned, many of the younger students had already been set to the task of cleaning the dojo and various other chores before arranging in the courtyard to begin the morning exercises. Older students were given permission to seek solace in meditation or personal training regimes if they so choose, but many joined the younger students in their practice. Sunlight warms the stone below as one of the instructors steps to the front of the students and begins to set them through their paces, another old soldier who had been among Lu's soldiers on that fateful day. A barrage of arrows had claimed one of the man's eyes and right arm, leaving him unable to fight though it allowed him to focus all his attention on training a new generation, Mikushi Sado if Lu's memory served him right.

Just trying to set the mood by having Lu go through a normalish day before craziness Cespenar. :smallwink: Or I'm trying to lure you into a false sense of security, take your pick!

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Meiling stiffens when Shirin wraps her arms about her from behind, letting out a muffled and un-dignified squeak before she's capable of turning about to face the Fu girl. Her next words are drowned out by the roar of the crowds as one of the fighters broke into a vicious flurry of kicks that almost threw his opponent off of the stone slab, but the boxer quickly sets himself and returns the volley with a bone-crushing upper-cut his opponent's ribs. Casting an annoyed glance at the men, Meiling repeats her message, tension obvious in her body posture and expression, though such was not terribly uncommon for her.

"Mistress Fu, your father sent me to find you. He wishes to see you right away, said that it was a matter of family importance." the servant girl says breathlessly, nervously playing with the hem of her long silk tunic, "He would not say more on the matter to me though, so I saw fit to make haste though it...ah...took me some time to find you."

Another swell of roaring from the crowd as the boxer sends his slight opponent reeling, knocking the man off the platform and into the crowd below.

"Ahhhhhhh!" the victor crows with outstretched arms, turning in a full circle as if to make himself quite the spectacle even as the old man who had been manning the desk quickly rushes to the fallen fighter to ensure that he was still breathing. The look of relief on the old man's face says it all though, he was fine, but few people paid attention such a fact when something else quite unusual was happening.

Golden boots all but make the ground quake as row upon row of men in the golden armor of the Dawn Guard force a path through the crowd with spiked mancatchers balanced against their shoulders. The woman at the head of the column is obviously the captain, her armor even more elaborate with the dragon on her helm cradling a massive pearl in it's jaws. However, the real oddity was what they were protecting. A bejeweled palanquin is carried by four large men with impassive faces, the reed 'walls' of the palanquin dropped to obscure the occupant from sight except for the barest flashes of silver eyes and pale skin framed by soft candle light. Gilded in gold and numerous precious gemstones adorn the litter, making it an object of significant wealth on it's own even as the Dawn Guard approach the duel platform and the captain speaks softly to the man who had just checked on the fallen opponent.

The old man's face pales and he hurries up unto the platform, even as Meiling strains her neck curiously to try and get a better glimpse at the occupant of the litter.

"Who do you think is in there Mistress Fu?" the servant girl wonders aloud, though Shirin's eyes are likely on the stage.

"Everyone! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Zhrpb0W1Q) We are in the presence of a most esteemed guest!" the old man tries to call out over the roar of the crowd, "Please, you must bow your heads for Empress!"

Shirin knew the true meaning of the old man's words, but many others did not and look at one another in confusion. Confusion that faded as the old man clambered down unto his knees atop the blood-stained platform and kow-towed, pressing his forehead against the stone in a pose of supplication. For a moment, many stare in disbelief before hesitatingly following suit, including Meiling herself...

"The Empress has come here today to see a demonstration of skill and talent, bestowing great honor on this humble site!" the old man moans out fervently.

2011-08-14, 02:45 PM
[Guo Bao Sheng]

Bao Sheng's normal, placid smile fades as he listens. In the north, war was relatively uncommon. There were disagreements, fights, bandits that needed to be driven off, but life was hard enough without allowing large swaths of the people of your village to die. Nevertheless, the people of the Winter Court had marched when their autonomy was restricted.

Similar provocation will almost certainly work similarly here. Saber-rattling is hardly necessary; there will be war, unless something is done about it.

The news of the dam is also troubling, but it is at least possible that the people of the area could resolve it themselves. They are not short of warriors in the lowlands, if it does even turn out to be a matter requiring violence.

Warriors without ties to either side, on the other hand, may be somewhat rare in the province to the west.

Along these lines of logic, Guo Bao Sheng is just about to decide to head toward the west when the new travelers enter. They are... interesting. His travels would take a fair while to reach the west anyway- he may as well see what so bothered these two.

Standing up from his table, he sets down enough coins to easily cover the meal that he's been served, arranged in a pattern that might, to a desperate enough eye, spell out the phrase 'Pursue a better life. You are stronger than you think.'

He then approaches the furtive couple, sitting down at an adjacent table with a friendly smile.

"Excuse me, my friends, but do either of you know where I could buy a strong horse?"

2011-08-14, 05:57 PM
Cool. :smallbiggrin:

Not that I have something against any lack of action, mind, but I'm curious.

Lu Shuo

Noting down the rumors in his mind, Lu comes back to find his students up and training already. Nodding to himself in satisfaction, he steps forward and takes the lead.

"All right. Thank you, instructor. Now, let's start with practicing what I was telling you yesterday about the finer points of flanking and counter-flanking. Divide into groups of four. One group will attack the other one."

He glances at one of the students as a cue to bring out the practice weapons. As the training starts, Lu wanders around the groups and throws comments, suggestions, and sometimes even joins the fray briefly to show a specific point or two.

He nears Mikushi after some time and asks casually,

"So, how does it look? Are they improving? Any sharp ones to note?"

2011-08-17, 06:33 PM

With an almost shocked expression Shirin freezes for a moment, until her surprise fades and she hastily assumes a position of reverence according to her standing.
Why is she here? Not to watch a second-class fighter competition, that's for sure. Did she bring her own martial artists? She throws some glances at the men accompanying the palanquin. No, she wouldn't have come to the fourth tier for that. She wants something, but I can't make heads or tails of it.
"Meiling," she whispers, "I'll be going back to the mansion with you and hear what my father has to say, but for now let's stay to see what the Empress has planned. I won't be able to concentrate on anything if I keep wondering about that."

2011-08-31, 11:08 AM

At his words, the students soon divide up into opposing groups with the wooden weapons and set about practicing the flanking and counter-flanking tactics that they were told the other day. Soon the practice hall is filled with the sharp crack of wood slapping against wood, a sharp rapport that fills the training hall, as it should. It was repetitive, for sure, but also...soothing. It was ordered chaos at it's finest, instilling discipline into the un-disciplined, a thing any teacher would be all too happy to hear. Still, a sense of unease lingers about Lu, the visions from the nightmare flickering through his mind at the most in-opportune times until he goes to speak to his instructor.

Mikushi stands stoically, surveying the students with an iron gaze that quells any slacking or talking before it can begin in earnest, both arms crossed over his barrel-like chest. His own good eye swivels to the master of the dojo and he gives a short perfunctory bow at Lu's approach, likely a hold-over from his time as a soldier. As always, his sour dispostion leaves him a man who was far too frank for most other commanders and that habit has not been dulled by time. Not yet anyway.

"There is some improvement from the new students, we were able to teach them the foundations of Ivory Crown without any trouble. But the students who came here for study before you took over are proving slower to learn. They still hold unto the things taught them by Master Chen and don't take well to working with one another in a fight. They believe a fight is one on one, with honor and rankle under squad tactics. In short, they don't want to learn Ivory crown because they think it inferior." he says shortly.

For a time though he falls silent, merely observing the sparring exercises before turning to look solemnly at the master of the school.

"On the upside, we seem to be attracting a fair bit of attention to ourselves. I'm not sure if that's good or bad though, means more students but some of the attention we're drawing may turn out for the worst."



Mei-ling, unlike Shirin, seems far less at ease and curious about the presence of one of the Empresses of the Imperial Court, feverently keeping her eyes and head down. Such behavior isn't entirely unusual though, considering how mercurial those of higher-station could be in Jueru. It wasn't uncommon for one of lower class to find themselves imprisoned, or even killed, for the slightest of perceived offenses.

"What?! Your father will have me flogged if he finds out I didn't bring you back right away, please Shirin-sama we must go!" the distraught serving girl pleads in a whisper as her mistress continues to watch the palanquin as much as she is able. "Which of His Divine Majesty's wives is it even?"

The Dawn Guard continue to move through the crowd of assembled bystanders towards the fighting platform until their protective ring reaches the very edge and the palanquin is lowered down to the ground. There's movement behind the curtains as it's occupant(s?) shift about before someone exits the lavish treasure. A slender woman who looked to be past her third decade exits, dressed in a simple white muslin tunic and approaches the fighting platform. Despite the way that she had arrived, the woman lacks the adornment that would be expected of someone from the Imperial Court and wears her hair unbound and short. If anything, she is remarkably...plain, as if one could find dozens like her hunting through fish markets or tending to a shop. As she gains the stage she speaks softly with the old man, who's eyes widen in surprise before he steps forward to speak again.

"People, today we have a rare treat! The Empress has deigned to see the martial ability of the fair citizens of Jueru and wishes to announce a contest!" He says grandly, albeit shakily at first. The man was born to orate and it shows, "The goal of this contest is simple. Whomever is first able to defeat the Empress' handmaiden shall win a favor from Her Majesty and a prize of five hundred gold talons!"

The announcement brings up a flurry of whispered mutterings and oaths around the two young women, some of the people in the crowd now looking up at the fighting ring with barely concealed greed in their eyes. Perhaps the only thing keeping them from rushing the ring...is how calm the woman looks as she presses her palms together in front of her chest and closes her eyes. Despite the inevitable challenges, she looks almost...serene in her position.

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Guo Bao

As Guo Bao approaches the table, the couple look up at him with eyes that flash in alarm. This close, he can tell that the two aren't from the northern provinces, too short and their skin having more of an olive cast then the traditionally taller and paler people of Guo Bao's home. Each wears their long black hair in tight buns with dark eyes, they could almost be mistaken for twins in fact as they gaze up at Guo Bao as if to divulge his intent.

"If we knew were to find a good horse, and had the coin to purchase it, do you think we would have walked here?" the woman finally replies testily, shifting nervously in her seat. Her companion makes a strangled noise, eyes darting to the large spear that Guo Bao carries with him.

"Quiet woman, you have no idea who you could possibly be speaking to! He could very well be some assassin or samurai from the Spring!" He bemoans, reaching over as if to cover the woman's mouth with his hand though a glare stops him, "Ah...my apologies good warrior but my wife's tongue acts without thought and cuts sharper then a master's blade. No, we haven't been able to find any good traders of horse-flesh ourselves.

2011-09-02, 07:21 PM
Lu Shuo

Listening to Mikushi with interest, Lu lapses into silence and simply gazes at the training for a few moments. Without taking his eyes off them, he speaks.

"Ivory Crown is not for everyone, I know that," he admits grimly, and almost sighs.

"But it should be. People are surrounded by people, both in life and death. Why not use that power, instead of trying to waste away all that for a hollow principle?"

He finally lets out that sigh.

"Trying as I may be to keep good relations with the other dojos, I sometimes wish for one of them to come at us. A first-hand experience in battle does wonders for teaching people certain things, am I not right?"

2011-09-03, 08:36 AM
[Guo Bao Sheng]

Bao Sheng's smile grows a bit at the wife's reproof, though on as wild a face as his, it could very easily be taken as a wolf baring his fangs, rather than his intention, a rueful acknowledgement of fault.

At the husband's rapid backpedaling, he sighs in mild exasperation.

"Sa-mu-rai? I suppose that's what a warrior is called in the East, then? You need not fear that of me- do I look as though I come from the Spring Court? My name is Bao Sheng; I am of the Unbending Mountain school, taught in the mountains halfway between here and the sea of ice.

I take it that you are wide-ranging travelers, if you're afraid of enemies from another quarter of the Empire. Messengers, perhaps? What takes you so far from your province?"

2011-09-03, 06:20 PM
Shirins eyes widen in surprise and she can hardly supress her excitement. She grabs Meiling's sleeve and wildly shakes it.
"We can't let this go, you know what this means to me! Meiling I promise you, I will tell father I came as soon as you found me, but I have to see this! This might be my chance to show my art and earn moey for my school. In fact I should hurry to get up there and... no, don't you think it might be more prudent to watch the first fight to see what style she uses?"

She can hardly bat an eye at the scene, closely examining the "handmaiden", her body and posture and, on a less erious level, her attractiveness, all the while gushing out incoherent speculations without giving an opportunity for an answer. After having blown off steam, she takes a quick turn towards the servant girl again.
When Shirin notices Meiling's desperate expression, and her exaltation comes to a certain halt. Her grip softens, as does her voice.
"Oh Meiling, I'm giving you trouble again, am I? Look, I won't let it end that way for you. There is no way my father knows how long it would take you to find me. I mean, it isn't as if father was trying to get you flogged," she laughs, then suddenly freezes. "Or is he?"

2011-09-11, 01:46 PM

Bao Sheng's reassurance that he isn't affiliated with their troubles does little to reassure the couple, though some of the tension leaves their posture as he persists in talking to them. The woman seems far more at ease then her husband, giving a disparaging sigh at the man's nervous anxiety about the warrior's abrupt presence.

"'Trouble comes in many shapes, the only constant is it's constant presence.'" she quotes off-hand, giving a wave of her hand as if to dismiss the topic, "It is enough to know that to remain at home was to endanger the lives of our families."

"To be honest great warrior, I am not even certain what kind of trouble we are in. A trusted friend came to us in the middle of the night, covered in blood and warned us to flee before his pursuer caught up to us." the man speaks up, picking up his cup of tea as if to sooth his nerves, "Of course we heeded the warning, though I wasn't sure if we were being tricked or not until we noticed that someone was following us."

Movement by the door draws Bao Sheng's eye as the man continues to relate their journey from the Qi Lo province towards the Center in their hopes of disappearing into the crowds of humanity in the area. A strange looking man had come into the inn, a straw sakkat obscuring his face but for a panel cut out of the front to expose harsh looking black eyes and the brown skin tone that was very unusual in the north. A green sleeveless tunic is belted about his waist, with numerous iron sphere dangling from it to bang against his legs. Over all the man was on the short side, lean and wiry, that would have made it difficult to miss him if it wasn't for the green tunic and bright red pants. Cruel eyes appraise the people of the inn with distaste, until finally they settle on the table that Bao Sheng and the couple both sit at, eyes narrowing...

Can I get a Spot check (DC 20) Sucrose? Success means that Guo notices the man palming one of the spheres and fishing a piece of flint out of his pockets.


Lu Shuo

The instructor gives a non-committal grunt, content to watch the flanking exercise for the time being, crossing his arm across his chest with a contemplative look on his war-worn face. When he finally does speak, it's in a soft tone to keep any nearby students from over-hearing his words.

"You might be right sir, but so far no other dojo has shown much interest in trying to stamp us out. Maybe they think there are bigger targets or those who's patrons have more influence." Mikushi muses aloud, tossing his old commander a sly look, "If we were to cause a big enough disturbance in their patterns then they'd be forced to do something about you, whither they wanted to or not and the students would get their battle."

"Way I see it, if you wanted to pursue this task, your best chances would be to acquire a patron of your own, somebody important enough that other dojos would want to steal them away." he suggests, "Or...or perhaps some of the other instructors and myself could go and pick a fight. At least then we'd have more control over what enemy we make."

While he speaks, a sudden change seems to come over one of the groups of sparring students. For a moment or two they seem to break off their assault, conversing amongst one another while their opposing group falters, looking confused. Then, all at once, one of the young men in the group that had paused charged towards another of the battling groups, leading the others of his own group with him. Chaos breaks out as the organized structure of the exercise falls to pieces as one of the four groups is caught between two others in a deadly pincer and are quickly encircled and forced to 'surrender'.

Afterwards, the two groups that had inadvertently turn their attention to the last remaining team of students who's confusion has only grown as their opponents split up to come at them from both sides as they had their last opponents.

================================================== ==

Shirin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKeUfxkQSTM)

Mei-ling's fearful protests and sudden exclamations about the intent of the Fu family head seem to fade into the background as the first challenger stumbles towards the dueling platform. A large and muscular looking man, he nonetheless seems to be pushed into confronting the handmaiden by his friends who are eager to see him win. Nonetheless, the crowd cheers as he approaches the desk, hesitantly signing the death waiver that are required at all such dueling platforms. The unmistakeable white and red scrolls ensure that any person who signs one is taking their lives into their own hands upon entering the ring, leaving no one else responsible if they happened to die during the course of the duel. While everyone's eyes are on the challenger, Shirin's can't help but drift back to the handmaiden who has assumed a fighting posture from the moment the giant of a man stepped forth.

The average looking older woman eases one foot back as her arms level themselves out horizontally in front of her and behind her, calm eyes focused on the man as he approaches the steps to the encouragement of the people around the ring. As he comes to stand opposite the woman, the official for the fights stands up and raises his hand, calling for silence.

"Today we see Chen Wu, of the Iron Mountain Fist, engage in combat with Shizuka, handmaiden of the Empress. Begin!"

What happens next is a blur as the handmaiden, Shizuka, launches herself recklessly at her opponent, setting Wu back in surprise at her abrupt charge. Recovering quickly, he tries to clap his hands down on her shoulders, to use his larger size to his advantage in halting Shizuka's momentum. At the last moment though, Shizuka twists in a half spin, slapping his larger arms away from her body even as one hand closes about a thick wrist, seemingly without Wu noticing. Then, using her momentum, the handmaiden twists, pulling Wu's arm across her own as her free arm presses to his abdomen, lifting him up into the air against all odds and reason, sending the large man flying out of the ring and right unto his back.

Wu lands with a loud grunt and remains laying there as stunned silence falls over the assembled crowd. What the handmaiden had done went against all sense of respect usually seen in the dueling rings, where opponents would wait until one another were ready before beginning to fight in earnest, but respect likely meant little to Wu who only pulled himself up slowly, wounded pride plain across his face at having him thrown out of the ring with such ease.

"We..have a winner!" the official finally says, "Shizuka! Who will challenge the handmaiden next for the Empress' prize?"

Shirin notes that Shizuka fell into the flowing momentum stance, becoming harder to hit the more she moves, before launching her opponent out of the ring with devastating throw. The stance and maneuver come from the Scarlet Rose and Setting Sun disciplines respectively, though Fu hasn't seen enough to peg down a style yet.

2011-09-11, 03:12 PM
[Guo Bao Sheng]

The scion of the Guo clan holds up a hand at the husband's explanation of the difficulties they had found at the last town they had visited, turning his attention to the newcomer.

"One moment please, my friend."

Pushing himself up from the table, he begins to approach the colorfully-dressed man with a calm smile. Conveniently, his bulk blocks most of the approaches said man could take toward his own table.

"Hello, fellow traveler! I couldn't help but notice that you seemed to be looking for someone. Could I help you with that?"

Failed the spot check.

2011-09-13, 02:46 AM
Lu Shuo

Lu is not a generally cheerful man, but that doesn't stop an unseemly smile from appearing on his face, like a snarl of an old wolf.

"Hold that thought," he mumbles to Mikushi and hurries to the students - as best as his limp allows, at least.

When he reaches them, he leans heavily on his walking stick and gazes upon the scene, taking it all in. He spots the young firebrand, but doesn't address him right away.

"Well, now," he says, favoring the moment. "Can anyone from the defeated teams tell me what happened here? What has been demonstrated here?"

2011-09-14, 07:56 AM
A mischievous smile spreads on Shirin's face as she watches Shizuka humiliating the big strong man. "Oh! Oh she is good, that Sister, she is good! I might actually have a close one, there."
She straightens up and reaches for her hair, belt and fan, to see if everything is in order, then puts on the reinforced silk gloves. "How is my hair, Meiling? Can go up there like this?"
When she has recieved some kind of confirmation or alternatively has had Meiling do her hair, she jumps up and leaps onto the shoulder of the person standing before her, making a light-stepped run over the the audience onto the platform, then slaps her forehead and jumps down again. "How silly of me, I forgot to sign my waiver."With signs a kind person might describe as "having character" Shirin proudly accepts the duelant's declaration.

With her fan in hand before the body, the other arm crossed behind it, she steps up the pedestal and slowly walks towards Shizuka. Maintaining the appearance of a young lady casually fanning fresh air, she actually shields her body from a sudden charge like the one she witnessed before.
When she has reached a suitable distance she takes her stance. The back arm is arched behind above her head, holding the fan with a bent wrist so it points towards Shizuka, her front arm is extended and has two fingers straight, as most sword-users tend to do when fighting unarmed. Her weight rests on the back foot, ready to push off in any direction, while the front leg is straight. It looks much like a higher version of an orthodox stance, adapted to more mobility.
"Nice to meet you, big Sis'. Please take care of me." she says with a bold grin, but with her eyes fixed on the woman, ready to charge or dodge.

Initiative: 1d20+6
Compare this stance (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3s3b-Go71Nc/TTBG-BV-AaI/AAAAAAAAAAc/ciEtYBnrhYY/S220/sifu%2Bfan%2B20.JPG), only not as deep (more like a cat stance footing) so she is more mobile and with a different hand position as described. She won't use the sword against Shizuka as that would make her look bad, but the fan is as good a weapon. She uses the same stance with both weapons, just with the sword instead of two fingers pointing at the enemy.
Entering Lighting Skirmish Stance.

2011-09-18, 05:11 PM
Lu Shuo

One of the sullen students from the defeated teams, sporting a large black eye, speaks up right away, voice full of fury.

"Sifu, they broke the rules of the exercise, behaving like cowards for...for no reason! This is just practice, there was no call for such deceit!" he yells out, causing the fellow defeated students to raise their voice in agreement. It rises to a roar when their victorious opponents joined the chorus, trying to defend their actions against the accusations of having cheated.

Mikushi shakes his head as the situation seems to continue to boil, coming close to open fighting once more until the instructor roars over the crowd. "QUIET! You will listen to your sifu!"



The raggedy looking man pauses, just for a moment as Guo interposes himself between him and the couple, before a wide smile crosses his face. It exposes a mess of rotten and yellowed teeth, some of which are flat out missing as well as an exhale of truly rotten breath.

"You should have stayed out of this boy." he says in a harsh, clipped tongue that sounds foreign to the northerner's ears. In one smooth motion, he frees one of the iron spheres from it's rope harness and draws it across a piece of flint attached to his hemp belt. Sparks fly out from the display, sending several nearby patrons scrambling away in surprise...and catching the piece of rope dangling from the sphere alight!

In the same smooth motion, the man lobs it over towards the table, but to get to them it'd have to go through Guo first!



Unlike the first challenger, Shizuka seems content to wait for her opponent to ready themselves this time, waiting in the center of the ring with her eyes closed as if in meditation. Below the fighting ring, Mei-ling muscles her way to the front of the crowd, looking worried even as the old man rises to announce the beginning of the fight.

"The next challenger! Fu Shirin of the Fleeting Petal school! Begin!"

The crowd falls silent at the announcement, expecting another sudden rush and ring out, as had happened to the last challenger...only for Shizuka to settle into a wide horse stance, feet planted wide apart as Shizuka brings her elbows in close to her sides. Finally her eyes open, a brief tug at the corner of her mouth before she finally speaks.

"Then I cede the initiative to you then. Whenever you are ready." the handmaiden says softly, taking a deep breath to center herself. It's such an abrupt shift in style from the fast and furious assault Shirin had witnessed not a couple moments ago...had she switched styles for a new opponent?

2011-09-19, 10:42 AM
[Guo Bao Sheng]

Guo Bao Sheng attempts to knock the bomb away, but the raggedy man's aim is true, striking him full in the chest. A vicious blast follows contact, sending shrapnel and heat into Guo Bao Sheng's chest. The armor forged by the love of his father holds, but the already overheated denizen of the Winter Court is less protected against burns.

Rocking back a step, he lifts his hand backward, to the succession weapon of his school, the gift of his mother. Drawing the titanic spear from its sheath, he approaches the assassin with the suddenness of an avalanche, surprise making it nigh-impossible to tell where, precisely, he is. Suddenly, he is directly before his opponent, a cold wind blowing in his wake. A vicious level thrust spins into a downward strike, so rapidly that they seem to be simultaneous.

Vanguard of One into Stone Bones and standard attack.
Attack rolls (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3189611/)

Damage for the attacks:

Both attacks ignore 5 points out of however much DR the raggedy man has.

In addition, Guo Bao Sheng gains 4 temporary HP.

2011-09-21, 05:14 PM
Lu Shuo

Lu nods at the instructor and turns his gaze at the students for what it seems like forever, as it does in these kind of situations. Finally, he speaks.

"Deceit? Cowardice?" Lu almost laughs at the student's words. Then his face turns to stone.

"War is deceit. You have fought before. Did you announce each of your attacks to your enemy, waiting him to raise his guard before striking? Have you not feinted in battle? Where is the line then?"


"There is no honor in war. Act like there is, and you'll only deceive yourself."

Lu grunts, and starts to walk back to his spot. His voice drops a little.

"Now go wash your faces and return to your training. Also, remember to learn from your mistakes, for your own sake."

2011-09-22, 06:40 PM
Is... is she looking down on me? I'll show her! Shirin puts more weight on her rear foot, ready to catapult herself forward and teach the confident Shizuka a lesson, but she stops short.
Waaait a moment. I'm not that stupid, am I? That's what she's waiting for, inviting me like that.

"So you think you can afford to be courteous? I've got you in the palm of my hand, maid."
She feigns a step, instead jumping into a twist stance, turning her body around and straightening her back arm with the fan towards Shizuka to release a sharp gust of wind.
"Feel that... blow!"

Shirin feints, using the Dramatic Irony ability.
Bluff Check: [roll0] +4 if my two puns qualify as catch phrase.
Then she uses the Rising Wind strike, strengthened by Dashing Strike if the feint was successful.
Attack roll: [roll1] +2 if successfully feinted.
Damage roll: [roll2] +8 if successfully feinted.
Crit Confirmation (if threatening): [roll3]

2011-10-03, 08:03 PM

A quick toss of the sphere and smack of the spear has it landing close by, before it abruptly explodes in a small bang that sends heat and shrapnel all around the armed northerner. The other visitors of the teahouse scatter with incoherent screams, even as the couple are both sent down to the ground trying to avoid the deadly blast. However the filthy man's triumph is short lived as Guo steps in to strike him with two powerful blows from his great spear.

Only one brings a spurt of blood, the dis-sheveled man nimbly dancing to the side of the thrust even as the downward thrust sends the man reeling back in surprise, twisting about as if to run away...before abruptly turning back around with a gold-gilded weapon leveled at Guo. The weapon was unusual but hardly unknown, one of the noisy 'guns' that the travelers from across the ocean had brought with them. In a moment, the brown-skinned man's body stiffens to perfect stillness as his eyes lock on Guo's, a red light building inside the barrel before a loud crack sends a lance of burning pain through Guo's gut. "Raging Spirit's Burning Gaze, how does it feel my friend?"

"Shi, run! He's found us!" the man frantically yells out, pushing his wife back towards the kitchen as he fishes a wickedly curved dagger out from his belt. He hefts the blade just once before charging towards the fighters, weapon raised to stab down into the brown-skinned man's chest, "Die Zheng! You'll not get us both!"

Shi, the woman, hesitates as if she intends to join the fray as well before she heeds her husband's advice. Quickly she turns and flees for the back of the teahouse.

Guo takes 30 points of damage after DR is taken into account.


Lu Shuo

The students, defeated and victorious as well, shuffle off to the courtyard to wash their faces in the basin waiting just outside the training hall. Mikushi waits until they had left before slowly walking over to join his old commander, scratching the scruffy beard he wears proudly before speaking. "Already sharpening their teeth on 'hollow truth', eh? That's what General Tao Vinh called it if I remember right. Still, it's better they learn it now before someone uses it against them."

Before the old soldier can continue to talk with Lu Shuo then, one of the students rushes back into the training hall and dips into a short bow before Lu, breathless.

"Sifu, a messenger waits for you at the front gates. They say they bear a message from Mu Chin." he blurts out, unable to contain the news any longer. Mikushi's eyebrow raises in surprise, casting an eye on Lu.

"My that's...surprising. You haven't gone and made us any enemies here have you?"



The maid waits until the very last moment before responding to the attack, ducking beneath the fan blow before using her low position to launch herself up as if to deliver a bone-cracking upper-cut. The illusion is shattered though when the fist passes by harmlessly just for Shizuka to snap her head forward to slam her forehead against Shirin's nose. However, she doesn't stay in such close quarters for long, leaning back quickly into a series of three back flips that carry her to the very edge of the dueling ring.

There she lands, quickly snatching the wool belt from her waist and whipping it off with a loud crack. It moves with too much purpose to just be an ordinary belt, it had to be weighted in some fashion or another. Sash in hand, Shizuka quickly wraps one end around one hand, letting the other trail on the ground, as she settles into a low crouch that almost has her sitting on the ground, free hand pointing before her in a knife hand while the belt-wrapped one is obscured by her body.

"The reward will not be yours if you don't take this more seriously little girl." Shizuka admonishes lightly, even as the crowd begins to murmur in appreciation as the fight picks up.

"Don't let her get to you Mistress Shirin! You can do this!" Mei-ling cheers, having muscled herself to the front of the crowd.

Shizuka feints (DC 24) then hits AC 16 (It'll hit unless Shirin uses a counter or the feint fails in other words) for 5 points of damage.

2011-10-03, 08:58 PM
[Guo Bao Sheng]

Even as he momentarily doubles over in pain, Bao Sheng's arm lances out, blocking the husband's advance. Hidden in his tangled mop of hair, eyes flash with recognition of the infamous name upon the less warlike man's lips.

"Had you attacked at once, I would let you pass. This is my battle now."

He lifts his head, locks eyes with the exotic, Summer Court assassin. His lips curl in a snarl of contempt for the heedless butcher, who made a habit of such reckless attacks as his first bomb, who knowingly sought out those far beneath his own skills.

"Zheng Metharom. Your spirit's gaze has burned itself out assaulting the helpless."

Standing proudly once more as an oak, advancing inexorably as a mountaintop storm, Guo Bao Sheng summons forth the fury of his homeland.

"It has failed to kill me."

His thunderbolt lance is lifted, its butt scraping the teahouse's rafters. Icicles begin to form there.

"It won't get another chance!"

The freezing spear crashes down, bringing with it the chill of the Winter Court, and the certain death that accompanies it for those without true strength.

Move action: blocking the husband's movement, talking
Free action: 5' step back into range
Standard action: Collapsing Strike

In addition, Zheng must make a DC 19 Fortitude save, or become exhausted. Even if he succeeds, he becomes fatigued.

Please note any feats he may lose access to due to the stat penalties from fatigue or exhaustion.
AC: 17
HP: 47/76
Stance: Challenge the Many (gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls for every enemy one threatens)

Finally, I wish to stunt this, so please let me know how many, if any, dice I may add to Guo Bao Sheng's attack roll.

2011-10-04, 03:42 AM
"I'm too old for a belt whipping! You don't scare me!" Shirin shouts back at her while rubbing her forehead.

Then she shoots forward, falling into tumbling steps. She turns her body to the left and right, waving her arms as if performing a ribbon dance. Step by step she gets closer to Shizuka in her whirling dance, setting her feet in an obscuring pattern to hide the distribution of her body weight.
Not leaving an opening between the twirl of her arms, she finally strikes out without warning, slashing across with her fan and following up with a spinning hook kick.

"This platform isn't big enough to run from me!"

Shirin is in Lighting Skirmish stance. She can use both weapons as standard action and gets +10 movement speed.
Her AC is 20 (16 flatfooted) and she has 32 HP left.

Shirin moves towards Shizuka with a move action, then uses the Deceitful Dance maneuver, allowing her fo feint with Perform (Dance) and attack with both weapons, the target losing Dex against both attacks if the feint succeeds.
Feint: [roll0]
First attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit (if needed): [roll3]
Second attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Crit (if needed): [roll6]
If the Feint succeeds, the first attack is effected by Dashing Strike, gaining +2 attack and +8 damage.

2011-10-04, 05:30 PM
Lu Shuo

The old wolf frowns a bit at the mention of his once mentor, the famous General Tao Vinh, but nods in return. Just as he was about to comment further on the situation, however, the boy arrives with the message. Lu listens, and then nods at the student.

"Understood. Go and join the rest in training."

He throws a glance at Mikushi, meeting his incredulous gaze.

"Enemies? I don't know," he says. Then a mischievous glint appears in his eyes. "Let's find out."

2011-10-17, 01:32 PM
Lu Shuo

The old veteran can't help but smile back at Lu's words, following behind him as the ex-soldier went to go and see the Mu family messenger. It's the thick scent of perfume that would hit Lu Shuo first as he exits the dojo, finding the messenger had been left in the front courtyard by his student. Standing before the double-doors that lead into the school is a very officious looking man who seems to have a keen sense of his own importance. Long black hair is held in place by a set of jade hair-pins as one hand strokes along a finely groomed mustache. Despite being a 'messenger', he's attired in a red changshan that's embroidered with the multi-layered symbol of the Mu family on the back. Mikushi ceases to follow at the door to the school, politely falling back to give Lu and the man some privacy.

As Lu approaches, the man turns to face him, mouth set in a firm line that expresses no joy whatsoever in his current task. "Greetings, I presume that you are the sifu of this school?"

Without waiting for a pause, he continues...

"I am one of the representatives of the noble Mu family, Mu Xue. I was asked to come here by my uncle to extend an invitation to you, he's heard about your success within Jueru's martial arts circles and wishes for you to attend the celebration of his daughter's birth." Xue says stiffly, voice practically dripping with the formal trappings of the high-born of the Empire, "Of course my revered uncle would also like to see a demonstration of how your style performs and why it's caused such a fuss within the tier. You are expected to bring a small sampling of students or teachers so that my uncle might judge them for himself."



A woman screams as the fight continues, no escalates, between the northern warrior and the Summer Court assassin. Zheng evades the spear chop in an inelegant back roll that has him careening away from the giant spear even as he drops the pistol that he had been carrying. In a flash, another appears in his hand leveled at, of all things, Guo's spear tip! Another rotten grin briefly crosses the filthy man's face before the clap of thunder sounds again and a shockwave runs up the greatspear's shaft and into Guo's hand. A piece of hot metal grazes his cheek, opening up a stinging cut where it had passed.

Wood splinters where another bullet had seemingly been fired impacts into one of the wooden pillars that support the roof of the tea house. A foot to the right though and it'd have caught the young man full on in the chest...

A young man who is forced to stop from Guo's interference, turning a shocked and dismayed look on his protector.

"What?! But I can help!" he asserts, flipping the dagger up into the air to catch it by the blade, swiftly flinging it at Zheng for it to embed itself into the wood at the assassin's feet, quivering from the impact. The most ghastly sounding laughter bursts from the assassin then, even as he begrudgingly retreats back another five feet and begins to reload.


Shirin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKeUfxkQSTM)

The handmaiden seems content to patiently wait for Shirin to go on the offensive, eyes carefully following the ebb and flow of the young woman's 'dance' as she draws closer and closer. On the edge of the platform, some begin to cheer for the fascinating display in the middle of a match, but the one that Shirin had intended for it to distract seems un-phased.

As the fan strikes out, Shizuka's free arm snaps up against the front tine of the fan, forcing it to collapse in Shirin's hand before ducking beneath the quick kick.

"I'm not running. I'm preparing the battlefield." Shizuka replies calmly, side-stepping to Shirin's left before the belt snaps around to wrap around the young woman's fan, the handmaiden quickly curling the belt across her fore-arm to yank Shirin's weapon out of her grasp. When that fails, a quick spin untangles the weighted belt before Shirin can return the favor and snaps it forward. It's obvious now that the clothe has weights sewn inside of it, allowing it to act like a weapon as it does now, but that realization would do little to stop the pain if the iron-ball concealed in the tip of the belt smacked into Shirin's throat. And still Shizuka balances on the very edge of the arena, the balls of her feet practically hanging off the edge of the dueling platform as if goading her opponent into rushing her...

Shizuka avoids both attacks (though you'd have hit if the feint had succeeded) however she misses with her attacks in return. Or rather, you resist her disarm attempt and her second attack flat out misses.

2011-10-17, 01:52 PM
Guo Bao Sheng

Bao Sheng smiles slightly at his ally's consternation, ignoring the stinging cut on his face with the practiced ease that only many, many such injuries over one's life can provide.

"I am fighting more than our enemy here."

He does not allow himself to consider what could have happened, had the assassin's aim been true. This world's difficulties are challenging enough, without inventing more. Or allowing this world's difficulties to grow.

Refusing to allow Zheng a chance to recover, Guo Bao Sheng once more closes the gap, eschewing the higher talents of his school for the moment, and choosing the somewhat inelegant, but undeniably effective method of simply using his spear, his skill, and his strength to strike full-force at the openings Zheng's reloading grants.

5' step forward, swift action to recover maneuvers, full attack. Still in Challenge the Many stance.


In the event that Zheng survives, Guo Bao Sheng will use his Wall of Blades to deflect any further attacks, prioritizing defending his charges over defending himself.

AC 17 against any secondary attacks, HP 45/76

2011-10-17, 05:06 PM
That was too close. I'd have liked to rip away the belt, but I was too shocked when it wrapped around my wrist. She really is no fun.

Wild thoughts fly through the girl's head as she draws back her hands and tries to regain her composure.
I'd really like to push her off the platform, but the setups is just too obvious. I need to focus.

Drawing her breath, Shirin takes a half step back, circling the wrist with the fan. She drops her weight on the foot she set back. Lifting the empty hand into a high hollow guard position to win time she takes a quick look to the ground to be sure of the distance.
Then the bent wrist of her fan arm shoots forward, uncoiling, reinforced by the rotation of her hips and shoulders as she slides forward with the other foot, switching the fan arm to be in front. Mid movement she folds the fan, twists the arms inwards and, without the weight leaving the back foot, out of the step's rotation delivers a full on straight corkscrew thrust towards Shizuka's solar plexus with her fan's tip.
"Shhhi!" she violently exhales.

Shirin is in Lighting Skirmish stance. She can use both weapons as standard action and gets +10 movement speed.
Her AC is 20 (16 flatfooted) and she has 32 HP left.

Shizuka feints (I don't want to make it a habit, but I don't have anything better to do with my swift actions.), then uses the Strike of the broken Shield maneuver.
As always (until it succeeds) if the feint is successful she uses Dashing Strike to strengthen the maneuver.
As I have nothing to do for my move action, can I ready it to try an acrobatic recovery if I'm thrown off the platform?

Feint: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (+2 if successfully feinted)
Damage: [roll2] (+8 if successfully feinted)
Crit (if needed): [roll3]
If hit by the attack, Shizuka need to make a DC15 Reflex save (DC18 if I can use dex instead of strength) or be flatfooted for one round.

2011-10-18, 02:21 PM
Lu Shuo

His hands joined behind his back, Lu gazes disapprovingly at the noble, a hundred different phrases waiting on the tip of his tongue to shoot down the man's foolish pride. He does not give them way, however, because it wouldn't be wise. Oh yes, tactics in civilized society existed just as it did in warfare: it was called politics.

Thus, Lu bows solemnly at the representative, or as much as his injured leg would let him anyway.

"I and my dojo would be honored," he says, and raises an eyebrow. "Time?"