View Full Version : Druid Optimization help

Das Platyvark
2011-08-08, 09:05 PM
I have somehow got myself into a pvp game with two optimizers, a breed which I am not. I need to build a 15th level druid capable of bringing down a Cleric and a Wizard in a 3-way pvp battle. I have access to anything on the srd, Core, Spell Compendium, PhB 2, Complete Arcane, Divine, Adventurer, Warrior, Psionic, and Scoundrel, with no Dragon Magazine or Homebrew. It must be a single classed Druid. What are some must have spells/feats/etc, and general build help?

2011-08-08, 09:34 PM
Take Natural Spell, look up some good combat forms, and trick out your Animal Companion. At Tier 1, things get weird.


2011-08-08, 10:33 PM
do you have access to any monster manuals, or just the srd for animal companions/wild shape?

are flaws allowed?

how much experience do you have? just enough to put you at 15, or higher for crafting/stuff?

2011-08-08, 10:44 PM
Talk to your DM about getting access to as many of the monster manuals as possible, especially II and III. IV and V couldn't hurt either, neither could various Eberron or Faerun books...

2011-08-08, 11:25 PM
How 'optimized' are your opponents going to be, generally? Cause if you can give us a general idea, that'd help.

2011-08-08, 11:43 PM
How much time does your character have to buff and prepare, that makes a major difference of what you should do in terms of tactics. Another question that needs to be asked is how 'cheesy' do you want this set up?

2011-08-08, 11:43 PM
Honestly, I don't know if anything can bring down a optomised wizard 15 in a PVP battle, at least not on the wizards terms. Optomization might not be as helpfull as clever tactics. Make the fight unfair. One advantage that you have is more spell selection. Sneak a peak at the wizards spellbook so you know what spells he likes, and ask your god for spells that help with that. PAOing your animal companion into you and wildshape into your animal companion might allow you to kill the wizard if he falls for it.

2011-08-09, 07:50 AM
Wall of Sand. (Druid 5, SpC)
Wall of Thorns. (Druid 4, SRD)

If you can win initiative, the cleric or wizard haven't got their freedom of movement up, and they don't have easy access to Still Spell, these strike me as very handy denial of service on spellcasters, ideally dropped on the same square so they have to save or STR check against both in order to move five feet. At CL 15, this is dropping 15 10 x 10 x 10 cubes of sand and/or thorns on spellcasters, which they have to get 25 on a STR check to even move 5 feet through it. The thorns also hurt them when they try to move (well, maybe the wizard if he's got an AC under 25, if not the fullplate cleric), they're considered blinded and deafened. Best case scenario it buys you maybe a full round or so while they move, worst case scenario it forces them to deal with the problem while you think of something else.

The cleric, at least, doesn't have a lot of stuff like contingent teleports to get him out of the way. The mage might have a readied Dimension Door which on its range would get him out of the way, but again, it's a standard action when he's not hitting you with spells.

Other than that, all I can think of is that for magic to work, the spellcasters need both line of sight and line of effect to you. You'll need something to beat Slow, Glitterdust, and so on. The cleric will have Spiritual Weapon, so have a few Dispel Magic spells ready. Hit and run, outlast their spell durations. Pick a form that neutralises blinding effects (anything that gets blindsight or tremorsense). That's all I got. You'll know you've got the mage desperate when he starts to resort to direct damage spells. :smalltongue:

da red fox
2011-08-09, 12:47 PM
I happen to be playing the wizard in this PvP. just giving Mr. platyvark the heads up that even though we agreed asking for forum help is fine, i CAN read this thread and WILL use it to my advantage. You have been warned, o vark of the platy. :P Also, I'm not using insane levels of optimization, but i do have a contingency or two.

2011-08-09, 12:50 PM
i CAN read this thread and WILL use it to my advantage.Isn't that a bit unsporting, given that he has little experience in the game of optimization?

2011-08-09, 01:59 PM
I happen to be playing the wizard in this PvP. just giving Mr. platyvark the heads up that even though we agreed asking for forum help is fine, i CAN read this thread and WILL use it to my advantage. You have been warned, o vark of the platy. :P Also, I'm not using insane levels of optimization, but i do have a contingency or two.

so we just have to pm him advice instead of posting it.

2011-08-09, 02:01 PM
so we just have to pm him advice instead of posting it.

Wow, yeah. I wasn't going to post anything, but maybe I'll think of something to PM him now.

OP: What are the circumstances of the conflict? Do you all start close together and just fight it out or is it more complicated? How much setup time do you have? What are your resources? Is there extra experience available for magical items or spells?

2011-08-09, 02:45 PM
Hi, I'm the Cleric and feel like helping the Druid so he doesnt get massacred. :smallwink:

@Nohwl, any books are allowed but he might not have all of them
we didn't really talk about flaws, so maybe?
and Just enough exp for level 15.

@Gavin, see Nohwl #3

@God, no infinite loops or Pun-Pun cheese but other than that all goes

@Ryu, all >12 hours buffs are on but nothing else,
see God

@Drach, a neutral 4th party (the DM) is going to make the battlefield, so none of us have any idea what we are expecting.
see ryu
we all have the gold of that level to buy magic items with
see Nohwl #3

2011-08-09, 02:48 PM
what's the ban list?

2011-08-09, 02:53 PM
Are you playing vanilla or with PRCs? 'cause stuff like Planar Shepherd, Dweomerkeeper and Halruaan Elder would be pretty dominant.

da red fox
2011-08-09, 04:15 PM
haha sorry that's not what i meant i was just kind of joking with platyvark... i've played with him before and he'll definitely have a good chance against my character.

@undeadcleric i think we shouldn't use flaws... I'd be okay with it but that would be my preference

2011-08-09, 05:18 PM
long duration buffs. Sheltered Vitality, various Energy Immunities in conjunction with a grab bag of quick cast buffs. Coupled with elemental shape, you should be immune to the majority of SoD's that will be tossed around in addition to raw elemental damage.

Straight damage will still take you out pretty quickly, as will energy independant SoD's such as disintergrate. Dispel Magic will also remove your buffs, so investment in CL boosters and some dispel proofing may be worth the cost.

A screen of summons could be useful, but is not exactly a winning tactic. In conjuntion with some ability damage spells, battlefield scale debuffs or even direct damage you should be able to hold your own. I suggest entering the arena as a very large Air Elemental then opening with Control Winds. It is a strong opening move that can almost ensure aerial supremacy. Should protect you from summoned chaff anyway. Round 2?...Pays to be versatile. Be prepared for melee, blasting, debuffs or to escape depending on the reaction to your entrance.

2011-08-09, 07:46 PM
Planar Bubble shennanigans aren't just for planar shepherds. Just be a Kaorti, whose native realm is the Far Whatsit. Timeless Trait. Put the bubble up, you have actions: yes.

If that's an infinite loop, use the fey realm for 1 to 10 action advantage.

Sandstorm has the Dire Tortoise. It always goes first. Always. Make sure you spend all day wildshaped as one of those.

2011-08-09, 09:55 PM
@da red fox, das playvark
What about alternate class features?

2011-08-09, 11:22 PM
The first thing you should assume is that the Wizard is going to be IMMUNE TO DEATH BY HIT POINT DAMAGE.

Because there are combos that make wizards immune to death by hit point damage. Just saying. So plan accordingly...

2011-08-09, 11:34 PM
Actually, the Cleric's the one you should assume that about first. You don't even have to wander around too hard to find it for them.

2011-08-10, 12:25 AM
Eh? I thought it was easier with Wizards. What is the Cleric way of doing it?

2011-08-10, 02:11 AM
Wild shape yourself really small and let the cleric and wizard fight it out first. Then attack after one falls using the best strategy that counters the survivors strategy.

2011-08-10, 07:37 AM
Oh yeah, there's a Dragon that gives druids turn undead at level 11 or 12 at virtually no cost to the important class features :smallbiggrin: