View Full Version : Single Monster Party?

2011-08-09, 10:53 AM
So I was thinking about different builds and whatnot, playing around in Heroforge(the excel spreadsheet) during my down time at work, and I got to thinking:

What if the party of adventurers(core 4 archtypes for simplicity) were not actually 4 seperate entities but part of the same creature?

Think something like how a hydra can get so many actions due to the multiple heads.

Would something like this be viable/fun/horribly overpowered/horribly underpowered?

Using the core 4 archtypes(tank, skillmonkey, heals, magic) Would it be fun to play a (lets go with) hydra, the main body stats is rolled by the tank and the other party members roll mental stats and be caster types/skill users that take over(for some sort of oppurtunity cost?) the body when it is their turn?

Another example, some creature with multiple personalities(to account for the PCs) and multple arms, thereby allowing say the fighter to sword and board and the ranger to use a bow and arrow without penalty

What are some other implications on this that i havent listed/thought of?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, have no idea what this would be considered.

2011-08-09, 10:58 AM
If you're talking about 3.5, hydras don't get extra actions.

Also, what's the point, aside from making sure TKPs are always Total with capital T?

2011-08-09, 11:06 AM
Ah, my mistake(was thinking 4e hydras then) But the idea is the same.

The point would just be to have an interesting one shot, or adventure if your group is relaly good at team work. There really isnt a huge benefit to playing this over the normal way, but it could give groups a chance to spin things around, i.e. The DM is the party of do gooders(party of homocidal maniacs) and the rest of the group plays one creature that has a lot of other actions.

Also, I find the answer to the question "Now, what do you do?" with a party that cannot go anywhere without party consesus and arguing between heads/conciouses a little bit humuorous:smalltongue: