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2011-08-09, 12:01 PM
Simply put, what would you do if you and your party got your hands on a few of these.

Imagine that there's a type of magic rock created by a crazy wizard (Damn wizards :smallannoyed:) and spread across the world long ago that causes any humanoid affected by it to suffer the effects of the Shapechange spell, only it's permanent and impossible to dispel by normal means (Read, need either epic magic or divine intervention to undo it)

They are also set to turn the victim into a goddamn dragon of some sort and nothing else, which type of dragon depends on the victims personality.

The best part is that further shapeshifting magic stops working on you afterwards, so you can't even use draconic shapeshifting to take on a temporary human form, you are stuck as a dragon.
It does mean that Baleful Polymorph and such are no longer a problem though.

These rocks work by emitting an aura that compels you to pick up the funny looking rock (Will save to avoid overwhelming urge to touch it), then when it contacts your bare skin...BLAM, it releases the magic and turns you into a dragon, then the rock crumbles so it can't be used again.
In other words, only one use each.

Basically, contact with bare skin = Shapechange with no way to turn back, whether you like it or not.

Now imagine you find a whole pile of these just lying around at the bottom of a dungeon or something.

What do you do with them?
What kind of glorious chaos could you cause with these things?

Personally i found it hilarious to put on a pair of gloves, grab one of them, then throw it at the BBEG in the middle of his monologue.
Sure, it nearly got us all killed, but i found his reaction to it incredibly funny, and it did make it far more difficult for him to complete his evil plan since it was not designed in a way that would work for a dragon.

2011-08-09, 12:13 PM
Toss them at the bad guys in narrow confines like a rock tunnel and watch them go squish as they are now too big to fit.

Find a magic item vendor with some really good stuff and hit him in the head with one hard enough to knock him out. He transforms into an unconscious dragon, and while the city guard is flipping out trying to deal with this huge creature, you quickly and quietly loot the magic items that are now spread out amongst the rubble.

Cohorts are loyal right? Smack a human cohort in the head with one, and now you have a giant pet dragon to help you kill stuff.

2011-08-09, 03:04 PM

Why would you do anything other than turn yourself into a dragon and keep them secreted away somewhere where nobody else would ever find them? Sure, you're stuck as a dragon, but the upside is you're now a dragon.

2011-08-09, 03:06 PM
Be a wizard & touch it

2011-08-10, 01:18 AM
I would look at the DM puzzled as to why he was so bad in that he'd want to destroy his PCs' characters so easily.

2011-08-10, 03:46 AM
If I were evil, I would put them in a sack and dump them in the middle of a nearby orphanage. Oh the delightful chaos it would cause.

2011-08-10, 03:53 AM
If I were evil, I would put them in a sack and dump them in the middle of a nearby orphanage. Oh the delightful chaos it would cause.

I'm not sure which would be more entertaining. Dumping them in an orphanage, or dumping them in an asylum.

2011-08-10, 04:06 AM
Easy. Touch one, keep the rest to make a fairly solid start of a hoard. Bonus point here is they won't really attract other dragons since they turn things into dragons.

And why settle for an orphanage or asylum when you can do both? ;)

2011-08-10, 04:13 AM

Why would you do anything other than turn yourself into a dragon and keep them secreted away somewhere where nobody else would ever find them? Sure, you're stuck as a dragon, but the upside is you're now a dragon.

This was my first thought. Seriously, who wouldn't want to be a dragon?

2011-08-10, 04:21 AM
If good:
1) safely collect the rocks
2) turn into good dragon
3) travel the land looking for like-minded people
4) turn them into dragons
5) take over the world! (for good)

If evil:
1) safely collect the rocks
2) turn into evil dragon
3) travel the land looking for like-minded people
4) Geas/Quest/Mindrape/diplomacy-cheese them into being loyal to you
4) turn them into dragons
5) take over the world! (for evil)

If neutral:
1) safely collect the rocks
2) turn into neutral dragon
3) travel the land looking for (a few) like-minded people
4) form an alliance and turn them into dragons
5) horde the rest of the rocks for later
6) take over the region! (for ourselves)

Short term plan is clearly:
1) safely collect the rocks
2) turn into a dragon!

because dragons are awesome

2011-08-10, 04:28 AM
1) find rocks
2) fail Will-Save
3) So much rock. Gotta touch it all! http://a.deviantart.net/avatars/s/p/spacecoreplz.png

2011-08-10, 04:42 AM
1. Take the leadership feat or Thrallherd PrC.
2. Distribute rocks liberally to followers
4. profit.

2011-08-10, 04:51 AM
touch three rocks at the same time.

One Step Two
2011-08-10, 04:59 AM
touch three rocks at the same time.

Alternatively, if you are evil, touch 5 at once, then apply diplomacy cheese to Tiamat. Have a truly wicked sugar momma.

2011-08-11, 11:22 PM
people people....you are missing the most important part here.

throw one at every party member, then touch the last yourself, THEN HORDE.

4 pcs 1 dragon. you are rolling up a new pc.
5 dragons no PCs, you can now force the DM to let you all run around as dragons.

good lord.

2011-08-11, 11:43 PM
people people....you are missing the most important part here.

throw one at every party member, then touch the last yourself, THEN HORDE.

4 pcs 1 dragon. you are rolling up a new pc.
5 dragons no PCs, you can now force the DM to let you all run around as dragons.

good lord.

The man has a point....

2011-08-12, 12:08 AM
This is why Detect Good was invented.

2011-08-14, 06:38 AM
It solves the problem of fragile familiars at least.
1. Polymorph familiar into humanoid
2. Have it touch the rock.
3. ???
4. Profit Hoard

2011-08-14, 07:02 AM
I would, using some form of telekinesis, carve them into 26 spheres, each of which I would label alphabetically.

2011-08-14, 07:30 PM
5 dragons no PCs, you can now force the DM to let you all run around as dragons.

good lord.

Sounds like a good opportunity to start up a game of Fireborn.

brann miekka
2011-08-18, 04:12 PM
Hmmmm any way you slice this you just get stronger
wizard? Perfect bab & d12 HD
rogue? Boost to strength and multiweapon fighting+sneak
fighter? ......nuff said

You can do anything now! Take vengance on that gnomish gem merchant who ripped you off, swollow whole the BBEG, demand fealty from the peasent folk and start a polka club.
Possibilities are endless.

2011-08-18, 05:19 PM
bite, 2 claws, 2 wing buffets, 1 tail slap....all with sneak attack. nice.

carve stars in them and hide em across the world.

Shadow Lord
2011-08-18, 05:30 PM
* Ahem *

It appears you guys are missing the entire point. Let me give you a few choice words that illustrate the point;


Forum Explorer
2011-08-18, 10:00 PM
Using them as a baseline I would find a way to make more of them and turn every humonoid into a dragon. Then lead a giant army of dragons in a war on the other planes of existance and become the ultimate dragon god!

2011-08-19, 01:34 AM
I'd gather them safely, and keep them in an extradimensional space so nobody would steal them or accidentally find them. Then I'd keep one with me, wrapped up in something. I'd find a nice girl, and get married. Seconds before our first child is born, I'd turn into a dragon and fly away. She would never see it coming.

2011-08-19, 10:10 AM
I'd gather them safely, and keep them in an extradimensional space so nobody would steal them or accidentally find them. Then I'd keep one with me, wrapped up in something. I'd find a nice girl, and get married. Seconds before our first child is born, I'd turn into a dragon and fly away. She would never see it coming.


Im tempted to say, id find out a way to touch as many of them at the same time as possible, in hopes that I would turn into some form of draconic god. I figure, if one stone turns me into a dragon, touching 15 stones at once would make me into a dragon 15x more powerful than normal.

2011-08-19, 11:43 AM
1) Go to a major city, find the poor district.
2) Place one stone in the tin/cup/hat/money collection device of every beggar I meet.
3) Teleport a safe distance away.
4) …
5) Watch the former dregs of society rise up and crush the kingdom.

2011-08-19, 11:54 AM
Guys, you forget, the DM can turn you into any kind of dragon. If you try and cheese it, you may very well find yourself as a pseudodragon.

2011-08-19, 12:00 PM
Guys, you forget, the DM can turn you into any kind of dragon. If you try and cheese it, you may very well find yourself as a pseudodragon.

With Class levels. Spellcasters would benefit from this.

2011-08-19, 12:05 PM
With Class levels. Spellcasters would benefit from this.

Pure stat/casting wise, sure, maybe. But the lost benefit of ever being able to polymorph/wild shape would hurt both the wizard and druids flexibility a lot. And a cleric would have a tough time getting in front of the congregation as a small dragon. But being a real dragon? Way outweighs any negatives.

2011-08-19, 03:14 PM
Using them as a baseline I would find a way to make more of them and turn every humonoid into a dragon. Then lead a giant army of dragons in a war on the other planes of existance and become the ultimate dragon god!

You mean like Godzilla?