View Full Version : artifacts and plot points, chaos unleashed! oh my!

big teej
2011-08-10, 02:02 PM
greetings playgrounders,

I find myself at a bit of an impass when it comes to planning the next section of campaign arc/plot for my summer group.

last session ended with them performing a ritual and making a pact with a daemon.

once the bargaining is over, the daemon will offer them more power if they collect 3 more artifacts sacred to the chaos gods. (they've already got 1 of them)

they have found a skull sacred to Khorne.

here's where I'm stuck.

not only do I not know who's artifact to send them after next. I don't know what they are. and I'm drawing a blank.

some slight limitations
- under no circumstances can these items be guarded by worshippers of the chaos gods.
I.E. no stealing "the heart of disease" from a nurglurite temple. this is a time where the 4 gods are working in unison.


any ideas?

to clarify, I need 3 artifacts, one for each diety, who are as follows.

Slaanesh - hedonistic princling/god of pleasure, lust, sex, perfection, and excess.

Tzeentch - the master planner, god of magic, mutation, and trickery

Nurgle - the jolly grandfather of disease, controls plauge, disease, rot, despair, and entropy.

Khorne - the blood god, lord of murder, king of the battle field, sits upon a throne of skulls, already accounted for.