View Full Version : [3.P]They got Fire Emblem in my Oregon Trail! (Jade Regent Player's Guide)

2011-08-10, 04:03 PM
So I got to downloading the Jade Regent Player's Guide finally and read through it and they're throwing out some interesting mechanics this time around. There's a Relationship system with the major NPCs that you get rewards for when hitting each rank, though you get the full benefit only the first time, you get reduced returns with new NPCs. Related to the Relationship system is you can Romance the eligible NPCs, which in a very open minded stance from Paizo, is LGBT friendly by specifically pointing out the NPCs are bisexual unless your DM decides to be a prude about it.

On the other side of things is the new adventure arc has you running in a caravan, with mechanics for wagons and running it that doesn't give people a head ache, with the caravan leveling up with the party and improving, as well as allowing the PCs to buy or find upgrades like better wheels to go faster and mounting your wagons with ballistas.

While I can't afford to buy the new arc (much as I'd like to, considering its related to We Be Goblins :smallfurious:), these rules are neat and complete enough that they could be ripped out and used for any frontier type game, with a bit of dating sim threw into the mix. Anyone else had a chance to take a look and had thoughts of running their own Eberron Trail caravan adventure? :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-10, 04:15 PM
I've played a Fire Emblem game with a caravan that levels up (+1 level every time you bring it on a mission map)..can't remember if it was Sacred Stones or Shadow Dragon though.

But this sounds like an awesome mechanic, and I'd totally run this.

2011-08-10, 09:10 PM
I've played a Fire Emblem game with a caravan that levels up (+1 level every time you bring it on a mission map)..can't remember if it was Sacred Stones or Shadow Dragon though.

But this sounds like an awesome mechanic, and I'd totally run this.

I don't remember Fire Emblem having the caravan having exactly an active role as this implies it will, more a passive supply for your slowly growing warband/army, which is why I liken it to Oregon Trail, but then I have very limited Fire Emblem experience, so what would I know? :smallbiggrin:

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-08-10, 09:54 PM
I've played a Fire Emblem game with a caravan that levels up (+1 level every time you bring it on a mission map)..can't remember if it was Sacred Stones or Shadow Dragon though.

But this sounds like an awesome mechanic, and I'd totally run this.
Blazing Sword (Just called Fire Emblem here in the States).

All the same, I've downloaded Jade Regent's Player's Guide myself, and it looks pretty damn intriguing. I just finished purchasing all of Carrion Crown, however, and to save strain on my wallet I'm not buying Pathfinder books for a while. After that I may look into Jade Regent fully, or look into one of the older Adventure Paths (I've already completed Council of Thieves and Kingmaker, in addition to Carrion Crown).

2011-08-11, 09:25 AM
Wow I hadn't even thought of buying this but upgradeable caravan mechanics has made me think twice.

Also I keep reading it as Jade reagent for some reason, like you'd use in False Vision (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/falseVision.htm) :smalleek:

2011-08-11, 01:59 PM
Wow I hadn't even thought of buying this but upgradeable caravan mechanics has made me think twice.

Also I keep reading it as Jade reagent for some reason, like you'd use in False Vision (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/falseVision.htm) :smalleek:

The Guide is a free in PDF form, which has the rules I'm referring to, as is the prequel to the path, We Be Goblins! It's nice to get an idea of what to look at and if I had some free floating money, I'd probably invest in subscribing to this particular path, just to see how they pursue and advance the mechanics on both subsystems, though the base mechanics in the guide are well worthwhile by themselves, methinks. :3