View Full Version : Acererak congratulates you on your powers of observation...

Whisper rider
2011-08-11, 09:25 AM
Yes... Tomb of horrors!
So people, whats your experience with this module?... Any TPK?
How did you survive the 4armed gargoyle? any body went through the wrong archway?, how did you solve the riddle? Jaja anybody touch the orb of anihilation?
In our campaing, our cleric died with the 4 armed gargoyle.... He didn't even take a turn.
How did you defeted acererak? Well... what was your plan.. :P

2011-08-11, 09:30 AM
I once played in a group, in which the DM decided he wants to send us into the Tomb of Horrors. Into the second session we basically rage quited and the campaign was discontinued. (To be fair, most of the players started a new campaign with the same DM, but I took the opportunity to decline joining the new campaign.)

2011-08-11, 09:51 AM
ToH. Ah, what sweet and fond memories.

I have played it twice, once in AD&D, and another in 3.5. I have only ran the 3.5 module, but dear god was it fun. AD&D I played a Druid, and barely made it by the skin of my teeth several times. The most recent time I played a Favored Soul of Mystra. That was fun, although we ended up dying several times, I brought the dead back. I finally died after failing the Ref save to avoid dropping into the pit.

You know what pit I'm talking about....

2011-08-11, 10:07 AM
Ahh tomb of horrors, I ran the 3.5 version once.

Round one- entire party walked into the wrong entrance, rocks fell, everyone died.

The new party then proceeded a LOT more cautiously, three men and one woman entered, Two women and one man all left at top speed completely naked. They only got as far as the false Acererak :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-11, 12:05 PM
I ran it one Halloween for 1st level characters (2ed D&D). Backups were plentiful at three per person, so I just told people to think of it like Paranoia. It was actually quite fun, and they made it all the way to the room with the green slime tapestries before we called it for the night.

The gargoyle was basically assured death - they had to go around. The thing that really got them was (for some reason) the exploding altar.

2011-08-11, 05:58 PM
TPK against the opening-hallway sphere back in 2E.

No group of mine has ever agreed to set foot in the place since.

2011-08-11, 06:50 PM
Dat orb of annihilation.

My players were wary of it but weren't sure of what it was. One guy ended up sticking a 10 ft pole into it and it became a really bad innuendo about how far he was gonna go in. He eventually pulled out to find that his 10 ft pole had become a 5 ft pole. The look of horror on that player's face(especially because of what the analogy had him picturing) was priceless. Horrible, but hilarious... horblarious.:smallbiggrin: