View Full Version : 101 Ways to Make Your DM Cry

2011-08-11, 07:10 PM
This one's for all you munchkins out there :smallbiggrin:. This is for anything utterly ridiculous that you can pull off using RAW, whether it be a game-breaking tactic or just something RAW legal that goes against every grain of commonsense in your body.

I'll get you started with one of my favourites:

Who needs roads when you have horses? Just line up some horses and you have instant transportation! A DC 20 ride check lets you mount and unmount as a free action, so all you need is a +19 or higher in Ride and you're guaranteed to move instantly between any two points along your oat-munching road.

2011-08-11, 07:11 PM
ignore Plot hooks ;)

peon Rail gun is always fun

2011-08-11, 07:11 PM
Play a Summoning school specialist Wizard. Gate in a Solar, have him gate in more. Have them gate in more Solars. Win the game with an army of Solars

2011-08-11, 07:14 PM
Who needs roads when you have horses? Just line up some horses and you have instant transportation! A DC 20 ride check lets you mount and unmount as a free action, so all you need is a +19 or higher in Ride and you're guaranteed to move instantly between any two points along your oat-munching road.

Only if you have a pushover DM, thanks to this line:

Free actions don’t take any time at all, though there may be limits to the number of free actions you can perform in a turn.

In other words, it's the DM who gets to decide how many free actions you actually get to take in a round.

2011-08-11, 07:14 PM
Kill an NPC with 4 pages of bactstory in a few rounds of combat.

Also, this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YrUwDE0HG0) may be helpful.:smalltongue:

beyond reality
2011-08-11, 07:18 PM
As a DM I'd love to see a player try the horse road. It'd be hilarious. Spending weeks and weeks traveling around with huge herds of horses placing them all along the roads of major cities. Handling the logistics of feeding and caring for them while they're there. Then when they finally try their horse-teleporter have a couple break free, get eaten and break up their rail system.

Even better, rule that it's legal but conservation of momentum applies so when they suddenly find themselves running out of horses at Mach 3 they plow 3 feet into the dirt.

2011-08-11, 07:26 PM
I'd look at the things Mr. Welch is no longer allowed to do in an RPG. There's a few more than 101 ways to make a DM cry, there :smallwink:

2011-08-11, 07:28 PM
Even better, rule that it's legal but conservation of momentum applies so when they suddenly find themselves running out of horses at Mach 3 they plow 3 feet into the dirt.

You really don't want to do that - that would lead to what is frequently referred to as the 'Commoner Rail Gun' which by RAW doesn't work, but if you mix RAW and physics can lead to objects exceeding C quite handily. And it means that the most effective siege weapon in D&D becomes a string of commoners passing rocks/quarterstaves in a circle until they've nearly reached C and then turning them into a makeshift RKV. It just leads to too many problems. Easier is taking the RAW route of cutting them off after what you determine to be a reasonable number of free actions, rather than applying real-world physics and opening yourself up to the unintended consequences.

2011-08-11, 07:28 PM
Play an Illusionist.

Depending on your DM, illusion is either the strongest or weakest school of magic. If you're very roleplay oriented, this works best. Combat, though, it CAN work in very cheesy ways XD

2011-08-11, 07:32 PM
Most good Divination Spells should make your DM want to hit you with the DMG.

2011-08-11, 07:35 PM
Play an Illusionist.

Depending on your DM, illusion is either the strongest or weakest school of magic. If you're very roleplay oriented, this works best. Combat, though, it CAN work in very cheesy ways XD

:smallbiggrin: I'm playing an Illusionist right now for that very reason.

2011-08-11, 07:44 PM
Play a Kobold.

Say, "Pazuzu" three times. (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19869366/The_most_powerful_character._EVER.)

Enjoy your rapid ascension to over-godhood.. :cool:

2011-08-11, 07:49 PM
Play an archer. When the conventional wisdom is to keep your distance while you shoot, instead get right adjacent to your enemy and let them have a ranged full attack ─ because full attacks (without any further qualification) don't provoke. This even works at 1st level when you only get 1 shot per full attack: just your declaration has the power to keep from provoking AoOs.

beyond reality
2011-08-11, 07:50 PM
You really don't want to do that - that would lead to what is frequently referred to as the 'Commoner Rail Gun' which by RAW doesn't work, but if you mix RAW and physics can lead to objects exceeding C quite handily. And it means that the most effective siege weapon in D&D becomes a string of commoners passing rocks/quarterstaves in a circle until they've nearly reached C and then turning them into a makeshift RKV. It just leads to too many problems. Easier is taking the RAW route of cutting them off after what you determine to be a reasonable number of free actions, rather than applying real-world physics and opening yourself up to the unintended consequences.

This makes me almost want to run or play in a game where the ridiculous rule loopholes are actual physical laws of reality. It would be quite a madhouse.

2011-08-11, 07:55 PM
Get your DM to agree to let you play a Divine Minion rank 1. Get your Cha to 29 and take Alter Reality.

Use a True Creation scroll to create 8 cubic feat of platinum coins (that's 12k coins per cubic foot or 96,000 platinum).

Step 1: Prepare Rope Trick.
Step 2: Get eaten by a dragon
Step 3 cast rope trick on the way down
Step 4: Climb into rope trick generated extra dimensional pocket and wait for dragon to return to hoard.
Step 5: Kill said dragon from inside out using low level spells that ignore SR, or with melee attacks that you only have to swing against an AC of 10 to hit (so long as you have a magic weapon that defeats the Dragon's DR).
Step 6: Collect hoard into as many bags of holding as possible.
Step 7: Cut off valuable parts of said dragon, it's skin, various claws/tails/head/other body parts.
Step 8: Head home much richer and with a dragon's corpse at your disposal (for animate dead, armor, etc).

Edit: Furthering the Archer bit from above. Play a halfling with spring attack and underfoot tactics and a crossbow. Run up, tumble check, attack mid tumble point blank range (not the feat here), take no negatives because you're not shooting into melee and you're freaking touching the guy, and continued to move past him.

Being small with a crossbow is also useful say to sneak up behind the enemy, put the crossbow to the back of the knee and fire. Because of the localized AC rules (sadly not found altogether, ever, in one place) a knee not specifically protected doesn't have an AC bonus above the 10. It's also considered a touch attack, and if you're able to sneak up and do this it's also a flat-footed attack anyways.

beyond reality
2011-08-11, 08:01 PM
So...cast a spell on the monster's turn (on the way down?) while being swallowed and somehow at the same time climb the rope (which you can't do because being swallowed counts as being grappled) to cast spells at the inside of the dragon (which you can't do because spells can't cross a rope trick). All based on an ability dragons don't have (swallow whole)?

Morbis Meh
2011-08-11, 08:07 PM
DMM Shenanigans along with the initiate of Mystra feat, now you are almost invincible with the right spell choice muahahahaha.

2011-08-11, 08:10 PM
the wish
the word
twice-betrayer of shar (might have been mentioned above)

2011-08-11, 08:13 PM
So...cast a spell on the monster's turn (on the way down?) while being swallowed and somehow at the same time climb the rope (which you can't do because being swallowed counts as being grappled) to cast spells at the inside of the dragon (which you can't do because spells can't cross a rope trick). All based on an ability dragons don't have (swallow whole)?
I never said you took initiative, ergo there is no "turn". And no, being swallowed doesn't count as being grappled, being bitten as the primary action is being grappled, but in the case of being swallowed whole, not so much. Further, once you've been swallowed the Dragon will probably end any initiative that exists, especially if you're the only opponent. (Clarification here: the Swallowed Whole extraordinary ability states that a swallowed creature is considered grappled, it is arguable if this rule to grappling applies to a creature that is just large enough to swallow something whole but doesn't have the extraordinary ability ~ which is why this works by RAW construction and with dragons. I should also note I've used with several DMs and none of them have complained about the tactic since.)

A large enough dragon can swallow a small enough creature whole, it is only a special quality in creatures smaller than giant.

You can stick your hand out of the opening to the extra planar space created with rope trick and cast spells or attack physically. There is nothing that says you can't.

Edit: Be a monk that takes Spellfire Wielder at first level. You can channel the magical energy you absorb into your physical attacks.

2011-08-11, 08:30 PM
Step 1: Prepare Rope Trick.
Step 2: Get eaten by a dragon
We can stop right there, because you're dead. The dragon's many teeth chop you up into nice little bits, and then the bits get swallowed. All little dragons get taught to chew before swallowing, and dragons respect the wisdom their elders impart. :smallwink:

2011-08-11, 08:32 PM
take a HHH with you into a robe trick "house" and see everyone be irritated caus they need to make new characters xD


2011-08-11, 08:32 PM
I never said you took initiative, ergo there is no "turn". And no, being swallowed doesn't count as being grappled, being bitten as the primary action is being grappled, but in the case of being swallowed whole, not so much. Further, once you've been swallowed the Dragon will probably end any initiative that exists, especially if you're the only opponent. (Clarification here: the Swallowed Whole extraordinary ability states that a swallowed creature is considered grappled, it is arguable if this rule to grappling applies to a creature that is just large enough to swallow something whole but doesn't have the extraordinary ability ~ which is why this works by RAW construction and with dragons. I should also note I've used with several DMs and none of them have complained about the tactic since.)

A large enough dragon can swallow a small enough creature whole, it is only a special quality in creatures smaller than giant.

You can stick your hand out of the opening to the extra planar space created with rope trick and cast spells or attack physically. There is nothing that says you can't.

Edit: Be a monk that takes Spellfire Wielder at first level. You can channel the magical energy you absorb into your physical attacks.

Be a monk that takes Spellfire Wielder at first level.

Be a monk


Uhh... This is for STRONG things, silly.

2011-08-11, 08:38 PM
Repeatedly turn your Bags of Holding inside out and stick them inside other Bags of Holding.

2011-08-11, 08:44 PM
take a HHH with you into a robe trick "house" and see everyone be irritated caus they need to make new characters xD
That's only going to work with old school DMs who aren't following the actual 3.5 rules. Only a Bag of Holding inside a Portable Hole causes issues, and then it only destroys those two items and dumps the contents onto the Astral Plane. You could start a planar adventure that way, but nobody needs to make new characters. Other extradimensional containers have no specific interactions in the RAW.

2011-08-11, 08:49 PM
We can stop right there, because you're dead. The dragon's many teeth chop you up into nice little bits, and then the bits get swallowed. All little dragons get taught to chew before swallowing, and dragons respect the wisdom their elders impart. :smallwink:

Actually quite a few are trained to do the opposite. Hence the feat in the Draconomicon.

That's only going to work with old school DMs who aren't following the actual 3.5 rules. Only a Bag of Holding inside a Portable Hole causes issues, and then it only destroys those two items and dumps the contents onto the Astral Plane. You could start a planar adventure that way, but nobody needs to make new characters. Other extradimensional containers have no specific interactions in the RAW.

A portable hole inside a bag of holding causes a ten foot explosion that sends those caught within to another plane.

2011-08-11, 08:59 PM
Roleplay... badly.

Choose something from here (http://tvtropes.org/), play it to the hilt. My favourite is Chronic Back Stabbing Disorder (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChronicBackStabbingDisorder). My Chaotic Evil Bard (Barnabus the Regal) lasted four failed campaigns Before my it was my turn to DM and I had him be the Big Bad, which the players loved.
(Barnabus the Regal aka Barney, who dresses exclusively in purple)

Safety Sword
2011-08-11, 08:59 PM
Actually quite a few are trained to do the opposite. Hence the feat in the Draconomicon.


2011-08-11, 09:08 PM
Actually quite a few are trained to do the opposite. Hence the feat in the Draconomicon.

Dragons: beings so regal they need special training not to chew their food properly before swallowing it.

2011-08-11, 09:39 PM
This makes me almost want to run or play in a game where the ridiculous rule loopholes are actual physical laws of reality. It would be quite a madhouse.

You see, the issue is that these things don't work by the rules. If you have a bunch of commoners stand next to each other and pass a staff from one to the next then yes, you can move an object at ridiculous speeds, but when it reaches the end of the line, it falls to the ground, not is launched through the atmosphere trailing Cerenkov radiation. You can make a functioning computer processor given enough commoners, or even a model of the internet, but by the rules conservation of momentum doesn't exist and therefore the trick doesn't work.

2011-08-11, 10:21 PM
We can stop right there, because you're dead. The dragon's many teeth chop you up into nice little bits, and then the bits get swallowed. All little dragons get taught to chew before swallowing, and dragons respect the wisdom their elders impart. :smallwink:

This trick worked for Vaarsuvius...

2011-08-11, 10:23 PM
guess its because he/she is in a comic and not following stats 100% ;)

2011-08-11, 10:29 PM
As a Druid mounted on your animal companion or as a paladin, have your companion/mount take Martial Study (Shadow Hand) and Martial Stance for Island of blades. Actually, giving your AC or mount Martial Study, period. Or giving it that feat that gives it a power point pool.

2011-08-11, 10:29 PM
You see, the issue is that these things don't work by the rules. If you have a bunch of commoners stand next to each other and pass a staff from one to the next then yes, you can move an object at ridiculous speeds, but when it reaches the end of the line, it falls to the ground, not is launched through the atmosphere trailing Cerenkov radiation. You can make a functioning computer processor given enough commoners, or even a model of the internet, but by the rules conservation of momentum doesn't exist and therefore the trick doesn't work.

You can make an equivalent in 4th edition which literally does work by RAW. The 4th edition monk has a power (enduring champion) which grants +1 to speed until the end of the next turn for every AoO they incur when moving. Combine that with the endurance utility power endure pain which gives you 5 + CON modifier damage reduction against all attacks. Now, line up an army of minions - or something that can't do more damage than endure pain can withstand. Have the monk start moving and provoking AoOs. After first one hits, trigger endure pain and keep going. The monk keeps gaining speed with each AoO but none of them will do any more damage. Since the increased speed means the monk can move further they will keep moving until they run out of minions.

2011-08-12, 09:08 AM
You can make an equivalent in 4th edition which literally does work by RAW.

No, the point was that while the fast moving of objects does work by RAW in 3.5, the object will not then fly out at enormous speed and blast a hole in the next thing it hits. Your method does not do the Railgun any better than the 3.5 one.

2011-08-12, 09:59 AM
1. Play a class with access to Handle Animal and Craft (Weaponsmithing). You can even do this with a commoner.
2. Purchase a Steelwing egg. (Monster Manual 5, page 168)
3. Raise and train the Steelwing.
4. Pluck feathers daily and use Craft (Weaponsmithing) to turn the feathers into Masterwork Adamantine Keen Arrows.
5. Sell the Masterwork Adamantine Keen Arrows for profit.
6. Repeat steps 4&5 as much as you want.
7. DM cries as you break the econemy.

2011-08-12, 10:14 AM
Spray him with tear gas.

2011-08-12, 10:16 AM
Spray him with tear gas.


Oh, em, gee! That made me laugh. I guess if you wanted to make him cry "literally", you could smash his big toe with a hammer. That normally works for me.

2011-08-12, 11:17 AM
Consult the BoED. Do your best to make every player and DM at the table squirm.
(I really don't recommend this, I've had enough players utilize that book with the best of intentions and it went bad places in an aweful hurry)

Be a complete hypocrit.
Be a loot monger.
Spend the entire party's money on scrolls.
Or ale. Whichever. Bonus points if you do both, and manage to have no ale and no scrolls left at the end of the night.

Play a divine caster. Only ever cast Cure Light Wounds (or it's negative energy counterpart). And even then be really stingey with it.

Play a Divination Specialized Wizard. Ensure that you actually cast all of your divination spells each day, and make the party wait while the DM puzzles over the results. If you have spell slots left, do it a second time. Tell them that you had to double check. If you have spell slots left at the end of the day, make sure you cast them all again right before bed, asking all about tomorrow.
In other words, don't use Divination to prepare yourself, use it to burn spell slots to leave you less prepared AND waste the time of the party/DM.

2011-08-12, 12:46 PM
Consult the BoED. Do your best to make every player and DM at the table squirm.
(I really don't recommend this, I've had enough players utilize that book with the best of intentions and it went bad places in an aweful hurry)

Be a complete hypocrit.
Be a loot monger.
Spend the entire party's money on scrolls.
Or ale. Whichever. Bonus points if you do both, and manage to have no ale and no scrolls left at the end of the night.

Play a divine caster. Only ever cast Cure Light Wounds (or it's negative energy counterpart). And even then be really stingey with it.

Play a Divination Specialized Wizard. Ensure that you actually cast all of your divination spells each day, and make the party wait while the DM puzzles over the results. If you have spell slots left, do it a second time. Tell them that you had to double check. If you have spell slots left at the end of the day, make sure you cast them all again right before bed, asking all about tomorrow.
In other words, don't use Divination to prepare yourself, use it to burn spell slots to leave you less prepared AND waste the time of the party/DM.

That wouldn't make me cry, that would make me seriously pissed off and would probably get you kicked out of my game (if not by me, then by the other players!).


2011-08-12, 12:56 PM
That wouldn't make me cry, that would make me seriously pissed off and would probably get you kicked out of my game (if not by me, then by the other players!).
Then you are made of sterner stuff than some I've encountered.
(And no I did not do any of the above, but was certainly witness to it, much to my dismay)

2011-08-12, 01:02 PM
Apply metamagic cheese until you can cast a persistant shapechange. Note that shapechange applies a bonus to disguise. Because of this, you can apply doppleganger bile to its casting. This doubles the duration from 24 hours to 48 hours. Enjoy two full, straight days of winning at everything.

2011-08-12, 01:09 PM
Consult the BoED. Do your best to make every player and DM at the table squirm.

BoED, BoEF or BoVD?

Which reminds me - find a way to play an Atropal Scion. Roleplay extensively. Bonus points for leading a cult, creatively.

Extra bonus points abusing bluff/diplomacy/CHA/domination effects to *ahem* make your Knowledge: Biblical* checks on any man/woman/child in sight. Especially if you make jokes about "taking ten" on the checks :smallwink:

2011-08-12, 01:11 PM
Play a Binder with Zceryll, spam Devas, and use this power to cast Divination once every 4 rounds. Ask about EVERYTHING.


2011-08-12, 01:19 PM
BoED, BoEF or BoVD?

Which reminds me - find a way to play an Atropal Scion. Roleplay extensively. Bonus points for leading a cult, creatively.

Extra bonus points abusing bluff/diplomacy/CHA/domination effects to *ahem* make your Knowledge: Biblical* checks on any man/woman/child in sight. Especially if you make jokes about "taking ten" on the checks :smallwink:

Whoops, yeah, I meant BoEF.

2011-08-12, 01:21 PM
Take natural spell.

Wildshape into a falcon.

Fly really high.

Dive bomb toward chosen foe.

Wildshape into Dire Rhino

Cast Enlarge Animal

Land on foe with whatever damage 40 tons does on impact at around 240 mph. (420d6?)

Heal up your falling damage (20d6)

2011-08-13, 04:05 PM
Explosive rune cupcakes with fell animate metamagic (idea from one of my friends)

2011-08-13, 05:51 PM
Dive bomb toward chosen foe.

Wildshape into Dire Rhino

Cast Enlarge Animal

Land on foe with whatever damage 40 tons does on impact at around 240 mph. (420d6?) Cry when your target makes their DC 15 Reflex save to avoid you landing on them (Heroes of Battle, page 68).

Heal up your falling damage (20d6)
Fixed that for you. :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-13, 06:47 PM
Apply metamagic cheese until you can cast a persistant shapechange. Note that shapechange applies a bonus to disguise. Because of this, you can apply doppleganger bile to its casting. This doubles the duration from 24 hours to 48 hours. Enjoy two full, straight days of winning at everything.

How about just apply Enduring Spell (metamagic feat) after applying Persistent spell. Enduring spell increases the duration by one step on spells that have a singular specific target or targeted area affect.

For example, Blindsight second level spell, persist spell makes it go from 1 min/level to 24 hours, Enduring spell makes it go to 7 days.

The Gilded Duke
2011-08-13, 07:22 PM
Adamantine Axe + Silence

2011-08-13, 07:23 PM
The best spellcasting trick (even better than chain-gating): Infinite time.
What you need:

Twinned Celerity
Innate Mordenkainen's Lubrication

Things to know:

You can only use one immediate action per turn
Turns are defined as when you are allowed to take a standard action

How to do it:

Cast twinned celerity, getting two bonus standard actions
Use one of those actions to cast Mordenkainen's Lubrication to replace the Celerity (it still counts as a 4th level spell even if occupying an 8th level slot)
Use the other action to do anything else
Now, since you've had a turn since your last immediate action, you can cast twinned celerity again, and the process loops, giving you infinite actions

2011-08-13, 07:25 PM
Pepper spray.

EDIT: Should've known someone would've already done it before. :smallyuk:


The best spellcasting trick (even better than chain-gating): Infinite time.
What you need:

Twinned Celerity
Innate Mordenkainen's Lubrication

I continue to insist that's the best spell ever.

2011-08-13, 09:07 PM
Innate Mordenkainen's Lubrication

That's "Lucubration", BM.

Anyway, once you've got 14th level spell slots (Mordenkainen's Lucubration is 6th level, and Innate Spell requires a spell slot +8 levels higher), pretty much anything will make your DM cry.

Claudius Maximus
2011-08-13, 09:10 PM
Anyway I thought a turn was when your initiative came up, at which point:

Turn: The point in the round at which you take your action(s). On your turn, you may perform one or more actions, as dictated by your current circumstances.
Which would include all your actions and not reset by any bonus standard actions. Where are you getting that idea from?

2011-08-14, 02:01 AM
Play an archer. When the conventional wisdom is to keep your distance while you shoot, instead get right adjacent to your enemy and let them have a ranged full attack ─ because full attacks (without any further qualification) don't provoke. This even works at 1st level when you only get 1 shot per full attack: just your declaration has the power to keep from provoking AoOs.

Where does it say this? I've looked in the SRD, but it doesn't say anywhere that I've looked.

2011-08-14, 02:31 AM
Where does it say this? I've looked in the SRD, but it doesn't say anywhere that I've looked.
It's in the "Full-Round Actions" section of the of the Combat chapter, in the table. See here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#fullRoundActions): a Full attack doesn't provoke AoOs. It says that Attack (ranged) provokes in the "Standard Actions" section, but of course you can't use a standard action while performing a full attack.

2011-08-14, 02:38 AM
It's in the "Full-Round Actions" section of the of the Combat chapter, in the table. See here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#fullRoundActions): a Full attack doesn't provoke AoOs. It says that Attack (ranged) provokes in the "Standard Actions" section, but of course you can't use a standard action while performing a full attack.

That's pretty cool.

2011-08-14, 04:31 AM
It's in the "Full-Round Actions" section of the of the Combat chapter, in the table. See here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#fullRoundActions): a Full attack doesn't provoke AoOs. It says that Attack (ranged) provokes in the "Standard Actions" section, but of course you can't use a standard action while performing a full attack.

1. This is an obvious case of a specific trumping general. The Rules Compendium states that "You provoke attacks of opportunity when firing or throwing a ranged weapon," on page 16 in the Attacks and Damage section. This is obviously a specific rule that applies to all ranged attacks (assuming there is not a more specific rule added on and overriding it).

The Full Attack Action itself does not provoke attacks of opportunity as a general rule, but the action contains all kinds of different types of attacks with a wide variety of sources. The Full Attack itself will not provoke an AoO, but each of those attacks has the potential to provoke one.


2. If you want to discuss this further we should probably set a different thread for it.


3. If anyone likes this thread, then you'll probably like the Things I May No Longer Do While Playing II: Stop Making The DM Cry (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207015) thread that has almost 1000 entries in it already.

2011-08-14, 04:49 AM
1. This is an obvious case of a specific trumping general. The Rules Compendium states that "You provoke attacks of opportunity when firing or throwing a ranged weapon," on page 16 in the Attacks and Damage section. This is obviously a specific rule that applies to all ranged attacks (assuming there is not a more specific rule added on and overriding it).
Before the Rules Compendium, that's not what the rules said. The specific rule about provoking with ranged attacks was only for standard actions.

2011-08-14, 06:45 AM
Take natural spell.

Wildshape into a falcon.

Fly really high.

Dive bomb toward chosen foe.

Wildshape into Dire Rhino

Cast Enlarge Animal

Land on foe with whatever damage 40 tons does on impact at around 240 mph. (420d6?)
Cry as they maake their DC 15 reflex save to avoid you.
Heal up your falling damage (20d6)(420d6)

Also you a now an enlarged dire rhino. You reach a significantly higher terminal velocity than a human would. Enjoy your own 420d6 damage you don't get a relfex save to avoid.
(Its not actually 420d6 but I can't be bothered working out what it actually is)

2011-08-14, 08:35 AM
Also you a now an enlarged dire rhino. You reach a significantly higher terminal velocity than a human would. Enjoy your own 420d6 damage you don't get a relfex save to avoid.
(Its not actually 420d6 but I can't be bothered working out what it actually is)

The rules state that all falling damage maxes out at 20d6.

2011-08-14, 11:47 AM
That's "Lucubration", BM.

Anyway, once you've got 14th level spell slots (Mordenkainen's Lucubration is 6th level, and Innate Spell requires a spell slot +8 levels higher), pretty much anything will make your DM cry.

Oh, thanks for the correction. You can get it earlier with metamagic shenanigans, but it would still require epic level. Still, I think infinite time is pretty cool.

Anyway I thought a turn was when your initiative came up, at which point:

Which would include all your actions and not reset by any bonus standard actions. Where are you getting that idea from?

I actually found this on another forum. After some Googling, it seems a little iffy, but here's my rationale.

According to the D&D Glossary (WotC), turns are defined as "the point in the round at which you take your action(s)". Immediate actions do not have to be taken on your turn. So, when you begin the loop, your previous turn has ended, and because you are taking actions that can only be taken on your turn (standard actions), it must therefore be your turn. You take your two extra actions as detailed above, and then your turn ends, refreshing your immediate action. Repeat ad infinitum.

I'm not sure how logically that holds up, but it seems to make at least partial sense. One could definitely disagree with me, though, which is fine, infinite time is something no DM would ever allow anyway.

2011-08-14, 12:12 PM
Take Leadership

2011-08-14, 02:28 PM
Take Leadership

This^^^^ And then have your cohorts take leadership when they can as well.

Paul H
2011-08-14, 10:20 PM

Play a Synthesist in the PFS campaign. Uber HP/AC, even with four arms using 2H Wpns & Pwr Attacking....

Worse, go Synthesist/Ninja. 4 arms, each with Wakizashi doing sneak attacks, then spending ki point for a fifth attack! (And yes - this is PFS 'legal').

[Or as above, but using 2 Katanas 2 handed, plus Bite & Tail Slap, all Pwr Attacking, whilst flying] :P

Paul H

2011-08-14, 10:54 PM
Take Leadership

This^^^^ And then have your cohorts take leadership when they can as well.

While playing a Bard yourself with super optimized inspire courage, and rocking out under the effects of Amplify to buff the entire legion.

Safety Sword
2011-08-14, 11:30 PM
Innate Mordenkainen's Lubrication....

The thought of my players researching this spell... and the uses it would get if I allowed it to work..

Tears, oh the tears.

2011-08-15, 09:00 AM
How about just apply Enduring Spell (metamagic feat) after applying Persistent spell. Enduring spell increases the duration by one step on spells that have a singular specific target or targeted area affect.

For example, Blindsight second level spell, persist spell makes it go from 1 min/level to 24 hours, Enduring spell makes it go to 7 days.

Enduring Spell? Where's that from?

2011-08-15, 09:11 AM
Enduring Spell? Where's that from?
I was wondering that myself. It's not found on Wizards' site as an online extra, isn't on the regular Wotc online feat index (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/feats), and also isn't on the DragonDex index of feats and flaws (http://www.aeolia.net/dragondex/feats.html).

3rd party stuff?

2011-08-15, 09:15 AM
Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu....

If you can't do that then play a Wizard and call it a day. If you want more style play a Tainted Scholar or Tainted Sorcerer. Use a tier 1 class(again, wizard is good here) as your entry and watch as you have lolspells per-day and spell DCs that not even the statted deities can save against.

2011-08-15, 09:49 AM
Oh, right, as for ways to make the DM cry my party seems to be doing a lot of that lately.

Entangle a boss and pin a Feather Token: Tree to his hat. Laugh when he fails his save against massive damage. Laugh harder when you find out this boss had enough equipment and weapons to ensure he'd kill at least one of the party members, as well as contingency healing items if we started to win, none of which work because there's still a tree sitting on him and he failed his save against massive damage. Laugh harder when the DM reveals the guy had 2 pages of monologues he was supposed to deliver over the course of the fight to give the party a better idea of what's going on.

Use True Seeing in an area filled with pixies who's primary defence is an impressive array of illusions. Laugh harder when they attempt to dispel the True Seeing and you inform your DM you have a Spellblade tuned to Dispel Magic for the sole purpose of protecting your buffs.

Set an ambush for the boss of the pixies and send a pixie to bring her to you. Ready an action to hit her with Dimensional Anchor the instant she shows up. Laugh when it turns out her spell list consists of teleportation and illusions. (The DM even had her use that spell that sucks everyone in the area to a random plane as a last-ditch effort to save herself. Then realized she wouldn't be pulled in because of the anchor.)

Solve a dungeon without acquiring the item you need to solve the dungeon through creative use of spells. (In this case the dungeon had one of those puzzles where there's a bunch of buttons, and pushing each button causes a bunch of doors to open and others to close. One person has to push the buttons to let the other one advance through the dungeon. There was a rather scary looking monster guarding an item so we decided to go check down a different path, finding the puzzle. We used Clairvoyance and parchment to communicate which buttons to press. Turns out the item let us cast Telepathic Bond.)

2011-08-15, 12:08 PM
Entangle a boss and pin a Feather Token: Tree to his hat. Laugh when he fails his save against massive damage.
I think your DM should be laughing at you, as you get schooled on the rules. First you need to succeed on the Sleight of Hand check necessary to pin the token to the hat. But then very little will happen. Weight will encumber a character and prevent them from moving, but it doesn't do any damage in D&D unless it drops at least 10 feet. Plus you've just weighed down the hat, with all that weight attached with a small pin. Even assuming the pin doesn't break immediately, it's a free action to drop an item ─ with no restrictions on that item's weight. Best case for you: you'll make the boss use a move action to remove the pin, and another move action to put the hat back on.

2011-08-15, 12:22 PM
I think your DM should be laughing at you, as you get schooled on the rules. First you need to succeed on the Sleight of Hand check necessary to pin the token to the hat. But then very little will happen. Weight will encumber a character and prevent them from moving, but it doesn't do any damage in D&D unless it drops at least 10 feet. Plus you've just weighed down the hat, with all that weight attached with a small pin. Even assuming the pin doesn't break immediately, it's a free action to drop an item ─ with no restrictions on that item's weight. Best case for you: you'll make the boss use a move action to remove the pin, and another move action to put the hat back on.

Eh, the DM decided it was a touch attack to do that and that having a 30 foot oak appear above him would cause crushing damage. Otherwise traps that end up with you getting buried wouldn't hurt you because you're just encumbered.

2011-08-15, 12:35 PM
Eh, the DM decided it was a touch attack to do that and that having a 30 foot oak appear above him would cause crushing damage. Otherwise traps that end up with you getting buried wouldn't hurt you because you're just encumbered.

How would you breathe with your face covered?:smallamused:

2011-08-15, 12:38 PM
Eh, the DM decided it was a touch attack to do that and that having a 30 foot oak appear above him would cause crushing damage. Otherwise traps that end up with you getting buried wouldn't hurt you because you're just encumbered.
Your DM is free to make up house rules, but that strikes me as some odd choices. In any event, that's not how traps work. The damage of a trap (like the Dropping Ceiling, page 73 of the Dungeon Master's Guide) is a crafted-in feature which is reflected in the trap's cost, not something that uses the falling object rules. There aren't any traps as cheap as the Feather Token (tree) (400 gp), but the closest (at 500 gp) does only 1d4+1 damage.

2011-08-15, 12:44 PM
Thrall-heard with leadership, extra followers and improved cohort....

2011-08-15, 12:47 PM
Entangle a boss

I think people are forgetting he was entangled... As such, it was very hard for him to respond to the token.

2011-08-15, 12:48 PM
I think people are forgetting he was entangled... As such, it was very hard for him to respond to the token.

Erm... How exactly? He's not immobilized from being entangled.

2011-08-15, 12:56 PM
I think people are forgetting he was entangled... As such, it was very hard for him to respond to the token.
I don't see that. Being entangled slows you down to half speed, and adds a penalty to DEX that will affect your Reflex saves (such as the DC 15 save to avoid falling items), but that's about it.

2011-08-15, 02:02 PM
Thrall-heard with leadership, extra followers and improved cohort....

I thought Thrallherds couldn't take leadership/had leadership overridden?

2011-08-15, 02:14 PM
I thought Thrallherds couldn't take leadership/had leadership overridden?

Yes. Yes it is.

2011-08-15, 03:12 PM
I thought Thrallherds couldn't take leadership/had leadership overridden?

Nothing about your thralls and believers taking it though...

Handsome Goblin
2011-09-04, 08:12 PM
5th level fighter + 20 strength + magic items and buffs to strength + ten levels of warmonger= Wrestle a Gold Dragon :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-04, 08:28 PM
Play a completely suboptimal build (e.g. Rogue/Shadowdancer with heavy investment in SA in a undead/construct laden game) and constantly whinge how the DM is completely unfair and ruining your fun.

- J.