View Full Version : Holy Syntactical Confusion Batman! (Comic 800)

John Cribati
2011-08-11, 08:53 PM
In the second-last panel, V says "I believe he just ceased his struggles against my mental commands to shoot you."

This statement is kind of ambiguous to me. All I can get from it is that 1) V was giving mental commands, and 2) YukYuk ceased struggling against them.

Did YY cease struggling "just for the sake" of shooting Z?
Or was V simply stating that YY was struggling, but stopped.

I admit it doesn't matter either way. It's not like the plot hinges on the proper interpretation of this sentence, but I am genuinely confused here.

Mutant Sheep
2011-08-11, 08:55 PM
Yuk Yuk was struggling against the dominate Monster/person (some mind controley thing) but when Z tried to kill him, he stopped trying to not kill Z. If there are any mind-connection telepathic spells, someone who knows them step on up please. :smallwink: I'm running on empty here, and have very little knowledge on what I'm talking about. :smallamused:
@V More like it's hard to explain. :smalltongue:

2011-08-11, 08:57 PM
I took it to mean that V was using the Dominate spell (Mentally commanding YY), and when Z used Phantasmal Killer (presumably to eliminate the one doing the actual damage) that YY was angered and stopped resisting V's commands. So he ceased struggling to shoot Z because Z tried to kill him, although he was struggling before. So both of your statements are right. Now I hope that you managed to get something out of that. My wording isn't very good right now due to a general lack of sleep.

edit: pretty much ninja'd

2011-08-11, 09:59 PM
Yukyuk is no longer making Will saves against attacking Z, now that Z tried to kill him. I guess you have to be actively trying to do something against the domination to make a Will save?

2011-08-12, 12:52 AM
"(I believe) [that] ((he just) ceased ((his struggles) against (my mental commands to shoot you.)))"

2011-08-12, 01:37 AM
1. Vaarsuvius, using mind-control, says to YukYuk: "Hey, why don't you try to kill Zz'dtri?"

2. YukYuk tries to resist V's suggestion, because Zz'dtri is his ally. However, V's mind control is too strong, so he still tries to kill Zz'dtri.

3. Zz'dtri uses Phantsmal Killer against YukYuk.

4. Because Zz'dtri has now attacked him (and with potentially lethal force) YukYuk sees Zz'dtri as an enemy rather than an ally, so YukYuk no longer tries to resist the suggestion to kill Zz'dtri.

5. Vaarsuvius recounts #4 to Zz'dtri, saying "Hey, thanks for making my job of mind-controlling him easier! Now he's not even trying to resist my suggestion to kill you!"

2011-08-12, 07:56 AM
Actually, that could have just been a taunt on V's part to make Z hesitate. It's possible that the kobold was still resisting, or he might have stopped resisting due to an unrelated reason - says M.A.D as he stealthily adds confusion to the discussion.

2011-08-12, 08:01 AM
Note the angry eyebrows on Yukyuk in that panel, though.