View Full Version : [3.Pe] Charisma SAD cleric possible!....but how to use it?

2011-08-11, 10:47 PM
As the title says. By a blending of 3.5e and pathfinder it is possible to make a fully charisma-based cleric. How? By combining a 3.5e feat and 3rd party feat on the pathfinder SRD. The former is Dynamic Priest and the latter is Divine Charisma. Dynamic Priest makes your cleric casting for everything except DCs based on charisma. Divine Charisma makes your spell DCs, but nothing else, based on charisma. Play a human. Take both feats at 1st level and you now have a Cha-casting cleric. The best part of this is that you don't HAVE to take human as Divine Charisma can be taken at levels beyond first. However, human is the best race here as blowing two feats to change your casting stat can be a bit harsh, which brings me to my next point...

Your blowing two feats to swap your casting stat, so you should get something good out of the deal...but I can't think of much beyond being able to bring a totally different RP to your cleric. Since this is 3.Pe, most of the cleric domains have nice powers, most of which are reliant on wisdom. While you can always have some wisdom, a pure cleric would be better at using them, so your best choices are to abuse ACFs and other things that narrow your domain choices and go with a domain that uses wisdom minimally(like say ones who's powers are 3+ wis modifier use per day, but not dependent on wisdom for other things.)

To this end I found two options....

A) Be a Cloistered Cleric. You lose a domain, but thats a good thing here since it means you trade some of the weaker wis-based powers for more skills and other useful abilities, which is nice. The pathfinder cloistered cleric is not as good as the 3.5e one, but with cha as your casting stat and both diplomacy AND sense-motive your the best party face ever. Also, the fact you get scribe scroll technically buys back one of those feats spend to make you a cha-caster, though a bit later then one would like. It's not as awesome as it could be, but if you want to make a character who is a powerful channeler, knowldage-hound and excelent party face in addition to a divine fullcaster,it's a good way to do it. It's a solid option if your not evil, but evil clerics have a better one....

B) Be a Necromancer, specifically one with the Undead Lord Archetype. Undead lord strips you of a domain, just like cloistered cleric, and again, trades it for other, very nice abilities. It also pre-selects your domain...Death. Usually, this domain's first power is heavily wis-dependent, but the undead lord archetype also makes you take the undeath sub-domain, which swaps out that highly-wis dependent power for a far less wis-dependent one, and the second power from the death domain dose not require wisdom at all. In addition, the Undead Lord archetype gives you command undead for free, which buys back one of the feats you lost to become a cha-caster right off the bat(rather then waiting, like the cloistered cleric dose.)

Necromancy seems like the strongest option for this build so far. The Undead Lord archetype makes it so you lose very little for not having wisdom as your main stat, your channeling and command will be stronger then a normal cleric and you'll have more uses of it. In addition, if you somehow become undead(necropolitian if you can get it excepted, if not, waiting for lichdom is fine too.) your super-high cha will make you have even greater health and also make constitution-based checks easier for you to deal with...

Anyway...what I am looking for is more ideas and concepts for cha-clerics using this two feat setup. Perhaps a superchanneler-healer? Or a charm/enchantment-using diplomancer? Whatever you can think of, this is the place to post it!

2011-08-11, 10:53 PM
Is DMM allowed? Or RKV?

2011-08-11, 10:57 PM
DMM in it's 3.5e form is not, since it requires turn/rebuke undead, which the pathfidner cleric lacks(Turn/Rebuke have become feats that allow the pathfinder cleric to use their channel energy power to turn/rebuke)....While you could just houserule that it uses channel energy uses instead of turn/rebuke uses this is for discussion on what can be done with 3.5e sources and pathfinder sources, meaning all homebrew and houserueling will be left out. RKV still may be doable, though, since I think Pazio(or a 3rd party company?) released a way to convert 3.5e PrCs to pathfinder/3.Pe

2011-08-11, 10:58 PM
this looks like a TO thread, so I'm guessing yes.

2011-08-11, 11:36 PM
I'd poke fun at your obvious infatuation with necromancers, but then I'm almost as bad for psionics myself :smalltongue:

I'm confused as to why you're against homebrewing/houseruling DMM to work with Pathfinder, when in my opinion Dragonlance material would be even further removed than something from a Complete.

Anyhow, this is pretty clearly a TO thread, so rather than be human you can use flaws (assuming you really wanted to be something other than human.)