View Full Version : Legendary Monster for 4th to 8th level

2011-08-12, 12:40 AM
So, I'm starting up a campaign and I really want to throw in a awe-inspiring monster for low level characters once they get along a bit. But, I'm stumped on what to make it and/or what templates to add. Also I want to give them a cool reward, too (I.e not just $$ or +2 weapon/armor blandness). Maybe a rare potion that they can make (Alchemy is pretty mystical in this world).

Help me gaming community, you're my only hope.

2011-08-12, 01:09 AM
One option is go strongly go the "legendary" route and get something steeped in folklore, both in the minds of the players and of the world their in. I would use a minotaur, as it's a great image to work with. Take the standard minotaur, advance it by a few hit dice, give it even more hitpoints and some interesting abilities having to do with charging, tossing people out of the way, etc.

(Oh, and take away the maze immunity, not that it will ever come up. That's one of the stupidest attempts to call out to mythology I've ever seen.)

2011-08-12, 01:17 AM
Step 1- Awesome Blow feat for his charge
Step 2- Give him a destructible environment
Step 3- Buff hp
Step 4- Profit

What about a interesting Reward?

Lord Ruby34
2011-08-12, 01:36 AM
A pair of fighter levels for Dungeoncrasher might work nicely here.

2011-08-12, 02:29 AM
I did a Moby ****/Ghost and the Darkness/Jaws inspired adventure featuring a treacherous ranger, restless natives, and a huge Bulette with a habit of swallowing whole.

In the final "act" the dwarf who hired them was eaten (as planned) and with no one left to pay them the PCs gave up. They each gained a +4 bonus against Fear and Tremor Sense 5' out of it, for having faced the beast and lived to tell the tale.

The legend behind the beast (Malar dir'Ur, the Titan From Below) was that he was sent by the gods to stop a band of hobgoblins from building a fortress after the local elves failed to do so (since Bulettes don't eat elves)

Local human populations want to finish and use the half built-fortress and hire a famous monster hunter to clear out Mala dir'Ur. The dwarf gets ambushed, but escapes with only the loss of one leg (bulettes hate the taste of dwarf) And so the hunter (a mix of WoW's Nessingwary and Melville's Ahab) chooses to hire the PCs as "beaters" (read: bait.)

Through the whole adventure Malar would burst out at completely random moments to the point that the PCs began avoiding the ground floor entirely unless they knew where he was.

Kol Korran
2011-08-12, 04:36 AM
a few thoughts:

- you can make a monster of legend in a few ways: add PC levels, add templates (the "monster of legend" from MM2 comes to mind, or half fiend or half dragon. this especially works best for new players who don't know these options yet), or just tweak it to represent your monster the way you like it.

- in any case, a legendary monster i think might be comprised of a few elements: 1 very known powerful or special attack, one sort of greater defense it's kind don't usually have (better will saves, immunity to fire and the like), a minor unknown ability that can surprise the characters, and i'd also suggest some sort of a vulnerability. nothing too crippling, but something the players might feel good about discovering and using. this might make for a good encounter i think.

- you need to have some sort of a buildup for the monster. some rumors, maybe a tale from someone who fought it, get the players to get to know it (to a degree, don't spoil all the surprises) before meeting it. if possible, i suggest the party meet a few "regulars" of that type of monster (regular minotaurs for example), so they'll appreciate it more.

more to the point:
some legendary monsters-
- a crafty hydra that has sorcerous powers that some of her heads cast while the others bite. it may be accompanied by some sort of a puny humanoid cleric or the like who acts as it's adviser/ companion/ tutor.

- a half red dragon troll, who thinks he's undefeatable. gladiator in a monsterous ring, favored by the crowd, basks in the glory of the champion.

- a medusa ghost, who acts as a guardian of some place, barely hittable, frightening in her looks and gaze and more.

- "Madness of many"- an enhanced gibbering mouther who dwells in an ever darkened pit, driving his victims mad before oozing and attacking them from all sides. the local tribe believe this is some sort of a god (or aspect of it) and maybe they throw the characters inside, trying to sacrifice them to it (i suggest making it huge, the MM be damned, )

-The "dead lord of despair"- a Mummy (perhaps of an unusual race? an ogre maybe? ogre mage) perhaps with some class levels, or just abilities taken from some other undead. in any way every few rounds an emenation of fear, or a summoning of lesser undead.

i hope these are some ideas. now as to prizes:
- for the minotaur: one of his horns had been enchanted and hollowed. one a week/ day/ period of time it feels with some liquid. drinking it grants "the power of rage"- the character increases in size, gets into a barbarian rage, and maybe some NA? (minotaur skin). possible variations- you cannot stop the rage and act like a frenzied berserker as to targets. or the rage could affect all friends (unless they make a will save?) in some radius.

- hydra: the many heads that are one- the party can activate a shared ability that allows them to act as one. this may be active for a few rounds a day, and may have several benefits, some are: they all used the best perception roll, if one is not surprised, none are. they cannot be flanked, aid another grants a +4 instead of a +2, they all gain telepathy between themselves, perhaps they can even shift damage from one to another, though that is quite a powerful yet interesting ability.

- the half dragon troll: first of all they gain the adulation of the crowd (which should be played a lot) and perhaps riches and rewards to boost. i suggest to allow them to have some items created for them to a specific theme, or with some ability that isn't in the DMG. or perhaps an intelligent weapon with abilities especially suited for their campaign? another idea will be that the troll's blood is used to create powerful potions that grants some of the trolls powers and the dragons (protection from fire+ regeneration+ maybe bull's strength in one?) have these be a limited supply.

- Medusa: i scrubbed out other ideas. i think this one might be cool- the medusa ghost, once defeated, retreats into some sort of receptacle (think Genie lamp, just be more imaginative). from then one it might help the party by giving out "services"- advice (sort of like a divination spell) scouting as a ghost, maybe granting etherlessness for a short while, perhaps stone skin, or using her gaze on an enemy. the ghost however has some sort of purpose, some sort of mission (which she needed strong heroes for) and she will urge the heroes on the path. each success will gain another "service". if the party dallies or acts counter to the ghost's wishes, she may trick them to find more worthy "partners", or even act in malice. this could be a very interesting NPC to add to the party.

-Gibbering Mouther: i think the party should mainly be streanghthened against hooros of all kind of sorts (a constant bonus against fear, aberration powers and the like), plus, they may get small "mutations" in the pit, enhancing their vision, letting them hear from afar, maybe a slightly fluif anatomy, and so on. or they can get minor spell like abilities, that cost them something when used (some hp, cond damge, wis damage and the like) if you're using sanity and taint rules, i'm sure there is a lot to do here (i don't know the rules, so i can't help there)

- the mummy: a few ideas- some rod with the ability to summon/ rebuke/ animate undead. a divine blessing from above imbuing all the character with some divine SLA, maybe after the curse is lifted, one of the undead (though strangely not evil, and slightly intelligent) offers to join the party as their servant (with some interesting back story and abiliteis to match. a minor DMPC)

i hope this helped, tell us what you've gone for

2011-08-12, 01:45 PM
Maybe a mutated Minotaur, with tentacles and Regen,

But, I really like this Idea

-Madness of Many"- an enhanced gibbering mouther who dwells in an ever darkened pit, driving his victims mad before oozing and attacking them from all sides. the local tribe believe this is some sort of a god (or aspect of it) and maybe they throw the characters inside, trying to sacrifice them to it (i suggest making it huge, the MM be damned, )

-Gibbering Mouther: i think the party should mainly be streanghthened against horrors of all kind of sorts (a constant bonus against fear, aberration powers and the like), plus, they may get small "mutations" in the pit, enhancing their vision, letting them hear from afar, maybe a slightly fluif anatomy, and so on. or they can get minor spell like abilities, that cost them something when used (some hp, cond damge, wis damage and the like) if you're using sanity and taint rules, i'm sure there is a lot to do here (i don't know the rules, so i can't help there)

However the mutated Minotaur would really fit in to the campaign, there is a group of crazed powerful Alchemists that I would like to introduce. Also, the being worshiped as a god thing would really show how legendary it is. But, how would I add tentacles to the Minotaur?
Thanks again Kol, Im gonna save your post in my DM folder