View Full Version : Right... I want some opinions on something... (3.5)

2011-08-12, 12:44 AM
So. I'm almost finished writing up a homebrewed PrC focused on the use of, what else, Darkness (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CastingAShadow). Type 1/2 of that, of course.

Now, I've filled out the majority of the levels, but I need something for the capstone. I'm planning on just saying "you gain the (?) template, with no level adjustment".

Now, the question is... Which template should I put for it? The Shadow template from Lords of Madness? Or the Dark template from Tome of Magic? Which one seems more fitting, fluff wise, for a being who is using the Powers of Darkness (TM) to empower himself to have? I can see arguments for either one, but... Well, I can't decide.

Of course, if you have any other suggestions, I'll be glad to hear them.

2011-08-12, 12:52 AM
It would make most sense if the capstone synergized with the powers the character already had, rather than just having a word like Shadow or Dark that sounded similar. To get advice, you may need to explain more about the class.

2011-08-12, 01:14 AM
I tend to build PrCs to be... Well, customizable. This one has a strong link to the Plane of Shadow, and draws materials from it for attacks and a weapon. For instance, the first ability allows it to create a weapon from shadowstuff, while the second ability it gains lets it pull corrupted energy from there to use as attacks that strike fear into their targets, albeit on a limited basis (once every 3 rounds), with a single affinity.

It also advances maneuver progression in Shadow Hand (teleportation, use of darkness as a weapon, ect.), and a few other disciplines.


As I said, I wrote it up to be aimed at a type 1/2 "casting a shadow" class.

2011-08-12, 01:29 AM
I seem to have ignored that you said PrC and I was thinking of a base class. Knowing that it seems to be aimed generally at melee character of the sneakier variety, but focused on combat. I would suggest a combination of the Dark template from ToM and perhaps Shadow Pounce from the Telflammar Shadowlord?

This keys into mobility while still being able to be a credible melee combatant with full attacks. It is limited by how often they can teleport/shadowjump, but you could also give some other trigger for it if need be.

2011-08-12, 01:45 AM
I would go Shadow creature. It's more powerful but seems (at least to me) more appropriate as a capstone to mobile stealth attackers.

Also, will you post a link to this class when it's done? Because it sounds interesting.