View Full Version : Dwarf Fortress Succession Fort: Region 2

2011-08-12, 09:56 AM
Okay, so the last one was going well for a while but kinda bombed due to save corruption and general loss of interest. Before we start up a new one we need to set a few ground rules to keep things rolling. This will be using the 31.25 version of the game.

1: Graphics set or no?
I'd rather stay with the default ASCII myself.

2: Embark size?
I'd prefer a 2x2 area since it'll help mitigate FPS loss somewhat.

3: Embark area?
While the last game, which was at a calm volcano, was full of Fun, embarking somewhere like a haunted glacier will almost certainly be more Fun.

4: Mods/other things?

5: Turn length
I suggest that, as standard, your turn ends one week from the time the person before you uploads the save, or one in-game year, whichever comes first, and if you don't download and acknowledge that you have the save within three days of your turn starting your turn gets skipped so the rest of us aren't stuck waiting on people who aren't even playing anymore.

Any other thoughts/suggestions? Anyone take exception to anything above?

As for turn order, it's pretty much going to be first come first serve, unless people want to trade places. I'd be glad to gen the world, find the spot, and take the first year (which isn't terribly interesting) unless someone else would rather do it.

Overseer journals:
Shpadoinkle 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11639204&postcount=27) 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11642029&postcount=29)
Grif 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11715968&postcount=56)
leakingpen 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11727759&postcount=63) 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11774285&postcount=74) 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11774294&postcount=75)
The Final Stand 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11875017&postcount=116)
ObadiahtheSlim 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11898389&postcount=126)
Gnoman 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11926426&postcount=141) 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11969605&postcount=145)
Aiden305 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11988426&postcount=155) 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12019089&postcount=164)

Turn order
1: Shpadoinkle
2: Slayed Prophet (Skipped)
3: Grif
4: leakingpen
5: Mael (skipped)
6: The Final Stand
7: ObadiahtheSlim
8: Gnoman
9: Aiden305
10: Croverus (Skipped)
11: Billtodamax - Current turn
12: Level8Mudcrab
13: Caewil
14: Flabort

2011-08-12, 10:36 AM
1: I vote graphics set.

2: I think that we should get a slightly bigger area, I don't think we will reach the point of FPS losing :smalltongue:

3:Anywhere haunted, and the glazier idea is great!

4:No mods, but I think we should use utillities, such as Dwarf Therapist.

5:I think that we should reduce it to 5 days (or one in-game year), because the last one suffered from lack of interest. also, we should keep the turn list shorter, maybe around 3 or 4.

Oh God I can't wait for it to start :smallbiggrin:
(I want a turn please!)

2011-08-12, 10:37 AM
1: I vote graphics set.

2: I think that we should get a slightly bigger area, I don't think we will reach the point of FPS losing :smalltongue:

3:Anywhere haunted, and the glazier idea is great!

4:No mods, but I think we should use utillities, such as Dwarf Therapist.

5:I think that we should reduce it to 5 days (or one in-game year), because the last one suffered from lack of interest. also, we should keep the turn list shorter, maybe around 3 or 4.

Oh God I can't wait for it to start :smallbiggrin:
(I want a turn please!)

3x3 would be my only change. Otherwise I agree with this.

2011-08-12, 11:40 AM
3 by 3, im cooler with ascii than tileset but, enh, whatever. Other than that, sounds like a blast.

2011-08-12, 11:45 AM
know what... I think we should stay with ASCII... just a little change of heart

2011-08-12, 02:18 PM
2) I'm interested as long as it's on a small embark, not larger than 3x3, 2x2 would be my preference.
1) Graphics set or ascii are both ok with me.
3) The more wild and evil the embark area is, the better.
4) No mods to start with, maybe change pet_exotic to pet when the dungeon master fails to show up on schedule. Assuming that bug is still in it that is.
5) 1 week seems good.

2011-08-12, 02:51 PM
I'd be interested in such a fort. I have no experience with writing stuff up, placing the fort somewhere publically accessible, etc, but hey, first time for everything, right?

1) Do whatever with any graphics packs, just include them with the fort.

2) A small embark will help stave off FPS death, and as long as someone doesn't breach the FUN, then we should be good.

3) I recommend we don't make it too inhospitable, but a haunted glacier or something sounds good, as long as it's not too cold for water or stuff.

4) No mods, but utilities sounds good to me.

5) The proposed suggestion (1 real time week long or one DF year since last person) looks good.

If we do use mods, graphics packs, etcetera, include them with the file, so we don't have to lark about getting them installed.

2011-08-12, 03:11 PM
1.) ASCII Please. I don't care for sloppiness of most graphics packs. (the dwarfbuck symbol and the clothing/shirt symbols are the prime offenders)

2.) 3x3 please.

3.) I prefer any kind of volcano because they can be so fun.

4.) Minor mods dealing with clothing removal are okay. Display Stands sound pretty cool. Also maybe mod in the ability to have a Dungeon Master appointed by mayor and change PET_EXOTIC to just PET

5.) 3 days to acknowledge the save was received. One week to play.

We should have some sort of theme or challenge. I remember the 40d fort had the Finger of Armok project. Went quite nicely although nobody ever managed to finish the darn thing. Plus it had the no farm plots challenge. I think we could easily do that.

2011-08-12, 06:32 PM
Excellent, a new fortress.

1) I prefer ASCII, but I'd use a graphics pack if it was what the majority wanted.

2) 3x3 sounds good to me. I'm happy with whatever size though.

3) Anywhere evil.

4) Don't really know much about mods, though a dungeon master fix mod sounds good.

5) I think the week system from last time worked out pretty well, do that again and add in the 3 day rule.

We should have some sort of theme or challenge. I remember the 40d fort had the Finger of Armok project. Went quite nicely although nobody ever managed to finish the darn thing. Plus it had the no farm plots challenge. I think we could easily do that.

A glacier embark seems pretty popular. If we do that we could do an only build above ground (digging underground would be fine) and try to build a giant ice castle.

2011-08-12, 07:19 PM
I think voting/addition of opinions should be open until about 24 hours after this thread was created just so there's a definite cutoff time.

Presently there are four votes for ASCII vs. three for a graphics set.

Everybody seems good with a 3x3 embark area so we'll go with that (unless a bunch of people chime in in the next few hours wanting a different sized embark.)

I'll gen a world and see if I can find an evil or haunted glacier with a volcano. Probably an aquifer is going to be needed for water unless I luck out and find some underground lakes. Aquifers are lots of Fun...

A theme fort sounds okay to me, but I'd rather not have one (succession forts are Fun enough by themselves.) The 'only living aboveground' thing sounds... well, to be honest, like a titanic pain in the ass (I've done that a couple times.)

Edit: Also I figured I might as well get a head start and find a suitable spot... but I'm having a hell of a time finding a volcano on a glacier, much less a haunted glacier. Any advice?

2011-08-12, 09:11 PM
1) I'm voting for a graphics set as well,

2) 3x3 embark would be good.

3) Volcano, evil, preferably desert/tropical/glacier (are there volcano glaciers?)

4) Dunno

5) 1 week to complete, at least an update within 3 days.

2011-08-12, 09:46 PM
3) Volcano, evil, preferably desert/tropical/glacier (are there volcano glaciers?)

There are, but they're pretty damn hard to find...

2011-08-12, 11:24 PM
If you have ice, you have guaranteed water as long as you're willing to put in a little effort (magma is on every map, so all you have to do is pump it up.)

1. I don't particularly care, but I prefer either the original ASCII or a pure-ascii replacement set.

2. Embark size is by far the least important factor in FPS. It does make a difference, but a fairly minor one. (A ban on stairs will give almost double the benefit of going from 4x4 to 3x3) Considering mineral scarcity, it's not a good idea to make the embark too small.

3. I strongly advise against a glacier.

4. Apart from minor mods like display cases, it's a very good idea to add in both tougher and weaker enemies. I also suggest an open-fort rule (no turtling).

I'd like to take the first year to set things up, if nobody else wants to.

2011-08-12, 11:30 PM
If you have ice, you have guaranteed water as long as you're willing to put in a little effort (magma is on every map, so all you have to do is pump it up.)

1. I don't particularly care, but I prefer either the original ASCII or a pure-ascii replacement set.

2. Embark size is by far the least important factor in FPS. It does make a difference, but a fairly minor one. (A ban on stairs will give almost double the benefit of going from 4x4 to 3x3) Considering mineral scarcity, it's not a good idea to make the embark too small.

3. I strongly advise against a glacier.

4. Apart from minor mods like display cases, it's a very good idea to add in both tougher and weaker enemies. I also suggest an open-fort rule (no turtling).

I'd like to take the first year to set things up, if nobody else wants to.

I strongly disagree with the open fort policy, because hell, some of us might just like to close the doors when we see a goblin siege and we run out of soldiers! It will also end in Fun if we stay like that (just one crazed up noble is enough to kill us all), but it gives time to solve the problem. plus, if we select who we should play, it just becomes a game of who can play that strategy better, not about making different strategies.

2011-08-13, 12:35 AM
Okay, I've managed to gen a world with a few suitable spots.

To the west there's a Wilderness tundra with 'little soil.'





I know 3 and 4 aren't exactly what was decided on but I figured I might as well throw them in too for the hell of it.

Also, I didn't mess with the metal scarcity parameters.

Anybody got a preference? Personally I'd like to go with location 1.

2011-08-13, 12:45 AM
that little "s" in "deep metals" convinces me
(Location 1)

2011-08-13, 10:24 AM
Agree on that. Region one sounds good.

2011-08-13, 11:43 AM
I'm throwing in a vote for REGION 2. Flux stone = 2X value of stone stuff and rooms = Happier dorfs.

And the steel.

2011-08-13, 02:22 PM
I'm throwing in a vote for REGION 2. Flux stone = 2X value of stone stuff and rooms = Happier dorfs.

And the steel.

Or you could just stick a couple extra statues or whatever in a room and get the value as high as it would have been if everything were made of a flux stone. Also, at site 2, by far the largest (and possibly only) sources of iron are going to be trading and goblinite. If I take a crapton of wood on embark then I guess we could stuff the entry hall with cage traps so we can get goblinite without everybody getting slaughtered, but... hell, where's the Fun in that?

So... yeah, I can see the argument for site 2, but I'd still prefer site 1.

Also, the turn order is going to be the order in which people posted in this thread unless people want to swap turns.

Final site selection will end 24 hours after my last post, so about 22 hours from this one, after which I'll get started.

2011-08-13, 05:58 PM
I'll add a vote for region 1.

2011-08-14, 12:40 AM
Location 4 looks very good.

2011-08-14, 06:23 AM
I am similarly inclined towards location 4.

2011-08-14, 06:34 AM
Posting interest, this time hopefully my save files will work. They should. Promise I won't bail out when my turn comes and I'll try to do something fun (like work out a contraption to drop goblins into an isolated room, fill it with water, let the room freeze then dig out the frozen corpses and display them outside our entrance).

Also vote for Region 1

And if anyone knows a good way to do my fun project let me know. It may take more than 1 turn to build, and longer to implement.

2011-08-14, 12:50 PM
Five votes for spot 1, vs. two for spot 4 and one for spot 2.

I'll embark and see if I can keep our dwarves alive long enough to carve out and fortify a little hole before everyone's murdered.

2011-08-14, 12:52 PM
1: Graphics set or no?
ASCII only and forever

2: Embark size?
4x4, but I would agree to any other

3: Embark area?
My voice goes for that one numbered 4
4: Mods/other things?
I would like to play as humans instead of dwarfs, really. Building stuff is somewhat more challenging than digging stuff

5: Turn length
One week always worked blazingly bad perfectly fine

Also, nice to meet 'ya again

2011-08-14, 01:47 PM
Looks like all of them will have a bit of a metal scarity. Could you up the metal occurance so we metals more akin to the 40d days? It'll suck to embark with 0 iron.

2011-08-14, 03:40 PM
Well I've already embarked and yes, it does suck to be without iron. But it's more Fun this way. With any luck we'll be able to harvest some Goblinite without too many casualties.

Anyway, here we go. Spoiler tags inside the spoiler are for pictures so they don't stretch out your screen if you're using a low resolution.


We've arrived. A mere seven of of us, as is tradition, have come to this hellhole in the middle of nowhere in an attempt to carve out a place to live.


Immediately upon arrival we hear a cracking and rumbling sound, but we were unable to pinpoint its precise origins. The freezing, howling winds didn't make it any easier. The plateau we'd finally arrived at was nothing but sand and volcanic glass. Hopefully the volcano wouldn't erupt any time soon, but considering the fact that we'd been ordered to make a fort way out here in the middle of Hell itself didn't do much to make me optimistic.

The volcano's northeastern side was an absolutely massive cliff. I couldn't tell how far the drop was but I wasn't eager to climb down there and start surveying.

I knew we were going to need water, so I sat down with the miners and sketched out some plans for where and how to dig. I chose a spot over a large depression in the ground- hopefully I'd be able to get some bridges set up over it and block off access to the fort from anywhere else so we could use it as a primary line of defense. Before that, though, I had them dig a hole into the cliff side. It wasn't big or comfortable, but it was right next to the magma pipe, so it was at least warm. We're going to be living in here for a little while, until the miners get done digging everything else out.


As dangerous as the area was supposed to be, I'd chosen two axedwarves to come with us. The surveyors who had come here before us had come back with reports of skeletal animals wandering around. I didn't believe in such things myself, but I wasn't going to risk it.

As the hole was being dug, I sat down with some of the wood we'd brought along and managed to fashion a pair of wooden shields for our soldiers and some "beds." Admittedly the beds sucked but they were better than sleeping in the dirt.

At one point I thought I'd spotted some of those skeletons we'd been warned about, but they turned out to just be some regular muskoxen.

Things continued fine for a while. Our crappy little hole in the ground was starting to look something like a fortress, kind of. Our soldiers, however, complained that they had nothing to do while they weren't training besides haul crap around. As they were the only armed dwarves in the fortress, I decided it would be a good idea to try to keep them happy, so I gave them the title of artisan and asked them to make some statues. Even the crappiest statues still raise the value of whichever room they're placed in, so I figured I'd make my office a little bigger and stick some of them in there, and they could make a couple statues every season and that'll help keep them happy while they're not practicing how to murder things with axes.

The two things we needed most now were liquid water, which we could get by running magma under ice, or we could breach the caverns and see if we could find a source of water down there. As dwarfpower was already limited, I chose the second option.

So the miners dug. And dug. And dug a hell of a lot more. On the way the discovered a couple veins of gold, but gold isn't going to do us any good if we die here. I told them to keep digging. Finally they breached the first cavern.


No water in sight, unfortunately. Plenty of moss and cave flora, though. I told the miners to do a little more exploratory mining and crossed my fingers in the hope that we'd be able to find an underground lake.

After some looking they managed to find one. They also found some zombie cave trolls. The water's WAAAY down there, though, so getting a reliable supply of water from it is going to take some work. I'd build a pump stack if I had the dwarfpower, but I simply don't have enough to get it done before my time as overseer is up. Just we seven. I'm going to draw up some plans though, and hopefully future overseers will be able to make use of them.

2011-08-14, 09:05 PM
If we are doing ASCII, can i suggest we all use cooz's curses (http://df.magmawiki.com/images/a/a6/Cooz_curses_square_16x16.png)? It's a very crisp and clean 16x16 tile. The anti-aliasing is just wonderful on it.

2011-08-14, 11:30 PM
Malachite 18
Migrants arrived. Eight of them, looks like, more than doubling our population. I've had our planter growing some quarrybushes so our food supplies should be sufficient for a while, but I'm less sure about the alcohol supply. Among the immigrants was a miner, which is good, as we only had the two before. A third will definitely be helpful. Also among the migrants was a fisherdwarf. My guess is he pissed off someone back in the moutainhomes and got sent here as punishment. I decided I might as well make him the bookkeeper. Fortunately we didn't get any damn kids, though.

Oh well. At least now we have a decent workforce. I've set them to work tidying up the fort for now. I've also had them start working on the large depression just outside the entrance to the fort,smoothing out edges and such. I intend to make it our primary line of defense.


Haha, it's done! The bridges retract away from each other (the west bridge raises to the west, and the eastern bridge raises east) so they can drop any invaders in the pit below them. The levers for controlling them are located in a small room just underneath the dining room, below a hatch cover and each behind a door, to make it easier to keep tantruming dwarves away from them. The only ways out of the pit are two ramps, both of which have hatch covers over them, which are presently locked. As you can see I've had a few walls built and ordered the removal of all ramps that would allow an invader to bypass the bridges.

If a fuuture overseer ever manages to procure either, finding a way to flood the pit with magma or water is something to consider.

To the southeast you can see a room for the magma forges being dug (not that I expect we'll need it much, as so far we've run into very few metal ores.)

As we only have a few bins I'm having the mugs I'm carving to trade dmped directly on top of the trade depot.

Sandstone 9
More migrants have arrived! Why? Beats the hell out of me. I can't imagine why anyone would WANT to come here... but I suppose we have carved out a decent place to live amongst the walking dead and endless stretches of ice. This time we got a jeweler, a fish cleaner and an apprentice glazer.

One thing that's been puzzling me since our arrival is how to procure magma. Lacking metal we have no way to pump it, and there are no outcroppings along the magma pipe, ,at least as far as anyone's been able to see, so we can't pierce it there. I hate to think so, but we may have to sacrifice a dwarf (and more importantly a pick) to breach the wall of the pipe.

Timber 17
The liason from the mountainhomes has finally arrived. I tell the first handful of dwarves I see to stop what they're doing and start taking the mugs I'd been working on churning out since day one to the trade depot.

The liason met with me while the other dwarves were stocking the depot. I mostly requested military equipment and metal bars, as we're ging to need them if we're going to survive out here. I also asked for wood, although the only thing we really need it for is beds and bins, and once we get a metal industry up and running we won't even really need it for bins. In retrn he wants spears and cloth. Sure, we'll get right on that.

I bought every piece of armor the caravan had, which wasn't enough to completly outfit our two soldiers, but it was still a hell of a lot better than nothing. In return I gave them as many mugs as they could possibly carry.

Moonstone 9
A pair of elk have wandered into the fortress. I have no idea why, but I suppose this is as good a time as any to test out 'military,' such as it is. They managed to kill one of them, but the other charged blindly around the fort for a few minutes before stumbling accross the exit and escaping. Our soldiers didn't sustain so much as a scratch. Surely this is a great day for Relickeys!

Obsidian 3
My project is finally done. A five story pit underneath the bridges. It's right next to the barracks, so if it's used then any goblins who survive the drop will be conveniently close by. All our soldiers will have to do is stroll in and finish them. If I had the time I'd route some magma underneath and fill it with water (and a system by which it could be drained) so the second part wouldn't even be necessary.

Granite 1
Spring has come, and along with it the end of my term as overseer. There are several traditional ways of choosing the next overseer, but I went with the one wherein I throw a dart and whoever it hits takes my place. It hit a dwarf named "Slayed Prophet," whatever the hell that's supposed to mean, but I don't really care.


Save: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4835

DFMA: http://mkv25.net/dfma/map-10652-relickeys

2011-08-15, 01:19 AM
Ill start later today, I just need to fix a crashing DF...

2011-08-15, 04:57 AM
A good start to the fortress. I like how you've set out the entranceway to the fortress. What is that empty room on the top floor? Judging by the empty tunnels beneath it I'd say a room for forges later on?

2011-08-15, 11:44 AM
Yes, it's for forges.

Also, I've figured out how to get magma without anyone dying. I'd have done this myself (the last couple weeks of my turn I wasn't doing much of anything, just watching everyone work...) but I just thought of it last night.

Dig some up/down stairways one tile away from the magma pipe leading into the tunnels underneath the room for the forges. That spot of sand just south of the top of the pipe would be perfect. Then once that's dug out, channel out the tile between the top of the stairs and the mouth of the volcano.

2011-08-15, 11:50 AM
You want 2 tiles out so you can carve fortifications before you channel in. Don't want an entry way into your fort for magma immune critters.

2011-08-15, 01:43 PM
It looks as a fairly well made plan, but I can't see that spot of sand Forget it, found it already.
The first update is coming later today! (There will be one for each season)

2011-08-15, 01:53 PM
If my turn comes up this week (as it seemed likely to be), please push it to the next person down the line. I'm having exams at the moment and thus may not have the time to churn out an update. (Plus, I need to relearn all my DF in ASCII. Not a pretty thing to look forward to.)

2011-08-15, 08:15 PM
Update 1 (Spring)
1st of Granite:
What a nice day to die frozen isn't it? I am now stuck in this frozen hellhole that goes around by the name of Relickeys (funny little name for a piece of burning ice isn't it?).Now, just because I was the new member of the "Dwarven Association Of New Colonies", I get the worst and most engendered Fort in the whole Armok-dammed world!.
My first reaction to the fort was that of impression and hatred; impression because it is was amazingly well designed, and hatred because of everything else.
20th Of Granite:
The Fort was in a pretty good shape, but it still lacked food production to sustain a larger population, so my first mandate was to plant some cheap plump helmets and to make a butchery, as well as a kernel to train the surrounding wildlife (as well as cages to actually trap them).
23th Of Granite: I saw the pitfall that the last overseer told me to check, and well, a little lava always makes things better:http://www.dumpyourphoto.com/files3/69730/cemqFA3yorS.png (I still haven't made the lava come out, but I will soon, once I come with an idea to get the lava there without anyone dying).
25th of Granite:
21 of them to be precise. I am a bit confused about the reasons for them to come. I have no idea why would anyone want to live in this frozen volcano, but well, the more the merrier
( Notes to self: we are now 39 in the fort, Food production is way more vital than other jobs, thinking about a pump stack, but powering it will be a nightmare, might ask other residents)
13th of slate, I have begun to make a grave for me, my predecessor, Shpadoinkle and all future overseers, where we shall be encased in ice:
(It has only begun, and it will become a pyramid, but I might need more ice for this...)

15th of Felsite:
Elves. Lovely.
I just can't understand how they can bring their hippie asses all over to the glacier. Well, maybe I can trade something useful, so I think I will keep the bridge open (regarding the bridge, I am thinking that It might not stop all raids, I am making a note to start a secret project, code-named, "Artificial Awakening")
No time For dates, Diary! We just filled two locations with pure Lava!
(That is for killing anything that goes down the Pit Of Death the previous overseer made)
Now, it did came with a price you see... A dwarf decided that sleeping in the lava tunnels was a nice idea and... well, you know what happens when I get a little blind...
He was a brave soul, and he will be remembered always...
To be Continued...

Maybe I am making it a bit to Image heavy. Should I put some less images?

2011-08-15, 08:34 PM
Hmmm... None of the images from this update are loading for me. Any one else see them?

2011-08-15, 08:45 PM
mmm... guys I am having a problem with the Magma Forges... They have a magma source yet they still won't work!!

Hmmm... None of the images from this update are loading for me. Any one else see them?
You can just right click em and open them in another window/tab.
I feel bad for using a bad hosting website... (Imageshack)

2011-08-15, 09:13 PM
Make sure there is an open channel under at least one of the squares in the forge. I recommend one of the blocked ones:
XXX<- This one!

Also, the magma needs to be 4 or 5 deep (can't remember which one)

And the spoiler tags look blank to me. Nothing to right click on or anything.

EDIT: You probably know this already, but be careful when channeling into pressurized magma! You might not see it right away, but you can have a lot of fun if you look away for even a little bit.

2011-08-15, 09:15 PM
Make sure there is an open channel under at least one of the squares in the forge. I recommend one of the blocked ones:
XXX<- This one!

Also, the magma needs to be 4 or 5 deep (can't remember which one)

And the spoiler tags look blank to me. Nothing to right click on or anything.

Not even a small multicolored square?
Well, I guess I will change to another hosting site then!
And yeah, they are accessible, just look:

2011-08-15, 09:26 PM
The problem with the pictures is that you're not linking to the images, you're linking to pages that have the images on them. The address of the page you put between the IMG tags should look like this, (http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/1014/fortupdate12.png) not like this. (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/153/fortupdate12.png/)

2011-08-15, 09:38 PM
I am quite sure I did that, even double checked, so well, I just changed the hosting webpage and it's now done.

2011-08-16, 02:11 AM
I absolutely perfectly see all images

2011-08-16, 09:13 AM
You misunderstand how magma buildings work. You have it set up like this:


You need to place the building over the channel like this


with the channel to the magma underneath the red X.

2011-08-16, 10:03 AM
Oh.... ok, Im sorry, I usually don't use magma forges when I play DF...

2011-08-16, 02:43 PM
I would like to appear at "Turn to come" list
Thank you

2011-08-16, 06:10 PM
We should keep the first post updated with links to all the overseer's journal posts.

2011-08-16, 07:32 PM
Good idea.

2011-08-18, 12:28 AM
Any progress?

2011-08-20, 04:10 PM
Slayed prophet, I think we've all done it when it comes to magma powered stuff before. so much ELSE in the game works with things NEXT to each other. think of the magma like a vertical shaft in a mechanism.

2011-08-21, 09:05 PM
Well, Slayed Prophet seems to have abandoned the thread (unless he posts the rest of his year and the save in the next couple hours), so Grif, you're up.

2011-08-22, 05:31 AM
Eh, forgot to post here.

Will be working on it, on-off for the next few days. Hopefully this new lappy doesn't die on me. :smallmad:

2011-08-23, 03:54 AM
My latest game is a lot of fun. I chose a cold freshwater lake and am working on building an ice fortress every winter when it freezes. The lake is connected to a river, so whenever thaw arrives, all the holes in the ice get filled in. Once completed, I'll have to find a way to stop the ice from freezing - may have to cheat in some magma as there isn't any on my embark within reachable distance.

2011-08-24, 10:50 PM
Any progress Grif? Otherwise we're going to have to skip your turn.

2011-08-25, 11:44 AM
Its only been three days, hes got a week!

2011-08-25, 11:45 AM
Nah, he means whether I can open the save or not and get it working now. Will be posting a short update soon. Expect the full year tomorrow.

(Also, I won't be undertaking any major engineering works. I don't feel confident enough to not cause !!Fun!! in this early stage. I really don't want to kill all our dorfs just yet.)

Posting updates here.
So, apparently our next appointed overseer skipped out and left me, a lowly fisherdwarf in charge of this whole setup. Good enough for me, probably not so good for the fort.

Whelp, no point fretting over split beer. Let's see if I can keep us alive for one more year until I can pass this mess over to someone who is actually competent for the job. Hm, from the notes of the previous overseer, we're supposed to build some sort of complicated magma pump to power our forges...

How the heck am I supposed to do that? (This is true of me in RL as well. Time to hit the tutorials again.) At least our fort seems to be in good condition for now...


15 Granite
I sure hope I'm doing this correctly. One pick at the wrong stone and we'll be swimming in lava. I hear that's unpleasant. Not to mention you get set on fire. ...

Oh by the beard of Arnok, THINK OF THE RUM! We must not fail.

27 Granite
More migrants? They must be as addled as I am to travel all the way here. Sheesh, I swore the promotional brochure said it had a nice beach. If I ever make it back to the Home Mountains, I swear I will drown that travel agent in his own rum. Anyways, 18 new bodies to feed is going to put a strain on our food supplies. Oh yay.

At least one of them is a cook. About bloody time.

Also, I decided to enlarge the forge room. Might as well dig out some extra space. I'm pretty sure we don't need it, but eh, never hurts to be prepared. We probably could build walls around each room later... :smalltongue:

10 Slate

We did it! We tapped the volcano sucessfully. Oh gods, we didn't die in a blaze of lava fiery death... *ahem* I mean, of course. I had every confidence we will be able to do this.

21 Slate
I began the construction of bedrooms. Gonna need some personal space now that there's so many of us. Geez, I swear that some dwarf just took a wee in the corner of the dining room...

25 Slate
A party? What? Whose birthday is it? Oh my gosh, did I forget again? Better dig out that old present rock. (This is probably the side effect of me designating the dining room as a meeting place. I did it originally to prevent any dwarf from wandering into the lava pits below.)

15 Felsite
Caravan. Goodie. We're running a little low on food and alcohol, so the elves timing was most fortunate. I hate to think what they'll do to me if they found out I hoarded the best rum in the fort... the wine has ran out. A sober dwarf is a frightening sight.

17 Felsite
Bah, they only had a few barrels of wine at hand. Still, we palmed off some of our mugs for much needed wood and food. This should tide us over until we get more trees growing.

10 Malachite
Ugh, one of the new peons was struck by a fey mood. Now he's screaming for yarn cloth... which we so happened not to stock. I hope that the human caravan will bring something that he can use. I hate to put down cannon fodders like that.

23 Malachite
More immigrants?! I swear we don't have enough food and drink to keep feeding these useless yobs. Gonna need to eke out more farms.

12 Galena
Thank Armok. A human caravan. Let's scam these suckers and get our poor fey dwarf out before he goes mad and rampage all over the fort.

14 Galena
Great! They bought lots of meat and wine. I bought everything they carried. Now we have enough stores to last us a year or so... assuming they don't spoil. That reminded me. We need more bins to store all these food.

18 Galena
Ah our fey dwarf made an obsidian bed... who the hell wants to sleep on an obsidian bed anyway? Wait, someone is calling me...
Curses. An ambush? I didn't expect goblins to ambush us this early. Now we need to drive them back across the bridge and hope for the best... or maybe these human meatshields can take care of them on the way out... Heh heh. Now that's an idea. Or..

We can pull the bridge from beneath them! Brilliant.

28 Galena
Now we're in a fine pickle. Apparently the retracting bridge just threw some of the sodding bastards onto the ledge below the bridge. Now they're stuck, but the dwarves are too afraid to come out, chickening at the sight of two goblin pikemen who can't even reach them. Buggers, how can they consider themselves even dwarf? Ah well, they'll make great target practice once we get some crossbows.

5 Sandstone
Those idiots. They went and opened the hatch keeping the goblins safely locked up. Six dwarves was killed in the resulting fracas, including three of our budding militia. Luckily the goblins stupidly wandered into the cage traps I just setup, so we can breath easy... Guess I get the honour of organising the fort's first funeral. I think I'll stick the bodies in the ice...

11 Sandstone
More migrants? Well, at least more warm bodies for the militia.

18 Timber
Ah, the dwarven caravan. Maybe we might be able to finally outfit our military with some quality armaments for once.

26 Timber
Oh yay! Another artifact. This time a gold buckler. Huh. Guess it'll make a pretty expensive shield. Whelp, we have a bona fide master armourer now. Heh heh.

Anyhow, I repeated the previous overseer's request of more wood, metal bars and weaponry to the liaison. You would think they remember to record down what we requested last year. As it is, I have to patiently repeat every single item we need...

8 Opal
Wow, pretty quiet for the past few weeks. Nice and easy there. Almost to the year end...

16 Opal
Heh, our first delivery. May this be a sign of good tidings!

17 Obsidian
Another ambush?! Hell, time to repeat Magical Vanishing Bridge No #2 trick.

18 Obsidian
Curses, they ran too fast before the bridge could retract. Now we have three injured dwarves in the makeshift hospital. No fatalities though, for which we can be thankful. 'Sharpodinkle' was glaring at me for letting that goblin cut his right arm. Sight, guess I owe him a round of drinks.

30 Obisdian
Whelp, this is my last entry. I'll like to think I did a decent job sheparding us through this tumultous second year, though I'll admit my military leadership skills could use some polishing. I shall now pass this journey over to the next overseer and hope that he doesn't kill us all.

Endyear. Screenshot to follow. Have a endyear summary first.


I think I screwed up a little on defense, so anyone taking the next year would do well to get more traps up. For some reason my cage traps aren't being armed, and I'm not all too sure why. On the bright side, we got a legendary armourer and he'll definitely make us nifty armour if we can get the metals needed.

- Got the magma forges working.
- Loaded up on quite a bundle of food.
- Got the military equipped with leather armour at the very least. Future overseers might want to equip them individually. Make use of the legandary armoursmith.
- Carved out a bedroom complex with a tomb at the end.
- Probably failed horribly on defense.

2011-08-25, 02:43 PM
It doesn't have to be a huge update, it just needs to be something along the lines of "I've got the save and it's working" and maybe a couple thoughts on the fortress as it is so far. Should take ten, twenty minutes, tops. I don't think that's unreasonable.

2011-08-26, 01:26 PM
Started half an update. :smallbiggrin:

I feel proud to be able to channel lava without mishap. It's only my third time!

Year done!
Uploading the save and map now.

Map: http://mkv25.net/dfma/map-10674-relickeys

Save: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4889

2011-08-26, 08:20 PM
Just for the record, food is stored in barrels, not bins.

2011-08-26, 08:51 PM
Just for the record, food is stored in barrels, not bins.

Oh right. Though I had any excess wood being made into equal amount of both. I found the forbidden stone mugs a mite interesting though. :smallbiggrin: Took me awhile to figure out how to search for them from the trade screen.

EDIT: Uploading pictures now.

2011-08-26, 10:35 PM
You do know that large stone pots serve the same purpose as barrels, right? There's not really any need for wooden barrels any more.

2011-08-27, 12:19 AM
You do know that large stone pots serve the same purpose as barrels, right? There's not really any need for wooden barrels any more.

Nope. Until now, I'm still unclear as to what can serve as barrels and what don't so I decided to fudge it and make wooden barrels for safety's sake. (my last serious game was way back in .12 I think. I usually boot up DF for ways to kill dorfs now)

Well, now I know anyway.

2011-08-27, 12:24 AM
Got it, on it!

3rd Granite.

I finally get a chance to sit down and write my log. After being handed the reins of this god's forsaken place, I immediately felt like I was being set up as a scapemarmot for previous leader's failures. But, when life hands you granite, make a mug and drink from it, like my grandfather always said.

The first thing I had to do something about was a buncha soldier boy wannabees running around screaming AKUM! YOU GOBLIN SCUM! I'LL KILL YOU!. Lovely. Doing some digging, they are hunting a goblin that got killed a week ago! So I told them to stand down.

Looking over our stores, we have lots of food, but a lot of it is in plants that need a workover before the cooks can touch them. Raw sweet pods are great for making booze, not for cooking. Gotta get a quern going. Which is fine, we have plenty of labor...

Sweet mother of industry?! A PARTY! everyone is partying it down in our cramped dining room!

8 Granite

Trying to get some metal and some gems for our defense and monetary needs, but for some reason the miners wont mine.

They aren't at the party, they are assigned to mine, they have pics, but they sit there.... lazybones!

Turns out, they have somehow grown afraid of slopes. Orders to dig in the room they are in are met with furied assault of pick. A single shaft of stairs gets them out, through a new tunnel behind the bookeepers desk. oops, at least the stone was only smooth and not engraved.

20 Granite. Migrants? Have they SEEN the bedchambers? No, of course not. But they will learn. oh, just one? a planter. well, good. The miners have dug out a lovely plot of sandy soil. Some of it is turned into plots for more plants, and some of it was left bare. Since we struck that underground cavern two years ago, mushroom trees and fungus will grow on its own up here. And walls of ice... Need to melt some for water. Or make cubes for the whiskey!


2011-08-27, 02:09 AM
You do know that large stone pots serve the same purpose as barrels, right? There's not really any need for wooden barrels any more.

... You can?

This would have saved me so much hassle in previous forts.

2011-08-27, 02:17 AM
It's a relatively recent change, along with BEES and grazing, which means that elephants need to eat faster than they can walk.

2011-08-27, 02:48 AM
Oh hell, I forgot until just now that I added the NO_EAT tag to most animals. So... yeah, sorry. I did it a while ago before this fort started up, and it's why we still have animals besides dogs and cats at all. If anyone wants to remove it go ahead and give it a shot, but I'm not sure how doing that will affect a game already in progress.

2011-08-27, 10:01 PM
Should be fine to remove those tags. As long as you aren't changing body structure it should take right away.

2011-08-30, 02:47 AM
How's it coming?

2011-08-30, 01:28 PM
Urg. Was in fall, when the computer crashed and the save file was corrupted. I've started over with the save file fresh, and I'm trying to do things in the same order based on my original notes for updating here that i was saving. I should be done by thursday. Sorry.

2011-08-31, 09:53 AM
Urg. Was in fall, when the computer crashed and the save file was corrupted. I've started over with the save file fresh, and I'm trying to do things in the same order based on my original notes for updating here that i was saving. I should be done by thursday. Sorry.

Ouch. Though due to RNG you might get a completely different season this time around.

BTW, did 'Shpadoinkle' ever got his arm fixed?

2011-08-31, 02:01 PM
Yeah, hes got a scar now.

2011-09-02, 08:21 AM
Get us some action or say that you quit this turn
Stop wasting time

2011-09-02, 05:40 PM
The year should be done tonight, I'll post as soon as I get done, what time depends on when my kids go to bed.

SYPIAC. Bite me.

2011-09-03, 10:33 AM
rd Granite.

I finally get a chance to sit down and write my log. After being handed the reins of this god's forsaken place, I immediately felt like I was being set up as a scapemarmot for previous leader's failures. But, when life hands you granite, make a mug and drink from it, like my grandfather always said.

The first thing I had to do something about was a buncha soldier boy wannabees running around screaming AKUM! YOU GOBLIN SCUM! I'LL KILL YOU!. Lovely. Doing some digging, they are hunting a goblin that got killed a week ago! So I told them to stand down.

Looking over our stores, we have lots of food, but a lot of it is in plants that need a workover before the cooks can touch them. Raw sweet pods are great for making booze, not for cooking. Gotta get a quern going. Which is fine, we have plenty of labor...

Sweet mother of industry?! A PARTY! everyone is partying it down in our cramped dining room!

8 Granite

Restarted some cage traps at the entrance, and cleaned up some ramps into our little harbor entrance. Added a pair of walls and now there is ONE tight path, barely big enough for a wagon, to get into our Fortress. A few cage traps for the leaders, then some stone fall traps before the bridge. A last line of cage trap right before the bridge for any Gobs that get past the stone fall. To Do: Add a few more walls to further channel invaders, a blind turn or two.

20 Granite. Migrants? Have they SEEN the bedchambers? No, of course not. But they will learn. oh, just one? a planter. well, good. The miners have dug out a lovely plot of sandy soil. Some of it is turned into plots for more plants, and some of it was left bare. Since we struck that underground cavern two years ago, mushroom trees and fungus will grow on its own up here. And walls of ice... Need to melt some for water. Or make cubes for the whiskey!

5th slate , Our artifact wannamaker was too picky, and has gone insane. Poor bastard.

15th slate building is moving apace. traps are mostly armed, a few members have been added to our armed forces and are training. Workshops are being put up to keep our people busy. Gems are being cut, plants ground, animals sheared and milked, yarn spun, bags woven, metals smelted, bins made, and so forth. The goblin prisoners have been moved to the holding cell by the training zone. I may use them for future training exercises, but at the moment they have been stripped of their breastplates, helmets, and weapons. I let them keep their clothes, don't want to see naked Goblins. Retch.

9th Felsite My dreams haunt me, of the deaths that could happen if this water project doesn't go JUST right. I've ordered lots of extra doors and mechanisms, and begun the digging.

19th Felsite. Elves. Goody. Take my mugs, PLEASE! and leave lots of wood for beds and bins! As the pointy eared were unloading, a dwarf got moody. A fel mood. And grabbed a clothing workshop. This makes me worry...

20th felsite. He wants blocks, cloth, leather, and wood .the cloth and wood, about to take care of. Blocks, we have lots of obsidian blocks. i need to make more types, I guess. leather... he may be screwed. Oh, a group of 5 goblin axemen assaulted. They chased one of my miners, ignoring the snapping sounds till they all came short across the bars of their new homes. Wham bam thank you Goblin Maam. To the dungeon with them!

6th hematite. We now have an artifact.... dress. In other news, the water machine works! there are two switches to the left of the well in the hospital zone. The leftmost will open up a second chamber for lava flow, creating more molten water. The right one opens the door in the well loading zone , so if the well runs dry, open the switch for a minute to refill it. Just a minute! as the water is under pressure and will pour out the well.

2011-09-03, 10:34 AM
3rd malachite More migrants? Time for more bedrooms. Hmm, you know, if I knock out a couple of walls, I can make a few rooms into one for myself....

7th Galena Taking a pause as Summer is on its close, nothing much major has happened. Added a few workshops, making some ashes to start making some soap, cuting and stockpiling gems, building more traps, the usual. Our entrance is now well set to repel, or capture, any invaders.

23rd Galena Some muskox wandered into our cage traps. Can't figure out how to tame them, and I think i need to let them roam free before I can order their slaughter...

Humans have arrived. Wonderful, they always buy the crap from us that the gobbos leave behind. They took lots of left over crap leather from the prisoners, and they left lots of wood, ane plenty of meat!

20th Limestone We are now into autumn without another Goblin Attack. I'm just waiting, but our defenses are good, our warriors sharp and ready. Cheese production is about to swing into being, and I've hollowed out large areas of sandy loam. True to my hopes, trees started springing up right away, so we will be able to eventually get trees other than from merchants or a deep long trek to the caves under us. The well is still full, although the switches apparenty got goofed up. The right hand switch next to the well has been marked GNDN, the switch on the left opens both the second lava door, and the door to add water to the well. We have enough ready to add for now, but if ever it runs dry, someone will need to mine out the wall in between lava chambers 1 and 2 and then RUN, to melt more ice.

The Galena and Gold deposists are being worked, but I've not yet found any other metals. Time to begin more exploratory mining.

19th Sandstone. Events continue apace, until I suddenly stop and give birth to a baby girl. This surprises me, not because I didn't know I was pregnant, but because I didn't know I was a woman. My wife will be very upset to learn she's a man. Now I'm extra glad I slipped that large room into the plans. Now, to present Shpadoinkle with his own noble sized room to keep him happy and off my back!

20th sandstone. It appears to be baby season. In the middle of guzzling some Dwarven Whiskey, Lor Regisak looked down to see her own new son!

1st Timber More migrants. Just a few, but we've now broken 80 dwarves living here. They got in just before the real winter storms start, lucky guys. No specialists, some major generalists, but I took advantage of the numbers to create a new military squad out of a few boys with some experience.

18th timber. It grows cold. Our goblin traps yeilded an unexpected bounty, a herd of reindeer, two bulls, three cows. They have been tamed and added to our pastureland. over the years they and their children will provide us MUCH meat and cheese.

19th Timber Ahh, good, our outpost liason and his caravan have arrived. Oh crud. And an ambush of goblins. No time for traps, we have to save the merchants! A SECOND ambush comes from the other direction! NO!

20th Timber As our vaunted military strolls towards the gates, the first set of goblins run smack into the cage traps. The second start firing from the hilltop (note to self, wall off that section of the valley rim...) and get cut down by the crossbowdwarves the merchants brought with them... At ease boys..

8th obsidian I've built a shooting gallery above the prison, I intend to move all the goblins into a cage in the wide section, attach it to a lever, and lock the door. At that time, I can release them all and train some crossbowdwarves,but thats for next year. We now have several elk in cages for meat and fat, to kill with soldiers as needed.

And thus my year ends, I turn it over just before winters end.

Please pm me whoevers next for the save file.

2011-09-03, 11:15 AM
Post your save publicly
Thank you

2011-09-03, 11:45 AM
3rd malachite More migrants? Time for more bedrooms. Hmm, you know, if I knock out a couple of walls, I can make a few rooms into one for myself....

7th Galena Taking a pause as Summer is on its close, nothing much major has happened. Added a few workshops, making some ashes to start making some soap, cuting and stockpiling gems, building more traps, the usual. Our entrance is now well set to repel, or capture, any invaders.

23rd Galena Some muskox wandered into our cage traps. Can't figure out how to tame them, and I think i need to let them roam free before I can order their slaughter...

Humans have arrived. Wonderful, they always buy the crap from us that the gobbos leave behind. They took lots of left over crap leather from the prisoners, and they left lots of wood, ane plenty of meat!

20th Limestone We are now into autumn without another Goblin Attack. I'm just waiting, but our defenses are good, our warriors sharp and ready. Cheese production is about to swing into being, and I've hollowed out large areas of sandy loam. True to my hopes, trees started springing up right away, so we will be able to eventually get trees other than from merchants or a deep long trek to the caves under us. The well is still full, although the switches apparenty got goofed up. The right hand switch next to the well has been marked GNDN, the switch on the left opens both the second lava door, and the door to add water to the well. We have enough ready to add for now, but if ever it runs dry, someone will need to mine out the wall in between lava chambers 1 and 2 and then RUN, to melt more ice.

The Galena and Gold deposists are being worked, but I've not yet found any other metals. Time to begin more exploratory mining.

19th Sandstone. Events continue apace, until I suddenly stop and give birth to a baby girl. This surprises me, not because I didn't know I was pregnant, but because I didn't know I was a woman. My wife will be very upset to learn she's a man. Now I'm extra glad I slipped that large room into the plans. Now, to present Shpadoinkle with his own noble sized room to keep him happy and off my back!

20th sandstone. It appears to be baby season. In the middle of guzzling some Dwarven Whiskey, Lor Regisak looked down to see her own new son!

1st Timber More migrants. Just a few, but we've now broken 80 dwarves living here. They got in just before the real winter storms start, lucky guys. No specialists, some major generalists, but I took advantage of the numbers to create a new military squad out of a few boys with some experience.

18th timber. It grows cold. Our goblin traps yeilded an unexpected bounty, a herd of reindeer, two bulls, three cows. They have been tamed and added to our pastureland. over the years they and their children will provide us MUCH meat and cheese.

19th Timber Ahh, good, our outpost liason and his caravan have arrived. Oh crud. And an ambush of goblins. No time for traps, we have to save the merchants! A SECOND ambush comes from the other direction! NO!

20th Timber As our vaunted military strolls towards the gates, the first set of goblins run smack into the cage traps. The second start firing from the hilltop (note to self, wall off that section of the valley rim...) and get cut down by the crossbowdwarves the merchants brought with them... At ease boys..

8th obsidian I've built a shooting gallery above the prison, I intend to move all the goblins into a cage in the wide section, attach it to a lever, and lock the door. At that time, I can release them all and train some crossbowdwarves,but thats for next year. We now have several elk in cages for meat and fat, to kill with soldiers as needed.

And thus my year ends, I turn it over just before winters end.

Please pm me whoevers next for the save file.

Eh, also, a screenshot of the z screen if possible. I wanna see how much stores/dorfs we have. :smallsmile:

2011-09-03, 04:33 PM
Yes, I would prefer for the saves to be posted publically, thanks, just in case.

Also I apologize for not posting in this thread much, the last couple weeks have been really hectic and among the stuff that's gone down is that I've moved to a different city, so I've been pretty busy. But things are mostly settled down now and I should be able to check the thread at least once per day.

2011-09-03, 08:52 PM
yeah, i'm trying to register with the site you guys were using, it seems to have issue with my email. Because of course SOMEONE had to try and use itsatrap to make a fake account... sigh. And screenshots, coming up tonight, sorry, was just posting real quick this morning before going out with the family. Now to put the kids to bed.

2011-09-04, 06:12 AM

2011-09-04, 07:22 AM
Ok, I have the save file and it's working.
I've put it here (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B_i8j4fhXf4CZmUzNDAzODctNzY3MC00MzkxLWFhOTI tNzMxZDdjMGNhNzlk&hl=en_GB) on Google docs for anyone who's interested.

The z-status screen is also up here (https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_i8j4fhXf4CNWQ2NjIwNzctYWM5Ny00NzFiLTg5Y 2ItNzczMmFkNmZmNDk1&hl=en_GB)

I probably won't start on the year until midweek sometime.
Also, what was the final decision on ASCII vs Graphics?

2011-09-04, 08:33 AM
Lengethen to at least 10 characters

2011-09-04, 09:35 AM
The fortress layout is giving me a headache. I suspect I will be doing much restructuring if we make it to my turn.

2011-09-04, 09:54 AM
AND it needs a wall!

2011-09-04, 10:14 AM
Yeah, i just did a lot of expanding based on what was already there. It needs a new meeting hall separate of the hospital, and a better defined workshop vs storage area.

2011-09-04, 02:08 PM
ohh, forgot, the bottom right forge is set to just legendary, for our armoror, and I made some steel armor out of steel I bought from the dwarven caravan. so we can start equiping the army a bit more.

2011-09-04, 06:06 PM
The fortress layout is giving me a headache. I suspect I will be doing much restructuring if we make it to my turn.


I'm ashamed. I know I should have done more to restructure it.

BTW, 5 Z-levels isn't quite enough to kill goblins still. We might want to reinforce the area with spikes or something.

2011-09-05, 02:13 AM
I'd have made it deeper, but I didn't have the time.

2011-09-05, 09:58 PM
I'd have made it deeper, but I didn't have the time.

Bah, if no one does it, I'm going to channel magma underneath the pit. At least we won't have to deal with goblinite anymore.

2011-09-06, 01:33 AM
well, at this point, it would take 4 or 5 ambushes in short order to even reach the bridge. also, the shooting gallery is fun!

2011-09-07, 01:39 PM
Hey, Mael, are you even here?

2011-09-09, 07:35 AM
Maybe let's move to the next one?

2011-09-09, 08:05 AM
Seconding that.

Again, sorry for my lack of commentary or anything, it's just been a long and very tiring few weeks, and I still don't have my own internet connection, so I haven't been thinking about this stuff as much as I used to.

2011-09-09, 08:21 AM
Seems to be burning out players or something... :smallannoyed:

2011-09-09, 08:38 AM
I'd offer to take a turn, but at this point it'd be full of Fun(tm) and not of the yay I'm winning kind... :smalleek:

2011-09-09, 08:59 AM
I'm sure you'll do fine. If the militia isn't ready by the time my turn rolls around you can bet I'll have it whipped into place. Fun usually comes from an invasion of some sort. So if you have a good militia, that fun becomes the more mundane fun

2011-09-09, 09:37 AM
Seems to be burning out players or something... :smallannoyed:

No, just haven't had a chance to look at it yet beyond checking that it's working ok.
If you want to skip then feel free, not sure if I won't get to it before the week is out.

2011-09-09, 09:59 AM
well, ive been playing it on a new name for fun myself, and without any changes from the way i handed it over, i had 5 invasions in the space of a month, and every gob but 2 got caged and the rest were slaughtered in a heartbeat.

2011-09-09, 10:43 AM
well, ive been playing it on a new name for fun myself, and without any changes from the way i handed it over, i had 5 invasions in the space of a month, and every gob but 2 got caged and the rest were slaughtered in a heartbeat.

Bah, I had fun slicing and dicing gobbos to bloody pieces with masterworks glass traps. Cleaning up is a mess though. And my militia didn't get as much training as they should.

Gonna try the Dodge-Me! trap that seems to be the rage now.

2011-09-09, 12:04 PM
So, the save is in my hands, since according to The List, I'm next. I have opened the fort, and all seems well.

Playing now.:smallsmile:

EDIT: I've just looked at the date. The save was recieved in early Obsidian (last month). When should I play to? Similar point, or to the next new year?

2011-09-09, 02:09 PM
So, the save is in my hands, since according to The List, I'm next. I have opened the fort, and all seems well.

Playing now.:smallsmile:

EDIT: I've just looked at the date. The save was recieved in early Obsidian (last month). When should I play to? Similar point, or to the next new year?

Next year if possible. Let's keep it consistent shall we?

2011-09-09, 03:16 PM
So, the save is in my hands, since according to The List, I'm next. I have opened the fort, and all seems well.

Playing now.:smallsmile:

EDIT: I've just looked at the date. The save was recieved in early Obsidian (last month). When should I play to? Similar point, or to the next new year?

I'd just play the extra month. Hand it off after 13 months of in game time. Might as well even things off.

2011-09-12, 12:56 AM
Woo, I hope there's an update soon.

2011-09-12, 05:14 AM
Guess what?

Its not an update.:smallfrown:

Well, it kinda is. I'm currently mid-Slate, taking notes and pictures whenever something interesting happens, such as designating new rooms for migrants and such.

Incidentally, someone forgot to make all those rooms with beds in actual Bedrooms. This has been rectified.

2011-09-12, 07:58 AM
At least you're still alive and the fort is making progress!

2011-09-12, 07:59 AM
Guess what?

Its not an update.:smallfrown:

Well, it kinda is. I'm currently mid-Slate, taking notes and pictures whenever something interesting happens, such as designating new rooms for migrants and such.

Incidentally, someone forgot to make all those rooms with beds in actual Bedrooms. This has been rectified.

Hum, must have been those bedrooms which I was digging out in my turn. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-12, 09:57 AM
nope, it was a flurry of build bed orders that I placed right before saving and closing, so they were in the middle of placing the beds then.

2011-09-17, 12:34 AM
Methinks we might need a restart all over again.


2011-09-17, 08:34 AM
Or add a rule: "Report that you got your hands on save in 3 days or you get skipped"

2011-09-17, 10:19 AM
Hey, I'm still here guys. Still working on it, but I've had computer issues recently. Swapping to laptop to work on them.

2011-09-17, 11:03 PM
What? 9 days already passed from 7 that you got. I suggest that you have 1 day left to post everything before we move on to the next one

2011-09-18, 12:44 AM
If it's been more than a week since he got the save, he should be skipped.

2011-09-18, 05:57 AM
A week becomes more and more stringent as the fort goes on, not just from FPS death, but also because there is so much more to do. Expand caverns, destroy sieges, plan megaprojects, ensure Nobles have are protected against unfortunate accidents, etcetera.

On another note, it is freaking weird watching dwarves carry ballista arrows, since everything else only takes up one tile.

Actually, on closer inspection, the arrows only take up one tile too, they just look like they take three.

I'm done now anyway. Save and writeup are forthcoming.

EDIT: Here be the save: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4952

2011-09-18, 07:08 AM
A week becomes more and more stringent as the fort goes on, not just from FPS death, but also because there is so much more to do. Expand caverns, destroy sieges, plan megaprojects, ensure Nobles have are protected against unfortunate accidents, etcetera.

On another note, it is freaking weird watching dwarves carry ballista arrows, since everything else only takes up one tile.

Actually, on closer inspection, the arrows only take up one tile too, they just look like they take three.

I'm done now anyway. Save and writeup are forthcoming.

EDIT: Here be the save: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4952

Dwarven physics. Best not question them. :smalltongue:

Quantum stockpiles ftw.

2011-09-18, 11:53 AM
Okay so I guess it's my turn then. I'll get started tomorrow.

2011-09-19, 06:08 AM
Okay, story update, late as it is.

29th Opal, 103: And so our fine fortress crumbles on itself. Not a big surprise, what with the goblins and such. There are 24 of us. 24 dwarves from a fort of over 100. It could have been worse. As it happens, its left me with a killer headache. Urist has heard of a mountain fort near here, Relickeys. Sounds nice.

1st Obsidian, 103: Still got a headache. Started having dreams. Started hearing other people thinking out loud. It hurts.

3rd Obsidian. 103: Of course, NOW Urist tells us that Relickeys is haunted, and on a glacier to boot. I hate Urist.

4th Obsidian, 103: I have wished pain upon Urist, and he has dealt pain unto himself. How curious. Experiments indicate this is true of everyone in the band. And my dreams are getting stronger. I keep seeing a pair of bridges over an obviously manufactured pit. Ramps everywhere, rather than stairs. No Siege engines.

5th Obsidian, 103: It is clear to me now. I am psychic. They say that psychic dwarves are destined for overseership, for how else could a dwarf command an entire fort?

6th Obsidian, 103: Urist reckons overseers are just very good at organisation. Still hate him. Asked him what Relickeys was like.

7th Obsidian, 103: It is clear now. My visions are of Relickeys. If I can see this place... can I manipulate it as well? No, not yet. It's exhausting enough manipulating anyone else directly.

11th Obsidian, 103: Urist spoke to me of organisation. When he left, I wondered. Could my powers allow me to organise the fort from afar, rather than directly control everyone?

12th Obsidian, 103: Initial experiments show promise. I am fully linked with Relickeys. The fort looks excellent. The walls and floors are smoothed wherever possible. Two drawbridges prevent attack by goblins. That said, much of the fort seems idle. The hospital is barely deserving of the term. There is iron and pig iron, but there is no steel. On the other hand, there is no wood to burn and produce charcoal. The military has no backpacks to carry food in. I begin my reign from afar by rectifying this, and produce orders. There appears to be a deficiency in workshops too, since many dwarfs lie idle. A new works area is designated as well. http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/3483/joblist1.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/826/joblist1.jpg/) http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/6729/expandedworks.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/33/expandedworks.jpg/)

3rd Granite, 104: Ah, but it has been fun watching them all scurry about, doing my will. The fortress does, however, seem to lack any weapons to obliterate our foes from afar. An order for some siege works is placed to rectify this. http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/92/siegeworks.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/849/siegeworks.jpg/)

17th Granite, 104: Siege weapons are of no use unless there is somewhere to fire them from in safety. From across the bridge, where any foe would have to take cover, right into the many, many cage traps. http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/5204/catapultlaunch.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/catapultlaunch.jpg/)

27th Granite, 104: It appears that a vast cavern network lies beneath the fort. A network that no one has dug into, for fear of attack. However, there is a plateau that we can wall off without fear of reprisals from any denizens of the deep. http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4492/thrucaverns.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/thrucaverns.jpg/)

8th Slate, 104: Of course. A zombie troglodyte has interrupted our walling off of the caverns. The military is deployed. I have no idea how they shall fare against a foe that knows neither fear nor pain. http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/1922/zombietrog1.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/844/zombietrog1.jpg/)

9th Slate, 104: The troglodyte is obliterated completely. Evidently, the undead are not such a grave threat after all.

13th Slate, 104: At last, we have arrived at Relickeys. I no longer have to strain myself as much to observe the fortress. This arrival also means that I can help in my main craft, lye production. As a High Master of this noble profession, surely I shall be of immense worth.

14th Slate, 104: The fort already has a High Master Lye Maker. They are drafted into the military, that I may work my craft in peace.

15th Slate, 104: After a few days, it becomes apparent that the fort cannot sustain the sudden influx of migrants. Some of the bedrooms lie unfinished, and some are finished, but not approved for sleeping in. The nobles have been heard complaining far too often about not having any rooms for themselves. I order this fixed, and begin plans for a new floor of rooms. http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/5078/newrooms.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/newrooms.jpg/)

15th Felsite, 104: A cry from the horizon. A group of elves have arrived to trade with us. The broker, a former overseer apparently, proceeds to enjoy a nice long drink.

22nd Felsite, 104: One of the miners, Ber Imaslstukos cried out that she had an idea and claimed a Craftdwarf's workshop for herself. She's running about grabbing loads of stuff. No idea what she plans to do, my powers only work in the present.

23rd Felsite, 104: Shpadoinkle finishes his drink and headed over to the depot to trade with the elves. There was much back and forth, but they were enthralled by some of the larger gems, and several lesser crafts of Shpadoinkle's own design, presumably never having seen gems, nor realised that stone can be crafted too. In the end, we obtained a lot of wood, clay and sand from them, as well as some cloth.

7th Hematite, 104: Ber Imaslstukos has stopped running around and is now hard at work in her workshop. Whenever someone tries to look at what she's doing, she yells at them. Everyone is told to leave her alone.

12th Hematite, 104: Ber has emerged from her workshop, holding a basalt grate of immaculate construction. Shpadoinkle tells me it is worth 16800, and as he is the broker, I bow to his knowledge.http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/5628/mood1complete.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/mood1complete.jpg/) http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3497/artifact1description.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/artifact1description.jpg/)
Somehow, this means she has become Legend in mining.

9th Malachite, 104: 7 migrants have arrived. Apparently they thought to start a fort, but fled when an alligator attacked them.

19th Malachite, 104: At last, the hospital renovations are complete. http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/6592/hospitaly.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84/hospitaly.jpg/) That purple block? Emits radiation, which will be of incalculable use in causing superpowers and finding broken bones.

(I just used a pitchblende block. It's an ore of uranium. There are no known gameplay effects from using it rather than more basalt.)

11th Galena, 104: Cripes, I'm bored. Wish something would happen.

12th Galena, 104: Ask and ye shall recieve. http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/8042/vileforce.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/29/vileforce.jpg/)
We are under attack by goblins! The bridges are ordered shut, so that the force is unable to attack. Instead, they wander about and fall into cages.

17th Galena, 104: A bold plan is hatched. The bridges are opened again to tempt the goblins across and into our traps. When the force is on the bridge, they are closed again, sending one of the goblins into the pit, where the military destroys it. http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/4566/goblinfall.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/196/goblinfall.jpg/)

19th Galena, 104: The remaining goblins flee... straight into more cages. The entire force is trapped.

6th Limestone, 104: After the clean up, it is revealed that we have far too little room for our prisoners and furniture. I try to kill two birds with one stone and order a new stockpile dug out to store our furniture and empty cages in. The current stockpile now only holds animals such as muskox and goblins.

8th Limestone, 104: Having asked how the fort gets rid of its rubbish, it was revealed that everything is thrown on the depot. Amusingly enough, everything took up the space of a single rock of obsidian. Noting there was clearly some deep magic going on, I left them to it.

22nd Limestone, 104: The quarters I ordered constructed are finally complete! There is more than enough space for everyone in the fort to have their own bed now. As one Blessed with The Sight, I have a larger room and my own tomb. http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/7839/newquarters.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/339/newquarters.jpg/)

3rd Sandstone, 104: There are enough workers here with no real skill in anything. Some of these workers, now Minions, have been drafted into their own squad, given leather armour, and equipped with silver warhammers, the only weapon we can produce in any abundance.

5th Sandstone, 104: The current granary is overfilled. A new area is ordered dug out for more food to be stored.

9th Sandstone, 104: 6 more migrants have arrived at the fort. Two of them are placed in the main military squad, and one is placed in the Minions squad.

11th Sandstone, 104: There is no prison for any dwarf to languish in when they commit a crime. We have enough cages, so a jail is built. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/4447/jaili.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/200/jaili.jpg/)

15th Timber, 104: We are doomed. http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/8042/vileforce.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/29/vileforce.jpg/)
The goblin force that routed us from our homes has followed us here. Morul Likotatul, Gem Setter, was struck by inspiration and has vanished into one of the Jeweller's Workshops. It just couldn't have been a Weaponcrafter. Even worse, the goblins struck as our gates were down due to a Dwarvern caravan, come to trade. It was with a heavy heart that I ordered the gates locked. Though the Liason and a Marksdwarf were able to enter, the rest of the caravan was caught outside and butchered. The vast majority of the force is mounted upon giant rats and Elk Birds. Fortunately, despite the name, they are flightless.

16th Timber, 104: It appears cage traps have a critical weakness. If a goblin is riding a mount, then the trap will only remove the mount, leaving the goblin free to take up another trap. The catapulters are ordered to their stations, and told to fire at will, hoping to catch some behind the walls. I give the order that as soon as the siege is lifted, however that may happen, the walls are to have fortifications carved in to allow the catapults to fire through them.

17th Timber, 104: How marvellous! We have been elected for a barony! This is hardly the most opportune time for such though, as if the liason is unable to return to the Mountainhomes, then no-one will know of our election. After some time, I decide that the time has come to reveal my mighty powers and rule openly, thereby selecting myself as the baron.

http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/3619/oversizedego.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/845/oversizedego.jpg/)

Please Note: There is a reason for such an egotistical move. For example; I have a name, and as such am vastly more important than any of the faceless masses. LeakingPen and Shpadoinkle both are legendary in Mining and Stonecrafting, and are more valuable in those guises, and Grif... uh, "Dislikes contracts and regulations". Also, he's one of the best fishermen we have, worthless as that may be in a mountain covered by a glacier. Sorry Grif!

19th Timber, 104: Morul has finished her fine work, Chainsculpture, a jelly opal that is perfect in every way, and worth 36000 http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6669/chainsculpture.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/chainsculpture.jpg/)

21st Moonstone, 104: The Liason is getting desperate. Apparently, he would rather walk through the caverns than spend another minute here. Being a literal person, I order the caverns temporarily unsealed, and give the liason an escort out.

23rd Moonstone, 104: The military does an admirable job distracting and slaying the undead. Is slaying the right word? Whatever. The point is, the Liason managed to escape through the caverns. Our land is immediately made a barony, and the trade agreement is sent out too.

24th Moonstone, 104: Some gold is used up to produce for me, the new Baron, some weapon and armour racks. We have enough gold, and we know that there are some seams down there as well.

14th Opal, 104: In the event, however unlikely, that some goblins manage to bypass the bridges, and the cages, they shall discover what it is like to be a pincushion. Some weapons traps have been built in the main entrance, each of which will fire a number of bolts at anyone foolish enough to trigger them. The advantage is that these can't jam, and they carry enough that running out is unlikely.

29th Opal, 104: An area for a ballista has been dug out and smoothed. Of course, since there are some walls in the way, this will be of little use to anyone. But we can fire arrows if need be. http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4821/ballistaarea.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/ballistaarea.jpg/)

Note: Astute watchers will note this picture were taken after the siege. Truth is, I just forgot to take a picture at the time.

15th Obsidian, 104: At last! The goblins have left us alone! The gates are lowered for the first time in three months exactly, and the dwarves swarm out of the gates in order to retrieve the dead, and their possessions. One of the caravan guards actually rises from the dead for a while, but they are put to rest with their body soon enough.

20th Obsidian, 104: The humans have sent their law-giver as a diplomat to our fort. One wonders what he will have to say.

25th Obsidian, 104: As it happens, not much. There is a fine feast given, during which he gives thanks and compliments our fine fortress. After this, he takes his leave.

26th Obsidian, 104: The talk with the law giver has unnerved me. Despite his peaceful overtones, one wonders why he came here in the first place. It has become difficult to think.

27th Obsidian, 104: It also appears to have become difficult to give the necessary mental commands. Perhaps my stint as an overseer is coming to an end..?

30th Obsidian, 104: That's it. I can't give commands anymore. I can still see the fort, but no more commands. It is, therefore, time to step down.

Note found in the Baron's room: Congratulations! Assuming you can read this, you are the fort's new overseer! It is my pleasure, therefore, as one overseer to another, to provide some words of advice: We don't have much by way of armour, and the only weapon materials we have are obsidian, which I observed glanced off of silk, and silver, which is good for hammers, maces, and nothing else. The big pit leading straight to the main part of the fort could be flown down, if any goblins ride birds. There are ramps everywhere, rather than stairs. I have implemented a burrow for dorfs to hide in when there's a siege, but it's probably safest to close the gates as well. We need better defences overall, should we be sieged again. Also, I forgot to remove the former High Master Lye Maker from the military. And the catapult holes need a roof.

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3128/relickeysstatus.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/706/relickeysstatus.jpg/)

Sorry for the pictures. You win this time, Imageshack...

As a side note, my dwarf is "given to procrastination". I spent far too long picking one.

2011-09-19, 01:21 PM
I'm curious why you made charcoal? We have no flux stone for steel, and all the other uses of charcoal, we have magma for.

also, There was a little passage off the main section of the pit, what I was doing was building all the goblin cages in there, then transferring them to a single cage in the corner. After they were all transferred, i was going to seal them in, pull the lever to open the cage, and let the military kill them to train up the crossbowman.

2011-09-19, 01:27 PM
I'm curious why you made charcoal? We have no flux stone for steel, and all the other uses of charcoal, we have magma for.

also, There was a little passage off the main section of the pit, what I was doing was building all the goblin cages in there, then transferring them to a single cage in the corner. After they were all transferred, i was going to seal them in, pull the lever to open the cage, and let the military kill them to train up the crossbowman.

Eh, we only have marksdwarves? We should totally have given them wooden swords and let them spank the gobbos to death.

After stripping them of all their weapons and shields of course.

2011-09-19, 01:40 PM
Can't hurt to get started on making charcoal for flux imports. We can import flux at least? Right?

2011-09-20, 02:32 AM
:smallconfused: We have a large amount (>100) of marble, which is a flux stone. There's a few layers of the stuff on the ramp to the caverns.

2011-09-20, 08:27 AM
Oh in that case I'll get right on the steel production.

2011-09-21, 08:08 AM
whoops, so there is! good catch!

2011-09-21, 10:17 AM
Ran prospector, no iron ore at all at the site. Not to worry. Goblinite and Caravanite will have to do.

2011-09-21, 10:22 AM
Ran prospector, no iron ore at all at the site. Not to worry. Goblinite and Caravanite will have to do.

In the five fort I genned yesterday, none had iron ore.


Whelp, time to mass order Steel Anvils, Iron Anvils to be smelted.

2011-09-21, 11:30 AM
Leggings are efficent, but have quality modifiers. They return half the materials used. Trap components are likewise pretty efficient.

2011-09-22, 06:50 PM
Spring 105
It's been a full year since I fled Amostkosh. I was the cook there and even for one year, it's leader. But nothing lasts forever. Mr. Piggy didn't make it. So many others didn't make it. I heard tales of Zanegedem, (Relickeys in the tongue of Man). A volcano side fortress full of promise and security. After all the death at Amostkosh I was ready to escape. Of course nobody fully warned me about my new home. Nobody told me it was in the middle of a frozen wasteland...
That was my first warning. My second was the pathetic mewing that I heard under the bridge. I looked under the bridge and there stood a kitten. Trapped upon a small ledge under the bridge.
My third was how readily they gave me the title of overseer upon hearing of my tenure as leader at the previous fort.

Things started well enough. Shortly after arriving I hear the annoucment of a new artifact. Kerligneth, a jelly opal amulet. I should have taken this as a bad omen.
Not long after the artifact was made, a terrible rabbit came. At first I thought the report was a joke, but it wasn't. A giant forest titan had come. Two soldiers are injured and 2 dogs die but we survive the assault.
The captain doesn't take it well. The stress of long duty shifts and the loss of her dogs causes her to throw a tantrum. She assaults our bone doctor as he tries to treat one of her soldiers. An officer escorts her to "time out."

Summer 105
The captain's next tantrum proved to be her last. She assaults one of her trooper. The poor warrior had no choice but to defend himself and accidently killed her. I plan on leaving the post of Captain of the Guard empty for now. Perhaps our next overseer can fill it.

The rest of the summer is fairly quiet. Humans come with much needed wood and a few metal items that can be melted down. Of interest are the 3 anvils they carry. While we buy the items from them, a diplomat meets with the mayor. I've met their kind before. Nothing but empty condescending flattery.

Autumn 105
Fall likewise is pretty quiet. The caravan arrives without incident with the liason. I order up as many anvils, iron ore, and iron/steel bars as possible. Hopefully we will have enough steel to equip our troops by this time next year.

Winter 105
Melting of all the metalic items from the caravans has finally been completed. We had enough materials to outfit 3 of our soldiers in complete steel armor. A 4th will soon have his armor if we can get some iron off of goblin invaders. However they seem to only carry copper.

Celebrations of this milestone are however cut short. A smell of smoke wafts in from the caverns below. Spotters bring the news of the source. A giant blob of flame.

Fortunatly, this section of the caverns is sealed off. I've heard legends of these sorts of beasts before. Athough they are felled easily by dwarven steel, they will explode and scorch any dwarf nearby. Killing such a beast in practiaclly a suicide unless you can come up with a more dwarfy way of dealing with the beast.

However that will be left to my sucessor. For the year is up and I'd rather go back to just cooking.

2011-09-23, 03:54 AM
Beware, that rabbit's obviously a killer.

It has big sharp pointy teeth.

2011-09-23, 07:03 AM
I'm gonna have to drop out of this. My exams are rapidly approaching, so I'll be plenty busy with that. If it's still running after that, I'll probably re-sign up.

2011-09-23, 08:45 AM
Ahaha, that kitten. Also my fault. When I closed the bridges, there were a few cats on them. Some of them lived. Some of them died. That kitten landed on an outcropping.

2011-09-23, 04:12 PM
I'm gonna have to drop out of this. My exams are rapidly approaching, so I'll be plenty busy with that. If it's still running after that, I'll probably re-sign up.

Ah, we'll still be chugging along by then. Look forward to see you rejoining us. :smallsmile:

Also, Rabbit. Wut.

I hoped we at least got to butcher it.

2011-09-24, 12:47 PM
Okay my turn is done and the log has been updated to the end of the year. That forgotten beast will likely pose a problem. Since it can't fly, we could try dropping a few war dogs down there and hope for the best.

We just finished converting the last of the iron at the end of my turn. Not sure if there is enough steel for a 4th full set of steel armor. The 4th suit can be used for our vacant Captain of the Guard post. Whoever has the next turn can be the new Captain. I wanted you to have the option.

Save File (http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=4970)

2011-09-26, 12:45 AM
Report in, Mudcrab

2011-09-26, 05:05 AM
Report in, Mudcrab

I'm gonna have to drop out of this. My exams are rapidly approaching, so I'll be plenty busy with that. If it's still running after that, I'll probably re-sign up.

Just skip my turn.

2011-09-26, 09:02 AM
Caewil is up then.

As an aside for any lurkers who might be in this thread, feel free to join in the game if you are interested. Just make sure you actually show up when your turn is up. :smallwink:

2011-09-26, 06:20 PM
I've now actually got the time to work on this, so sign me up.

2011-09-26, 08:57 PM
Really bad timing on my turn. I was expecting to go later. I start my first year of university... Tomorrow. I doubt I'll have any time what with moving in and everything this week - I'm going overseas as well.

Can I have my turn pushed back about two weeks? My schedule should be settled by then.

2011-09-26, 10:42 PM
Ouch. Sorry to hear that Caewil. Okay, it's Gnoman then.

Copypasta the turns list.
1: Shpadoinkle
2: Slayed Prophet (Skipped)
3: Grif
4: leakingpen
5: Mael (skipped)
6: The Final Stand
7: ObadiahtheSlim
8: Level8Mudcrab (delayed)
9: Caewil (delayed 2 weeks?)
10: Gnoman - Current Turn
11: Aiden305
12: Croverus

2011-09-27, 04:28 AM
I've now actually got the time to work on this, so sign me up.


2011-09-27, 04:32 AM

I saw, but I'm not the one handling who goes where in the turn list. :smalltongue: (Just copypasting for my own reference.)

2011-09-27, 11:14 AM
Okay, I moved the players who had to delay their turns to the end of the list and updated the first post with the yearly journals. Again, I apologize for not being around much to keep things organized and/or moving, but I've been unexpectedly busy and I STILL don't have an internet connection of my own, so I'm only able to check the thread once in a while. HOPEFULLY that all will change this week.

2011-09-27, 03:51 PM
Laptop can't run the save at an acceptable FPS, so I won't be able to do much until tomorrow when I can use my desktop.

As always, journal is IC

Journal Of Gnoman Patternmountains, soldier
In my post as General here, I have grown weary of the base incomptence of my fellows. I have taken the title of King here.
My first act was to order our many, many prisoners properly stripped. The workers were simultaneously ordered to do so and forbidden from touching the equipment there! For ease of work, I have decided to place the goblins in the arena first, to save time later. Thus, I have ordered the construction of an arena. It will be next to the grand dining hall, the construction of which will begin immediately.
8 Granite
Excellent. Construction of the Arena has unearthed a small pocket of yellow zircon. I take this as a good omen.

15 Granite
I should execute the fool who provided us with these stone swords. Yes, legend states that they are as good as steel. This is, of course, only legend. I've ordered them all destroyed. Our small stockpile of steel will be used to replace them.

22 Granite
We have a visitor. Fortunately, I've already sealed the cavern.
The Forgotten Beast Elcur Enolidor has come! A Gigantic scaly elephant. It has a short horn and has a bloated body. Its carmine scales are large and close—set. Beware its deadly spittle!

2011-10-03, 01:48 PM
Hell, looks like year is too much for most people.
I hope you will finish tomorrow?
Last day an'll y'know?

2011-10-03, 01:54 PM
Must be something we did to anger Armok. :smalltongue:

2011-10-03, 02:45 PM
Is the elephant in the same level as the fire beast? Cause I thought that was already sealed. Also that elephant doesn't look too tough. If our boys could take out the killer rabbit (forest titan) then they should be able to take that out.

2011-10-04, 06:13 PM
I'll be finishing tomorrow.

27 Felsite
Due to the idocy of a predecessor using the trade depot as a dump, massive quantities of trade goods were accidentally included in my order to throw much of our trash in the volcano. A great many lesser goods were lost before I rectified the error, but, luckily, very few masterworks. I have ordered our non-volcano dump relcated for safety.
4 Hematite
A brewer has been encased in lava. I have no idea what he was doing in lava at the time.
7 Malachite
A carpenter is showing signs of possession.

13 Malachite
The carpenter has finished his artifact.

- - Asàs Ekir, ‘The Rapidity of Lucidity”, a chestnut statue of Cog Arrowstasis ______
This is a chestnut statue of Cog Arrowstasis. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.
The item is a masterfully designed image of Cog Arrowstasis the dwarf and Snodub Constructmalice the troll in chestnut by Likot Doddkil. Snodub Constructmalice is striking down Cog Arrowstasis.
The artwork relates to the killing of the dwarf Cog Arrowstasis by the troll Snoduh Constructmalice in Belickeys in the late autumn of 104 during Ugotkök. “The Dangerous Assaults”.
It is decorated with chestnut and cat leather and encircled with hands of ash.

I'm considering having him executed for defeatism

14 Galena.
The arena was tested today. My squad was stationed inside, and a number of disamed prisoners were released from their cages. This proved to be an excellent form of training.

7 Timber
A miner had died in a cave-in accident. I am not sure how this happened.

4 Moonstone
A fish cleaner has been possessed

24 Moonstone
We are now a duchy.

Well, that ends the turn. Please finish my dining room, there's only one level left to channel out, but it's a tricky one because of the open room below it. Other than that, it was an uneventful turn. The main accomplishment was reducing the prisoner population and eliminating a massive quantity of junk, both by volcano and fobbing it off on traders. I bought a great many anvils and bars.


2011-10-05, 05:41 PM
Lots of college reading to do, should get things done on Saturday. Until then, may the dwarfs be with you.

2011-10-05, 06:48 PM
What version of DF is this?

I rarely get past year 1, but I'd be willing to try a succession fort, since I think I have a computer that can handle it now. It will be late into the game, as I understand, and if the fortress has been destroyed by the time it gets to my turn, (if I get one), oh, well, I don't really care too much.

2011-10-05, 06:51 PM
What version of DF is this?

I rarely get past year 1, but I'd be willing to try a succession fort, since I think I have a computer that can handle it now. It will be late into the game, as I understand, and if the fortress has been destroyed by the time it gets to my turn, (if I get one), oh, well, I don't really care too much.

0.31.25, the latest version.

I don't think the fort will die just yet, we've taken quite a lot of precautions so far. Unless one of you went grubbing for candy and hit the circus...

2011-10-06, 07:17 AM
Well that fire FB could easily cause a tantrum spiral if it kills most of our military. Although I just realized we could try dropping wardogs down into the cavern.

2011-10-06, 09:35 AM
So, I've just opened up your save again, Gnoman, for the lulz.

Why is my Duke engraving?

Shouldn't nobles not be able to do work anyway?

Also, I can't help but notice that you planned to order that moody dorf executed for defeatism... then placed his work as the centrepiece of your epic dining room.

Not surprising the Duke is traumatised by another's sleeping arrangements.

2011-10-06, 10:03 AM
We probably shouldn't get the duke too mad. He could start a tantrum spiral.

2011-10-06, 12:42 PM
Hmm. The duke engraving is probably a Therapist bug. I turned on engraving on the bulk of people with no job because I had so much smoothing to be done between the dining room (I originally planned to smooth the entire shaft, but digging each level was taking too long, so I abandoned that, but still had a lot to do between the arena and two levels of dining room.) Note that the upper level where my dwarf is placed is intended to have much of the floor removed, but that is going to be a bit tricky to do.

As for the statue, I didn';t even realize that was the artifact one that I placed. I merely wanted a statue there.

2011-10-06, 01:27 PM
Since baron's are promoted and not migrants, do they work normally? I always turn some useless dwarf with easy preferences into a baron so I never really notice.

2011-10-06, 06:24 PM
Since baron's are promoted and not migrants, do they work normally? I always turn some useless dwarf with easy preferences into a baron so I never really notice.

I usually had my broker turned into a baron. He seemed to continue his old duties after being promoted. (Namely sassing the merchants and mining.)

2011-10-07, 09:02 PM
*Doing the happy dance*
Had a look at the fort today and got started. Here's an IC write up of events so far, from the perspective of our new overseer and former book-keeper:

1st Granite, 107: I've finally escaped! They left my office door unlocked and I got out. Unfortunately, I should have realised all along it was a trap. They've let me out of one job only to give me another. I'm now the overseer of the entire fortress. What's more the previous overseer simply handed me the sash and left without bothering to fill in an A108. That's going to lead to a mountain of paperwork later, I just know it.

8th Granite, 107: I have finally finished examining the fortress. After the discovery of two dead bodies about the construction site of the Dining Hall I have suspended all construction on health and safety grounds while an inspection is undertaken. All miners have, in the meantime, been assigned to work on a new tomb area for the bodies of our fallen brethren to be placed in.

13th Granite, 107: Rock lying around constitutes a health and safety hazard. Have ordered some of it to be used in the construction of new floors for the new tombs. More to be dumped in the volcano

19th Granite, 107: Dining Hall excavations re-opened. Deaths were found to have been caused by dwarven error. One miner had collapsed a roof on himself, and Armok only knows how the other got to the top of that pillar. I've temporarily taken down a wall so we can retrieve that particular body.

24th Granite, 107: Oh great. It seems my predecessors were more overly lax when it came to administering proper buriel rites than I thought. Does anyone know who Sigun Zaludavus is? I can only assume that he bears some grudge against a dwarf called "Shpadoinkle" since he owns the office Zaludavus is haunting.

28th Granite, 107: Armok take them all. As if I didn't already have enough to worry about; a whole new batch of migrants have arrived. Half of them don't even appear to know what a B307 form is for. I've set them to work hauling coffins to the new tomb.

7th Slate, 107: The fortress has an overabundence of cats. This is clearly contrary to Dwarven Mandate 8063B. As such I have begun hunting kittens in my spare time.

17th Slate, 107: I've opened up passage to the rich seams of gold below. After half the fortress screamed something about elephants at me (without even filling in an F492 I might add), I consented to have it sealed again lower down. Elephants? Where do they think they are? Boatmurdered?

21st Slate, 107: The Duke was in my office this morning, saying that he needed more coffers and chests, along with more armour and weapon racks. I've assigned him some in a nice warm room below the fortress. I might even put a nice shiny lever in there as well.

3rd Felsite, 107: Sibrek Tirisbekar has given birth to a girl. Do I see an E2905 on my desk? No. I'm considering having the child thrown in to the volcano so that she remembers to fill in the correct forms before reproducing next time.

16th Felsite, 107: I'm told there was a goblin snatcher in the fort today. Never saw it though. I presume the militia saw it off. Of course, if they did no-one's filled in the forms about it. Again.

17th Felsite, 107: There may have been goblins yesterday, but today something far worse arrived at the fortress. Elves. I've stationed the militia by the tradepost in case they try anything and sent Shpadoinkle to deal with them.

27th Felsite, 107: There was a goblin ambush today. They've killed four cats so far. I'm wondering whether to put them on the payroll.

28th Felsite, 107: Another cat dead, and Urist came barging in to my office to announce that the miners had uncovered a huge sea of magma far below the fortress. I pointed out that this was hardly a surprise since we're BUILT IN TO THE SIDE OF A DAMN VOLCANO!

1st Hematite, 107: Mother always said that Hematite was an auspicious month. I confess I had wondered why it had been decided to situate this place in the middle of nowhere. Now I know. Armok be praised. Miners be praised. Everyone and anything be praised for this is a glorious day! The miners surveying the magma sea have uncovered that most precious of all metals. We have uncovered adamantine! I have declared today a holiday in celebration.

2011-10-07, 09:12 PM
*praise the miners!*

Good work. that is a nice find. Or not. &&&&@&&&&

2011-10-07, 09:54 PM
The dwarf on the pillar was building the roof and attacked by a wolf. And how many cats eren't marked for slaughter? I thoght I got them all.

2011-10-08, 04:53 AM
The dwarf on the pillar was building the roof and attacked by a wolf. And how many cats eren't marked for slaughter? I thoght I got them all.

About ten or so. Though I think I've got most of them now. Dining room is almost complete as well. I'm on the tricky "remove tiles one at a time to prevent the from being dug out under dwarves" stage.

2011-10-08, 05:34 AM
HOORAH! Adamantine!

As the Duke, I recommend that we restrict adamantine to true masters of metal, and those who appear to be about to produce artifacts.

In this way, all adamantine items will be of optimum value.

Please find attached Form 3.142, "Non-Mandatory Requests made by the Nobility", not to be confused with "Mandation for the Production of Goods", nor "Notification of Embargo", which Nobles such as myself are also authorised to fill out.

Speaking of which, have my dorf or the mayor actually made any "requests"? In my turn, no mandates or demands were made, and that seems quite unusual, since in my experience, the first thing a dorf will do when coming to power is to make inane mandates.

2011-10-08, 06:06 AM
Doesn't seem to have been any made yet. I'm fairly surprised myself.

2011-10-08, 11:14 AM
AH HELL, I forgot that I removed the ability of nobles to make stupid requests and mandates for impossible crap as well. I've been playing without them for so long I completely forgot. Guess I should have used a clean install to gen the world. Seems like I tweaked some other stuff too but I can't remember.

2011-10-09, 04:32 AM
Presumably, adding them again would require starting over from scratch?

On the upside, I am less likely to suffer unfortunate accidents from mandating coral crafts.

Actually, it's a good thing we don't have demands. The mayor likes adamantine.:smalleek:

Yes, I am a huge enough geek to open up the fortress and find out what my likes and dislikes are.

2011-10-13, 12:49 AM
(/shameless bump)

So looking forward to playing with candy. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-13, 07:50 AM
Here's the summary of the rest of my turn:

4th Hematite, 107: I'm not sure I can cope at the moment with the burden that has been placed on me, but I must persevere. These nightmares I have suffered, each one the same; each one predicting death and destruction should I attempt to harvest the adamantine. Is this a sign from Armok? Is he telling me to beware that rarest of all metals?

Perhaps it is just me, my mind playing tricks on me with the stories of places such as Boatmurdered, Headshoots and Syrupleaf that my old mother used to tell.

8th Hematite, 107: I've decided to begin construction on the new office I've seen in my dreams, a visible monument to the bureaucracy I've served for so long.

10th Hematite, 107: Tragedy has struck the fortress. Dakost Onshenzulban, a furnace operator in the magma forges flew in to a rage upon the news of the death of his beloved pet cat (which, I might add, didn't have a licence). Grabbing a hammer from a nearby shelf, he dealt a single mighty blow to Kadol Idennicat, the messenger who had brought him the ill tidings, slaying him outright. I have arranged for Idennicat to be buried in the new tomb.

15th Hematite, 107: The elves left today. They didn't have much that we needed, but Shpadoinkle was able to procure a decent amount of wood that I plan to designate for crafting new beds.

16th Hematite, 107: In light of the recent tragedy, I've appointed Ablel Imsalingish, a skilled fighter, as our new Captain of the guard. It will hopefully be her job to administer what little justice there is out here.

17th Hematite, 107: Well, that was unexpected. I was just filling in the last form to recognise Imsalingish as our new Captain of the Guard when who would come in to my office but the dwarf herself. She was angry about something, I can't really remember what... Come to think of it, I can't remember much at all. Why's everything so hazy? What's all this red liquid doing here and why's it spattered over...


oh dear...


As far as I can tell, she sliced off Iden's right leg, his left arm, and finally his head with a (<<steel battle axe>>). This was the same axe used by Gnoman in 106 to kill Aslot Alliedseduce, the goblin.

Gnoman, it's clearly your fault I died.

A little after that (1st Malachite) Dakost Onshenzulban was stricken by melancholy and Ablel Imsalingish locked herself up for murdering me.

3rd Malachite, The Dragon Lelgo Vescobim Evepalath arrived. Wanders into a cage trap a day later

21st Malachite, Migrants arrive as I finish putting beds in some new bedrooms.

14th Galena, Dakost finally dies as some humans arrive to trade and diplome.

15th Galena, Kubuk Iddakon, Leatherworker withdraws from society and Obidiah throws a tantrum.

Interesting, it appears that not only i the captain of the guard in prison, so is the mayor for disorderly conduct. It also seems that leakingpen has perished at some point, cause unknown but I dare say it can be checked in Legends later. He's been buried beside me in the ice tomb

28th Galena, Kubek made a harp. It is a very nice harp. It is "Wringwithered the Worker of Branding". It is encrusted with yellow zircon and decorated with sheep wool and rope reed fiber. This object menaces with spikes of kunzite, pyrite and black zircon. On the item is an image of a dwarf in goat leather. On the item is an image of a dwarf in rope reed fiber.

Merchants didn't have much. Bought some alcohol, bought some food.

15th Limestone: The Forgotten Beast Nunur Dostustoceg has come! A towering eyeless theropod. It has feathered wings and it squirms and figets. Its ochre feathers are long and narrow. Beware it's fire!

In all honesty, I'm wondering wether to just let the magma loose on that particular cavern level. All three of them are in there.

12th Sandstone: Mayor is beginning to look like a dangerous job. Besmar Sokaniteb, who replaced me, just got hacked to pieces; his right foot, left hand, and left leg were cut off by someone and he was left to bleed to death.

I do note that he had annoyed Gnoman though...

16th Sandstone: More migrants

And I just found Sokaniteb's other hand - Three floors below where I found the rest of him.

16th Timber: Mountainhomes caravan has arrived. Have ordered more wood and metal. Also, Kol Kubukikal is taken by a fey mood

... And we have a basalt toy axe. I can't help but wonder if these dwarves will ever produce anything useful

5th Moonstone: ...Aaaand there goes our Captain of the guard. Slipped in to a melancholy and refused to eat or drink. Died fairly quickly. I guess prison really can change you.

15th Moonstone: Huh, another ghost

5th Opal: And here\s another Forgotten Beast. That makes four of them wandering around down in the caverns. The Forgotten Beast Kivish Sarekdastot Lumash Uz has come! A gigantic humanoid composed of steam. It has large mandibles and it undulates rhythmically. Beware its poisonous sting.

Obsidian: I'm carving out a large stockpile room about two floors below the forges. Our old ones were badly overcrowded. I've also dug out a memorial hall just below the prison since so many people died on my turn, I've engraved several slabs (about 25 so far), but they've yet to go in. Then I turned the designs for my office in to a small memorial to myself. If you want to have a look its on level -17. The dwarfs just need to finish paving it and it'll be done.

And here's the save (http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=5057)

2011-10-13, 11:27 AM
Oh Armok. Are we going to be facing a tantrum spiral? I was faced with the possibility of the militia starting one, but I think all the prepared meals seemed to avert it for a time.

2011-10-13, 11:30 AM
Am I still alive? Can't remember if I named a dwarf after myself or not.

2011-10-13, 11:49 AM
Oh Armok. Are we going to be facing a tantrum spiral? I was faced with the possibility of the militia starting one, but I think all the prepared meals seemed to avert it for a time.

There's been a fair few people upset from the (astonishingly bloody) deaths of two mayors, but I haven't seen any sign of a serious tantrum spiral.

2011-10-13, 11:51 AM
Am I still alive? Can't remember if I named a dwarf after myself or not.

Took a look at the save out of curiosity. Grif, you're still alive and the fort isn't in the middle of a tantrum spiral thankfully. However there isn't a whole lot of happiness in the fort. So a death or two could easily push the fort over the edge. Could be because there seems to be a couple tables that don't have chairs. I suppose someone could fix that easily. Perhaps tantrums destroyed them.

2011-10-13, 12:22 PM
Guess it's time for Croverus to check in

2011-10-13, 08:23 PM
Screenshots and uploading to the DFMA would be great, guys.

2011-10-13, 08:56 PM
*checks to see how many rounds left until his turn*

5-6. Ah. So... around a month and a half, maybe sooner if it goes quickly?

(Reminder: signed up just after Gnoman finished his turn, no-one else I saw signed up, so should be last in line)

2011-10-13, 10:39 PM
Screenshots and uploading to the DFMA would be great, guys.

Couldn't work out how the screenshot function worked. Weren't any particularly screenshottable moments anyway in mine. (Well, except for the dragons, forgotten beasts and random dismemberings)

2011-10-13, 10:42 PM
Couldn't work out how the screenshot function worked. Weren't any particularly screenshottable moments anyway in mine. (Well, except for the dragons, forgotten beasts and random dismemberings)

Top of your keyboard, there are some keys. F1, F1, etc., but after those, there's printscreen, scroll lock (or some other lock button), and pause/break.

Alt+Printscreen, paste into paint, save, upload to TinyPic, Photobucket, or preferable (apparently) DFMA.

2011-10-13, 10:43 PM
Couldn't work out how the screenshot function worked. Weren't any particularly screenshottable moments anyway in mine. (Well, except for the dragons, forgotten beasts and random dismemberings)

Well, you could always just screenshot the z screen at the end of the year. Just for us who don't want to wade through the save.

(I have crappy connection atm, can't be arsed to download the save.)

2011-10-13, 11:17 PM
*checks to see how many rounds left until his turn*

5-6. Ah. So... around a month and a half, maybe sooner if it goes quickly?

(Reminder: signed up just after Gnoman finished his turn, no-one else I saw signed up, so should be last in line)

Most turns don't last a full week. If I had to guess I'd say your turn will come up in maybe 4 weeks.

2011-10-16, 05:10 AM
Guess Croverus won't show up, 3.5 days passed.
I will start today and end somewhere in the end of the week.

2011-10-16, 10:10 AM
Guess Croverus won't show up, 3.5 days passed.
I will start today and end somewhere in the end of the week.

Sounds good.

2011-10-16, 10:59 AM
...aaaaaaand my computer has started having problems :smallfrown:

So, when/if my turn comes around, it may take more than a week to get through a year. :smallredface: If that happens, is it alright if I post the save file year-in-progress at the end of the week?

Also, I've never been clear on what happens when the last player in the list takes his turn. Does it go back to the first person, and loop over everyone again?

2011-10-16, 11:26 AM
...aaaaaaand my computer has started having problems :smallfrown:

So, when/if my turn comes around, it may take more than a week to get through a year. :smallredface: If that happens, is it alright if I post the save file year-in-progress at the end of the week?

Also, I've never been clear on what happens when the last player in the list takes his turn. Does it go back to the first person, and loop over everyone again?

Yes, it's supposed to loop again.

If there's a new player wanting to join, then he gets slotted to the back of that turn. (unless reshuffles happen, which is quite often.)

2011-10-17, 12:04 PM
...and now nevermind the problems. They got fixed, and now it runs faster/better than before the problems started happening. :smallconfused: :smallsmile: :smallbiggrin: Squee!

It may still be slow (After all, I rarely make it past the first year, the one I'm playing now only just made it to third, so I don't know how bad the lag will be), but even if it's slow, I should learn some new tricks by looking at the file, at least, even if it's too slow to actually make it through a year :smalltongue:

But, hopefully, the lag should be manageable now. :smallwink: when my turn comes, of course.

2011-10-23, 05:00 AM
I will start today and end somewhere in the end of the week.

So, how's that working out for you?

2011-10-23, 10:28 AM
Don't worry, still here.
I'll try to finish till tomorrow 12:00 am, but can't guarantee a thing. I'm too busy with Google AI challenge to do something else.
For now I'm only half-way through the year and it was really boring. Nothing to post, really. This place is a mess, I don't get how it still works and how it works at all.

2011-10-23, 12:00 PM
Ah, the beauty of a succession fort:
everyone has their own ideas of how a fort should be structured, and as it builds, it becomes more chaotic and interesting.

I'm guessing there's been ample use of barrows? Pardon me when I say this, but I've never gotten the idea of how they work. :smallredface: I'm still stuck on a 40d mentality. :smalltongue: Although, I've found the honey and egg industries to be absolutely amazing.

2011-10-23, 02:44 PM
Burrows, simply put, restrict dwarves assigned there to using the workshops and items in that burrow. Thus, for example, you can reliably make only obsidan crafts by making a burrow that contains a craftsdwarf's workshop and an obsidian stockpile.

2011-10-23, 03:11 PM
Even after my year I still don't know where everything is.

2011-10-23, 03:38 PM
No way I'm finishing this.
Throw me to the end, sorry for the wait.

2011-10-23, 06:57 PM
Even after my year I still don't know where everything is.

I actually take a day off when I play any succession fort. Just to get my bearings. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-24, 05:46 AM
Got the save, but as it's Monday you'll have to wait a while for my first update - probably Wednesday.

2011-10-31, 01:14 AM
QANTAS grounding its fleet happened.

So uh, I guess I'm bowing out.

2011-10-31, 01:38 AM
QANTAS grounding its fleet happened.

So uh, I guess I'm bowing out.


The curse of the Giant's succession fort strikes again!

2011-10-31, 11:37 AM
Uh... oh. that means just... two more before me. That means I should probably get ready...

2011-10-31, 04:41 PM
I'm off tomorrow, so I'll try to take the last save and make some visualizer screenshots.