View Full Version : Encounters for the lair of a level 15 Vermin Lord

2011-08-12, 11:44 AM
So you're a level 15 vermin lord BBEG, setting up shop in some villages, etc. You've totally taken over a swath of country side, and, in the future, you want to take over the whole world.

What kind of minions do you have? MM1 is a little weak on vermins.

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-12, 11:45 AM
Lots of Swarms and some really really big bugs.

Keld Denar
2011-08-12, 11:47 AM
Advanced Rat Swarms?

Advanced Dire Rats the size of small houses?

Templated Dire Rats (and Rat swarms).


That darned crab is a Vermin, as well. You could advance one up to COLOSSAL and send it in the direction of a nearby villiage. It would be kinda like Halo3, without the guns.

2011-08-12, 04:09 PM
Mockery Bugs, Tirbana, or some Vivisectors could be good minions, though the tirbana have high enough int that you would need to come up with a reason for them to be working with a verminlord
edit: nevermind about the mockery bugs, thier int is even higher than that of the tirbana, and the mockerybug monarch is about the same CR as a verminlord
edit 2: also colossal & gargantuan scorpions and spiders could be good(str damage makes weaker enemies harder to fight, and con damage deals more HP damage the stronger the enemy is)

2011-08-13, 10:26 AM
Ok, so the PCs are traveling through vermin (and other creepy crawly) infested territory. They're only overlanding because they need to clear out a safe path for like 1,000 refugees.

The vermin are there to spread Lolth's influence.

Restrictions: There cannot be any outsiders, undead, or humanoids. For whatever reason, they just aren't there. Probably because the verminlord won't tolerate the competition.

The average party level is 12; highest level is 13, lowest is 10.

Encounters so far:
4 Hellwasp Swarms (refluffed as chaotic evil pit wasp swarms)
2 driders, a shadow spider, and 5 large spiders

I really like the idea of mocerky bugs; will have to include those.

The driders were really fun to DM; I am going to add more of those. The lair is going to be inside a castle. In the villages on the outskirts will be mockery bugs (creepy!). Outside, in the abandoned ruins of the town around the castle will be brood keeper larvae swarms. The castle itself will be defended by driders with levels of sorcerer or a caster prc, probably bringing their sorcerer vasting up to ~10.

Inside the keep will be a broodkeeper. That will be sort of a "mini" boss. Below that will be the vermin lord, his hivemind, and a century worm he is trying to awaken.

The PCs can do upwards of 300 damage a turn (thanks to house rules about moving and full attacks for fighters & monks), and there are five of them. I know some of this stuff has pretty high CR, but for the most part, the PCs are well equipped to deal with that sort of stuff.

Any other things I should include? I am thinking harpoon spiders would be fun, and possibly some oozes.

A super-duper advaned darned crab is going to ambush them by a lake. I like monsters that grapple. :smallsmile:

What books are vivesectors and tirbana from?

2011-08-16, 01:22 AM
The vivisectors and tibana(along with I thought mockery bugs) are from mm 5.
also sorry about the late response

2011-08-16, 01:25 AM
Don't forget a giant roach or something with a bow for a pet.

No lair is complete without something to redeem the villain :D

2011-08-16, 06:44 AM
Don't forget a giant roach or something with a bow for a pet.

No lair is complete without something to redeem the villain :D

Oooh! And a 4E-styled Lamia for a girlfriend/wife! :smallbiggrin:

Silva Stormrage
2011-08-16, 02:45 PM
Another interesting encounter if you would care to homebrew it would be a swarm of creatures similar to banelings in starcraft 2.

They would be pretty weak and really fragile with a poor attack but would explode for decent damage that wouldn't hurt other banelings.

Then send swarms of them :smallbiggrin: