View Full Version : 2 Questions about the knight and bard class for epic campaign

2011-08-12, 02:25 PM
The knight class has the ability to "Taunt" persay does this ability effect undead? or any creature with Immunity to mind effects.. (since they are immune to mind EFFECTS and spells...)
Also, What difficulty would it be for a bard to use bardic knowledge to identify epic magic items ?
Our bard tried to give the argument that since epic items are more legendary it should be EASY for him to figure out what they do, or the legends surrounding them.
I don't really want to make it THAT easy for him to determine the properties of such items, but at the same time, I dont want the pc's to have to take hours of game time figuring out what certain items do.

2011-08-12, 02:40 PM
Mind-affecting abilities do not work on Undead. However, Test of Mettle is not mind-affecting, just requires an Intelligence of 5 or more to function. A Vampire would be affected by it, while a Zombie would not.

While Epic magic items might indeed be legendary, those legends might not always be correct (see: fire from the eyes and lightning from the arse). Furthermore, they won't tell you how to actually use the thing. The item may also not appear in legends, being very lost and forgotten, or forged by a Demon Prince and never taken to the Prime Material. Therefore, there is no reason for epic items to be easier to identify.

2011-08-12, 02:53 PM
If it's a 'standard' item- stat booster/AC item/Resistance cloak/whatever- that just happens to have an Epic number on it, I'd just tell him. Epic characters should not really have to work at it at all to figure out what is really just a slightly bigger version of things they've been carrying around for the last 20 levels already. For other stuff, the 25/30 DCs would still be appropriate, I think; Epic items are the stuff of legends, sure, but there's usually not a lot of creatures around that actually *know* about them in enough detail to give useful stories. So you use the more obscure DCs; he should still make them with decent regularity (level 21 Bard + Know: History synergy makes DC 25 on a 3, and that's without any Int bonus.) And do note it's supposed to just provide hints and some information about the item. If he wants more detail on it, he still has to Identify/Analyze Dweomer/maybe Legend Lore the thing.

2011-08-12, 03:06 PM
That depends. If its an epic level artifact, the DC to identify it shouldn't be all that hard. If its not an artifact, they should be trying to cast the identify spell.