View Full Version : A Question of templates

2011-08-12, 03:55 PM
How would I go about adding Tentacle attacks, some regen, and a fear aura to a minotaur? I don't know of any templates like it. Plus I don't want it to go above CR 8ish.

Can anyone help?

Keld Denar
2011-08-12, 04:07 PM
Blah, Pathfinder always thwarts my usual suggestions...

Aberrant Blood + Inhuman Reach + Deepspawn gives +5 natural reach AND 2 tentacle attacks (1d4 for medium, which would be 1d6 for a large minotaur).

Illithid Heritage + Illithid Grapple I, II, III, and IV would work as well, if you like your tentacles around the face and mouth.

Voidsmind is a template in MMIII which gives a head tentacle, always a good time.

Giving the Minotaur a simple 1-use item of Form of Doom would make it a very tentacley indeed, for a short period of time.

2011-08-12, 04:09 PM
Farspawn (Lords of Madness) might be of assistance.

2011-08-12, 04:28 PM
To my knowledge PF doesn't have such a template yet. But if this Minotaur is encountered with say... a spellcaster? You could make said spellcaster a Summoner and make a pretty convincing tentacled fear aura regen minotaur with the Eidolon. By extension... the party find the Eidolon in it's native environment, where it's hanging out when its not being summoned. Removes the need for the summoner to be present.