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2011-08-12, 10:58 PM
Onmyoji (3.5)

Abilities: An onmyoji's most important ability is charisma, as it determines many of their abilities. Wisdom isn't much use, but intelligence lends to skill points. Strength won't help much, because you probably won't hit much with a weapon. Constitution and Dexterity will help you survive.

Organization: Onmyoji train with other onmyoji, almost always under the guiding hand of an exorcism organization. They rarely gather though, because they are always being sent on missions.*
*An onmyoji will be handed a mission by their superiors every now and then. If the onmyoji takes another level(s) in this class while a mission is incomplete they gain no benefits from that level(s) other than bab, hd, and saves until they finish the mission.

Alignment: Onmyoji come from all walks of life, but teachers of onmyoji will never teach another onmyoji if they are in it for themselves.*
*Any onmyoji may not enter this class if they have the evil alignment and may not take more levels of onmyoji if their alignment changes to evil. This does not prevent them from using their class abilities and if their alignment ceases being evil, they may progress in the onmyoji class again.

Religion: An onmyoji believes in spirits and yokai, although, and rarely, some come to worship deities.

Background: Onmyoji are often raised in families that have dedicated themselves to protecting others, but are just as often initiated after witnessing great evil, often perpetrated by outsiders.

Races: Any race that is not an outsider may be an onmyoji.*
*Taking the onmyoji class prevents you from ever becoming an outsider. Should a template or ability turn you into an outsider, you simply may not take it. If a class ability would grant you the outsider type, you may still take that level, but do not gain that class ability or any of its benefits.

Other Classes: Good-aligned clerics and paladins will see you as a proponent of their causes, although particularly restrictive churches might disdain your unnatural divine magic and require registration. Sorcerers often respect your magic, while wizards will scoff at your inferior abilities (and then attempt to study them nonchalantly). Melee classes will have no problem with you, unless they have disdain for the frail.

Role: Your role lies somewhere between a front-line fighter and a spellcaster. Your shikigami can dish out damage in the frontlines, while you run support with Spirit Tags and Onmyōdō spells.

Class Features

Hit Die: d4

Starting Gold: 20d4 x 10 (400gp)*
*You do not actually begin the game with gold. Instead this value denotes the value of spirit tags that you may start with. You needn't pay experience for these tags.

Skills: Bluff (Cha) Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Knowledge (nobility/royalty) (Int), Listen (), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Int)*.
*changed the modifier because I think intelligence makes more sense

Skill Points: 6 + int

{table=head] Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Refx Save | Will Save | Special | Shikigami Level | Seiki | ESL1 | ESL2 | ESL3 | ESL4
1st| +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Craft Spirit Tag, Yakubarai, Kiru | - | - | 10% | - | - | -
2nd| +1 | +0 | +0 | +3 | Shikigami, Onmyōdō, Seiki, Akumabarai | 1 | 3 | 10% | - | - | -
3rd| +1 | +1 | +1 | +3 | Intuitive Spirit Craft | 1 | 5 | 10% | 0% | - | -
4th| +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Lesser Shikigami Ability, Akumabarai | 2 | 7 | 20% | 10% | - | -
5th| +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Onmyōdō, Deft Hands | 3 | 8 | 20% | 10% | 0% | -
6th| +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | Spirit Crafter, Yakubarai, Akumabarai | 4 | 10 | 30% | 10% | 0% | -
7th| +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | Extra Tag, Lesser Shikigami Ability | 5 | 12 | 30% | 20% | 10% | 0%
8th| +4 | +2 | +2 | +6 | Onmyōdō, Granted Power, Akumabarai | 6 | 13 | 30% | 20% | 10% | 0%
9th| +4 | +3 | +3 | +6 | Tag of Opportunity, Seiki Regeneration | 7 | 15 | 40% | 30% | 20% | 10%
10th| +5 | +3 | +3 | +7 | Lesser Shikigami Ability, Akumabarai | 7 | 17 | 40% | 30% | 20% | 10%
11th| +5 | +3 | +3 | +7 | Onmyōdō, Granted Power, Recharge Spirit Tag | 8 | 18 | 50% | 30% | 30% | 20%
12th| +6/+1 | +4 | +4 | +8 | Experienced Spirit Crafter, Akumabarai | 9 | 20 | 50% | 40% | 30% | 30%
13th| +6/+1 | +4 | +4 | +8 | Greater Shikigami Ability, Shikigami | 10 | 22 | 50% | 40% | 40% | 30%
14th| +7/+2 | +4 | +4 | +9 | Onmyōdō, Granted Power, Akumabarai | 11 | 23 | 50% | 50% | 40% | 40%
15th| +7/+2 | +5 | +5 | +9 | Extra Tag | 12 | 25 | 50% | 50% | 50% | 50%
16th| +8/+3 | +5 | +5 | +10 | Greater Shikigami Ability, Akumabarai | 12 | 27 | 50% | 50% | 50% | 50%
17th| +8/+3 | +5 | +5 | +10 | Onmyōdō, Granted Power, Shikigami | 13 | 28 | 50% | 60% | 60% | 60%
18th| +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +11 | Master Spirit Crafter, Akumabarai | 14 | 30 | 50% | 60% | 60% | 70%
19th| +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +11 | Greater Shikigami Ability | 15 | 32 | 50% | 60% | 70% | 70%
20th| +10/+5 | +6 | +6 | +12 | Superior Shikigami Ability, Onmyōdō | 16 | 33 | 50% | 60% | 70% | 80%

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies: You are proficient with all simple weapons. You are not proficient with armor or with any shields.

Class Abilities
Lv1 > Craft Spirit Tag:
You gain the Craft Spirit Tag feat as a class ability, even if you lack the prerequisites.
Your onmyoji levels qualify as caster levels for the purpose of crafting Spirit Tags. Additionally, as long as your onmyoji level equals the prerequisite caster level, you may ignore any other requirements needed to craft a Spirit Tag.

Lv1+ > Kiru:
An onmyoji may craft spirit tags cheaper than others. On the chart above are the numbers 1 through 3. The percentages listed underneath these numbers are the discount you receive in gold cost when crafting spirit tags of that equivalent spell level. This decrease in gold cost does not reduce the time it takes to craft a tag, nor does it reduce the xp cost.
A note about epic level: Your discounts do not continue to increase beyond level 20.

Lv1, 6 > Yakubarai:
At level one you gain access to a modified version of the granted power of the exorcism domain (See Defenders of Faith):
As a supernatural ability you may attempt to force a spirit, demon, or fiend that is possessing someone out of their body. Doing so requires a charisma check.
Consult the turning and rebuking table, using your onmyoji level as if it were cleric levels. When you gain turning or rebuking advancement from a prestige class you may instead gain advancement in this ability.
If the result from the table is at least equal to the HD of the possessing creature, you force it out of the body. If the spirit, demon, or fiend belongs to a spellcaster using magic jar, the spirit returns to the receptacle. If it is a ghost, it becomes ethereal and free-floating again. In any case, the spirit, demon, or fiend cannot attempt to possess the same victim again for a number of days equal to your charisma modifier.
Additionally, at level 6, you are entitled to a check, as if you were performing an exorcism, to escape possession when you are possessed and every 12 hours afterwards.

Lv2+, 13, 17 > Shikigami [Su]:
At second level you aquire a shikigami. Choose a single animal with no more than 3 HD. If it has more than 1 HD, remove the extra 2 HD, but keep all other features of the animal. This includes features gained from HD such as feats, skill points, and unique abilities, but results in the loss of BAB or saves that would have been granted. You do however reroll its charisma score: 4d6 and drop the lowest.
This animal is completely loyal to you. It may be summoned within 30ft of you or dismissed (as long as it is within 60ft) as a standard action, and is treated as a summoned creature for all purposes. It is automatically dismissed if you fall unconscious or die. If it is destroyed you may not summon it again for 24 hours (at which point it has full hit points again).
If it is banished, suppressed by antimagic, or otherwise forcefully barred from the plane or an area you may still summon and maintain it, however you must make a will save (with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the creators caster level + their relevant modifier (or other DC as the DM deems appropriate if this isn’t obvious)) to summon your shikigami. You must also make the same save every round, except the round it was summoned, to keep it from winking out of existence.
Any damage it has when dismissed remains when summoned again, although any fast healing it has functions during this time. Any other effects are suspended, resuming when it is summoned again. A shikigami may not take items with it when it is dismissed.
This animal gains the incorporeal subtype and all benefits and penalties therein, gains a +4 to its charisma, its HD increase by one step (such as from d6 to d8 for example), and gains a bonus to its deflection to AC equal to half its level.
Unlike normal incorporeality, non-magical attacks also have a chance of hitting the shikigami (as if they were magic in nature). The shikigami may interact with the world as if it were corporeal as it chooses, but it is either entirely corporeal or incorporeal at any one moment (if it makes an attack while corporeal against a corporeal creature it is not a touch attack for example).
It does however use its charisma in place of strength for all damage rolls and its dexterity in place of strength for all attack rolls.
It does not heal normally and does not require rest, and is never subject to fatigue, exhaustion, paralysis, level drain, ability damage, death effects, ability drain, critical hits, nonlethal damage, and massive damage. It also does not need to eat or breathe. If your shikigami hits 0 hit points it is destroyed.
Your shikigami gains hit points based off of its charisma instead of its constitution and has fast healing 1. This fast healing does not count towards any abilities, feats, or classes and is replaced by any higher amounts.
Your shikigami is of a level as indicated on the chart. Every increase in level increases it HD by one step and grants 2 + int skill points, every three levels grant a feat as a normal character would aquire for leveling up, and every four levels grants a +1 to an ability score as a normal character would acquire for leveling up. Your shikigami may not gain class levels. It does however gain saves and BAB. Its two highest saves (without modifiers) at level 1 are considered good saves and its BAB is of high progression. If all of its saves are the same, then choose two.
At level 13 you may change your shikigami to any other creature with no more than 13 HD and a CR no higher than 10. If you choose to change your shikigami, it loses everything it was granted through its species (but gains new stuff), but retains anything granted by advancing in level. If you choose to keep your shikigami the same as before, then nothing is changed.
At level 17 you may change your shikigami to any other creature with no more than 17 HD and a CR no higher than 14. If you choose to change your shikigami, it loses everything it was granted through its species (but gains new stuff), but retains anything granted by advancing in level. If you choose to keep your shikigami the same as before, then nothing is changed.
Special: The DM may, at his discretion, tell you that the monster you have chosen is inappropriate and/or may nerf it as he sees fit.
A note about epic level: Your shikigami continues to gain levels at the same progression into epic levels.
*thanks to NeoSeraphi for extensive help on balancing this

Lv2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 > Akumabarai:
At level 2 you gain the first spell of the exorcism domain (see defenders of faith) and at each successive level indicated after that you learn the next spell listed.
In order to use any of these spells you must have a charisma score of 10 + the level of the spell. You use your onmyoji level as your caster level.
These spells are not considered divine or arcane in nature and have a save DC of 10 + 1/2 level + charisma modifier. They are not subject to spell resistance, but are still subject to concentration checks and spell failure as if they were arcane spells. If a spell originally had spell resistance, but lacked a save, it is given a will save. These spells may not be counterspelled by an arcane or divine caster, but may be by another onmyoji who has identified the spell. Identifying an onmyoji spell requires a knowledge (history) check, instead of the normal check.
Casting a spell granted by akumabarai requires energy in the form of an amount of Seiki. Each spell costs an amount of seiki equal to its level.

Lv2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 > Onmyōdō:
At level 2, choose a single cleric domain from the following: Knowledge, Luck, Magic, Protection, or Travel.
You gain the first spell of your second domain at level 5 and at each successive level indicated after that you learn the next spell listed.
At level 5 you may choose another domain from the same list. You gain the first spell of this domain at level 5 and at each successive level indicated after that you learn the next spell listed.
At level 8 you may choose another domain from the same list. You gain the first spell of this domain at level 8 and at each successive level indicated after that you learn the next spell listed.
At level 11 you may choose another domain from the same list. You gain the first spell of this domain at level 11 and at each successive level indicated after that you learn the next spell listed.
At level 14 you may choose another domain from the same list. You gain the first spell of this domain at level 14 and at each successive level indicated after that you learn the next spell listed.
In order to use any of these spells you must have a charisma score of 10 + the level of the spell. You use your onmyoji level as your caster level.
These spells are not considered divine or arcane in nature and have a save DC of 10 + 1/2 level + charisma modifier. They are not subject to spell resistance, but are still subject to concentration checks and spell failure as if they were arcane spells. If a spell originally had spell resistance, but lacked a save, it is given a will save. These spells may not be counterspelled by an arcane or divine caster, but may be by another onmyoji who has identified the spell. Identifying an onmyoji spell requires a knowledge (history) check, instead of the normal check.
Casting a spell granted by Onmyōdō requires energy in the form of an amount of Seiki. Each spell costs an amount of seiki equal to three more than its level.
A note about epic level: You continue to gain spells from Onmyōdō into epic level, but are never granted spells over 7th level from it.

Lv2+ > Seiki:
You gain access to a pool of seiki, or life energy, that is needed to cast your spells. You have an amount of seiki as listed on the chart.
You recover all of your seiki after 8 hours of rest.
A note about epic level:Your amount of seiki continues to increase at the same rate into epic levels.

Lv3 > Intuitive Spirit Craft:
When crafting spirit tags you may add twice your charisma modifier to save DCs instead of just one times your charisma modifier.

Lv4, 7, 10 > Lesser Shikigami Ability:
At each level indicated your shikigami gains a new ability. Choose its new ability from the following list:

*Lesser Occult Power [Sp/Ps]:
Choose a single arcane spell, mystery, or power of a level no higher than half your Onmyoji level, but never higher than 5th level. Your shikigami may use it as a spell-like (for mysteries and arcane spells) or psi-like (for powers) ability charisma modifier times per day. You may not augment psi-like abilities such as these with power points. In order to use the ability you must have a charisma score of 10 + its level.
If the effect had a cap to any damage die it continues to increase at half the normal rate beyond the cap. The effects save is changed to a DC of 15 + 1/2 onmyoji level + shikigami charisma modifier - level of the effect. Furthermore reduce the DC by 4 if the effect petrifies, curses, paralyzes, or kills.
Special: You may not choose any spell, power, etc. that has the capability to mimic or cast a spell other than itself. You may also not choose any spell, power, etc, that has material costs over 400gp or that costs more than 100 xp. You must expend xp as normal each time you use the ability if it has an xp cost below that however.

*Extra Appendages
Your shikigami gains two extra appendages. These new appendages may be of any the shikigami already had and function in the same capacity, but are all considered off-hand.
Special: You may not take this ability more than once per 4 levels you possess.

Human Form
Your shikigami may take the form of a human at will. The human you take the form of is the same everytime and the description is created at the time of creation. Changing into human-form and back into shikigami-form is a standard action.
While in human form a shikigami loses all benefits of its shikigami-form pertaining to its form. It retains its stats and any other abilities however. True seeing reveals its true nature, as may other divination magic, but mundane abilities (skill checks or seeing through disguises) may not see through this ability.

You gain a pair of wings appropriate for your size that grant a flight speed of twice your land movement speed, with perfect maneuverability.
If you already have wings this instead increases your speed to the new one (if it is higher) and increases your maneuverability to perfect.

*Increased Speed
You gain a +10 speed to all your movement speed.

You may not take a shikigami multiple times, unless a star stands beside its name.

Lv5, 8, 11, 14, 17 > Granted Power:
You gain the granted power of the domain you chose from Onmyōdō at level 2 when you reach level 5.
You gain the granted power of the domain you chose from Onmyōdō at level 5 when you reach level 8.
You gain the granted power of the domain you chose from Onmyōdō at level 8 when you reach level 11.
You gain the granted power of the domain you chose from Onmyōdō at level 11 when you reach level 14.
You gain the granted power of the domain you chose from Onmyōdō at level 14 when you reach level 17.

Lv5 > Deft Hands:
If you lack quick draw, you acquire it, but only for the purpose of drawing spirit tags. If you have quick draw or later attain it, you gain the ability to hold up to 1/2 your onmyoji level worth of tags in your hand, and may use whichever one you want without any extra action and without a longer action (aka you do not have to look for it).

Lv6 > Spirit Crafter:
You may use Meta-Onmyoji feats with Spirit Tags.

Lv7, 15 > Extra Tag:
At level 7 you may use two tags as part of a single activation. At level 15 this increases to three tags. These tags must be of the same activation type ad must be thrown or directed at the same target. If you can throw/use multiple tags in a round (not counting multiple tags thrown at the same time), you may not throw/use multiple tags at once as part of more than one attack (in a round).
Special: Prepare and Hold tags do not function with this ability.

Lv9 > Tag of Opportunity:
You may throw a spirit tag as an attack of opportunity. You may not use the ability Extra Tag when making an attack of opportunity in this way.

Lv9 > Seiki Regeneration:
At level 9 you begin recovering seiki at the rate of 1 point per an hour.

Lv11 > Recharge Spirit Tag:
After activating a spirit tag, that lacks the prepare activation method, you may expend an amount of seiki equal to the minimum caster level requirement of the tag to prevent it from becoming destroyed and useless. You may only do this once with any particular tag, as this ability put too much strain on the magic in that spirit tag for it function again.

Lv12 > Experienced Spirit Crafter:
You reduce the time it takes to craft spirit tags. Second level spirit tags can be made 1 hour faster and any higher level spirit tags can be made 2 hours faster. This may not reduce the craft time to below an hour.
Additionally, whenever you craft a first level spirit tag, you may opt to craft 2 instead of 1 (in the same amount of time it would take to create one). You still pay for both of them separately.

Lv13, 16, 19 > Greater Shikigami Ability:
At each level indicated your shikigami gains a new ability. Choose its new ability either from the Lesser Shikigami list or from the following list:

*Greater Occult Power [Sp/Ps]:
Choose a single arcane spell, mystery, or power of a level no higher than half your Onmyoji level, but that is higher than 5th level. Your shikigami may use it as a spell-like (for mysteries and arcane spells) or psi-like (for powers) ability charisma modifier times per day. You may not augment psi-like abilities such as these with power points. In order to use the ability you must have a charisma score of 10 + its level.
If the effect had a cap to any damage die it continues to increase at half the normal rate beyond the cap. The effects save is changed to a DC of 15 + 1/2 onmyoji level + shikigami charisma modifier - level of the effect. Furthermore reduce the DC by 4 if the effect petrifies, curses, paralyzes, or kills.
Special: You may not choose any spell, power, etc. that has the capability to mimic or cast a spell other than itself. You may also not choose any spell, power, etc, that has material costs over 400gp or that costs more than 100 xp. You must expend xp as normal each time you use the ability if it has an xp cost below that however.

Improved Lesser Occult Power:
Your shikigami may use any of its lesser occult powers an unlimited number of times per day.

*Improved Natural Attack
Choose a single natural attack. Your shikigami treats itself as being one size larger for purposes of making that attack. If you have multiple of that same attack (such as more than one claw), then this applies to all of them.

*Breathe Weapon
Choose a single dragon's breathe weapon. Your shikigami acquires it as appropriate for a dragon of a CR equal to your level.

Granted Template
Choose a single template of a LA no higher than 2 and of an HD no higher than 2. Apply it to your shikigami.

Frightening Presence
Your shikigami gains frightening presence. You acquire it as appropriate for a black dragon of a CR equal to your level.

You may not take a shikigami ability multiple times, unless a star stands beside its name.

Lv18 > Master Spirit Crafter:
You reduce the time it takes to craft spirit tags. Second level spirit tags can be made 1 hour faster and any higher level spirit tags can be made 2 hours faster. This may not reduce the craft time to below an hour. This part of the ability stacks with the same part of experienced spirit crafter.
Additionally, whenever you craft a first level spirit tag, you may opt to craft 3 instead of 2 (in the same amount of time it would take to create one). You still pay for both of them separately. This part of the ability supersedes the same part of experienced spirit crafter.

Lv20 > Superior Shikigami Ability:
At level 20 your shikigami gains a new ability. Choose either: two abilities from the Lesser Shikigami list, one from the Greater Shikigami list, or take the Hostile Takeover ability:A shikigami may, as a spell-like ability, take a fullround action to attempt to possess a target within 30ft (for which purpose the shikigami is considered a spirit). The target must make a will save DC of 10 + 1/2 your level + the shikigami's charisma modifier to negate this ability. If they fail the save your shikigami dissipates itself and fuses its essence into the target. The subject, while possessed, may not take any action unless it is mental only. The shikigami has knowledge of the characters abilities and capabilities, but not his memories, and may force the subject to take any action it wishes.
Your shikigami may leave the body as a standard action. Additional it may, as a free action, relinquish or seize back control from the host. The host is entitled to a save at the start of each day with a cumulative +1 bonus to make it per day they have been possessed, to force the shikigami out.
A shikigami that is forced out rematerializes adjacent to the subject it was forced out of.
A target who makes a successful save at any point to end this gains a cumulative +4 bonus to further saves to resist this ability for the next 24 hours.

You may not take a shikigami ability multiple times, unless a star stands beside its name.

Entering a Prestige Class
You qualify for prestige classes as if you had cleric levels equal to half your Onmyoji levels and could cast spells as appropriate for a cleric of that level. When any such class grants spellcasting levels you treat your level as being one higher for the purpose of your shikigami's level and your seiki.
Design Notes


2011-08-12, 11:00 PM
New Feats
Craft Spirit Tag
Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd level or higher divine spells or access to a craft reserve from a class feature
You gain the ability to craft Spirit Tags. See the Spirit Tag section for more information.

Meditative Spirit Crafting
Prerequisites: Must have at least one level of Onmyoji
The art of Spirit Tag crafting becomes highly meditative for you and for every hour of working on spirit tags you gain half an hour of rest.
*Thanks to Cipherthe3vil for inspiring this feat

Improved Craft Spirit Tag
Prerequisites: Must have at least one level of Onmyoji
When crafting spirit tags you gain the ability to ignore xp components. As long as your onmyoji level is equal to or higher than the minimum caster level requirement of the spirit tag, you may craft the spirit tag without xp by spending additional gold equal to 10 x what the xp cost would have been. This does not affect the crafting time.
Special: Any tag crafted in this way may not be used by anyone other than an onmyoji. The resale price of a such a tag is reduced to the original base price of the tag minus 5 x the xp cost removed. This may not reduce its resale cost below 25 gold.

Advanced Craft Spirit Tag
Prerequisites: Must have the Improved Craft Spirit Tag feat
Your kiru ability now reduces the gold cost derived from Improved Craft Spirit Tag as well as the normal gold costs.

Cheaper Spirit Tag Crafting
Prerequisites: Must have Craft Spirit Tag
When crafting spirit tags you may treat yourself as being an onmyoji of 4 levels higher for the purposes of your kiru ability.
Special: If you don't have levels of onmyoji, this feat instead grants you the Kiru ability as if you were a fourth level onmyoji.

Improved Shikigami
Prerequisites: Must have the shikigami class feature
Your shikigami is treated as if its level were one higher. You may take this even if it would increase its level beyond your onmyoji level, however your shikigami does not benefit from levels higher than your onmyoji level.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times.

Improved Seiki Pool
Prerequisites: Must have a pool of seiki
You gain an additional 2 points of seiki.

Advanced Seiki Pool
Prerequisites: Must have the Improved Seiki Pool feat
You gain an additional 4 points of seiki, in addition to that granted by Improved Seiki Pool.

Superior Seiki Pool
Prerequisites: Must have the Advanced Seiki Pool feat
You gain an additional 4 points of seiki, in addition to that granted by Improved Seiki Pool and Superior Seiki Pool.

Improved Seiki Regeneration
Prerequisites: Must have the Improved Seiki Pool feat
You may recover all of your seiki after 6 hours of rest instead of 8.

Throw Additional Tag
Prerequisites: Deft Hands class feature
After you throw a tag, you may take an immediate action to throw another tag. You may throw this tag at a different target than your previous tag or at the same target. Note that you are not throwing this tag at the same time as other tags.

Use Additional Tag
Prerequisites: Must have the Throw Additional Tag feat
After you use a tag that doesn't need thrown to activate, you may take an immediate action to activate another tag (that doesn't need thrown). Note that you are not using this tag at the same time as other tags.
Special: Prepare tags do not function with this ability. Using multiple hold tags in this way requires you use each tag in a separate hand.

Extra Lesser Shikigami Ability
Prerequisites: Must have the Greater Shikigami Ability class feature
You gain an extra Lesser Shikigami Ability.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times, but may not take it more times than you have Greater Shikigami Abilities.

Extra Greater Shikigami Ability
Prerequisites: Must have the Superior Shikigami Ability class feature and the Extra Lesser Shikigami Ability feat
You gain an extra Greater Shikigami Ability.

Spirit Shuriken
Prerequisites: Proficiency with shuriken, the Craft Spirit Tag ability, and must have either an AC bonus class feature or a pool of ki
You may substitute a shuriken for the materials of a tag, and carve the symbols into it instead of using ink. You may only do this with spirit tags that can be thrown. After use the shuriken, it is destroyed.
Special: Extra Tag and Throw Additional Tag do not work with this ability. This feat may be take as a monk bonus feat.
*Thanks to Cipherthe3vil for this feat

Bleeding Paper
Prerequisites: Either 11 levels of onmyoji or 14 divine caster levels, and the Improved Craft Spirit Tag feat
You use a special paper named Bleeding Paper when crafting spirit tags. Doing so costs 25% more gold then normal (this affects xp and time). In return for every one tag you make with Bleeding Paper you create a spare (of the same tag). This tag has a 10% chance of it being inert (which you can't tell until you attempt to activate it).
*Thanks to Cipherthe3vil for this feat

Vermin Shikigami
Prerequisites: Must have levels in Onmyoji
You may acquire a vermin type creature instead of an animal for your onmyoji. Your shikigami is considered one level higher than normal. If you change your shikigami at a higher level the bonus level is lost, even if the new selection is also a vermin. You may not choose a swarm for your shikigami.
Special: You may only take this feat at first level. It may be taken before you have a shikigami (and must be), but doesn't confer any benefits until you acquire one.
*requested/idea by Owrtho

Rules on Spirit Tags
Crafting Spirit Tags
To craft Spirit Tags you must have the Craft Spirit Tag feat.
Each tag has prerequisites in their descriptions, which must be met in order to create the item. The base price of any tag is detailed in its description.
The cost of supplies for a spirit tag is half the base price in gp and 1/20 of the base price rounded up in XP.
The following spoiler details the components included in the cost of making spirit tags:The paper is made from Hemp, Mulberry, and Wheat, while the ink is created from Pine, Sesame, Ground Animal Bone, and Natural Oil.
The remaining gold cost depends on if you are an onmyoji or not: If you are an onmyoji the extra cost may be covered by sacrificing gold to your shikigami (presumably to be taken to your ancestors) to imbue the tag with the magic necessary for it to function. You may not craft a tag in this way if you can't summon your shikigami.
If using a shikigami is not a viable option you may instead use ground up gems of at least equal gp.You need a fairly quiet, comfortable, and well-lit place in which to work. Any place suitable for preparing spells is suitable for making spirit tags. Creating a single spirit tag requires an hour per 80 gp in the item’s base price (gp is rounded to the nearest 80gp for this purpose (and if directly in the middle round up)), with a minimum of an hour. The gold and XP is spent after the successful creation of a tag. No craft check is needed to produce spirit tags.
You may work a maximum of 8 hours each day and you cannot rush the process by working longer each day. But the times need not be consecutive as long as a minimum of an hour is spent working on each tag, and you can use the rest of this time as you wish.
Normally you can work on only one item at a time. If a character starts work on a new item, the work on the previous item is lost, but the xp and gold are retained.
You may not apply meta-onmyoji feats while crafting a Spirit Tag. Instead such a feat when it is declared you activate a Spirit Tag.
Using a tag takes a standard action and immediately destroys it after activation. Hold and Prepare tags are an exception to the destruction rule (their destruction is detailed in the spirit tag) and Prepare tags have their activation times and rules. Unless otherwise noted the ability created by the tag is supernatural in nature (this does not prevent you from provoking attacks of opportunity, although it does mean that none of them are subject to spell resistance).

Spirit Tags:

Item [Type/Identifier/(Types [subtypes])]
Activation: expend, throw, or prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 1,3,5,7
Equivalent Spell Level: 1,2,3,4
Prerequisites: spell requirements
Base Cost: - gp
Preparation: No or Yes, insert description
Range: No or Yes / 30ft Ranged Touch Attack or 30ft Range

Batch 1
Hogoku [Defense/Kū/(Abjuration)]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Sanctuary spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
Once activated this Spirit Tag releases a shimmer of silver energy and engulfs you in an invisible barrier. The next subject who wishes to attack you (whether melee, spell, etc) or include you in the area of an effect must make a will save DC of 10 + 1/2 the level of the Spirit Tag's activator + the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator or their attack has no effect against you. This effect ends after either a number of rounds equal to its activator's charisma or until you have attempted to block 3 effects (whichever is first).
Special: You may wave this effect from working against any effect if you wish, so that it can be used later against a different effect.

Chiyu Kei [Defense/Fū/(Conjuration[Healing])]
Activation: Expend or Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Cure Light Wounds spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: If thrown it has a range of 30ft (you must make a succesfull ranged touch attack against) unwilling targets
If activated by expending it, this spirit tag releases a light golden glow healing your hit points equal to your HD rounded down (to a minimum of 1) plus 1d4 per point of the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator.
If you throw it it instead heals your target an amount equal to your (not your targets) HD plus 1d4 per point of the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator.

Koraeru Kankyo [Defense/Chi/(Abjuration)]
Activation: Hold
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Endure Elements spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
This spirit tag is destroyed once you let go of it (a swift action). You must keep one hand free for no purpose other than holding the spirit tag in your hand for it to remain active. Until which time it is destroyed, the spirit tag grants benefits equivalent to the Endure Elements spell.

Maho Buki [Offense/Fū/(Abjuration)]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Magic Weapon spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
Once activated your body hums with energy and shimmers a light blue, giving off light as a torch. You gain a bonus to all attack rolls equal to the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's Creator for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier. You may end this effect a swift action, before its last round, to grant yourself a +10 or twice the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's Creator (whichever is higher) to a single attack roll.

Sasageru [Seal/Kū/(Evocation [Good])]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Consecrate spell.
Base Cost: 30gp
Preparation: You must place multiple tags on the ground (dropping a tag is a free action). Draw a line (metaphorically) between these tags, none of which may be more than 10ft apart. This effect can then activated as a swift action from within 30ft of one of the tags and remains active for a number of days equal to the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's Creator. Destroying a tag (which only has 1 hp for this purposes) requires an attack against it against an AC of half the activators level). Area of effects (usually) have no effect on these tags because they do not have an attack roll. Once a tag is destroyed the lines are rewritten to fit the new biggest possible area.
Range: No
The area drawn out by the tags is cast in a harsher light than normal (not necessarily brighter or dimmer though) and grants the following effects: charisma checks made for turn attempts gain a sacred bonus equal to the Activator's charisma modifier, every undead creature or outsider within the area takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves per each spirit tag placed beyond the second (to a maximum of half the activator's HD, but not to be lower than 1), and neither undead nor outsiders can be summoned or created within the area.
Special: If multiple areas are built overtop of each other, the one with the higher penalty suppresses the other area.

Ka Bakuha [Offense/Ka/(Evocation[Fire])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Searing Light spell.
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft ranged touch attack
This spirit tag explodes on impact releasing a torrent of flame and deals 1d6 fire damage + 1d6 fire damage per 3 levels the Activator has. Additionally the target is lit on fire if the tag successfully deals damage. Your target may make a reflex save DC of 10 + 1/2 the level of the Spirit Tag's activator + the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator to negate damage and prevent catching fire. Additionally, after the first round of being on fire if the save is failed, a save must be made each round or all flammable materials carried by your target also catch fire for the duration.
This spirit tag deals d8 damage against Outsiders, undead, or shapechangers; instead of d6.
*Thanks to Cipherthe3vil for inspiring this ability

Aisufo-Ru [Offense/Sui/(Evocation[Cold, Water])]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Frost Breath spell (see spell compendium).
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
Upon activation this tag glow bright blue and a pillar of blue light leaps up from the tag into the sky. Choose a single 15ft area with its epicenter within 15ft of you.
At the start of your next turn icicles fall down in a 100ft tall cylinder in that area. Anyone within takes 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 6 levels the activator has. Half of this damage is piercing and the other half is cold.
In addition to this ice forms on the ground on the start of your the turn after the ice fell. This area is treated as difficult terrain and anyone who attempts to move in this area must make a balance check with a DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or fall prone. Getting up also requires the same check. Every 5ft patch of ice has hitpoints equal to the activators HD and takes double damage from fire.

Shimoyake [Offense/Sui/(Evocation[Cold,Water])]]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Ice Gauntlet spell (see spell compendium).
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft ranged touch attack
This spirit tag explodes on impact releasing a burst of ice shards and deals 1d4 damage + 1d4 damage per 4 levels the Activator has. Half of this damage is bludgeoning and the other half is cold.
This spirit tag deals d6 damage against Outsiders, undead, or shapechangers; instead of d4.

Seisei Amamizu [Offense/Sui/(Evocation[Water])]]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Create Water spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
Once activated this tag 'melts' into 1 gallon of water per level the activator has. This may be scaled as desired, to any gallon amount. The activator may also choose to blast the water into someone within 60ft dealing 1 bludgeoning damage per gallon, extinguishing any nonmagical flames or magic flames not still controlled by their creator automatically, while allowing the extinguishing of controlled flames with an opposed charisma check, and thoroughly drenching them in water.

Inabikari [Offense/Fū/(Evocation[Electricity])]]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Energy Vortex spell (see spell compendium).
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft ranged touch attack
As you throw this tag it evaporates into a cloud of static which forms into a bolt of lightning. It deals 1d6 electricity damage + 1d6 electricity damage per 3 levels the activator has. Additionally if your target is currently carrying metal in weight equal to half his own body weight or more, is more than 1/3 submerged in water, or is soaked, then this attack gains a +20 to hit, deals damage in d10s (instead of d6s), and must make a reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or be stunned for 1 round.

Seisei Amamizu [Offense/Fū/(Evocation[Wind])]]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Wind Wall spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
Once activated this tag glows green shortly before being shredded by a sudden influx of wind, which then spirals around you for a number of round equal to the charisma modifier of the spirit tag's creator + the activators charisma modifier.
While this is active you may increase your AC by 1/2 the level of the activator + the charisma modifier of the spirit tag's creator against all ranged and ranged touch attack rolls. For purposes of attack rolls against this AC, size modifiers are added.
You may end this effect as an immediate action to repulse someone who attempts to enter within 15ft of you with a bullrush attempt that uses 1/4 the activators level plus their charisma modifier. This check may push an opponent more than 5ft and does not require you to move (as the wind is actually doing the bullrush). They are pushed directly away from you.

Dangai [Seal/Kū/(Evocation [Good])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the consecrate spell.
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft Ranged Touch Attack
If your target is a demon, fiend, or undead, then they take a penalty to all skill checks, saves, and attack rolls equal to the spirit tag creator’s charisma modifier. Additionally they must make a will save DC of 10 + 1/2 the level of the Spirit Tag's activator + the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator or they may not use any magic abilities for the next 1d4 + 1 rounds. Durational effects already affecting your subject are suppressed (but only for purposes of interacting with that subject).

Ruzai [Seal/Kū/(Abjuration)]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Banishment spell.
Base Cost: 800 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft Ranged Touch Attack
If your target is currently possessed by a demon, fiend, or spirit, then the possessor must make a will save DC of 10 + 1/2 the level of the Spirit Tag's activator + the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator or be shunted out of the creature.
If your target is an outsider they must make the same save or be banished as if by the banishment spell. If the outsider is possessing a target they are granted two saves, one for the possession and, if they failed that save, are then subject to banishment (failure to exorcise, also means a failed banishment). You are not limited by hit die for this effect.

Shiso [Seal/Kū/(Necromancy)]
Activation: Hold
Minimum Caster Level: 7
Equivalent Spell Level: 4
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Speak with Dead and Animate Dead spells.
Base Cost: 1200 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
This spirit tag is destroyed once the condition stated activates it. You must keep one hand free for no purpose other than holding the spirit tag in your hand for it to remain ready.
If somebody kills you while this tag is ready, then you may attempt to possess them with your spirit. They may make a will save DC of 10 + 1/2 the level of the Spirit Tag's activator + the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator to negate this, but upon failure you become in complete control of your subject.
You may leave as a swift action, but without a body to return you will die. You may only return to your body if a ressurection or similar spell is cast upon it first.

Jin'ei Sho-Ken [Seal/Kū/(Necromancy)]
Activation: Hold
Minimum Caster Level: 7
Equivalent Spell Level: 4
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Slay Living spell.
Base Cost: 1200 gp
Preparation: No
This spirit tag is destroyed once the condition stated activates it. You must keep one hand free for no purpose other than holding the spirit tag in your hand for it to remain ready.
If somebody kills you while this tag is ready they immediately take untyped damage equal to the number of hit points you had at the start of the round you were killed.

Nagareboshi Fukitsuke Hoshikuzu [Offense/Chi/(Conjuration[Earth, Fire])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Cometfall spell (see spell compendium).
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft (see text)
As you throw this tag at your target (target any space within 30ft) it explodes into hundreds of little flaming stones. Roll as if you missed with a splash weapon to determine a random space and then roll again to select a new space from that space. The hundreds of tiny stones hit this spot and explode dealing 1d6 fire damage + 1d6 fire damage per 5 levels the Activator has, as well as 1d4 bludgeoning damage + 1d4 fire damage per 4 levels the Activator has to anyone in the space it hit.
Following this roll for splash again 3 times. Anyone within the three spaces selected takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage + 1d4 fire damage per 3 levels the Activator has. The same space may be selected more than once, but this may not affect the center square where the explosion originated.

Onseihyo-Ki [Untyped/Fū/(Universal)]
Activation: Hold
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Comprehend Languages spell.
Base Cost: 230 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
This spirit tag is destroyed once you let go of it (a swift action). You must keep one hand free for no purpose other than holding the spirit tag in your hand for it to remain active. Until which time it is destroyed, the spirit tag grants you the ability to communicate with anyone else holding a Onseihyo-Ki spirit tag. You must know the name of the person you wish to speak to and they know the name of the person who called them before answering. You must take a swift action to activate the tag to receive a message, as well as a swift action to reply back. You may not receive and send a message at the same time.
*Thanks to Cipherthe3vil for inspiring this tag

Majo Hashimahou [Offense/Chi/(Conjuration[Creation])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Brambles spell (see spell compendium).
Base Cost: 230 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft Ranged Touch Attack
After the tag strikes your opponent it turns into soil and brambles grow out of it. They immediately become entangled. Additionally they must make a reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier each round or become unable to move (for that round). Each time they fail a reflex save they take piercing damage equal to half the activators level. Anyone they touch or anyone who touches them takes 1d4 piercing damage per 6 levels the activator had. Three successful saves in a row (causing the plant to wilt) or the destruction of the plant frees them.
The plant has hitpoints equal to thrice the activators level, but takes double damage from energy damage. Any attack directed at the plant also hits the entangled.

Fushoku [Offense/Chi/(Conjuration[Earth])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Shatter spell.
Base Cost: 230 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft Ranged Touch Attack
This tag dissolves in midair into iron fillings. The moment it hits your target they begin to spread and rust, contaminating other metals. All metal objects currently in possession of a targeted character (if you target a character) or a single metal object you aim for (if you target a specific object) take damage, that ignores hardness, equal to the spirit tag creator's charisma modifier. Unattended non-intelligent metal objects automatically take double this damage. A targeted character must make a single reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or this damage is doubled against all objects in their possession. Intelligent items may make a save of their own as welll.

Shinabiru [Offense/Ka/(Necromancy)]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Diminish Plants spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
Upon activation all non-magical non-intelligent plants within a radius of 30ft that weren't created by magic, automatically die. Other plants take 1d4 untyped damage + 1d4 untyped damage per 4 levels.

Hourin Vanpaia [Offense/Kū/(Necromancy)]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast Magic Weapon and Death Knell (spell compendium) spells.
Base Cost: 800 gp
Preparation: This tag is applied to a weapon as a full-round action.
Range: No
Once attached to a weapon the weapon gains a +2 magical enhancement and, if it wasn't before, is treated as if was a masterwork weapon. Any damage dealt with the weapon heals the wielder by an amount equal to a quarter of that dealt (rounded up to a minimum of 1 and to a maximum of twice the users level per an attack). This ability has untyped healing that heals its target of hit point damage regardless of their immunities and resistances. This healing may not be amplified by another ability or feats, except for by meta-onmyoji feats.
Special: While this tag has no duration it is automatically destroyed should it be removed or should the weapon take damage while it is attached.

Tsutaurushi [Offense/Chi/(Necromancy)]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Poison spell.
Base Cost: 800 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft ranged touch attack
Your target becomes poisoned. They take untyped damage equal to the spirit tag creators charisma modifier on the round they are struck and each round after. This damage ignores any reductions in damage,resistances, and immunities; but is negated/cured by any ability that grants immunity to magic poisons, as well as by any spell that removes poison. The poison ends after a number of minutes later equal to the spirit tag creator's charisma modifier.
A target who dies and is then resurrected is also cured of the poison.

Kokuken [Defense/Sui/(Conjuration[Creation])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast either the Inky Cloud or Obscuring Mist spell.
Base Cost: 230 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft ranged touch attack
You release a cloud of smoke that grants total concealment. It has an area of 5 x (the activators charisma modifier + the spirit tag's creator's charisma modifier). This may be blown away by wind in the same manor as obscuring mist. while it remains though everyone who remains within it must make a fortitude save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier each round or become fatigued. Anyone who is already fatigued may become exhausted, anyone who is already exhausted falls unconscious, and anyone who is knocked unconscious by this tag begins to suffocate.

Bakuchiuchi Gyo-Ko [Seal/Kū/(Transmutation)]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must have a divine caster level of 12
Base Cost: 230 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft Ranged Touch Attack
As this tag strikes your opponent an image of you flickers overtop of him and an image of him flickers overtop of you. Your subject must make a fortitude save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or you switch all effects that have affected you since your last turn with all effects that affect your target since his last turn (this includes any effects currently active). This includes permanent ongoing effects, but only ones that are not mundane in nature, and this part of the switch only lasts for 1d4 + 1 rounds. This ability does not affect target who are dead (nice try :smalltongue:).

Yaiba Kami
Base Cost: 20 gp
This tag is not magic in nature and replicates the function of a shuriken. It deals additional slashing damage equal to it's creators charisma modifier. Additionally it may only be countered by another bladed tag. For purposes of identification only it is considered a chi and offense tag. Additionally this tag is not destroyed upon use and may be retrieved.

Sekka [Offense/Fū/(Evocation[Fire])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast either the Light spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft Ranged Touch Attack
This tag lights whatever it touches on fire. While there is no save to prevent this, it may be put out as normal on further action.

Sekijun [Offense/Chi/(Transmutation[Earth])]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast either the Stone Shape or Meld with Stone spell.
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: You must take a fullround action to place this tag on the ground and cover it with dirt. This tag may only be placed on soil, dirt, sand, or non-metalic rock. You may not place more than one of these tags in any 5ft space.
Range: No
This tag activates when someone over 30 lbs steps on it. It then dissolves into dirt and the ground juts up into a 10ft tall spike dealing 1d4 piercing damage + 1d4 piercing damage per 2 levels the spirit tag's creator had. Additionally the target falls prone. A reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier prevents them from falling prone and halves damage.
Special: You may increase the weight designated for activation to any higher amount during creation.

Suieru Daichi [Defense/Chi/(Transmutation[Earth])]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 1
Equivalent Spell Level: 1
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast either the Stone Shape or Meld with Stone spell.
Base Cost: 80 gp
Preparation: You must take a fullround action to place this tag on the ground and cover it with dirt. This tag may only be placed on soil, dirt, sand, or non-metalic rock. You may not place more than one of these tags in any 5ft space.
If you place multiple tags in the collapse area, the triggering of one causes a chain reaction and the round after the first collapse causes the next area that had a Suieru Daichi tag before the collapse also collapses. This continues until all tags in range are gone.
Range: No
This tag has an effect equivalent to tremor sense out to 30ft. Anyone over 30 lbs who enters the area and is sensed triggers the tag. It then dissolves into dirt and the ground dissolves into a 30ft + 10ft per spirit tag creators charisma modifer deep and 15ft wide pit. If over a cliff or similar situation this may create a hole. A reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier allows the character to jump out of the way before it collapses.
Special: You may increase the weight designated for activation to any higher amount during creation.

Kogoejini [Offense/Sui/(Evocation[Cold])]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Hypothermia spell (see spell compendium).
Base Cost: 800 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
Upon activation this tag crystallizes into glass and then disintegrates into a snowy wind that explodes in a 15ft radius. Anyone other than the activator must make a fortitude save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or be flash-frozen.
A frozen character may take no actions other than mental-only, begins to suffocate from lack of oxygen, and takes 1d4 cold damage + 1d4 cold damage per 6 level of the activator. A frozen character may, at the start of each of their turns, make a strength check to deal damage to the ice equal to it. A third party may also deal damage, with fire dealing double. The ice also takes damage each round equal to 50 less than the temperature (and healing if this goes into 'negative damage' and even exceeding its base hit points). The ice has hitpoints equal to twice the activators level.

Fu-Atsu [Offense/Fū/(Conjuration[Air/Wind])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast either the Wind Wall or Downdraft spell.
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft Ranged Touch Attack
Your tag zips towards your opponent at incredible speed creating an influx of wind as it does so. Your target takes 1d6 slashing damage + 1d6 slashing damage per 4 levels. Additionally they must make a reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or are disarmed of any weapons they are carrying and have loose object torn from their person.

Cho-Dokyu Onpa [Offense/Fū/(Conjuration[Sonic])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Shatter spell.
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft (see text)
Your tag accelerates to hypersonic speed dealing 1d4 sonic damage + 1d4 sonic damage per 5 levels to anything in the area it travels through and to 5ft out as it breaks the sound barrier. It also deals 1d4 piercing damage + 1d4 piercing damage per 5 levels to anything in the area it travels in. Anyone not in the direct line may make a reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier to half sonic damage. Anyone in direct line of effect may make a reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier to half piercing damage.

Haishidsu [Seal/Kū/(Transmutation)] - the 'd' is actually a 't', but the filter thinks I'm swearing.
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Know Vulnerability (see spell compendium) and Know Opponent (see spell compendium) spells.
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft ranged touch attack
Your target must make a will save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or they immediately lose the use of a single ability you designate (choose one you have seen or are aware of on some other level) for 1d4 + 1 rounds.

Tekuragari [Defense/Kū/(Evocation[Darkness])]
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Darkness spell.
This duplicates the effects of the darkness spell, using the activators stats (with level in place of caste level).

Hakko-Daio-Do [Defense/Kū/(Evocation[Light])]
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Daylight spell.
This duplicates the effects of the light spell, using the activators stats (with level in place of caste level).

Kyo-Zo [Defense/Sui/(Abjuration)]
Prerequisites/Effective Spell Level: Same as for Hogoku
This tag functions as the Hogoku spirit tag, except that upon successfully blocking an effect the originator is also struck by it as if the attack were redirected at him (or in the case of an area, as if he were in the area).

Yokoki Kyanon[Offense/Fū/(Evocation[Electricity, Earth])]
Activation: Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Magic Stone and Searing Light spells.
Base Cost: 800 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 60ft Ranged Touch Attack
As you throw your tag it crumbles up into a ball and solidifies into metal. A moment latter it explodes releasing a stream of electrified iron. Your target takes 1d6 electricity damage + 1d6 electricity damage per 4 levels of the activator. Your target must also make a reflex save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or all of their armor and exposed weaponry takes damage equal to twice the spirit tag creator's charisma modifier.

Kamishimo [Defense/Kū/(Conjuration[Force])]
Activation: Hold
Minimum Caster Level: 3
Equivalent Spell Level: 2
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Magic Vestment spell.
Base Cost: 320 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
This spirit tag is destroyed once you let go of it (a swift action). You must keep one hand free for no purpose other than holding the spirit tag in your hand for it to remain active. Until which time it is destroyed, the spirit tag grants samurai armor made out of force. It grants a deflection bonus to AC equal to 1/3 the activators level.

Base Cost: 20 gp
Upon creation of this tag you designate the type, identifier, and types/subtypes that this tag registers as when identified. It may be thrown up to 30ft with a ranged touch attack. This tag has no actual other effects.
Special: This tag may not be used to counter-tag. Additionally this tag is not destroyed upon use and may be retrieved (though it is destroyed if it is 'countered').

Nusumitoru Soyokaze [Seal/Fū/(Universal[Evil])]
Activation: Expend
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Control Winds spell.
Base Cost: 800 gp
Preparation: No
Range: No
When you activate this tag target a single subject within 30ft. They must make a fortitude save DC of 10 + the activators HD + the Spirit Tag's creator's charisma modifier or be afflicted by a curse. As long as the curse remains (and it functions in antimagic) anytime the activator begins to suffocate they steal the air from the breathe of the cursed, who immediately begins to suffocate as if he were the one who couldn't breathe.
Special: Afflicting a person with this tag's effects, immediately free the previous target.

Majikaru Jido-Sho-Ju [Offense/Chi/(Transmutation)]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be able to cast the Magic Weapon and Helping Hand spells.
Base Cost: 800 gp
Preparation: This tag is applied to a weapon as a full-round action.
Range: No
Once attached to a weapon the weapon gains a +2 magical enhancement and, if it wasn't before, is treated as if was a masterwork weapon.
The weapon may not be used as if it were a dancing weapon, but with the following modifications: there are no limits to the rounds it moves (you may end or start it as a swift action), it can make attacks of opportunity, it uses your level in place of your normal base attack bonus (but still retains all relevant modifiers and bonuses), and it deals damage based off of your charisma instead of strength.
Special: This tag is automatically destroyed should it be removed from the weapon. Additionally it destroys itself after the weapon has 'danced' for a number of rounds equal to half the creators level + twice the creators charisma.

Shikigami Gentei [Seal/Kū/(Evocation)]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 3
Prerequisites: Must be an Onmyoji of at least 5th level.
Base Cost: 20gp
Preparation: You must place multiple tags on the ground (dropping a tag is a free action). Draw a line (metaphorically) between these tags, none of which may be more than 10ft apart. This effect can then activated as a swift action from within 30ft of one of the tags and remains active for a number of days equal to the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's Creator. Destroying a tag (which only has 1 hp for this purposes) requires an attack against it against an AC of half the activators level). Area of effects (usually) have no effect on these tags because they do not have an attack roll. Once a tag is destroyed the lines are rewritten to fit the new biggest possible area.
Range: No
The area drawn out by the tags is cast in a weird light and grants the following effects: Shikigami within the area must make a will save DC of 10 + 1/2 the level of the Spirit Tag's activator + the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's creator each round. Any shikigami who fails the check has its level reduced by the activator's charisma modifier for 1d4 + 1 rounds. Multiple level drops stack. A shikigami may not be reduced below level 1 in this way, and if it would have been is shunted out of the area. Any shikigami who leaves this area has this penalty suppressed until it reenters the area (aka leaving the area does not end the effect while the duration continues).
Special: If the activator has a shikigami, it is immune to his particular activation of this tag. If multiple areas are built overtop of each other, the one with the higher penalty suppresses the other area.

Aai Hōrudo [Seal/Kū/(Evocation)]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 7
Equivalent Spell Level: 4
Prerequisites: Must be an Onmyoji of at least 5th level.
Base Cost: 30gp
Preparation: You must place multiple tags on the ground (dropping a tag is a free action). Draw a line (metaphorically) between these tags, none of which may be more than 10ft apart. This effect can then activated by touching of one of the tags and remains active for a number of days equal to the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's Creator, or until deactivated by a touch from the activator then reactivated as another touch until a total active time is no more then the charisma modifier in days of the Tag's Creator. Destroying a tag (which only has 1 hp for this purposes) requires an attack against it against an AC of half the activators level). Area of effects (usually) have no effect on these tags because they do not have an attack roll. Once a tag is destroyed the lines are rewritten to fit the new biggest possible area.
Range: No
The area drawn out by the tags hums with electricity for a moment on activation and grants the following effects: Any creature to attempt to cross the line drawn out by the tags must make a will save(partial) DC = Tag's Creator's Charisma modifier + 10 + 1/2 activator's level +1 per tag used in the preparation or forget why they wanted to cross, and find they want to be anywhere but past the line as well as forgetting feeling this confusion a minute later. This part of the ability is a mind-effecting compulsion. If they succeed, they can cross normally. However after initially crossing the line they take 1 point of nonlethal electric damage per level the spirit tag's creator had each round until they leave.
*this tags creation credited to Cipherthe3vil

Batch 2

Libra Rei [Untyped/Fū/(Divination)]
Activation: Expend or Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 7
Equivalent Spell Level: 4
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Deathwatch, Read Magic, and Status spells
Base Cost: 100gp
Preparation: No
Range: If thrown it has a range of 30ft (you must make a succesfull ranged touch attack against unwilling targets)
If activated by expending it, this spirit tag releases a light silver glow and the tag bleaches into a blank white form and lists your statistics: HP, Abilities, Conditions (Poison, Resistances, ect), and newest additions: Section that lists the most recent effects (up to 24 hours ago); like if you've recently been poisoned. It does not however list the source. Like the name of said poison, but does list when the secondary effect will take hold. The tag can be maid Dynamic- counting down, displaying live hp as it goes ect, by expending 1 Seiki into the tag (which is now useless for any other purpose)
If you "throw" it, it instead releases a spectral copy of itself which impacts the subject as a ranged touch attack, meanwhile the real tag which remains in your hands displays they're information as normal. This spectral tag can be countered as normal, but is unaffected by nonliving, nonmagical matter.
Below is the form that is displayed:
Health: 5d10HD
Power: Immense (50+) Vast (30+) Greater (20+) Great (15+) High (10+) Lesser (5+) Least (1+)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low Light vision, Scent
Special Attacks: Fireball spell like ability (does not list how often)
Equipment: ?? Vials of antivenom
Condition: Petrified
STR: Deity-Level (50+) Legendary (30+) Vast (20+) Greater (15+) Great (10+) High (5+) Lesser (1+)
Recent effects: Petrified 1 minute ago.
Cure Serious Wounds 1 hour ago
Cured of poison 1 hour ago
Poisoned 1 hour ago
took 32 damage 1 hour ago
took 10 damage 1 hour ago.
Bulls Strength 1 day ago
*this tags creation credited to Cipherthe3vil


Identifying and Countering Spirit Tags
Whenever your observe someone using a spirit tag you may make a knowledge (history) check to identify the tag as a free action (no retries). To identify a spirit tag you must meet a DC of 10 + half the tag creators level + activator's charisma modifier + the required caster level of the spirit tag.
This identification does not lend to the identification of further uses of that type of tag. When you identify a tag in this way, you learn its type (seal, offense, or defense) and its identifier; but do not learn anything else about it.
Someone who has identified a Spirit Tag and has either readied an action with a spirit tag or that has the ability to use a spirit tag as an attack of opportunity, may expend that spirit tag to negate the other one. In order for this to function at all the spirit tag you have must be dominate over your opponents spirit tag. This is determined by their types: A seal is dominant over a defense tag, a defense tag is dominant over an offense tag, and an offense tag is dominant over a seal tag.
If you counter-tagged because you can use tags as an attack of opportunity, then you use up an attack of opportunity (and may not counter-tag if you don't have one remaining).
If the tag to be countered is a thrown tag you must be within range to throw your tag at your opponents tag and must use a thrown tag yourself. This requires a ranged attack roll against a DC of your opponents attack roll with their tag to successfully negate the spirit tag.
If the tag is not a thrown tag than you may only counter the tag if you are within 30ft of it. This requires an opposed caster check (though you use your level in place of caster level if you are an onmyoji) to successfully negate the spirit tag.

When Using Multiple Spirit Tags

All Spirit Tags have identifiers. When using multiple spirit tags at the same time you gain greater effects and must designate which spirit tag has which role. One must be an Primary Tag, another is a Secondary Tag, and (if you use three) another is an Extra Tag. Keep in mind that you may only use one spirit tag at a time, unless you have an ability that grants you the capability to do otherwise.
Once these are chosen look below to see what extra effect is caused. Cross check the identifier of the primary and the identifier of the secondary tag and if one of the conditions meet add the effect. The Extra Tag has no effect on what happens:
Two Chi - You gain a natural armor bonus to your AC equal to the total levels of the Sui tags until the end of your next turn. If you already have another bonus or actually have natural armor, this stacks.
Two Ka - Anyone hit by a spirit tag that deals damage takes extra fire damage equal to half the combined effective spell level of all Ka tags involved.
Two Fū - Anyone hit by a non-Fū tag as part of this is subject to a bullrush using your charisma in place of strength with a bonus to this check equal to half the combined spell levels of the Fū tags. They are pushed the full distance and not just 5ft.
Two Sui - You recover from a single non-permanent condition you are currently affected by, or are granted a new save against a permanent condition.
Two Kū - You heal yourself an amount equal to 1 per effective spell level of all Kū tags involved.

Additionally you may counter multiple spirit tags. The only limitation is whether or not you can use multiple spirit tags at the same time or not. All rules apply as normal for this (you would have to expend three attacks of opportunity to block three for example).

Cipher Stars
2011-08-13, 04:12 AM
Oooooo I really love it.

But I think you give them far to few Seiki

Also in "Entering Prestige classes" You reference Shinigami when you call it Shikigami elsewhere.

I also think 4-6 skill points would be much more fitting.

Oh, and consider yourself to already have an Onmyoji player.
I'll just be hoping stats enough for a 5th level player are done before not-too soon.

I'd also suggest 1st 3rd 5th 8th 10th 13th 15th 18th 20th to have Onmyodo, so you can have up to all 9 Domain abilities.
(If I understand correctly, the Onmyoji gets one new Domain spell at each Onmyodo level? Which is pretteh weak especially if reduced to only seven of said spell levels.
Honestly I'd personally power it up if Onmyodo was to stay at seventh, that each Onmyodo level they gain Another domain from which to gain spells.
(at second level, you'd gain one domain and its first level power. At fifth you'd gain a second domain and its first level power in addition to the second level power of the first. and so on) Even if you expand to full nine, I'd say give them an extra domain every five levels or so (5th 10th 15th and 20th) )
None of this suggestion is too necessary though, sure they get Tags that they have to spend precious game time and money to craft and only go to 4th level cleric spells. but I'm not sure that's very... potent and an expanse on the Onmyodo seems to be in order.

2011-08-13, 05:16 PM
Fixed shinigami spelling error.
Upped Skill points to 4.
Granted access to domains as per your suggestion, but only up to granting all of the domains listed and delayed the granted powers. The Onmyoji now has 25 spells. I want to avoid the higher level domain spells (especially miracle) so I didn't add access to them. I did give them all of the granted powers though.
Upped Seiki. I still kept it relatively low as I wanted to limit casting of spells, because of the shinigami and the expanded ability to use spirit tags (which they can use better than anyone else).
Started to work on Shikigami abilities.

2011-08-13, 05:24 PM
Your Shikigami incorrectly states "At 1st level you gain the service of a shikigami", it should be second.

The shikigami retains the "features" it had of the hit dice it loses? Does that include HP, BAB, saves, skill points, and feats, or what do you mean by that?

I believe the Occult Power spell/psi-like ability should be required to use a mental ability score to determine the saving throw, though I support your decision to let the onmyoji choose it. (You also didn't mention a minimum ability score of 10+spell/power level) Unless it was your intent to allow Str/Dex/Con-based casting...

For the domains, you mention the spells having a save DC based on Charisma, but you don't list Charisma as a requirement to be able to cast. (As written, a creature with 1 Charisma could cast a 6th level domain spell. Since not all spells allow a saving throw, heal comes to mind, that wouldn't be an issue) Normal spellcasting requires a minimum stat of 10+spell level.

It would help your critiquers if you linked to the Craft Spirit Tag feat, or at least posted a description of it.

The incorporeal subtype and a +4 Charisma bonus? Well...technically it's not a debuff, but you certainly just tanked their AC into the ground. Most animals with 3 HD or less have 6 Charisma. Up it by 4, and you have 10. So the incorporeal subtype grants your animal a deflection bonus to its AC equal to its Cha mod, or +1 if its Charisma score is less than 12. So now the animal has a +1 deflection bonus to its AC and no natural armor bonus. Ouch. So an average of 12 or 13 AC (Animals at low HD don't have high Dex mods) and a 50% miss chance. Admittedly, until 6th level or so when everyone has magic items it's going to be invulnerable to attacks, but...yeah. That kind of makes it worse. Additionally, the animal's HP drops to nothing with no Con score and 10 Charisma determining their hit points.

2011-08-13, 07:54 PM
Changed Occult Power's modifier to charisma modifier.
Specified features retained by shikigami to exclude bab and saves, but include skill points, feats, and other abilities.
Spellcasting now requires a charisma score of 10 + the spells level.
The Craft Spirit tag feat is in the incomplete section. I haven't finished working on the stuff pertaining to it yet.
Still trying to figure out how I might change the shikigami.

edit- tweaked AC and how incorporeality works. Does this work better?
Increased seiki, but also increased the cost of all spells by 3, to create a more even casting flow. You were definitely right about the seiki Cipherthe3vil.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-13, 11:16 PM
great. Hm.. I think recovering 1/4th class levels of seiki per half-hour of meditation could be for the better, with a standard eight hour rest replenish. Thats enough to meditate for thirty minutes to cast a single 3rd level spell at level 20.

Otherwise I'm really just waiting for some info on Tags.

not much to work with... crafting costs, what you can do with'em... ect

Edit, Lol.. of course you did while I was away. that always happens to meh :P *I mean that positively.

2, super. I guess I'm just looking forward to an example tag(s)
They could probably use more starting gold...
I hope tags aren't too expensive, being like major part of the class and all they can do at first level.

2011-08-13, 11:26 PM
Well, I though about doing per hour seiki regeneration with rest originally, but I was worried about being able to cast spells to much. What do you think about changing it so that you recover 1/5 your onmyoji level in seiki per an hour, without the need for rest?

Cipher Stars
2011-08-13, 11:28 PM
Well, I though about doing per hour seiki regeneration with rest originally, but I was worried about being able to cast spells to much. What do you think about changing it so that you recover 1/5 your onmyoji level in seiki per an hour, without the need for rest?

I like, but 5th's aren't as easy to work with. 4ths go smoother.

They could probably use more starting gold...
I hope tags aren't too expensive, being like major part of the class and all they can do at first level.


And I'd totally recommend giving them access to the Exorcism domain in Defenders of the Faith. perhaps even for free with the granted power starting at first level.

2011-08-13, 11:43 PM
I upped the starting gold, but was worried about what the gold could be spent on, so I restricted it to spirit tags.
I realized 1/4th (or even 1/5th) could allow alot of spells to be cast (you could cast your highest level spell an additional time after only 2 hours), so I decided it was better to grant increases in regenaration at certain levels (see increased seiki regeneration).
And I will be looking at the excorcism domain shortly.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-13, 11:56 PM
I guess seiki regeneration is fine (even if fairly weak), but (especially with low numbers like that) it shouldn't be on its own. standard eight hour recovery may be in order.

You could probably use the ability to gain a different Shikigami as you level. (A twenieth level character rushes to combat the restless kami demigod towering above the town with the aid of her trusty.... owl...)

2011-08-14, 12:19 AM
Added Yakubarai (or the ability to exorcise spirits and demons).
I then dropped seiki progression even lower, but granted the excorcism domain with its own set of uses (with some at will). Added exorcism to list of domains. I think I might still grant the ability to use some of the at will or at least reduce the seiki cost of them.
Changed seiki regen to 8 hours of rest.
And as for granting another shikigami, I don't think I want to do that. I've got so much stuff in the class now that I think adding anything else would be unbalancing. I mean most of the stuff is a bit weaker than normal, but the sheer number of stuff and the fact you technically have two characters...
I'm sort of shooting for a level of power somewhere along the lines of what the ranger would be at if it had maneuvers instead of spells. Do you think this does that or does it still need a boost in power? And keep in mind that once three tags can be used at once, they should be at about the strength of casting an 8th or 9th level spell. The maximum strength of using a single tag is only about that of a 3rd or 4th level spell.

Edit- Oh and I couldn't find the chart associated with the exorcism ability. Anybody know where it's at?
I added the first spirit tag. It is a variation of the sanctuary spell.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-14, 01:13 AM
Hmm... well then, I guess its almost at your target. a bit more though.

I didn't mean another. you get to change your shikigami from say your simple owl to something like a young dragon at 20th. Honestly when I think of the Shikigami, I imagine them with a spectral dragon behind them, the Onmyoji with tags in hand chanting some banishment spell as the Shikigami protects her.
Having a little animal with a base hd of 1-3 kinda shatters that image.

And last pick, I meant in addition. Eight hour replenishment with the same regeneration you had before, and exorcism as a free domain. leaving the second level choice in the hands of the Onmyoji. In addition, Exorcism is at full progression rather then like the others.

aka- The Onmyoji gets the Exorcism domain spells at the rate at which a cleric gains new spell levels.
This allows them to get highly fluffable spells- Holy Aura, Holy Word, and Unbinding.

With the above, it would be perfect.

2011-08-14, 01:34 AM
Allowed swapping out of shikigami for a new one. Just in case you didn't notice though, shikigami levels do provide HD (so it would be a little animal with lots of HD).*
Gave full access to exorcism domain spells and with a cheaper cost than Onmyōdō (see Akumabarai). Gave back 2nd level domain choice.
Didn't add back in seiki regeneration, but allowed seiki regeneration at 1 point per an hour starting at level 9.

edit*- And suddenly I'm imagining the rabbit from monty python

Cipher Stars
2011-08-14, 01:56 AM
edit*- And suddenly I'm imagining the rabbit from monty python

Exactly, they may be a able to strike fear into legions, but fact remains that a fluffy bunny is still a fluffy bunny. Lets just hope no one happens to pack a holy hand grenade.

Much better.
I just wish I had a head for crafting ^-^; (I always saw it as a waist of precious XP, Gold, and Time. especially the xp part)
So I don't know anything on pricing and the like, So I just hope my game doesn't start too soon before you can get some Tags in :P

Cipher Stars
2011-08-14, 11:00 AM
In the Shikigami ability's, you state they use the ability charisma modifier times.

Animals have low charisma, usually 6. +4= 10=+0 modifier.

Also, being Animals all they can do are physical things.

But being Incorporeal takes away those physical things.

So between having no charisma and no physical abilities allowed, All its good for is a scout.

I'd change it so you reroll the Animal's Cha score (standard ability score roll) with a +2 "racial" bonus, and add that they retain Strength scores and CAN manipulate corporeal objects. Symbolized by the fact that normal objects can still hurt them as you described.

And with that... I think the class is totally done save for the needed expansion of Spirit Tags.

Never mind, I don't need spirit tags. I just noticed xp cost, of course it has xp cost like other craft. everyone knows people expend they're very life energy if they want to make a piece of paper or little wooden carving and/or new bow/sword.

I'll stick to the shikigami//domains//fluff.

It could use removal of the "Minimum 1 hour", Exp cost, and "if you start a different item, previous item is waisted".
I mean, if its simple its simple. People don't need to sacrifice they're soul to make some one use ammunition that doesn't even go to troublesome heights (reaching only to as high as 4), and why can't someone leave one project to start another?

2011-08-14, 11:48 AM
So, did you know the Incorporeal subtype drops a creature's Strength score to 1? It's going to be pretty difficult for the animal to participate in combat like that. Even if it has Weapon Finesse, its attacks still take a -5 penalty to their damage because of a low Str score.

2011-08-14, 04:47 PM
Well Cipherthe3vil of evil I added a limited ability (in the form a feat) to craft tags without xp. Even so it is only 3xp and 25 gold to craft a simple tag. But yeah xp costs irritate me as well. I just sort of modeled off of the normal crafting system though.
Changed it so you could reroll the charisma score for the shikigami (retained the +4 bonus). Allowed them to interact with the world normally.
Removed "if you start a different item, previous item is waisted". Changed crafting times.
As far as the tags go I will have enough made for actual use by no later than tuesday night. I have some homework I need to get done (if I stop procrastinating) and classes tomorrow (although I might get bored and work on it in class) so...
The shikigami can now use its charisma in place of strength for damage rolls and uses its dexterity in place of strength for attack rolls, NeoSeraphi.

2011-08-14, 04:50 PM
The shikigami can now use its charisma in place of strength for damage rolls and uses its dexterity in place of strength for attack rolls, NeoSeraphi.

Alright, sounds good. Glad that this class turned out the way it did, I really like the flavor of it.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 12:17 AM
"you may not throw multiple tags as part of more than one attack."

This kinda confuses me.

Also he Throw Extra Tag feat also confuses me.

But from what I gather "Extra Tag" doesn't actually let you use more then one tag :smallconfused: And the feat lets you use the extra tag your already supposedly able to use?

2011-08-15, 12:21 AM
Throw Additional Tag lets you throw more than one tag, but they are thrown separately.
Extra Tag allows you to throw multiple tags at the same time.
While this would be a minor distinction normally, the bonuses granted for throwing multiple tags at the same time are better than throwing more than one tag in a round.
If you have any ideas for better wording, then I'm all ears.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 12:39 AM
Throw Additional Tag lets you throw more than one tag, but they are thrown separately.
Extra Tag allows you to throw multiple tags at the same time.
While this would be a minor distinction normally, the bonuses granted for throwing multiple tags at the same time are better than throwing more than one tag in a round.
If you have any ideas for better wording, then I'm all ears.

So... The Tags are thrown at the same time without the feat.
and the feat simply lets you separate the two throws?

2011-08-15, 12:46 AM
No they are too completely seperate abilities. Lets say that you had both the feat and the class feature. Extra Tag would allow you to throw 2 tags as a standard action at the same time (instead of just one tag). Throw Additional Tag would allow you to throw a 3rd tag as an immediate action, although this tag would be thrown separately from the other 2.
In short you would commit two separate throws that result in the throwing of 3 tags.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 12:49 AM
No they are too completely seperate abilities. Lets say that you had both the feat and the class feature. Extra Tag would allow you to throw 2 tags as a standard action at the same time (instead of just one tag). Throw Additional Tag would allow you to throw a 3rd tag as an immediate action, although this tag would be thrown separately from the other 2.
In short you would commit two separate throws that result in the throwing of 3 tags.

Great, thats what I was hoping for. but... Then wouldn't Deft Hands be a better prerequisite for the feat?

2011-08-15, 12:52 AM
Changed the prereq to Deft Hands. Sorry for the confusion though (I tend to get wordy).

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 12:57 AM
I love the idea of throwing three Fireballesque Tags at once. *BoomBoomBoom*

I'd enjoy playing a Fight between two Onmyoji, Tags flying, colliding in midair while they're countered and two spectral shikigami duking it out. (For aesthetics sakes, say a young dragon vs a large tiger-like 'gami)

It'd go great in gestalt with one of the many monk fixes/ninja-like classes.
In fact, in the game I'm starting soon-ish its a Tristalt game. I'm gonna be Onmyoji//Elemental Slayer (Element-based Monk class)//Limit Ninja.


http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSI9jZle3D25INmDv1Ofnur7CNx6O72d Mi84ishYJUper84392oNg
Aww its adorable- wut t3h fuaaaarrrg*dies*
requirements: Shikigami (The shikigami takes the feat)
Benefit: Your Shikigami can take the form of a Tiny sized miniaturized version of itself with horribly disproportionate features such as eyes and head, ears, and/or tail on a tiny body with adorable tiny arms. It gains a fly speed equal to the shikigami's summoner's highest traveling speed and can lock in place floating above her shoulder even through wild jumps, leaps and bounts. When locked, its considered a magic item and part of the Onmyoji. The Shikigami in this form is incapable of dealing Lethal damage no matter the source, as such this form is usually only for noncombat scenarios, but in return it gains the ability to function as a Bag of Holding by swallowing items. Naturally, it can't swallow just anything. but only things such as your Spirit Tags, Coins, small gems, or any other item roughly the size of an adult human fist. The Chibigami can also appear only to select individuals, while appearing invisible to others.

2011-08-15, 01:57 AM
The class now has 5 1st level spirit tags. As such it should be playable now.
I don't think I have every played a tristalt game. Does that work well?
Chibigami is Hilarious and definitely fits since this was an anime inspired class (nurararihiyon is what primarily influenced the creation of this class (well that and wikipedia)).

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 02:09 AM
The class now has 5 1st level spirit tags. As such it should be playable now.
I don't think I have every played a tristalt game. Does that work well?
Chibigami is Hilarious and definitely fits since this was an anime inspired class (nurararihiyon is what primarily influenced the creation of this class (well that and wikipedia)).


Yea, I love Tristalt and Gestalt and in fact I rather dislike playing normal 1 class d&d. Gestalt and Tristalt has so much more room for customization so no two characters are so similar.

I just noticed you can't become an Outsider, I think thats a bit harsh and could be limited to "Outsiders can't take this class." rather then "Having this class prevents it" without having an actual class ability that prohibits it (Meanwhile granting a benefit to make up for it)

Prepare tags should probably have a longer duration then normal. At least expressed in Minutes, going into hours for higher-powered Tags. In fact I'd say Sasageru could have a Permanent duration since the Tags are so easy to destroy.
I noticed you bumped the price a bit. I thought 50 was totally reasonable, especially since its not like they have that powerful of effects. (Like the Sanctuary one negating one attack rather then all attacks for a duration.)
If ya think about it, these are all like spells. Each costing a 25gp 50gp 75gp ect+ material component as well as requiring quite an annoyingly long time ( From what I read about crafting, Each day making a check and subtracting that check x10 from the total amount in Copper pieces to craft until the price hits 0 at which time crafting is done. So in effect it could take weeks to craft a simple tag that's gone in a poof after use) to prepare the spell, AND all requiring Xp components.

If that was cut from days to hours that'd be quite better, taking days instead of weeks+, These things aren't as powerful as normal crafting (Like some Wand of Greater Invisibility or the like) So it makes sense they'd take a lot less time and resources crafting them.

OR. Tags could have multiple uses, Or instead of simply being Destroyed, they are rendered Inert (IE, a normal rectangle of wood or slip of paper) and an Onmyoji can recharge them using Seiki.
I quite like that last idea You'd try to recover all the Tags as possible after a fight and recharge them during some down time. I'd say 1 seiki per effective spell level of the tag?

But who knows, Playing this class would be my first attempt at Crafting. Though Seraphi tried to get me to play an Artificer once. (I rage quit the class though, couldn't stand the thought of all the xp loss to keep up with everyone else...)

hm... I'll have to get Chiyu Kei and Maho Buki.

Needs more... I dunno.. kinda like:
Ka Bakuha [Offense/Fū/(Evocation[Fire])]
Minimum Caster Level: 2
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Searing Light spell.
Base Cost: 75 gp
Preparation: No
Range: 30ft ranged touch attack to deal 1d6/level fire damage (Max 5d6) deals d8 damage against Outsiders, undead, or shapechangers.

or something.

The Healing domain probably goes well. Or they could just have access to all domains so individual players can further customize. But in any case [healing] would go well with the fluff...

I'm gonna try doing some math here... 75gp... 750sp.. 7500cp?
At level one to use a tag at all it would take... max ranks in crafting (4) average roll 10 plus int, assuming good roll for +4 modifier- 18 417 days to create the tag?

Please correct me if I messed it up, because that looks messed up :(
If you trade days for hours that'd be 52 days working 8 hours a day...

Ah yes, I see.. 37gp for craft.. 370 3700... 206 days. almost a year..
Personally I don't see how it can take more then an hour per effective spell level to craft one of these things.

2011-08-15, 05:26 PM
Gave sasageru duration in days.
As far as the crafting goes though, there are no craft checks for spirit tags (I clarified this), simply the ability to make them. You could already make 8 of these with one night of work if you have enough gold (half an hour of work per 50gp) with the current rules I made. Make sure you read the crafting rules for tags. They are quite different than normal. Each first level tag takes an hour to make. And as I said before there is a feat that eliminates the use of xp.
And I think I'll steal the tag you made (with some modifications).

Edit- And do you really think restricting the class from every being an outsider is too strict? I mean it doesn't prevent people from taking levels in a class that grants the outsider type and even allows them to gain all other benefits of that level. I'll see if I can think of some minor benefit to make up for it...

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 06:04 PM
Gave sasageru duration in days.
As far as the crafting goes though, there are no craft checks for spirit tags (I clarified this), simply the ability to make them. You could already make 8 of these with one night of work if you have enough gold (half an hour of work per 50gp) with the current rules I made. Make sure you read the crafting rules for tags. They are quite different than normal. Each first level tag takes an hour to make. And as I said before there is a feat that eliminates the use of xp.
And I think I'll steal the tag you made (with some modifications).

Ohkai then... Don't think I have any issues in on tags anymore then.
Accept maybe "the art of Spirit Tag crafting is highly meditative and time spent crafting counts as rest" or something. Otherwise you'd be out for 16 hours. 8-sleep 8-creating new tags for those you expended that day.

Ka Bakuha's almost too expensive now especially for only 1d6/three levels. Also, 350/75's are somewhat annoying to split.
and the 1/20 xp is also kind of a pain (Getting rid of it should be perfectly fine...)

2011-08-15, 06:18 PM
Added feat to allow rest while creating tags.
As for the cost of Ka Bukuha, I'm not sure it if is too high or not. 2nd level tags are cheaper than scrolls of the same level and this effect is already better than most scrolls at higher levels. Keep in mind that the original cost for magic items was 50gp x spell level x caster level applied to effect. The original costs would have been about 50gp (for 1st level), 300gp (for 2nd), and 750 (for 3rd) at the minimum caster level needed. These effects exceed that caster level limitation and will do so at a static cost of 80gp (changed from 75) (for 1st level), 320gp (changed from 360) (for 2nd), and 800 (for 3rd).
Changed gold costs to be easier to divide though, but kept xp costs for balance. The point of the xp costs are to limit non-onmyoji players from the full-potential of using spirit tags. Aka for them it is not a class feature.

Edit- Changed name of one of the class abilities and changed how Experienced Spirit Crafter and Master Spirit Crafter work (although they amount to the same thing).
Upped crafting time to per hour instead of per half hour, but changed it so it revolved around per 80gp instead of per 50.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 06:58 PM
*sigh* I'm 99% sure Artificer is better for crafting Spirit tags then the Onmyoji.

2011-08-15, 07:03 PM
Really? Well the artificer does focus on item crafting. The onmyoji does not. It focuses on using them better. If I granted too many thing to reduce the cost and time I think it would become unbalancing because the class does not focus entirely on item crafting and has several other features.
Additionally this system does not account for such a class, and I think the artificer might actually break this system.

Edit- I've also got a thumbs to use this from my DM in a campaign, so I don't want to change the balance too much. I think I've reached the stage of minor tweaks and adding features (which I could use help with).

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 07:21 PM
Really? Well the artificer does focus on item crafting. The onmyoji does not. It focuses on using them better. If I granted too many thing to reduce the cost and time I think it would become unbalancing because the class does not focus entirely on item crafting and has several other features.
Additionally this system does not account for such a class, and I think the artificer might actually break this system.

Edit- I've also got a thumbs to use this from my DM in a campaign, so I don't want to change the balance too much.

Onmyoji should, even needs to be better at crafting then some class out there thats meant to be a general item-Expert. Therefor the Onmyoji which focuses on the Spirit Tags with the help of its Shikigami, needs to be a Spirit Tag-Master.

A staged percentile growth of reduced cost should be in order that applies to the creation of Spirit Tags, but not other items.

Level and Decrease
{table=head]Level | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 | 10% | - | - | - | -
2 | 10% | 10% | - | - | -
3 | 20% | 10% | 10% | - | -
4 | 20% | 20% | 10% | 10% | -
5 | 30% | 20% | 20% | 10% | 10%
6 | 30% | 30% | 20% | 20% | 10%
7 | 40% | 30% | 30% | 20% | 20%
8 | 40% | 40% | 30% | 30% | 20%
9 | 50% | 40% | 40% | 30% | 30%
10 | 50% | 50% | 40% | 40% | 30%
11 | 60% | 50% | 50% | 40% | 40%
12 | 60% | 60% | 50% | 50% | 40%
13 | 70% | 60% | 60% | 50% | 50%
14 | 70% | 70% | 60% | 60% | 50%
15 | 80% | 70% | 70% | 60% | 60%
16 | 80% | 80% | 70% | 70% | 60%
17 | 90% | 80% | 80% | 70% | 70%
18 | 90% | 90% | 80% | 80% | 70%
19 | 100% | 90% | 90% | 80% | 80%
20 | 100% | 100% | 90% | 90% | 80%
Your Tags you base on 1st level are only effectively 0 level spells fyi. Sanctuary applies to all attacks for a duration, your Tag applies to one sole attack while still only having a Chance at negating. for example.

d6/three levels... for 320... you could by 16 flasks of Alchemists Fire for that price...
that'd be a total of 16d6, even at once if used creatively. Meanwhile your Tag deals 1d6 damage until 3rd, then 2d6... Never reaching near the same amount of gold used for some explosive flasks.
Also, effective spell level of two? Burning Hands is a 1st level spell and its each caster level even if it is d4. Meanwhile Fireball is 1d6 per level at 3. So if your going for 2 the minimum would be d6/two levels. (But even then its not worth so much gold.. maybe in sp or cp 320 would be good though :P

2011-08-15, 10:23 PM
I upped sanctuary spirit tags uses. Revised spirit tags so that their level and the required caster level are separate.
I think the chart you have listed is pretty steep, especially considering the fact that other players can use these tags. I did like the idea of using a chart though with a scaling effect.
Keep in mind that alchemists fire is not a standard magic item.
As to your point about effective spell level, the spell level is balanced for power and cost.
Have you looked at how much more crafting magic items is, compared to what I have listed? A burning hands scroll would be a gold cost of 50 multiplied by the caster level, so at 5d4 it would cost 250 gold. While less than a tag you also can't create a more powerful effect (and even if you could its cost would continue to increase while the tags cost remained static).
Burning Hands also has a cap of 5d4 compared to a 3d6 points of damage at level 6. So, on average, the tag would only deal 1-3 less damage and then pull ahead.
A fireball scroll would be colossal at a cost of 1500 gold to deal its full damage. Not only that but scrolls require that the caster have the spell in question to even use the scroll. Two level 2 tags could deal 14d6 (instead of the 10d6 fire ball deals) at a cost of 640, by level 20 and, unlike fireball, this damage continues to increase. 3 of them could deal 21d6 damage.
The extra tag ability turns what is a couple of mediocre items into a better item than could normally be crafted and these tags can be done in hours instead of days (and at a cheaper cost).
Any further reductions would make it impossible for anyone else to use tags (and my DM might incorporate this stuff into the campaign) without breaking the system.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 11:00 PM
Improved Spirit Tag crafting should now probably work with the table. Maybe increasing your level for determining the bonus by say 4 (Like how the Superior Unarmed Damage inceases a Monk's level by 4 for unarmed fun) *Or by 2 and let it also count to Time and Exp.*
*- preffered. or even full 4 and allow time&exp.

Also, as a suggestion, Remove the "1 level of Onmyoji" requirement to the normal Craft Spirit Tag feat, and let it give effective Onmyoji levels for determining price reduction using the table. (like how the feat gives monk levels for unarmed damage and AC)

No real issues otherwise. (Just a minor inconvenience of never being able to become an Outsider, as a gestalted class's cap relies on becoming such (But otherwise they go so well together I had to take Moonblessed instead of Limit Ninja))

2011-08-15, 11:20 PM
I didn't add the +4 level for determining bonuses to the Improved Craft Spirit Tag, but I did add it as a feat of its own. I also allowed non-onmyoji classes to gain access to the price reduction with that same feat.
Instead of allowing improved spirit tag crafting to work with the table, I added the advanced spirit tag crafting feat to allow that.
The normal craft spirit tag feat doesn't require onmyoji levels, or did you mean the improved version?
I'm curious about this limit ninja now (although the moonblessed is pretty cool itself). Where is it?

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 11:23 PM
I didn't add the +4 level for determining bonuses to the Improved Craft Spirit Tag, but I did add it as a feat of its own. I also allowed non-onmyoji classes to gain access to the price reduction with that same feat.
Instead of allowing improved spirit tag crafting to work with the table, I added the advanced spirit tag crafting feat to allow that.
The normal craft spirit tag feat doesn't require onmyoji levels, or did you mean the improved version?
I'm curious about this limit ninja now (although the moonblessed is pretty cool itself). Where is it?

Meet the Limit Warriors.

Edit: Hey, can I get a list of the actual material required for the crafting of the Spirit Tags? "Wood, Paper, Ink, Chalk," ect.

2011-08-15, 11:44 PM
Yep, I added in specific material components (and they're actually real components once used to make paper in japan). They are listed directly in the middle of the crafting section.
Oh and the limit ninja was pretty neat, but I think the moonblessed has better flavor.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-15, 11:50 PM
Ya should add "And the rest of the cost for the individual tag is sacrificed to your ancestors (in gold coin form, Fancy diamonds or the like are not needed as the ancestors are understanding...)" or something. Otherwise all tags would only be like... 10gp to craft.

Hm... or maybe the price itself could be sacrificed through your Shikigami, and in return the requested Tag is delivered.
I kinda like that idea, gives the Shikigami a better role and a sorta Companion and source of your power rather then thing you get.

EDIT: Also, the 8hour per day limit is kinda annoying. any reason why they can't dedicate longer time to crafting?
Edit2: Ouch! *Cringes*. I can get 60 Hagoku's and 20 Sasageru's for the price of 20 Ka Bakuha's

2011-08-16, 12:10 AM
Added in gold sacrifice to shikigami.
The 8 hour per day limit is listed in normal crafting rules. I think that while it was ridiculous when it took days to craft items, it is a good thing here (because crafting is in hours), as it limits the number of tags you can craft. Basically it's just another balance issue. It'll stop people from doing a 24 hour work session.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-16, 12:15 AM
Added in gold sacrifice to shikigami.
The 8 hour per day limit is listed in normal crafting rules. I think that while it was ridiculous when it took days to craft items, it is a good thing here (because crafting is in hours), as it limits the number of tags you can craft. Basically it's just another balance issue. It'll stop people from doing a 24 hour work session.

Really? Crafting rules in d&d are really lacking...
I'd favor Realism > Balance any day.

The way you made it now more then simply implies that only Onmyoji can craft spirit tags now.
I suggest changing it so the Shikigami only aids the Onmyoji, which also helps the Onmyoji stay at the top of the Spirit Tag crafting and use rather then some artificer who just walks in and says "O, thats kinda cool" *Crafts a tag better then the Onmyoji*

I've got it. You sacrifice the total gold to the Shikigami and it supplies all the needed material and imbues it.
Meanwhile a non-shikigami wielder must obtain the material themselves, as well as Gems which are destroyed in the mini-ritual required in the making which supply the energy in which the tag is imbued.

In effect= The Onmyoji would be able to craft anywhere, while the Artificer would have to get supplies. This changes fluff, but not mechanics meanwhile giving better purpose to the Shikigami (Which is a big +)

Oh. and lets compromise on the Tag. Let Ka Bakuha have a Secondary effect, Like catching things on fire.
And add elemental alternatives. Like a Water (Mizu Bakuha) tag that deals cold damage with a secondary effect of soaking (Puts out fires). This would give me (and many other players) incentive to buy them over something like Alchemists Fire or an extra healing potion.

2011-08-16, 12:38 AM
Changed crafting fluff.
Ka Bakuha already does light targets on fire...
And I will create different elemental versions, once I find spells with the appropriate themes to do that.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-16, 12:53 AM
Ka Bakuha already does light targets on fire...

I didn't notice... You don't mean simple fire damage do you? Fire damage doesn't equal lighting on fire unfortunately. Like... Fireballs don't set stuff on fire. i don't think...

And I will create different elemental versions, once I find spells with the appropriate themes to do that.
You don't need any appropriate spells... You have Ka Bakuha. others are simple refluffs. "Must be able to craft Ka Bakuha" or something...

ooo or you could make it part of the class "The Onmyoji can substitute energy da-" nah I dunno how that would work...

oo oo oo! a Create Water tag could be nice. I luv create water...

EDIT: Oh, I suppose I should ask for clarification: Is Chiyo Kei 2d4+Cha mod healed hp (if used on a 5th or 4th level d4 HD target) or a negligible +5hp? (Assuming average mod of +3)

2011-08-16, 01:12 AM
Ka Bakuha specifically states it lights targets on fire.
I did find appropriate spells though in the spell compendium.
Chiyu Kei currently heals an amount equal to half the activators hd (+ charisma). The targets hd has nothing to do with it.
So at level 1 that would only average 5 hit points. I think I'll change that to equal your HD instead of half though, and a +1d4 per charisma mod.
I suppose I can create a create water tag too.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-16, 01:15 AM
Ka Bakuha specifically states it lights targets on fire.
I did find appropriate spells though in the spell compendium.
Chiyu Kei currently heals an amount equal to half the activators hd (+ charisma). The targets hd has nothing to do with it.
So at level 1 that would only average 5 hit points. I think I'll change that to equal your HD instead of half though, and a +1d4 per charisma mod.
I suppose I can create a create water tag too.

Oh. Missed the fire part then.

Yea, Full HD +1d4 per point of Charisma Mod is perfect. Half HD or even just Full HD+cha mod is... negligible I wouldn't even bother keeping track of it someone used one on my character.
But full hd +1d4per point of cha mod works fine.

Hm.. It'd be nice, but probably not feezable by your book, to include this damage to constructs as well (Meaning its pure healing at its best; fixing both living flesh and stony hide)

Another idea for a Tag:
Starts functioning after Creation, Once created this pair of Tags transmit all sound from around it towards the other. (Allowing one tag to be given to an ally to communicate at distance, or to place it where a discussion is taking place to eavesdrop)

And I was totally serious about using Seiki to recharge tags. Probably in addition to the first level's crafting feature.
Your Wind-Wall Tag makes the AC worse then normal. Adding to AC, not Replacing I hope. Otherwise it'd be like... 10AC total if both creator and activator has a +5 modifier.

oo oo oo! I've got another feat: Tags count as Monk weapons. (Can be taken as a Monk bonus Feat)
Or better yet, You can substitute a Shuriken for Tag material, spending costs to engrave the shuriken and imbue with power and the Shuriken itself becomes the tag. (Effectively the same, however they deal 1 point of damage when they hit and are monk weapons)

2011-08-16, 06:45 PM
Nope, the healing tag wont heal constructs. If I create an ability that can heal things positive energy can't, then I'll list it.
Added your shuriken idea, but monks will have to invest in a normal feat to get the ability to craft tags.
Changed wind-wall tag.
I will add the ability to recharge tags with seiki, but at level 11, which needs another feature anyway.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-16, 06:58 PM
Nope, the healing tag wont heal constructs. 1If I create an ability that can heal things positive energy can't, then I'll list it.
2Added your shuriken idea, but monks will have to invest in a normal feat to get the ability to craft tags.
Changed wind-wall tag.
3I will add the ability to recharge tags with seiki, but at level 11, which needs another feature anyway.

1"Repair Minor Damage" is a line similar to Cure Minor Wounds and the like.

2So... Monks need the Craft feat, or a separate feat for shurike- Nvm, I'll look before I leap :P
*Elevator Music*
Meh, it looks fine.

3... Fair enough I suppose. Sounds better for a 6th with the wording. then 11 could be twice, then 17 could have three times.

2011-08-16, 08:02 PM
I added the perfect identification ability and listed out all of the tags I will create (including a few that are almost done).

Cipher Stars
2011-08-16, 11:48 PM
I added the perfect identification ability and listed out all of the tags I will create (including a few that are almost done).

I don't get it. "You identify a tag you identify"? Either way, just knowing the name of a tag you 'identify' doesn't seem very "Perfect"

Shooting star seems to hit everyone but your aiming at. ("As if you missed with a splash weapon" Doesn't include the square aimed for. So I guess this avoided simply by not aiming for anyone...)
Its so unpredictable, I'd make it 4/level and 3/level not 6 and 5. (Which is WAY to steep in the first place)

2011-08-17, 12:16 AM
Perfect Identification simply expands the normal identification (listed in counter-tagging) into giving you the name. This can be very useful if you happen to know what that tag does (and this becomes interesting if you limit your character knowledge to tags they have created). The ability is really only relevant if you plan on countering tags, because I plan to create dummy tags to trick other spirit tag users into wasting tags to counter them (hence knowing the name of a tag could be useful).
Shooting Star already totals 4d6 + 5d4 damage (an average of 22 damage). This is compared to the fire tags 7d6 (an average of 21). Not only does it deal more damage, but it also hits multiple targets (and possibly more than once) and splits up its damage type to overcome DR and Energy Resistance.
At 4/level and 3/level this would be an average total of 32 damage, which, with 3 tags, would be equivalent to 30d6 (avg: 90) damage. This amount of damage is insane. But I agree it could deal slightly more damage, so i will up the damage to 5/level and 4/ level (which would be 27 damage on average (or 81) which is more along 25d6). Whew... Too much math...

Cipher Stars
2011-08-17, 12:22 AM
so i will up the damage to 5/level and 4/ level

I got 3/4... eh, forgot the first level xD
Meh. fair'nuff.

well, keep up the tags I guess is all for me to say atm.

New feat idea!
Signature Tag:
In this world of ours, We walk above hell, Gazing at flowers- mansaku!
Benefit: You have a Signature tag, this tag is your specialty and costs a fourth rather then half the base price to craft and without experience. This reduced cost reduces time needed to craft.
Normal: Crafting a tag costs half the base price of the tag.

hm... no, that's not enough to make for a "Signature Tag"...

..... Free? It'd effectively become a spell-like ability which relies on items.
The "Signature Tag" could work through the Shikigami or your own energy similar to seiki to manifest as a spectral tag useless to anyone else (they wouldn't even be able to hold it. But the Onmyoji can use it as its attuned to her own seiki energy, taking a minor amount of seiki (0 seiki) causing it to come to life in the signature tag-owners hands.
Or the spectral tag simply doesn't remain in existence long enough. (Say... 6 seconds, or "One round") and is conjured as a free action one at a time. (Like a slightly improved Quickdraw-Deft hands) Naturally that wouldn't work for Hold or Prepare tags, which would use the the previous seiki-based idea. while Hold tags simply disappear if you let go after they appear in your hand.

Naturally this would require one to be an Onmyoji, in fact it could be a class feature at 4/8/12 5/10/15 or 6/12/18 for 1 signature tag, 2 signature tags, and 3 signature tags. Or new name... Soul Tag, the tag being created from your Life energy similar to Seiki aka: Soul. Soul-Tags, a sorta upgraded Spirit-Tag.

Edit again:

New tag revolving around Animate Dead. Its a common display in anime and well, fiction in general to see animated corpses with a tag embedded in the body or even taped over the face.

2011-08-17, 05:55 PM
Hmm I think I might use the spectral tag idea. Maybe as a feat though. If anything else is to be added to the class (besides new tags or minor tweaks), I'll have to do it through feats, an ACF, or wait for it, how about a prestige class!?
As for the animate dead tag, I don't like the way the undead raising spells are set up (I think the current system has too many problems such as being simultaneously too weak and too powerful (if you catch my meaning in that)). If you can create a tag that allows the summoning of undead that are actually useful (but not too powerful), I'll use it, but I've never been able to balance a homebrew raise undead/create undead/etc ability to my liking.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-17, 06:35 PM
I never Prestige :(

(Vampiric Weapon) would be Spell level three with both Vampiric Touch and Magic Weapon requirements and caster level 5.

Poison is a third level Druid spell and deals hefty constitution damage, yours deals less and to the HP, but untyped and unaffected by resistances so I'd say they're about the same.
So your Poison tag would be 3rd as well and require Poison.

Your Smoke Cloud tag is a bit better, but not yet worth 2nd level, I'd say its still 1st level as Obscuring Mist, requiring Obscuring mist for non-onmyoji crafting.

New feat idea!
Bleeding Paper
you use a special paper named Bleeding Paper. using so costs 25% more gold then normal that effects exp and time, in return for every one tag you make with Bleeding Paper you create a spare.

2011-08-17, 09:10 PM
Vampiric Touch is an arcane spell, so it won't work. I think smoke cloud warrants a level 2. I otherwise changed the stuff as you suggested.
Bleeding Paper would change the balance of crafting, and I think it would cause problems.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-17, 09:31 PM
Vampiric Touch is an arcane spell, so it won't work. I think smoke cloud warrants a level 2. I otherwise changed the stuff as you suggested.
Bleeding Paper would change the balance of crafting, and I think it would cause problems.

Ah.. I guess it is, Don't pay attention to Divine much. My characters are usually too Godless.

:/ I really don't think its worth 2nd, but maybe that'd be further clarified if I wasn't the only one besides lovey to post here (Besides yourself of course)

Hah. Lets see... Seventh is when casters start blasting with 4th level spells, meanwhile you get to craft your tags for some miniscule measure of a comeback, so... not nineth, when they get fifth (Meanwhile you could potentially do more with 4ths if you had Bleeding Paper), so maybe Sixth would be good, So there ya go: Required Casterlevel: 11th.

2011-08-17, 11:09 PM
All tags have been added and are functional, but still need names and identifying information.
Alright, I will add an additional effect to the smoke tag to bring it up to par.
Gngghh... I really don't think I want to add bleeding tag. I already have the ability to recharge a tag and a major discount on items that are already cheaper than normal magic items. I just, I think it would be too unbalancing.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-17, 11:17 PM
Gngghh... I really don't think I want to add bleeding tag. I already have the ability to recharge a tag and a major discount on items that are already cheaper than normal magic items. I just, I think it would be too unbalancing.

Not at all, don't be silly.

maybe if tags went all the way to 9th.

2011-08-17, 11:31 PM
Ahh but technically they do. You can combine 3 4th or 3rd level tags, which approximate a 9th level spell (and a couple of combinations that might qualify as epic). And if you look at cost progression can you imagine how much 9th level tags would have cost?
I'll add it, but the requirements are going to be very steep and there will be a drawback.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-18, 12:38 PM
Ahh but technically they do. You can combine 3 4th or 3rd level tags, which approximate a 9th level spell (and a couple of combinations that might qualify as epic). And if you look at cost progression can you imagine how much 9th level tags would have cost?
I'll add it, but the requirements are going to be very steep and there will be a drawback.

I guess thats fine. You fail on a roll of 1 anyway. this just increases it to 2 using Bled tags.

An Onmyoji needs Use magic Device, Heal, Concentration, and Decipher Script to maintain a position in a team. That is, a Tinkering semi-caster with a pet ghost puppy. However, Every character should have some ranks in the Standards.
It just doesn't seem... appropriate to only have 4, though it is better then your 2 (which should be reserved only for full spellcasting classes) 4 is still too low. this IS a crafting class afterall, they strike me as people who are dedicated to training and well: Skill. 6 is definitely not overstepping anything.
(I can also see them with a few skills off the Monk list: Sense Motive, and Listen seem to be some appropriate skills off the top of my head) as is Knowledge: Nobility/Royalty

40gp seems very steep for a 1 use somewhat improved shuriken.
10gp a piece for that, as well as that Trick-card seems appropriate.
or 20gp and let them be retrievable. Its not like theres self-destruct magic inside them anyway as I believe it said they're not magical.

2011-08-18, 10:39 PM
Upped skill points and added in skills. I Dropped the fake and bladed costs and allowed retrieving.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-19, 11:01 AM
Upped skill points and added in skills. I Dropped the fake and bladed costs and allowed retrieving.

Yay. Its back at that *Dunno what to say anymore* level.

Here are some names I threw together to use.
Ura Gei
for the Gambit one.

for the Smoke Cloud one.

Majo Hashimahou
for the Brambles-Witch Hazel one

Hourin vanpaia
For the Vampire Blade one

^_^; this was was admirably less work then the others, for the shuriken-tag,

There should later be a section on "Forbidden Tags" or something, With semi-legendary tags containing things like Miracle, Create Undead. and Arcane spells such as Baleful Polymorph, Summon Monster, Meteor Swarm...

I also compared, these things are a lot more expensive then Scrolls... You could buy a 5th level scroll for the price of a 4th level scroll and still have leftovers.

I'm gonna have to request a tag, hopefully cheap and very specific:

A Prepared tag that creates an unseen mental-field that keeps the users animals from crossing its boundaries. (Can be used to keep Horses in, or a Cat out for example)

Maybe a bit extra so that it also has the mental repulsion effect on Strangers, so you could keep your horses free of theft.
"Empathy Field" tag. Sounds expensive :(
Maybe just a field that gives a purely mental pain response to anyone indiscriminately who tries to cross? Including two tags in the preparation that can act as a gate of sorts, the space between the two are two sides of the loop or something. Keep them together to close the loop, part them to act as a gate.
The Duration would need to at least be in Days. or A day.

How does your Craft-less Crafting interact with Business checks? (for an npc to keep a Spirit-Tag selling business afloat)

2011-08-19, 09:30 PM
I finished the identifiers/elementaltypes, but still need to add prereqs and types/subtypes. I finished their names and used most of the ones you suggested.
I don't know about making forbidden tags. A create undead tag might fit with the theme (but again I don't like the current balance of the spells that created undead and haven't been able to balance it to my liking). But I really wanted to keep away from feeling like a wizard or sorcerer. And fyi for future reference I hate spells like miracle and wish (because they can do anything and you should have to be creative to get out of a situation, sorry those spells are sort of a pet peeve of mine).
Tags are initially more expensive than base scrolls, however once you up the effective caster level of a scroll they quickly become more expensive than the tags were.
Hmm... An empathy tag would be interesting. I'll work on something once I finish up the information on the tags I already have.
As for business checks I would make the assumption that since tags can be crafted so quickly you would just look at how much they are worth. I don't think business checks will work with it.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-19, 09:50 PM
I finished the identifiers/elementaltypes, but still need to add prereqs and types/subtypes. I finished their names and used most of the ones you suggested.
I don't know about making forbidden tags. A create undead tag might fit with the theme (but again I don't like the current balance of the spells that created undead and haven't been able to balance it to my liking). But I really wanted to keep away from feeling like a wizard or sorcerer. And fyi for future reference I hate spells like miracle and wish (because they can do anything and you should have to be creative to get out of a situation, sorry those spells are sort of a pet peeve of mine).
Tags are initially more expensive than base scrolls, however once you up the effective caster level of a scroll they quickly become more expensive than the tags were.
Hmm... An empathy tag would be interesting. I'll work on something once I finish up the information on the tags I already have.
As for business checks I would make the assumption that since tags can be crafted so quickly you would just look at how much they are worth. I don't think business checks will work with it.

Sounds good.

Yes, but I see an onmyoji as a sorta Hybrid. kinda like an Adept made PC class. What is your vision? An example would be nice.

Its fine, I noticed "Drr, its not a Service, its a shop!" so "Profession: Shopkeeper"

2011-08-19, 10:18 PM
Finished tags. Hilariously the forum filter thought I was swearing with one of the tag names. I also added an empathy-based tag, but it only restricts shikigami.
As to my vision of the class:
The onmyoji is an exorcist who relies on the combat support of their shikigami. While most onmyoji don't make a living fighting, those that do rely on the use of spirit tags to make up for their lack of combat capability. Their reliance on spirit tags is because they lack the studious nature of wizards, the innate talent of sorcerers, or the blessing/curse of the warlock. They do however meditate and draw from the power of the shikigami in their service, to create spirit tags. Aka, they have little magical talent themselves.

edit- oops forgot to add in spell requirements... I'll probably do that tomorrow.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-19, 10:26 PM
The "empathy" isn't empathy at all.

Its also mostly useless beyond making an area in which your somewhat safer from opposing Onmyoji's shikigami.
I needed something that can be a sort of Security messure.
My character travels towns in a carriage from which she also offers two services, and sells Tags. However, She can't carriage around everywhere and needs to leave things sometimes. So she would have attempted to create a security tag (kinda like a spellcaster creaters custom spells) Which which to A) Keep her horses and pets inside range. and B) Keep people OUT of her carriage while she's away.

Regrettably, your view is very agreeable. (AKA, can't really complain :( )

2011-08-19, 10:31 PM
Well I'm not familiar with the spell that does that (and for the life of me I can't find it). I know there is one like that though...
If you can direct me to some mechanics I can work something out. I still think I'll keep the shikigami restriction tag though.
And I just realized I forgot to add in spell requirements for tags... Ugh, so many of them to search for similar spells.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-19, 10:43 PM
Well I'm not familiar with the spell that does that (and for the life of me I can't find it). I know there is one like that though...
If you can direct me to some mechanics I can work something out. I still think I'll keep the shikigami restriction tag though.
And I just realized I forgot to add in spell requirements for tags... Ugh, so many of them to search for similar spells.

You may have to combine lesser spells or loosen up and take from Arcane and even psionic.

I can't seem to find it either.

Bassically what I want however is simply a field, which has no effect within or outside, but the line itself. Anyone trying to cross the line must make some form of will save(Partial) or forget what they were doing and find themselves wanting to be anywhere but through the line. On a success, they are instead shocked for 1dx electric damage/x levels and can continue forward. After the initial shock they continue taking 1 nonlethal electric damage per round until they exit the field (or reenter)
Probably 1d6nonlethal electric per caster level, with the continuous one nonlethal. The 1d6 per caster level should be fair, since its nonlethal and can never kill and plenty of things are immune.

Ah, I was reading a manga and this theme came up: The Shikigami can act as a bag of Holding for your Spirit Tags.
I notice this is also a very common theme in anime, for little critter companions to have trans-dimensional stomachs and can cough up items.
Aha! I'll add it as an actual use to Chibigami. This also balances: Shikigami is either providing tags in its Chibi form, OR slashing faces on the frontlines.

Aai Hōrudo [Seal/Kū/(Evocation)]
Activation: Prepare
Minimum Caster Level: 5
Equivalent Spell Level: 4
Prerequisites: Must be an Onmyoji of at least 5th level.
Base Cost: 30gp
Preparation: You must place multiple tags on the ground (dropping a tag is a free action). Draw a line (metaphorically) between these tags, none of which may be more than 10ft apart. This effect can then activated by touching of one of the tags and remains active for a number of days equal to the charisma modifier of the Spirit Tag's Creator, or until deactivated by a touch from the activator then reactivated as another touch until a total active time is no more then the charisma modifier in days of the Tag's Creator. Destroying a tag (which only has 1 hp for this purposes) requires an attack against it against an AC of half the activators level). Area of effects (usually) have no effect on these tags because they do not have an attack roll. Once a tag is destroyed the lines are rewritten to fit the new biggest possible area.
Range: No
The area drawn out by the tags hums with electricity for a moment on activation and grants the following effects: Any creature to attempt to cross the line drawn out by the tags must make a will save(partial) DC = Tag's Creator's Charisma modifier + 10 + 1/2 activator's level +1 per tag used in the preparation or forget why they wanted to cross, and find they want to be anywhere but past the line as well as forgetting feeling this confusion a minute later. If they succeed, they can cross normally. however after initially crossing the line they take 1/level point of nonlethal electric damage per round until they leave for each class level the creator had.

Fu-Atsu probably isn't worth its price. as its mere slashing damage. Could be fixed by making it also tear away Clothing and up to either Light armor or Medium armor. Maybe even heavy.

2011-08-20, 04:14 PM
Added Aai Hōrudo and finished prerequisite spells for tags (a few are inappropriate (hey it works), but managed to find some stuff by looking in the druid list). Dropped fu-atsu's level and cost. Then added in knowledge check DC needed to identify tags.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-20, 04:25 PM
Added Aai Hōrudo and finished prerequisite spells for tags (a few are inappropriate (hey it works), but managed to find some stuff by looking in the druid list). Dropped fu-atsu's level and cost. Then added in knowledge check DC needed to identify tags.

Aww kinda hoped you'd just make it remove clothes :3 Azelia would have fun with that, even if it was painful for'em... or even especially then... hm...

*cough* anyway.
I was thinking on it, and I think Perfect Identification would be much better as a Feat. Otherwise ALL onmyoji have it, and onmyoji fights wont be as entertaining. ( A non onmyoji would have to Gestalt with a Golden Alchemist or something to grow wealth enough to use Tags anywhere near as freely EDIT: which is good. Just saying that all tag fights would be onmyoji. and all would have perfect ID. meaning no fun tricks with the trick card or stuff.)

I really wonder why no one else has posted here...

2011-08-20, 04:35 PM
As far as fu-atsu goes, you can create a modified version of it for your campaign. But we have enough jokes going around the table and including that... well... We had enough jokes when our paladin made a Perform (Oral) check instead of Oratory.
Removed perfect identification and didn't even bother adding it as a feat. Your right it does ruin the fun.
Speaking of identifying tags I want to come up with a way to identify fake cards for what they are, but I have no idea how to do that beyond requiring a higher knowledge check... Which seems sort of a boring way to do it. Any ideas?
I'm not sure why nobody's else has posted here (though neoseraphi posted earlier). Maybe its the wip I tagged on the description (which I should probably just remove at this point (its sort of the home stretch)). Or maybe they thought we had everything covered.
Anyways I was wondering if you had any suggestions about balancing the shikigami ability. It works as is, if someone just pulls something out of the monster manual, but the moment you pull out something like the draconomicon it breaks.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-20, 05:01 PM
We had enough jokes when our paladin made a Perform (Oral) check instead of Oratory.

mm, talk about a knight in shining armor...

Anyways I was wondering if you had any suggestions about balancing the shikigami ability. It works as is, if someone just pulls something out of the monster manual, but the moment you pull out something like the draconomicon it breaks.

Make a list, just like they have for the Familiar, of specific Shikigami types.

Fiendish Monstrous Centipede [large]
Celestial Black Bear
Dire Badger

,,,, ect...

2011-08-20, 05:12 PM
I know if I make a list it will be absolutely massive though. I like the openness of not having a list. What do you think of just limiting it to the monster manual and adding an "LA" for certain types?

Cipher Stars
2011-08-20, 05:22 PM
I know if I make a list it will be absolutely massive though. I like the openness of not having a list. What do you think of just limiting it to the monster manual and adding an "LA" for certain types?

I'd rather it state "DM is in control over what Shikigami you receive" with some bs fluff about it being a manifestation of your soul and the guardian of your lineage or what ever.
"This shikigami can be any monster, however the DM should reduce the creature down to appropriate HD. From there the Player takes control over its progression, what feats it takes, and where to locate ability point increases"

2011-08-20, 05:32 PM
Good idea. I added "The DM may, at his discretion, tell you that the monster you have chosen is inappropriate and/or may nerf it as he sees fit."
It's simple and if someone can't work with their DM on this, they need to get a new DM (or the DM needs to get a new player).

2011-08-20, 06:26 PM
Removed perfect identification and didn't even bother adding it as a feat. Your right it does ruin the fun.
Speaking of identifying tags I want to come up with a way to identify fake cards for what they are, but I have no idea how to do that beyond requiring a higher knowledge check... Which seems sort of a boring way to do it. Any ideas?

Well, if the fake cards are made via a forgery check (which is what I'd expect), then it would make the most sense for them to be identified by an opposed skill check. As for what's most appropriate, it could be a handful of things, such as Appraise, Decipher Script, appropriate Knowledge, or spellcraft (or perhaps some other that I've over looked). That said, an Onmyoji should likely get a bonus to identifying fakes, given they do specialize in making them. Other than that though, boring as it may be, a skill check makes the most sense.

As for the shikigami, I personally find it odd to limit it to animals, at least from a flavour standpoint as most depictions of them that I've seen have made them out to be various types of supernatural beings. That said it does make some sense from a balance standpoint, though I'd think it could be expanded to allow vermin (though I may be wrong as I'm not overly familiar with the various vermin in D&D). A possibility there though might be allowing a feat that lets your shikigami be something other than an animal, but require it be taken the level you gain the shikigami (then again, it would still require limits so that the creature isn't overly powerful compared to other shikigami). Also, does the shikigami require things like breathing? If someone had a sea creature for their shikigami would it require being in the water to avoid suffocation?


2011-08-20, 06:42 PM
I still want to avoid a skill check, but if I can't come up with anything I'll probably end up using a skill check.
Added feat to allow a vermin shikigami. It also treats your shikigami as one level higher, because vermin are a bit weak at that level.
The shikigami does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. I'll add that in.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-21, 01:44 PM
Could use more Seiki and/or better Seiki regen (and earlier)

2nd: Regen rate 1/hour
5th: Regen rate 3/hour
8th: Regen rate 4/hour
11th: Regen rate 5/hour
12th: Regen rate 6/hour
15th: Regen rate 8/hour
18th: Regen rate 9/hour

and/OR remove the level+3 restriction. because really. Level five and I can't even use a 1st level ability without draining half the pool.

Libra Rei [Support/Fū/(Divination[-])]
Activation: Expend or Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 5*/7
Equivalent Spell Level: 3*/4
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Deathwatch, Read Magic, and Status spells OR Onmyoji lv5.
Base Cost: 100gp
Preparation: No
Range: If thrown it has a range of 30ft (you must make a succesfull ranged touch attack against unwilling targets)
If activated by expending it, this spirit tag releases a light silver glow and the tag bleaches into a blank white form and lists your statistics: HP, Abilities, Conditions (Poison, Resistances, ect), and newest additions: Section that lists the most recent effects; like if you've recently been poisoned. It does not however list the source. Like the name of said poison, but does list when the secondary effect will take hold. The tag can be maid Dynamic- counting down, displaying live hp as it goes ect, by expending 1 Seiki into the tag (which is now useless for any other purpose)
If you "throw" it, it instead releases a spectral copy of itself which impacts the subject as a ranged touch attack, meanwhile the real tag which remains in your hands displays they're information as normal. This spectral tag can be countered as normal, but is unaffected by nonliving, nonmagical matter.
Below is the form that is displayed:

Health: 5d10HD
Vitality: |----------------------| 100%
Power: Vast (20+) Greater (15+) Great (10+) High (5+) Lesser (1+)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low Light vision, Scent
Special Attacks: Fireball spell like ability (does not list how often)
Equipment: ??Vials of antivenom
Condition: Petrified
STR: Legendary (30+) Vast (20+) Greater (15+) Great (10+) High (5+) Lesser (1+)
Recent effects: Petrified 1 day ago.
Cure Serious Wounds 1 day ago
Cured of poison 1 day ago
Poisoned 1 day ago
took 32 damage 1 day ago
took 10 damage 1 day ago.
Bulls Strength 2 days ago

2011-08-22, 12:39 PM
I've already begin playing the class and until I get to level 2 to see what the shikigami can do I really don't think I want to up any of those.
By the looks of it though, the shikigami (from what I stated out) has the equivalent power of a 3rd level character at level 2 (even with only 1 level granted). I really don't think I started off granting enough tags, but on the other hand I'm gaining gold fairly fast so I'm going to have a ton of tags before I even reach level 2.
It looks like my power is going to scale fairly fast though, and so increasing spellcasting capability might increase it too far beyond the power of the core base classes (and I think it already exceeds all the core base classes that don't grant full spell-casting).
Hmm... I think I've reached the point where I'm happy with the class and unless I missed a nuance somewhere...
I think I'm gonna call this done, with the exception of adding new tags.

On another note, and this is completely unrelated to the construction of this class (though it might be part of my character build with it), I figured out a way to convert non-divine spellcasting into spontaneous cure casting by combing the use of a few (and non-homebrew at that) feats (crap... gotta find them again). Can you imagine if that was used with a sorcerer? I think I broke the game...

Cipher Stars
2011-08-22, 12:51 PM
Could use more Seiki and/or better Seiki regen (and earlier)

2nd: Regen rate 1/hour
5th: Regen rate 3/hour
8th: Regen rate 4/hour
11th: Regen rate 5/hour
12th: Regen rate 6/hour
15th: Regen rate 8/hour
18th: Regen rate 9/hour

and/OR remove the level+3 restriction. because really. Level five and I can't even use a 1st level ability without draining half the pool.

Libra Rei [Support/Fū/(Divination[-])]
Activation: Expend or Throw
Minimum Caster Level: 5*/7
Equivalent Spell Level: 3*/4
Prerequisites: Ability to cast the Deathwatch, Read Magic, and Status spells OR Onmyoji lv5.
Base Cost: 100gp
Preparation: No
Range: If thrown it has a range of 30ft (you must make a succesfull ranged touch attack against unwilling targets)
If activated by expending it, this spirit tag releases a light silver glow and the tag bleaches into a blank white form and lists your statistics: HP, Abilities, Conditions (Poison, Resistances, ect), and newest additions: Section that lists the most recent effects; like if you've recently been poisoned. It does not however list the source. Like the name of said poison, but does list when the secondary effect will take hold. The tag can be maid Dynamic- counting down, displaying live hp as it goes ect, by expending 1 Seiki into the tag (which is now useless for any other purpose)
If you "throw" it, it instead releases a spectral copy of itself which impacts the subject as a ranged touch attack, meanwhile the real tag which remains in your hands displays they're information as normal. This spectral tag can be countered as normal, but is unaffected by nonliving, nonmagical matter.
Below is the form that is displayed:

Health: 5d10HD
Vitality: |----------------------| 100%
Power: Vast (20+) Greater (15+) Great (10+) High (5+) Lesser (1+)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low Light vision, Scent
Special Attacks: Fireball spell like ability (does not list how often)
Equipment: ??Vials of antivenom
Condition: Petrified
STR: Legendary (30+) Vast (20+) Greater (15+) Great (10+) High (5+) Lesser (1+)
Recent effects: Petrified 1 day ago.
Cure Serious Wounds 1 day ago
Cured of poison 1 day ago
Poisoned 1 day ago
took 32 damage 1 day ago
took 10 damage 1 day ago.
Bulls Strength 2 days ago

Sor/Wis/Pal/Drd/Rog/Bar/maybe monk would probably still kick its can anyway though.

2011-08-22, 01:07 PM
Well I'll add in that tag in a little bit, but first to address your other point.

The druid is a god when optimized (especially in tandem with the right prestige class and feats). The sorcerer and wizard are applying for godship (no non-full casting class short of the druid compares).
The rogue would depend on whether or not the onmyoji was prepared for the sneaky types (and the onmyoji would probably win if it avoided ambushes and being flanking (so luck?)). The ranger is at about the same level, if not slightly weaker (though you lack as much spellcasting and melee, you have spirit tags and a more powerful companion). The monk would depend on optimization (and will probably lose if you can keep your distance).
The paladin will never ever beat anything with its limited scope of abilities (that only apply to certain situations, so its smite and remove disease would be useless against the onmyoji). The bard is, well, just about as weak as the paladin (although with the right optimization it can become one of the more powerful classes).
And then once you get the ability to use three spirit tags you outclass everything weaker than the rogue (and at that point you have enough hp to survive a couple of blows before having to heal).
This is my personal opinion and if you have any arguments against my analysis speak your mind.

Edit- I added the divination tag. The number of tags was getting pretty big and I need to separate the tags already made with any new ones, so I decided to set them up in two spoilers.

Cipher Stars
2011-08-22, 02:23 PM
Well I'll add in that tag in a little bit, but first to address your other point.

The druid is a god when optimized (especially in tandem with the right prestige class and feats). The sorcerer and wizard are applying for godship (no non-full casting class short of the druid compares).
The rogue would depend on whether or not the onmyoji was prepared for the sneaky types (and the onmyoji would probably win if it avoided ambushes and being flanking (so luck?)). The ranger is at about the same level, if not slightly weaker (though you lack as much spellcasting and melee, you have spirit tags and a more powerful companion). The monk would depend on optimization (and will probably lose if you can keep your distance).
The paladin will never ever beat anything with its limited scope of abilities (that only apply to certain situations, so its smite and remove disease would be useless against the onmyoji). The bard is, well, just about as weak as the paladin (although with the right optimization it can become one of the more powerful classes).
And then once you get the ability to use three spirit tags you outclass everything weaker than the rogue (and at that point you have enough hp to survive a couple of blows before having to heal).
This is my personal opinion and if you have any arguments against my analysis speak your mind.

Edit- I added the divination tag. The number of tags was getting pretty big and I need to separate the tags already made with any new ones, so I decided to set them up in two spoilers.

That was "Barbarian" not brd "Bard".
Anyway I would suppose it IS all about personal opinions and skill in playing a certain class. a Druid or Wizard will easily fall to a lesser character if she is unskilled in using the class.
(For one, I kick arse with paladins, though I don't think I've played one in some time)