View Full Version : (PF) Monster making assistance

2011-08-13, 01:22 AM
This is a campaign related thread, so those in my upcoming campaign, kindly avert your eyes and head elsewhere.

Anywho, I've been thinking about the campaign I'm going to run (colonizing an alien planet) and I've thought of something that would be interesting, but I've no idea on how to pull it off.

So here's what I had in mind. The party, along with any NPCs they decide to bring along, discover an old ruined xeno city. We're talking skeletons in the streets, plants climbing up the buildings, ect. ect. (think of how "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West" depicts New York). Thing is, I'm not planning on having it totally abandoned. Going to throw some roaming packs of Akata, then tack on the Fiendish Template the closer to the center of the city that they get to represent corruption. Maybe a Shoggoth to make them go "OMG RUN FOR IT!!" and keep them from getting cocky (Chaos Beasts and Gibbering Mouthers are going to be "common" monsters on the planet, along with a whole slew of Aberrations and a handful of Magical Beasts). But near the center of the city, I want something just utterly terrifying.

Like...a xeno medical experiment gone horribly, horribly wrong that has not only gained sentience, but has managed to reproduce and corrupt other creatures. The idea came about when I was playing Dragon Age 1 and was going through the "A Paragon of her Kind" quest for the Dwarves, specifically the Dead Trenches section. It's when they get to that part of the city (either a laboratory or a hospital) that I want to shift the thing from "urban ruins loot hunt" to "nightmare survival monster killer".

The two monsters that I'm looking at for this Broodmother (Dragon Age) type monster are the Handmaiden Devil or Scylla with a Fiendish/half Fiendish Template. Something huge, grotesque, and, judging from the corpses the players find while roaming through the city, something previously an inhabitant of the city. For the "children" I was thinking of just going with a non-Core book race and tacking on the Fiendish and Advanced templates. But it's the big thing I need help with.

Also, if they kill it (the broodmother) and leave a female NPC behind, then the cycle will start all over again, but start producing the half-human mythic creatures (centaurs, sphinxes, ect.).

Edit: Also, looking to use only Pathfinder monsters, modules or otherwise.