View Full Version : the goofiest name....

big teej
2011-08-13, 08:47 AM
what's the goofiest name you've ever given a character/major NPC/BBEG/whatever and why?

mine is Gororor.... because I named him at 2 am, and I didn't say it out loud until the next day. whereupon I realized just how goofy it sounded.

what about you?

2011-08-13, 08:55 AM
My ex had a villain called Tyrax Destructor, after the yabbie (Chyrax destructor). But dammit, it sounds cool.

Our quest-giver in my game was called Lord Jerome Sutchensuch. I think there was a story behind that decision, but I forget it now.

2011-08-13, 09:50 AM
I had a gnome Beguiler whose last name was Tongandcheek. I'm so clever...

2011-08-13, 09:59 AM
Oh yeah? A friend of mine loves his punny characters. One was a Bard called Noholls.

2011-08-13, 10:03 AM
We had once a Cleric of Velsharoon with a Scythe called Ripah (should sound like reaper...)

2011-08-13, 10:09 AM
My group almost convinced another player to name his centuar Mr Ed but he eventually went with something the forum filters will blank out....

Morbis Meh
2011-08-13, 10:10 AM
Morbis.... oh yeah! Another one I look fondly on is Pubert.

2011-08-13, 10:26 AM
In one campaign we had a Goliath Monk named Lak-Tose The Intolerant and our BBEG's name in the same campaign was Dur-ath Va-dar. :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-13, 10:55 AM
A friend played Hung Lo, the samurai, and you really don"t want to know what the barbarian was called.

2011-08-13, 10:57 AM
Pirismatism Freelance, gnome wizard specialized in prismatic and pattern spells, at your service. :smallbiggrin:

I also named a character Soon Toobedead, which was quite accurate given his 1 HP max. Never did play him, though.

2011-08-13, 11:42 AM

A Wildshaper Druid /Warshaper loaded with abyssal inheritor feats.

He always laughed at the wrong things.

2011-08-13, 11:51 AM
Amadeus Juggernaut Esq.

It was an abandoned Juggernaut-classed Warforged from an ancient war that was reawakened by a spoony Dragon Shaman of Hilal (who had pamphlets) who took him along on his journeys taught him to be gentlemanly.

Claudius Maximus
2011-08-13, 12:15 PM
The dread green dragon Chlorofaxus.

Ivan Maxwell Muscleington III.

2011-08-13, 12:22 PM

A Wildshaper Druid /Warshaper loaded with abyssal inheritor feats.

He always laughed at the wrong things.

Or maybe he laughed at the right things.

2011-08-13, 01:37 PM
I had someone in my group play (pronounced similarly to Hercules) a paladin named Testicles. He roleplayed the HELL out of it.

Personally, I tend to go somewhat boring (I have trouble coming up w/ names, often resorting to random generators). Goofiest I've got was one I built, but didn't play - Pyrex, the Gnuclear Gnome (I gave the DM the otpion of him or Tzadkiel, who is... pretending to be an angel).

Laura Eternata
2011-08-13, 01:47 PM
The one male character I've ever played was an ubergish who created a sentient greatsword called the Manly Blade of Manly Manliness.

2011-08-13, 01:56 PM
I had a pair of gnome twins as cohorts for a character. Female gnome was Gnu Mattik and her brother was Otto Mattik.

Rogue Shadows
2011-08-13, 01:59 PM
Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin.

Of course, that's a real name - Rasputin's real name. What's silly about it is who had the name.


It's a joke. Cookie to the person who gets it first.

Kingdom Hearts makes for an awesome campaign setting if you take non-Disney characters and make them badguys. In this guy's case, he was the supposed final boss. Turned out not to be, though...

It was these guys.


2011-08-13, 02:06 PM
A fist-fighting character named Bob, whose hair was in a weave.

2011-08-13, 02:20 PM
A friend of mine thought that Hardon sounded like a dwarven name. We let him retcon it to something borring though. :(

2011-08-13, 02:47 PM
How about a familiar? In my current campaign I managed to convince my DM to let my sorcerer have a parrot familiar, using the rule that the parrot got the same stats and abilities as a raven. As its language, the bird gets Infernal. So, as the name, of course I had to choose... Beelzebird.

big teej
2011-08-13, 02:54 PM

I chuckled.... evilly
I approve
-hands an evil cookie-

2011-08-13, 03:05 PM
A friend of mine rolled a Paladin once named Graahgi Whenchryder (pronounced: Groggy Wench-rider). Best played Paladin I've ever seen.

2011-08-13, 03:17 PM
A friend had a Drow named ill'notbe'driz'zit'iswear.

2011-08-13, 06:40 PM
I haven't actually played her, but a rogue named Robin Banks.

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-08-13, 06:46 PM
I remember in the old Hero Builder's Book, a book from the ol' 3.0 days with advice on how to get the most out of your roleplaying, they had a whole section on naming your characters. It was okay in that respect, but they had some hilariously bad names that stick with me today:

Fonkin Hoddypeaks
Medium Rary
Gleep Wurp The Eyebiter

2011-08-13, 06:50 PM
I once made an orc cleric of Gruumsh named Shorj Soulmurder. He refused to cast healing spells, since that would be a sign of weakness. He would come up with 'cunning plans' before a fight, and when executing them, his battle cry was "PLAN!"

That was a fun game...

2011-08-13, 06:58 PM
Splee Kidnee, The Half-Orc Barbarian
Who possessed "The Longsword of Swordfish" What is was, A Fish, what it wasn't A sword.

2011-08-13, 07:05 PM
In the last campaign i played in, my mate had a warmage dwarf who used filled his beard with the teeth of his slain and then used the toothed-beard as a weapon, for a d8 damage! He also used touchspells with his beard. He was called Neckbeardicus

2011-08-13, 07:10 PM
Beardington von Greedy-Evil.

I'm actually playing his brother-in-law now, Beardhaver von Greedy-Evil.

They're both good guys.

2011-08-13, 11:10 PM
Wizartumus McWizington III.

He was the last of a long line of PCs in a campaign with a double-digit mortality rate. For each player.

2011-08-13, 11:20 PM
I played a halfling bard called Daffodil Dallywaggle some time back. I think it was in that same campaign another player named their character Blaine Hammerfist, but the rest of us took a look at the outfit he was wearing in his character portrait for refused to call him anything but Blaine Hammerpants for the duration of the campaign...

2011-08-13, 11:28 PM
Created the first Azure-Forged Warforged (homebrew similar to psi-forged feat for incarnum) named Oowahne. Had a speech impediment causing him to pronounce "O"s as "oo".

2011-08-14, 01:17 AM
In my 4e game, the players have just become aware of a vampire vampire vampire zombie lich (note: this is totally legal and buildable as a PC by RAW, no refluffing needed) who's basically squatting in one of Dracula's castles.

His name is Vladvladvlad von Shadowdark III.

(He's not the third in a line. He just likes Roman numerals.)

2011-08-14, 02:51 AM
all of my dread necromancers are kobolds, and they are all named Yip-Yap

2011-08-14, 04:15 AM
The villainous rural aristocrat Lord Vandyke the Goaty and his half-orc enforcer Fewman Chew

2011-08-14, 02:32 PM
My friend played an alchemist once named Sir Doctor Walter Reginald Carmichael III Esquire. He was neither a doctor nor a knight.

The names I come up with tend to be relatively boring.

Dark Kerman
2011-08-14, 03:15 PM
Cassie Stormboot and Bohannon Cantilupe. :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-14, 03:16 PM
The port city of Monteau.

2011-08-14, 03:17 PM
all of my dread necromancers are kobolds, and they are all named Yip-Yap

I see what you did there >_> <_<

2011-08-14, 03:41 PM
Tohseno Emanon - was only used for one session :smallwink:

2011-08-14, 04:24 PM
I once played a diplomacy-focused bard named Guido la'fleur and there is a character in my current campaign named Grant Megasword, he has a very large sword.

2011-08-14, 04:54 PM
I've got a couple

I have a monk named Asok which I thought sounded cool though he keeps getting called Ashoe and such.

Not being familiar with make-up brands my Paladin Kelgon soon obtained the catch phrase "Take me Away" at games.

Played with a guy who had a Pegasus named Megasus
and there was this one guy we only played with for one session who started out as Tupac but every time he killed an enemy he would "up the pac", by the time we finished the session he was 12pac.

2011-08-14, 07:16 PM
I've got a couple

I have a monk named Asok which I thought sounded cool though he keeps getting called Ashoe and such.

It's official now. If I take Leadership feat, I must name the cohort Asok.

2011-08-14, 09:18 PM
Kobold Lord Yik-Yik, The Shockingly Obese. A frenzied bezerker who could do absolutly obscene damage with his greatclub, Herbert.

2011-08-14, 10:06 PM
Kobold Lord Yik-Yik, The Shockingly Obese. A frenzied bezerker who could do absolutly obscene damage with his greatclub, Herbert.

Was that before or after you started reading OOTS? 'Cause if it's before, that's a pretty amazing coincidence.

2011-08-14, 10:39 PM
A friend played Hung Lo, the samurai, and you really don"t want to know what the barbarian was called.

There was a Monk in a game I saw called Hung Wei Lo.

I once had a gold bobcat animal companion named Thwait. I'll let you puzzle it out. :smallwink:

2011-08-14, 10:51 PM
There was a Monk in a game I saw called Hung Wei Lo.

I once had a gold bobcat animal companion named Thwait. I'll let you puzzle it out. :smallwink:

I tawt I taw a puddy tat?

2011-08-14, 11:13 PM
My players thought Feathers the Erinyes had a silly name, until they called in a favour he owed them and he in turn had to call in a favour owed to him by a stronger devil, who it turned out was named Mr. Happypants.

Why: they needed some Raise Deads, Feathers had no capacity to cast Raise Dead, so I figured hey, favours are one of the two chief currencies of the devils, a stronger devil cleric must owe Feathers a favour. But I didn't have time to think up a great name like Feathers, so I just went with the first fiend name that sprung to mind. And I had recently seen a performance by Brian Brushwood (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RisA3jAnm8), so...

Runners up:
The ruling family of the nation of Gus (named after the half-ogre pirate Gus Dreadworm, also a runner up) is named Rogan, which I somehow failed to realize is a legitimate surname held by a number of reasonably famous people; I was just naming them after one of the sounds villagers made in the original Age of Empires (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYdbcIQ-pQ4).
Sahuagin in my campaign take their naming style from the third party Slayer's Guide to the Sahuagin. The BBEG's chief henchman in my first campaign was a sahuagin high priestess named Searches-The-Blackest-Depths-And-Loves-What-She-Finds-There. My players were slightly horrified when they realized that's meant in the most literal sense possible; she's got the Lichloved feat.
The NPC pirate crew in my first campaign had a variety of names, but the best one was the bo'sun. His name was Higgs. In fact, I am incapable of having a pirate ship where the bo'sun's name is anything other than Higgs.
Jack Jackson, Attorney at Law, Specializing In Interspecies Law, Also An Adventurer. That's what it says on his business cards, that's what all my fellow players always refer to him as. Always the full title, never anything less. I'm so sad I didn't get to play that character more than a couple sessions.
My first character, the half-orc fighter Ludgeblatt Curdlegut. The name, and his orcish accent, was actually an affectation; his real name was John Baker, he was capable of speaking perfect Common, and he had above-average-human intelligence. He had simply realized that people respond better to half-orcs when they conform to expectations. Most any authentic orc-style name will wind up being at least a little funny, though.
Also: mongrelfolk are good at naming geography in my campaign. Examples: the Disreputable City, Noodleton, the Stank Cave, the Cave of Burning, the Don't Drink This River. Non-mongrelfolk locations: Wangport, capitol of the Omorashi Empire.

2011-08-15, 01:03 AM
A dwarf by the name of Stromm Phuch (-ch like chlorine). Phuch was the name of his clan, who were named after the sound it made when you hit a goblin on the head with a hammer so hard that its helmet inverted.

It was decided early on that Stromm had the manliest name possible, so whenever he introduced himself or was introduced, it would be spoken as if emboldened and itallicized in all caps:

"...and this is our companion STROMM PHUCH"

At which point something in the immediate vicinity would shatter, break, or fall to the floor, such was the power of the manliest name.

I then had a gnome fighter named Gned Knorqfin (the q is silent)

2011-08-15, 01:33 AM
I just remembered that the NPC Healer (that's the actual Healer class from the Miniatures Handbook) in our current campaign has a unicorn companion named Mr. Rainbow Snugglepants. He's a total badass. That's just how unicorn names work. There is some debate as to whether or not he has a cutie mark and, if so, what it is.

2011-08-15, 04:31 AM
I've had a slew of these over the years.

Krunchy the Kobold. Actually a semi-powerful, good-aligned cleric/thief in 2nd edition. Had a signature piece of gear - a ring of teleportation, allowing him to play the Big* Damn Hero.
(*Relatively speaking.)

Orcus, Demon Prince of the Undead. Chaotic Evil pixie wizard with major delusions of grandeur. Played in an evil campaign that began with the characters going on a killing spree after being paid several hundred gold entirely in copper pieces for wiping out an infestation of phase wasps. Orcus also suffered a curse that whenever he opened any kind of container a halfling would jump out, do a little dance, and taunt him until killed, only to be mysteriously resurrected the next time Orcus opened a container. Unfortunately, the campaign was cut short when Orcus' wife (and evil type of nymph called a danashee) called him home early from his "fishing trip with the boys" because the lawn needed mowing before her mother came to visit.

Arrgh! the Living Sword. An intelligent magic weapon, mostly played in freeform but also notorious in a couple of my old groups when I attempted to stat it out and stealth-insert it into our games. A chaotic-neutral dwarven waraxe, originally, Arrgh! could speak aloud in Common, had the flying ability, and could transform itself into various normal-looking produce while retaining its hardness of 15. Last known wielder was a paladin who was duped into picking Arrgh! up after being convinced by Arrgh! that it had been "many moons since I was permitted to do battle against the forces of evil!"

Jalsgrim Redmother. AKA Jarble Toothface. AKA Tim the Enchanter. Mechanically, Jalsgrim started out as a 2nd edition fighter who dual-classed to wizard after the 4th fighter level. Jalsgrim was a wild mage character who primarily focused on alteration (transmutation in 3e), especially the polymorph line of spells (back when polymorph other allowed you to more-or-less dictate the form the enemy was changed into). Completely mad, he was frequently flung across the planes following a wild surge. His back story originally resembled Conan's but, after being driven completely mad by being a planar pinball, his stories tend to be word soup. Most recent recitation of his lineage and honors involved growing up as the illegitimate child of a gnoll (mother) and a plate of spaghetti (father) on an orange vineyard in Delaware.

Rist Dreampulse. Star Wars (d6) near-human styled after an Athasian elf. Not originally intended as a joke name, it acquired humorous connotations after the party picked up a starship that could be remote piloted by a special bracer dubbed the "wrist activator." When the pilot declared he was using the wrist activator to call the ship for a evac during a particularly rough battle, I couldn't help but reply "Rist is activated, but not aroused."

Others, too, but I figger that's enough for now. :smalltongue:

2011-08-15, 04:47 AM
The BBEG of a campaign I'm currently playing in is a bard who ascended to godhood.
His name?

2011-08-15, 05:28 AM
Well, in one Eberron campaign, the party had two raptors attached (one a mount, the other an animal companion). Since one was a small-sized raptor and the other medium sized, they were named Big Chunks and Little Chunks.

Then there's one I remember from a D20 future game a friend got by me (and I totally didn't get the joke for a full two sessions): A Half-irish, Half-German pilot and smuggler named Hans O'Low.

And finally there's one I haven't included yet, but will show up in a game I'm running soon, set on a cruise ship. He's a gnomish shadowcrafter, employed to run the shipboard theater. Hollister O'Dec, named Hol, by his friends.

2011-08-15, 06:20 AM
I run a campaign in which one player's character is Shoop. Of the de Whoop family.

Another party member is Leeroy Norris. Guess where those two names came from.

2011-08-15, 10:41 AM
I'm kind of known for having silly names!

I've had:
Jeff Malone
Larry Smiles
Lucious B. Wiggly
Phillup Brown
Louis J. Barone
and then lastly my barbarian Thundaar!

2011-08-15, 11:16 AM
My husband had a druid named Jam Saxon. His schtick was summoning and dismissing snakes. Getting those snakes off the plane, so to say.

2011-08-15, 11:24 AM
Nex Thunderdagger, sorcerer: Everytime someone said next for initiative, I thought they were telling me it was my turn.

Crushbone, barbarian: This was my first character, and the goofiness in the name should be obvious :smalltongue:

Krud, NPC commoner: he scooped poop for a living, nuf said

2011-08-15, 12:05 PM
I just remembered that the NPC Healer (that's the actual Healer class from the Miniatures Handbook) in our current campaign has a unicorn companion named Mr. Rainbow Snugglepants. He's a total badass. That's just how unicorn names work. There is some debate as to whether or not he has a cutie mark and, if so, what it is.
The unicorn in my avatar is named "Bleikur". Which means "Pink".

2011-08-15, 12:34 PM
A player of mine was Princess Sassy Iron[censored], barbarian.

I tend not to think my NPCs' names through enough, leading my players to ridicule them. For example, there was the lizardfolk Lolk, whose name is sadly spelled the same as "lol k."

One time, I told my players the name of an elf they had captured and the immediately started mocking the name I had given him. "Fine. FINE!" I shouted. I ripped off pieces of paper and handed one out to each player. "We're deciding his name by group consensus." I took back the pieces of paper and found that 3/4 of my characters had drawn a crude depiction of...shall we say...part of the male anatomy.

So he became Richard (nickname ****).

Edit: Yup, the forum didn't like that :P Well, you get the idea.

2011-08-15, 12:43 PM
A player of mine was Princess Sassy Iron[censored], barbarian.

I tend not to think my NPCs' names through enough, leading my players to ridicule them. For example, there was the lizardfolk Lolk, whose name is sadly spelled the same as "lol k."

One time, I told my players the name of an elf they had captured and the immediately started mocking the name I had given him. "Fine. FINE!" I shouted. I ripped off pieces of paper and handed one out to each player. "We're deciding his name by group consensus." I took back the pieces of paper and found that 3/4 of my characters had drawn a crude depiction of...shall we say...part of the male anatomy.

So he became Richard (nickname ****).

Edit: Yup, the forum didn't like that :P Well, you get the idea.

With your players acting in such a manner with names. I think you should just have them enter a town that would get offended by their vulgar names. Then put them at the stake and threaten to burn them unless the legaly change their name, and put a mark of justice on them such that if they revert to a vulgar name they are cursed.
I say this not out of spite, but because it would be funny from the point of view that I am sure some societies of NPC's should get offended by such rude names.

2011-08-15, 02:41 PM
Thaddeus Punchworthy, human barbarian. Made for a playtest.

2011-08-15, 02:54 PM
With your players acting in such a manner with names. I think you should just have them enter a town that would get offended by their vulgar names. Then put them at the stake and threaten to burn them unless the legaly change their name, and put a mark of justice on them such that if they revert to a vulgar name they are cursed.
I say this not out of spite, but because it would be funny from the point of view that I am sure some societies of NPC's should get offended by such rude names.

I kind of went the opposite and made the worlds they interacted with like the characters ^^;;;

The PC behind "Sassy" likes to play characters based on fairy tales; in her case, it was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," only the dwarf is the princess. The PC said that in the dwarf lands Sassy was from, all dwarves' first names are rhyming adjectives or professions, so they met dwarven families with names like Saggy, Naggy, Craggy and Chiropractor.

Silva Stormrage
2011-08-15, 06:25 PM
I made a very obvious betraying villain named Benidictus E Trayer. (Refrence to the american traitor Benedict arnold for those not in America.) It took the PC's all of two seconds to guess what he was going to do :smallbiggrin:. Best part yet they were going to attack the guy when I pointed out that they were about to mug an old man who had given them shelter because of his name that was a reference to real world events :smallbiggrin:.

Stone Heart
2011-08-15, 08:32 PM
My first character since I take forever to come up with names, was given the placeholder name Jim-Bob the Minotaur. He was a paladin of questionable morality, and I never got around to giving him another name.

I also have a friend who made a halfling rogue named Bevel Cowerstrike, who was the most terrified character ever, and even shot my halforc barbarian character with a crossbow because I startled him.

Oh and another friend made a character with the intent of being a trapfinding rogue. Her name? Ackbara