View Full Version : Gen Con 2011: Were you there?

Darklord Xavez
2011-08-13, 01:14 PM
I know I was. Who else? What did you do? How long did you stay?

I had a 4-day pass (it was very nice). I played large amounts of Magic: the Gathering, leaving the convention with over 500 new cards, and also tried several new roleplaying games and discovered a love for Basic D&D.

What was you experience?

2011-08-13, 05:23 PM
Look Over Here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=190569)

2011-08-13, 05:30 PM
Darn you, Pink. :smalltongue: I was just about to do that.

Sorry you missed us, Darklord Xavez. Maybe next year?

Darklord Xavez
2011-08-14, 03:59 PM
Ah. Couldn't find it.

2011-08-15, 07:31 AM
I was there. My Gen Con started on Wednesday. My wife and I traveled up from the south side of Indianapolis to downtown and checked into the Westin with our stuff and everything for the ENnie Awards booth. Fortunately, the ENnie Awards Business Manager was able to get our badges early, so right after getting everything up to the room, I was able to get the booth stuff (there was a backdrop w/podium and 5+ totes/boxes of stuff) over to the Exhibitor Hall and get the booth set up.

After booth set up, my wife and I ran back home for some things we forgot. One thing led to another and we got back to the Westin too late for me to want to track down anyone or any games in which to play, though I did try to track down the Dead Games Society guys (not entirely successfully). I have a complete day-by-day write up of my convention over at OK--Your Turn (http://okayyourturn.yuku.com/topic/18875/After-Con-Report).

We went back home on Sunday after an exhausting work-filled convention. I took Monday off from my day job for recovery, though I was still tired most of last week.

It wasn't the best convention ever, but it was still pretty good. In fact, rated against all the other Gen Cons I've been to, I'd rate it near the bottom. But that makes it sound worse than it was, because I still had a good time. I learned a lot for next year.

Renegade Paladin
2011-08-15, 09:59 AM
Oh, hey there JediSoth. Didn't realize you posted over here too. Thanks again for arranging dinner on Saturday. :smallsmile:

I was there Friday afternoon through Sunday around noon. It was a good time. Next year I plan to go the full length if I still have my current job, since by then I'll have sufficient vacation days to just take the whole time off.