View Full Version : AVB: Fighting Ring Spectaculaire! (Public Thread)

2011-08-13, 03:51 PM
A hobgoblin bearing a blue tattoo on his face and a skeleton with a similar (if sloppier) mark address the throngs of attendees and soon-to-be gladiators.

Greetings ladies, gentlemen, constructs, animals, residents of non-material planes, and lovers of violence everywhere! Welcome to my arena of unbridled carnage, where avarice meets assault. And from their vigorous coupling a child is born, and we lovingly name it Fight Night! At least, until a better name comes to mind. Here, death takes a holiday, and you can feel free to pull no punches as you claw all over each other to take the winner's purse! Without further ad, or at least with as little further ado as possible, let the mayhem commence!


-Animal companions, familiars, and other class feature creatures or companions are allowed in matches, as are mounts. Cohorts (wild or otherwise) and anyone acquired through Leadership are not, ditto for any attempts at hiring people to fight with you or buff you.
-First one to go down or surrender is the loser.
-500 gold to enter, the prize to the winner will be half of all the entry fees. Second place will get a magical item of some kind, whose value is guaranteed to be more than the entry fee. XP is awarded for every match (and some even when you lose). All slots in a tournament not taken up by PCs will be taken up by NPCs.
-No pre-buffing.
-It is an endurance-type round. One hour elapses between rounds (during which you cannot do anything). Buffs that last longer than an hour will carry over to the next fight. Spells and power points won't be replenished, same with rages, flurries of blows, so on and so forth. Damage taken remains; you can't heal it in between matches (but can heal it in matches, of course)
-NPCs will lose random amounts of HP in each round to simulate the degradation of their matches (and NPC mages will consume spells in a similar fashion).
-If a match is being unnecessarily stalled, the current fighting ring manager will dip into his Boring Box. It contains a nasty assortment of ranged weapons and combat items to be used on whoever is ticking the crowd off. Mechanics-wise, this can be translated as anyone who either hides or runs away for five rounds or longer without taking an offensive action.
-You must post at least once per day (unless you're currently awaiting DM response). Every day you don't post is a round your character sits idle.
-Other rules may be added as they come up; when in doubt, ask before you do to avoid any rewinds or anything.
-This is a public thread. Matches will take place in separate, and PRIVATE, threads. Summaries of those matches will be posted here. You can read about them here, not there, where the standard rule against seeing other people's threads will apply. If you post in here (as an audience member or fighter watching other fights, or what have you), please post in-character. If the thread starts to fill up too fast, we'll begin charging for 'tickets' to post.

The Map:


-To reiterate what the map rules say above, everything in here is transparent. There is no way to block line of sight aside from magic, powers, or items. Please make a note of it.
-Ignore the lava, it's not there. Those squares instead represent the unpassable border of the map.
-Max elevation is 150 feet above 0. Go past that, you get disqualified as if you ran away.

2011-09-03, 12:32 PM
Fight Night I: The Bloodening

As always and like never before, I, your glorious arena manager Wilstaff will provide play-by-play on all matches of interest during our Fight Nights. My undead vice-manager Bennett will be our color commentator, of course. I always say he's got the heart of a poet; I just wish I hadn't thrown it away with the rest of his internal organs.

Without too much further ado, we bring you a summary of the first match of import for Fight Night I. And coincidentally, it stars Yours Truly. Who'da thunk?

Round 1: Trial by Fire

Wilstaff looks at the cheering throng from inside the arena's enclosure.

This is our prototype for what we hope to be a cornerstone of Aldhavenian culture, like any museum, art gallery, or fine eating establishment where there happen to be scantily clad females of various races willing to dry hump you for coins. And how better to learn the best way to hone and improve your experience than to participate in the first fight ourselves! As you can see, I'm not just the manager of this cavalcade of carnage, I'm also a member. And my vice-manager, Bennett will also put his neckbone on the line for the sake of knowledge and fun for all.

He nods to his opponent on the blue end, and at his suggestion, Bennett bows.

We who are about to die, however briefly, salute....well, me. Let the fun begin!

The handsome hob Wilstaff and his chatty skeleton chum Bennett square off against a bugbear who has managed to overcome his natural stupidity enough to learn some rudimentary magic. Combat begins in the air, but Bennett complains of being left out of the fun, so after minor spell exchanges everyone lands and the bugbear suddenly finds himself the cheese, turkey, and barbeque chips in the middle of a Wil and Ben Sandwich. He turns up the heat on the hob, but a deft sword thrust from Bennett's bony hands removes the bugbear from the contest by removing his heart from his chest.

What, Bennett? How am I not giving you enough credit, I said it was deft! How would you have described it? 'A surgical strike of unparalleled skill that even the gods themselves could not have withstood'? I know you're the color man, but that's a tad too rainbowish for my tastes. And you can say what you want, but I was there and I am quite sure I don't remember any heavenly chorus singing your praises after the fight. Keep dreaming, bonehead.

There will be similar writeups for any other PC match in the fighting ring if requested; all you'll have to do is PM me a basic description of what happened after it ends (leaving out as much or as little specific character info as you wish, to avoid having your person's powers and abilities known to all) and I will do the rest.

2011-09-07, 02:42 PM
Round 2: The Night The Lights Went Out in Aldhaven

It certainly was a scintillating opening fight for the spell-slinging hob and his bony buddy. In the semi-final, the pair found themselves toe to toe with a human swinging a length of spike-studded chain. They approached him slowly, only to find he was rooted to the spot. Wilstaff, ever the cautious one, sent the skeleton forward to attack and-

What, Bennett? Cowardly? No, no, clearly it was caution. That little bit of fear urine you saw squirt out was just an...illusion. Yeah.

Anyhow, Bennett failed to achieve victory a bunch, and the human nocked an arrow and tried himself. It was at this point that Wilstaff realized two things: this human wasn't real, and everything had just gotten dark. Very, very dark. Forever.

Blinded by the cowardly illusionist-

Yes Bennett, what he was doing WAS cowardly. Of course there's a difference! He was hiding from a fight, I was simply letting someone else fight it for me. Apples and oranges.

As I was saying, blinded by the cowardly illusionist, Wilstaff retreated. Bennett, swinging blindly, finally manages to hit the invisible enemy with a devastating dagger strike, and Wilstaff uses the sound of this to zero in as best he can and loose a deadly spell, dropping the deceiver where he stood and allowing the unseeing hob to claim his second win, and advance the finals. But alas, without a potion to cure and prevented by the rules from finding one in the midst of the tournament, he was forced to go into the last round as blind as a bat.

Which, as it turned out, was a very apt turn of phrase for that battle.

2011-10-13, 05:33 AM
A dapper looking gentleman in a top hat enters. He walks with a fine cane, though he doesn't appear to need it.

"I am seeking the proprietor of this establishment."

2011-10-13, 10:17 AM
Wow, I totally forgot to post a synopsis for the third battle. Guess it doesn't much matter now. If anyone cares, long story very short is Wilstaff fights reasonably well despite his blindness, but he, Bennett, and the dire bats he summons are all crunched by the gargantuan dire bat his half-fiend opponent controlled.

"Might be tough, the bosses are in and out all day long." He cranes his neck to listen to a disturbance out in the slums. "But judging by the screams echoing down the hall, it might be your lucky day. Or it might not, depending."

A few moments later, a wild-eyed hobgoblin mage bursts into the room, followed by a rather well-equipped and finely polished skeleton. He appears to be mired in a debate with his companion, despite the skeleton's lack of any noticeable response.

Absolutely not. I don't care that you have a controlling interest in this business, either those children fight the badger or I walk.

He pauses as the skeleton stares forward silently.

Wah wah, who cares if they get roughed up a bit? A little dying is good for building character.

The mage then notices their visitor.

Well lookee here Bennett, there's a high-class sort flouncing about in our neighborhood. That you could make it this far into the slums dressed like that without taking a club to the head tells me I definitely want to see you in the ring. So what's your story, morning glory?

2011-10-13, 02:40 PM
"Oh, no no. I'm not here to fight. I wish merely to test out one of my... pets. I've bred him to be quite vicious, and I want to see how he fares in real combat."

2011-10-13, 03:12 PM
Wilstaff is momentarily surprised. Hmmm...that's a new one. We have a couple of options if you want to see if you want your creature properly featured. Would you like to pit it against one of our newly acquired beasts? A horde of commoners? Or perhaps just one or two somewhat more highly skilled combatants?

2011-10-13, 03:14 PM
"I would prefer it to have some sort of challenge. I want to test it's limits, not merely watch it slaughter for sport. If you can not accommodate that, then I will go elsewhere."

2011-10-13, 03:22 PM
Wilstaff looks to the skeleton.

I know, right? As if he could just go try the other elaborately warded and fully staffed illegal arena down the street.

He then looks back to their dapper visitor.

Trust me, we'll challenge your beast, even if I have to get in there and snap its neck myself. Would you like this to take place during one of our marquee events, or is it less about publicity and more just a straight combat challenge?

Another look to his partner.

No, we'll move Phelicia back to 4:30 if we need to. Just tell her I had to kill something, she'll understand.

2011-10-13, 03:47 PM
"I don't care about publicity. I just want to test him out so I know where to go with my experiments for the next litter."

2011-10-13, 03:51 PM
Then let's light this firecracker.

At which point I guess we'll take this to my thread, and I'll post a synopsis of it on here.

2011-11-06, 09:59 PM
An Elf walks in. She has visible injuries, but either doesn't notice or doesn't care. She walks to the front desk.

"Hello. I'm looking to sign up for a match."

2011-11-06, 10:25 PM
The elf hears a commotion in the background, followed by a crash and an unearthly scream. A calm, disinterested voice chimes in nearby.

Put some ointment on that. Like, a lot of it.

Moments later, a wild-eyed hobgoblin enters the room, flanked by a heavily armed skeleton. Both wear blue marks on their faces, though the skeleton's bears more resemblance to a fuzzy blue spider.

The hob looks to his new arrival.

Oh, the first catch of the day, hmmm? You're in luck! We've recently expanded our operations from merely being a periodical tournament. Now it's full-on fighting mode every day in the sunny slums! So we have a variety of options available. First, tell me a bit about yourself. Who you are, what you specialize in, and the story of those lovely bits of red you're currently wearing all over your person. Actually, I think we can help on that last part. Grissom!

A cleric comes at the summon.

"My name is Chisholm, Mr. Wilstaff."

Gristle, give our guest here a bit of your magic fingers, on the house. She's making me hurt just looking at her.

The cleric touches the elf, healing her for [roll0] HP.

That's better. So, yes, go ahead and fill me in on what you are and what you want. If you seek entry in our big tournament, you'll need 500 gold, cash on the barrel. Grand prize is 2,000 gold, second place an item valued at more than your admission. But it won't start yet, we're keeping registration open a while longer, try to lure in some of the crazies.

He then looks over at the skeleton, who remains mute and motionless.

Well, yes, the crazies other than me, Bennett. I don't want to be the only one this time. Fighting bats while blind as a bat was an interesting experience, though. I guess not so much for you, you were dead again by that point.

He then tries to focus his limited attention back on the task at hand.

Right, sorry. So, if you want something cheaper and more immediate, we have some fighting options right now. For 100 gold, we can arrange a fight against a horde of opponents with limited skills, or dip into our menagerie of beasties to find you a challenge. Win, and you get a trip to our brand-new Potion Grab Bag! Or, my favorite choice: you put up any amount of gold, from 50 to 1,000, against another elite fighter. Whose eliteness is basically measured by them showing up here in time. Winner takes all.

So, pick your poison, and if you have any questions, ask away. I probably won't listen, but talking it out might make you feel better. And Bennett here is always looking to help out our customers. Quite a people person, he is.

The skeleton remains still, possibly awaiting your response. But more likely just because it's a skeleton.

Hopefully that made the options for combat pretty apparent (low-level NPC mob, semi-random choice of creature, fight against another PC). They are also listed in the OOC and Recruitment threads. Keep in mind all matches generate XP, win or lose. Winning being worth more, of course.

2011-11-06, 10:27 PM
[[DM noting a 13 point heal for Debatra's main thread. Thanks Hustler.]]

2011-11-06, 10:53 PM
"For now, I'll just sign up for the tournament." She puts the 500 on the table. "As for what I do, I'm a bounty hunter, among other odd jobs. You wouldn't happen to need anyone in my line of work, would you? Guaranteed secrecy."

2011-11-06, 11:14 PM
Wilstaff scratches his chin.

A bounty hunter....that could be helpful. Shame I didn't run into you before. Wouldn't have had to tiger-bomb that fellow myself.

An idea suddenly dawns.

Actually, if you're looking for regular work, I might have something for you along these lines. Would you like to have a little practice scrap while we discuss it in private? Or we can just discuss it in private without the fight, though that sounds a lot less fun.

2011-11-06, 11:17 PM
The Elf grins. "Oh, I'm always game. What do you have in mind?"

2011-11-07, 06:03 PM
A familiar suited man enters the room.

"Hello, Sir Hobgob. I've brought a new pet for you to try out in your ring. I think I might enter this one in a tournament though. I'm quite sure that it can take even you."

2011-11-07, 10:33 PM
Wilstaff enters with a grin, sweating from his recent workout with the elf.

Ho there! I think I'll call you Mr. E, seems appropriate. A new and improved beastie, eh? Certainly the last one gave Bennett quite the run for his money. We don't normally have creatures in the tournament, but in your case I'll make an exception; I think your creatures might be quite the draw. In fact, I've been meaning to talk to you about that, and now seems as good a time as any. How about instead of the 500 gold registration fee, you hand us one of your creatures for the menagerie? Doesn't have to be this souped-up version you're debuting; the reject Bennie and I burned up will do. But I think it would be a fine addition to the growing selection of beasts to fight, and give you even more opportunity to see how one of your breed fares against a wide variety of opponents and situations. Everything from one lone warrior of great power to a horde of panicked commoners that it will likely tear through like tissue paper. Sound like a deal?

2011-11-08, 03:18 AM
"Thank you, no. The five entry fee is fine."

The man tips his hat ever so slightly, a hint of a smirk on his face.

2011-11-08, 08:55 AM
Wilstaff shrugs.

Can't blame a hob for trying. Go ahead and drop off your payment, and we'll register the...thing. Any particular name or desgination for it?

And if you ever decide you want one of them included in our menagerie, let me know, and we'll try to work out a deal.

2011-11-08, 01:57 PM
He tosses a small pouch with 50 platinum pieces to Wilstaff.

"'Creature' is sufficient."

2011-11-08, 02:49 PM
I thought 1 platinum was 10 gold. It's 100?

Creature it is, then.

2011-11-08, 06:54 PM
That was supposed to be 50. I just didn't push the zero hard enough. It's now corrected.

2011-11-28, 10:25 AM
A young child approaches the arena looking around for what has been described to him as a hobgoblin with a blue tattoo and a skeleton flunkie.

2011-11-28, 11:23 AM
The child is directed to a room where a hobgoblin sits, admiring a collection of humanoid skulls placed tastefully on a shelf near his desk. He smiles warmly at the incoming youngling.

Hi there, little one. Are you here to report to the Watch about one of the bad men touching you in your no-no places? Or are you one of my little squirts scheduled to go up against that rabid badger during Fight Night 2? If so, I hope you brought your whomping sticks, because I've been poking that brute with a spear all week and he's mighty ornery!

2011-11-28, 04:37 PM
"I am here because monsigniore asked me to be here" he says with determination.

"He said I am to make arrangements for his participation and asked what kind of an operation you are running here. What kind of matches he can expect, if there is an entry fee etc. He said I am to glean information and return to him..."

2011-11-28, 05:39 PM
FYI, XP awards for these matches are still undetermined; Plans and I were debating that when he dropped off. Feel free to read the last few posts in my character thread to get the gist of it.

Wilstaff rattles off the list with an air of someone who has done this many times before.

For a hundred gold, you can battle a horde of weaker types or one of our menagerie of beasts. It's a good workout, if not incredibly challenging, and if you win you'll get a turn at the Potion Grab Bag. You can put in anywhere from 50 to 1,000 gold to enter into a one on one fight against another Aldhaven citizen of similar strength; you both agree how much to put up, and winner takes all. Or you can plop down 500 clams to reserve a spot in our next Fight Night Main Event tournament. 3 matches, no rest, no mercy. Winner gets 2,000 gold, 2nd place a magic item of greater value than the entry fee. Everyone gets the thrill of the fight.

Anything else, small fry?

2011-11-28, 05:40 PM
FYI, XP awards for these matches are still undetermined; Plans and I were debating that when he dropped off. Feel free to read the last few posts in my character thread to get the gist of it.

Wilstaff rattles off the list with an air of someone who has done this many times before.

For a hundred gold, you can battle a horde of weaker types or one of our menagerie of beasts. It's a good workout, if not incredibly challenging, and if you win you'll get a turn at the Potion Grab Bag. You can put in anywhere from 50 to 1,000 gold to enter into a one on one fight against another Aldhaven citizen of similar strength; you both agree how much to put up, and winner takes all. Or you can plop down 500 clams to reserve a spot in our next Fight Night Main Event tournament. 3 matches, no rest, no mercy. Winner gets 2,000 gold, 2nd place a magic item of greater value than the entry fee. Everyone gets the thrill of the fight.

Anything else, small fry?

2011-11-29, 07:33 AM
"What happens to his foes and who watches those matches? Monsigniore said he wants privacy, perhaps something to test his skills against tougher or something trickier... it could be another Aldhavenian I guess" he says scratching his head.

"By the way, are those real?" he asks pointing at the skulls.

Dont care for the XP really... just a matter of passing the time using Ishmael in combat to try things out in a full LOS arena...

2011-11-29, 11:24 AM
Wilstaff rolls his eyes and looks to Bennett.

I know, I know, another Secretive Sally. No idea why everyone has to be skulking about these days.

He then glares at the undead.

Hypocrite? I don't think that's quite the same thing; that body was not going to hide itself.

Wilstaff then looks to the child.

Tell your Mon Sig-nor-ee that privacy can indeed be arranged for any match, save the tournament. There, the attendance and gambling income is sorta the whole point. Anyone killed off is immediately revived thanks to the wards of the ring. Permanent death would be bad for business. And I have a sizable staff on hand to heal fighters before they go back into the world.

He then gets up and ruffles the kid's hair.

Awww, such an interest in bones and body parts. You remind me of me at a young age. They certainly are real; this handsome collection was assembled by an unusually artistic-minded troll. I...converted him into a member of my staff, and acquired his assets as part of the transition. A friend of his happens to be one of the options in our menagerie, as well.

2011-11-29, 02:47 PM
Post to make previous post appear. Blasted boards...those ads seem not to be helping us out any.

2011-11-30, 10:39 AM
I have noticed that it happens often when the post would start a new page... dont know why though.

The kid flinches at your touch but maintains his composure.

He gives a practiced courtier style bow and departs after thanking you.

Not two hours pass, as the sun is starting to go down that an individual of average height and wiry build enters the arena area looking for Wilstaff.

He is dressed in fine quality courtier clothes of dark earthen colors though nothing is completely black. The one thing that stands out is his bright orange hair and blue eyes and the exquisite thin sword at his belt on which he rests his hands.

2011-11-30, 11:12 AM
Wilstaff looks up from his work at the visitor. You must be the well-to-do fellow that precocious little skull-loving tyke was going on about. Come on in, sit a spell. Tell me what brand of violence strikes your fancy.

2011-12-01, 09:18 AM
The -hobgoblin- that sits across you smiles and nods.

"Yes the boy was in my service. I was glad to hear that the illegal nature of this arena did not make you tight lipped around him" he says.

"In any case, lately my duties have made me very... restrained, very precise, very... careful. I seek something that will test my abilities but at the same time make it interesting and with enough gore..." he continues.

"Do you have something interesting to suggest?"

2011-12-01, 09:47 AM
The (actual) hobgoblin leans back in his chair and puts his feet on the desk.

It's an open secret in these parts what we do here. All the problems in Aldhaven, no one wants to spend a lot of time, money and manpower dealing with the one place where the murders are consensual and temporary. As for restraint, I'm not really familiar with the concept, but I at least know the meaning of the word. If you want to let loose...well, I told your boy the basic menu. Specifically, I can recommend a good tussle with a troll I corralled recently. He's a big ol' brute, ought to keep you dancing for a bit. I won't try to sell you on the tournament; your wee man told me privacy was your preference, so killing and dying in front of a few thousand of your closest friends wouldn't fit that bill. And of course there's our popular new option where you can put up some money and take on another worthy challenger. It can be anyone who comes by here in the near future, or anyone you invite to participate. Or Bennett and I can change out our administrative hats for our fightin' hats, if you want to go toe to toe with the Blind Hobblin' Bozo himself. When you're ready, let me know what you've decided, and when you want the carnage to commence. Because I can promise you this: you want gore, buddy, you'll get it. No shortage of blood and guts in here.

2011-12-09, 06:27 AM
Sorry for the late reply! Plans returned and we started back at my plot but I can set time for this in his busy plan anyway :D

The hobgoblin across you considers your words carefully.

"Yes. Public Arena is out of the question... too many people and I dont care for the fame... quite the contrary I can say..." he says with a toothy grin.

"By the way, who is financing all this? I dont think the arena got built in a day nor that you built it with your own two hands... even assuming your silent friend helped..."

At this point I would like to roll a knowledge local test to see what I have heard about you and Bennett and the arena in more detail than just the street. You can feel free to adjudicate what I get out of the roll.


"Now I could start with the troll and if that doesnt prove a challenge perhaps we can move on to any other gladiators or even yourself since you suggest it..."

2011-12-09, 11:18 AM
No problem, man. This can just be a thing you do when there's downtime, however you want to work it.

Wilstaff, always glad to espouse at length on one of his passion projects, bends the stranger's ear a bit.

Who finances this is another very open secret: take one look at most of my workers, or show up to one of the public events, and it becomes abundantly clear that the Azure Appendage is behind this.

No, wait...it's the Cerulean Palm? Midnight Mitt? Something like that. I know it, it's right on the edge of my face... He taps the Blue Hand tattoo emblazoned across his face for emphasis.

And it's no secret at all that if the project is financed by that group, it was one man in particular who made the decisions and doled out the gold. Our idea, but Khan Kong's execution. As for construction, it was achieved the usual way: a large group of laborers over a few sweaty, vaguely homoerotic days. Nothing particularly special there, aside from the hopping snakes.

Seems about the right amount given the good roll and the nature of the questions; if you think more's merited, just let me know.

As for the troll, sounds like a plan. Put the gold in my hand, and I'll have them bring Twolly around.

2011-12-12, 10:36 AM
"Interesting..." he says and smiles.

"So yes. Troll it is... how much is it going to cost me?"

2011-12-12, 11:06 AM
100 gold. Or 10 platinum. Or 1,000 silver. If you try to pay it in coppers, Bennett is going to push a dagger through your ear.

2011-12-13, 05:31 AM
"I doubt he would... and I dont deal in copper anyway..." he says with a relaxed tone.

He reaches inside the folds of his clothes and takes out...



a small pouch from which he counts 10 platinum coins.

"There you go. All yours..."

2011-12-13, 01:17 PM
The coins are collected, and the stranger is escorted to the battlefield.


-To reiterate what the map rules say above, everything in here is transparent. There is no way to block line of sight aside from magic, powers, or items. Please make a note of it.
-Ignore the lava, it's not there. Those squares instead represent the unpassable border of the map.
-Max elevation is 150 feet above 0. Go past that, you get disqualified as if you ran away.

On the other side stands a half-troll, wielding a large battleaxe. He also carries several javelins on his back.

Roll initiative.

Now at this point we can do specific square-by-square posting, the way we would in a proper PvP match, or just general distances without worrying about where exactly you are on the map (for example, move 50 feet toward the troll). Your choice, I'm fine with either.

2011-12-14, 12:44 AM
Aren't you going to take the fight into a separate thread?

Also, when is the next tournament? I'm waiting for the monster to get to fight...

2011-12-14, 11:02 AM
Good point, we do need a new thread. And I had held off until things got back in action, since I wasn't sure if you or Debatra were still around. I'd like to get one or two more PCs, but I won't hold it up too much longer for that; if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. I'm off of one job starting on Friday until the 3rd, so let's say if no one else signs on, I'll start it next week.

2011-12-20, 03:31 PM
The armored figure, followed by a tiny yet identical armor with a pair of wings and quadpedal dog-like "thing" walks up to the Hobgoblin who has just received the money.

"Excuse me sir. I would like to talk to someone about possibility of advertizing in the premise, or maybe sponsoring one of the gladiators for the publicity of my business. Do you happen to know who is the person I should talk to?"


2011-12-20, 05:59 PM
The wild-eyed mage looks at the incoming retinue.

Sponsoring? Looked like you might have been ready to fight yourself. But I suppose we can look into something like that. What kind of ad are you looking for? As for sponsoring a fighter, we certainly allow it, but you'd have to discuss that with the fighter themselves. Me, I'm not really able to represent another business, since I sorta have...other interests to serve. Although for a little extra gold I'll be glad to throw a plug in for your place during the event.

2011-12-22, 02:22 PM
The armored figure scratches the top of the helmet with the right gauntlet.

"Oh, right. No, I am not constructed to fight. Well, not in this body anyways. However, worst case scenario, I suppose I could be a participant myself just to demonstrate the wares. What is the entry fee? And would you mind if I watch, and talk to the gladiators? And how much would you propose, for a plug in?", it peers over though the glass trying to see inside.
So how busy/crowded is it right now? And any match going on?

2011-12-23, 11:10 AM
Nothing at the moment, and no one in the stands. Like most sporting arenas, it stays empty of spectators most of the time, and then fills to the rafters during Fight Night or other special events.

The hob looks to the skeleton standing next to him and ***** his head.

You think so, Bennett? Seems a trifle cheap, but I suppose I made you head accountant for a reason.

He then looks back at the construct.

We'll give you a plug in our speech for fifty gold. The entry fee for the eight-man tournament is 500; first place gets 2,000 gold, second place an item of greater cost than the entry fee. As for watching, you certainly can, unless, like the fellow we just had in here, they request privacy. Just remember, I cannot be sponsored by outside parties. Would be a conflict of interest.

He looks to the skeleton again.

What? Well, no, I suppose technically not, you greedy bonebag. Far be it for me to stand in the way of you selling out to corporate interests.

He turns once more to his visitor.

Apparently my friend here is willing to be sponsored by you. Says for three hundred gold he'll fight in your name, even let you paint an advertisement on his skull for an extra fifty, so long as it isn't permanent. Of course, he's technically part of the same entry as myself, but I can overlook his whorishness, I suppose.

2011-12-23, 01:04 PM
The helmet faces to the skeleton, "Well, I was hoping that, it is something along of the line of, I supply equipment for you to use, say, three-hundred-gold worth, with our name on them, and hopefully, you win your matches using our gear with our name on it, and maybe waves those gear as you take the victory bow. Maybe for extra fifty, I'll make you something to wear like a cape or something, so you can take it off afterward?"

"Also, do you mind me asking your record here? I would like to sponsor someone who has, at least, winning record...", the little armored figure with wings fly and flutter over the head of the skeleton, circling around.
I suppose the hobgoblin c-o-c-k-e-d his head, and the word for filtered by the bad-word filter? *laugh*

2011-12-23, 03:41 PM
Yup. Heh, guess I never used that word before.

Wilstaff looks once more to the seemingly silent skeleton.

Yeah, I know. Matey, Bennett here has some pretty swank swag. He could use some swankier armor, I suppose, but I doubt you could afford to give him better weaponry than he already carries. Show 'em some of your pigstickers, B.

The skeleton does as ordered, drawing a short sword of obvious quality and a menacing knife that glitters with a magical aura.

Although, come to think of it, you're right; you could use a nicer flail than that old one we've been lugging around since before we came to this burg. Bennett has a new deal, Iron Man: no gold, but he gets a new flail and chain shirt. High-quality stuff, mind you. We keep it, you get the plug from me and the promo from him. He'll even let you put your mark on the armor and leave it there after the contest is over, for subsequent contests as well as our day-to-day operations. And trust me, we run into a lot of people.

As for our record, we participated in the first Fight Night. Won the first match with ease, and Bennett offed the guy with a truly magnificent sword strike.

A triple natural 20, in fact. 20 on the roll, on the crit confirm, and on another roll to see if the guy died instantly. Suffice to say, he did.

Next fight, Bennett took that invisible man out as well, but not before he blinded me with science. And also magic. Mostly magic, really. Then in the final, we got chomped by what Bennett tells me was a very, very large bat. So I suppose we're 2-1, and were the first runner-ups for the Fight Night I tournament. Crowd loves us, though.

2011-12-31, 09:42 AM
"Or, perhaps there is something I can do for the sword...may I examine?", the right gauntlet of the cranky old armor reaching over, gesturing the skeleton to pass the shortsword over to closer examination.
Sorry, holiday schedule! I shall get this moving at one post-a-day at least!

2011-12-31, 09:50 AM
Wilstaff looks to the skeleton.

I know you're wary of newcomers Bennett, but if he wanted to do you in with your own weapon I doubt he'd choose the sword. It's not that effective So do hand it over.

Without a sound, the skeleton gives you the shortsword. It is of superior quality, though there are no magical auras around it.

In other words, a plain ol' masterwork blade.

2012-01-01, 02:12 PM
The ruggedly armored figure hands the short blade back to the skeleton.

"I have a couple of more suggestions. I could build an attachment to the hilt of the blade. It will be able to accept a cupsule containing various substances, like lightning infused alchemical substance, you will be able to coat your weapon in one, quick and swift action with the liquid, adding a little oomph to your weapon for a few seconds.

Or, I can make a crystal infused with a touch of magic to be attached to the hilt. It will balance the blade such that you will waste no time drawing your weapon.

Or, as you mentioned, I could make a nicer back up weapon and new shiny chain shirt. I'm sure chain shirt will especially serve you well in the gladiatorial arena. But maybe we can consider other options for the future."
First one is the Weapon Capsule Trainer, and Weapon Capsules from Complete Adventurer p121. The second one is Least Crystal of Return from Magic Item Compendium p65

2012-01-01, 03:23 PM
I actually don't own any books. Can you sum up what those things do?

Wilstaff looks to the motionless undead.

Well, he isn't sure yet what he'll pick, but he's definitely on board. Sounds like you have yourself a deal. I'll give you the Wilstaff Bump during the speech for the fifty gold, and Bennett will adorn himself with your logo for all to see while we fight it out. Just let us know when you have decided what you want your image or wording on his armor to be, and by then he'll be able to tell you which equipment upgrade he has selected.

He then looks at his desk, seeming to space out for a moment.

Ah! I almost forgot! There's a new version of the town crier I am employing in our neck of the woods. If you pay for the speech plug, I'll throw in a mention with him for free. He'll periodically remind the people that the best place to get arms and armor is...

Here the hob pauses and looks to you.

...What's the name of your business again? Metalman Manufacturer?

2012-01-01, 04:14 PM
'Creature' rattles the bars in his cage, trying to break out. He desires to fight and soon, perhaps gnaw on some Bennett bones.

2012-01-01, 04:19 PM
Hearing the commotion from the menagerie, Wilstaff shouts to a handler to jab the beast with a spear a couple more times.

Keep that thing good and riled. By the time we let it loose I want it prepared to rock faces.

Now, when we do start the tournament, which I think can be soon now that people are trickling back in from the holidays, do you want to control Creature in all fights, or just fight out the ones where he is against PCs?

2012-01-01, 04:22 PM
Just against PCs. If it's an NPC/NPC fight, there's no real reason to play it out.

2012-01-01, 04:39 PM
Gotcha. And to save me a PM, go ahead and put in the Streets thread that Fight Night 2 starts in a week, real-time. No sense waiting any longer.

2012-01-04, 02:48 PM
"Well, I happen to have the crystal on me. Try this.", the armored figure draws its morningstar with unnaturally dextrous speed for someone wearing a heavy, crunky armor. The morningstar is expertly crafted and balanced, with a sky-blue crystal wedged at the end of its hilt. The figure knocks the end of the hilt three times on the palm of its gauntlet, and chants 'Vaelaeri', and the crystal effortlessly comes off. As the crystal detouches, the weapon appears to lose a slight luster.

"Push this against the butt of the sword, and chant 'eiras'. That will attach the crystal to your sword. See if you like it.", the armor hands the crystal to the skeleton.
In short, this crystal, when attached to a weapon, let you draw the weapon as a free action. It's the one from Magic Item Compendium.

The other one, the attachment from Complete Adventurer...in short, the attachment can contain 1 alchemical weapon capsule. With swift action, the attachment can coat your weapon with the alchemical weapon capsule it contains. There are 5 types of weapon capsules. 3 of the 5 adds 1d6 elemental damage for 1 round (Fire, Frost, or Lightning). Another weapon capsule turn your weapon 'Silver' for 3 rounds. Another weapon capsule turns your weapon ghost-touch for 3 rounds. These capsules are one shot, so you need to keep buying them as you use'em...

Let me know if you are interested in any of those, and I'll send you the exact text from the books in PM.
"Oh, and Speed's Alchemy and Tool Wagon, is the name of our business. I am called Speed's Helper. Thank you for the business.", the armor reaches out to the hobgoblin, to shake on it.


2012-01-04, 10:39 PM
Wilstaff shakes his hand, and instructs Bennett to do the same. He then gives his companion a warning glance.

I dunno, Bennett. Those alchemy doodads sound pretty snazzy.


The wild-eyed hobgoblin mage turns back to the armor.

He says he wants the crystal. He'll attach it to this magical dagger of his, that way he can call it up whenever we see someone worth using it on. Says those alchemy capsules are just a gateway to spending all your dough on fancy consumables, and he doesn't want to spend his afterlife wasting away freebasing alchemists' fires off the back of an underage prostitute. Although that sounds exactly like how I'd want to spend my life, but different strokes for different folks. Hopefully the works when I chant it even though he's holding it, since Bennie here doesn't wag his tongue too much. Hasn't got one anymore, y'know.

In any case, Sir Helper of Speed's Alchemy and Tool Wagon, it's been great, and we'll hopefully see you in the stands during the fight, even if we don't see you out on the killing floor.

2012-01-05, 03:21 PM
Speed's Helper nods to the hobgoblin and the skeleon, "Just make sure the dagger is a well-made one. The crystal doesn't quite attach right if the blade is not well-crafted enough."
The weapon must be Masterwork quality (or better) in order for the crystal to work, just so you know
"And for extra 50 we talked about, I'll make the chainshirt, inscribe a small tasteful business sign of ours, and make a cape with our business sign, bold and impressive. You can just give me back the cape afterward and I'll use it as a banner later. Now would you mind if I take the measurement for the shirt?", mini-version of Speed's Helper takes out a measuring take out of Helper's backpack.
Chainshirt will be 100g but I'll just throw it in for a good business...

2012-01-05, 03:26 PM
The skeleton, motionless up to this point, remains that way while the measurements are taken. Wilstaff slips the crystal onto the dagger, and at a word calls it into Bennett's hand.

Keen! Just make sure the new chain shirt doesn't pinch his skin. Ha!

2012-01-06, 04:38 PM
Mini Helper flies around up, down, and around the skeleton holding the end of the measuring tape, and the pair takes note of the dimension of the skeleton quickly while the quadruped construct remain as stiff as the skeleton.

"We shall be back with the shirt and cape shortly.", the armored figure nods after Speed's Helper and Mini-Helper is done with all the shirt measurement. "I will be sure to be in the stands during the tournament.", and the trio takes off.
Time to work out the crafting I think~~~

2012-01-06, 08:21 PM
We get to meet such nice sentient items in this line of work, don't we, Bennett?

The two continue their preparations for the tournament.

2012-01-21, 04:19 PM
A throng of people have come to the large glass arena located in the heart of the Slums, eyes shining with the prospect of winning gold and enjoying gratuitous violence. The maniacal manager of the establishment climbs to his speaker's podium, flanked as always by the mute skeleton that he had appointed as his second-in-command. The pair wear the crimson-and-blue uniforms of the newly formed Extracity Watch, complete with unique golden crowns stitched above the handshake emblem. The skeleton also bears a curious advertisement on his equipment for Speed's Alchemy and Tool Wagon. The boisterous group quiets a bit as the tattooed hobgoblin motions for their attention; whatever else one might say about Wilstaff, his speeches are very rarely boring.

Aldhavenians, I am here once more to welcome you to an evening of death and terror, all orchestrated by us for your amusement and spiritual growth. Let us wallow together in the cesspool of decadence and then bathe ourselves in schadenfreude as we watch numerous people perish for our enjoyment. And yet, I also come to spread a message of hope: that the horrors perpetrated in this ring might soon be limited to it, as the boys in red of the Extracity Watch toil tirelessly to help bring order and justice to this district a callous and uncaring city refers to as The Slums. As the captain of this group I invite you to embrace them as saviors, here to provide a safe harbor during these stormy times.

He looks to his skeleton, then nods quickly as if reminded of something important.

Also, be sure to do your alchemical purchasing at the hottest new store in the city, Speed's Alchemy and Tool Wagon. Now, let the carnage commence! Ladies, gentlemen, warforged and undead, it's time for Fight Night 2: The Shavin' in Aldhaven!

Rules and arena map are on the first post of this thread, as they apply to both competitors and observers.

2012-01-31, 12:02 PM

A strange pair of carts drive, and stop right in front of the arena. Two carts attached together front and back. The front cart, metallic, is pulling the rear wooden cart. The front, pulling cart appears to have no locomotive in of itself. On the driver seats of the front one, the tiny mini-version of Speed's Helper is sitting there on the right, along with the quad-pedal dog-like thing on the left. Both carts bear the sign:
Which is also repeated on some of Bennett's equipment.

The front metallic cart also bears a figurehead right in the front in between the two drivers seats. It is the helmet worn by "Speed's Helper" who visited earlier in the week. The figurehead-helmet suddenly turns towards Wilstaff and Bennett.

"Hello again. I am here to deliver the promised equipment, and I am also hoping to sell some of the merchandize right outside of the Arena. Where shall we set our shop?", the helmet speaks, in distinctly the voice of Speed's Helper's.


2012-01-31, 01:15 PM
Wilstaff goggles at the odd convoy, then recovers. He takes the equipment and swiftly changes out Bennett's battered chainmail for the new one, as well as taking the dagger with the crystal and handing Bennett the other one.

Now, if we want to change the weapon this doodad is hooked on to, can we do that, or would we just need to get another crystal?

As for setting up shop out here, sounds like a grand idea! Going lot rent for vendors would be 20% off the top, but I have a better idea. My men have been clamoring for someone to do the cleaning and upkeep on their arms and armor. If you'd be willing to perform those tasks for them free of charge, I think we can knock the house cut down to a paltry 5% of the gross. In return, I can offer you the protection of the Extracity Watch for your wares, a plug during every Fight Night event, Bennett wearing your logo about town, and a chance to ply your merchandise to every bloodthirsty soul who wanders through our gates. Sound good?

I'd recommend setting up a public thread for your shop a la the one Rizban has for Erbauer's if you intend to sell to PCs. Gives you something to link to in your sig, in this thread, and in the OOC thread to draw people in.

2012-01-31, 01:41 PM
you may create it yourself, so long as you link the dm's to it in a pm.

2012-02-01, 10:03 AM
Another man enters the establishment. A human clad in simple robes and a wooden staff asks to see propierter.

"Good day, fine man. What services do you provide these days? I heard of your exploits when I arrived in this city, though this is my first chance at visiting it."

2012-02-01, 11:11 AM
The hob smiles and comes to greet his new customer.

Hello, my good man. Glad you could come to see us in such trying times as these. Our menu is fairly straightforward: for 100 gold you can have a match right now. You can do this against a monster from our menagerie, or a group of somewhat unskilled combatants culled from our Bread for Bruises program. Or you can challenge another combatant of roughly equivalent power, and place a wager with him or her as to the victor, anywhere from 50 gold apiece to 1,000 apiece. Winner gets alll the money, minus 10% for the arena usage fee. Or you can pay 500 gold to sign up for the next Fight Night tournament, where the grand prize is 2,000 gold and runner-up receives a magic item of greater cost than his entry fee. And of course all of these options will provide you valuable training, even if you happen to be felled during the course of the fight. Might be a while until the next one, though.

Wilstaff pauses in his spiel to look at Bennett, his skeleton companion.

Manners, Bennett! You just met this nice cash-having fellow, why would you automatically assume that dying was something he was used to doing?

OOC explanation: 100 gold to fight either a low-level NPC group or to pick something tougher from the menagerie to fight (examples include a dire boar and a half-troll). The betting fights are for PC vs. PC.

2012-02-01, 11:24 AM
"Sounds nice, I'll have a look at your menagerie then. Bound to be something worthwhile. Can I keep the body after I've slain it?"

2012-02-01, 12:09 PM
The metalic cart detouches itself from the wooden one, and drives itself over to Wilstaff and Bennett. The figurehead-helmet turns itself to the pair.

"Yes, the command to remove the crystal is 'paerys'. Once detouched, it can be reattached to any other weapon of quality and as long as it doesn't already have another crystal attached to it.", the figurehead speaks. You also see in the back of the metallic cart two more pairs of crystals just like the one on Bennett's.
Quote from the book, "Each item can hold a single augment crystal, but an attached crystal can be swapped for another one at any time. Attaching an augment crystal to (or removing it from) an item requires a move action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity."

I will have to consider if I want to open my own thread...that sounds...effort! :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-02, 11:17 AM
Sounds good, Metal Man.

He looks to the skeleton, who stand silent as always.

Harumph, I say, and harumph again. You had best learn to share your pretties, Bennett, especially the ones thta help with the stabby-stabby.

Well, if you decide to set up shop out here and agree to our terms, let us know. Be sure to make a....speedy decision. Ha!


Wilstaff balks at the mage's request.

Uh, no. The nonlethal nature of this place goes both ways; whatever you kill will be returned to life, just as you are. Trust me, the expense that I went through acquiring some of these critters, you simply couldn't afford keeping the carcass.

Right now we have Twolly the half-troll, a dire boar, and a rather ornery animated table. More animals are on order....which reminds me that we really need to check on that, Bennett. With everything else going on I forgot about that critter wrangler we contracted, and seeing if he has come through.

2012-02-02, 11:27 AM
Alright, I guess ill start with the half-troll. He sounds like a fun challenge. Anything interesting about it?

2012-02-02, 07:02 PM
He's afraid of rat-cats. Although I doubt you have any on you, so that probably won't help much. Other than that, keep in mind he's wicked with that big axe of his...but if he gets mad enough he's likely to just drop it and come at you with his claws and teeth. And don't expect to dance away from him all day long; I gave him a few javelins for such an occasion, and he's not as bad with them as you might think.

Just pay the skeleton here and we'll escort you to your opponent. Twolly's quickly becoming our star attraction; better not let him know, or he'll go all diva on us, demand his name on the marquee and a percentage of the take instead of his flat salary.

2012-02-03, 03:14 AM
"Rat-cats, you say? How interesting. Never heard of them. What do they look like?"

"Sounds like he's not quite the caster type then. It'll be fun to go head to head with him."

2012-02-03, 11:20 AM
I can't recall...it was either rats with cat heads or cats with rat heads. Hard enough to remember what's in my brain, much less someone else's.

Caster? Pretty sure he couldn't even spell it. But I've yet to meet the fellow gutsy enough to ask him to try. Drop your coins in if you're ready and we'll see if you want to be the first.

Just making sure you deduct the expenditure from your sheet before we go on. No free lunches or homicides.

2012-02-03, 11:24 AM
"Alright, I'm ready. Can I NOT start next to him?"

Deducted 100 gp.

2012-02-03, 12:53 PM
Heh heh...what a first-timer question. You'll see soon enough.

You are directed to the killing floor and your own private thread.

2012-02-08, 10:38 AM
The metal-wagon slowly pulls over across from the entrance of the arena, and parallel-parks along with the rear wooden wagon. Mini-Helper flies over to the wooden wagon and sits on a high-stool, while the "Dog" hops out of the seat and sits on the side of the cart, facing towards the Arena sternly.

The metal cart then "rears" and stands itself upright, with the back-wheels on the ground while the front wheels rises up. The back-wheels suddenly transforms into armor leggings, and front wheels into armor arms and gauntlets. The body of cart then transforms into a torso of an armor and in a span of a few seconds, the cart turns back into the figure "Speed's Helper" you saw earlier the week. It walks over towards Wilstaff.

"Very well, Master Organizer. I shall care for the equipment of your crew as well. Weekly, Monday Morning perhaps, start the maintainance, and by Friday, your crew's equipment should be all functional and ready for the weekend."

Behind, Mini-Helper starts to set up the wooden cart for the sale, with various odd wares that just sort of doesn't make much sense. Crystals, pots and pans, flasks, sticks, jugs of unknown contents, and a beautifully woven basket.
Going to create the own public thread now...

2012-02-08, 11:15 AM
Goody goody! This works out on all sorts of levels. Don't forget my 5% cut of your earnings; you can just pay that on Fridays as well. I'm so happy about this new turn events I think I'll go celebrate with a little shopping right now. I think our personal budget can manage that, don't you, B?

The skeleton stands mute.

Oh, quit being such a skinflint! I wants me more shinies!

2012-02-08, 02:43 PM
The man that defeated the half-troll, one day earlier enters again.

"Good day, sir, I'm back. Figured I could use a bit more sport... and a bit more money."

"You told me about wager matches earlier. What are the details on these? Rules, prices, opponents?"

Again, again!! :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-08, 03:11 PM
Well, I haven't actually had anyone do one of those yet. But the basic thing is you put up the money, as does your opponent. Winner takes it all, loser gets nothing. Rules? Nothing special, pretty much as they are for any other fight. The match is over when Opponents? Whoever you can find. You can leave the challenge open to see who bites, invite a friend for some mutual murderification, or Ben and I can step in there ourselves.

In other words, you can leave a challenge open on this thread for a while to see if anyone bites, invite any PC that you know in-game, or...well, the third option is pretty self-explanatory.

2012-02-08, 03:34 PM
"Excellent, please post my notice for a 1 on 1 wager fight regarding 500 gold pieces each. Sounds good?"

2012-02-08, 03:47 PM
No prob, Bob. Now you just need to tell me how long you want it for, and what stipulations you have.

Meaning how long OOC you want it open, and whether you have any limits on minimum or maximum level of opponent, forbidding a specific class or type of enemy, that sort of thing. Of course, such limitations can make it take longer for the challenge to be answered.

2012-02-08, 04:05 PM
Well, they mustn't have to much experience with these things, since I'm relatively new myself, but that's about it.

Level 10 is max. Nothing else. What level are you? :smallbiggrin: Since you know I'm level 7 now.

2012-02-08, 04:27 PM
Duly noted.

I am 9. And don't worry, I don't think there are any PCs higher than 10. And only a few who are even at that point.

2012-02-16, 11:13 AM
Bump for anyone interested in Scribly's 500 gold wager match.

2012-03-08, 01:43 PM
i will take the scribbly challenge if it is still open

2012-03-08, 02:06 PM
Bring it! And enter.

2012-03-08, 02:07 PM
how do i enter?

2012-03-08, 02:13 PM
By posting: A human/other thing enter the arena. Hail, oh awesomely, what can I do in your establishment.

2012-03-08, 02:21 PM
after being outsmarted by an skeleton Istanbul Klebert is not sure of is all that smart, Istanbul Klebert feels frustrated and takes an nap. still feeling low, he wakes up and starts walking around the building in his pajamas carrying his teddy bear looking for something to utterly destroy. he goes to the arena and asks anyone there if they want to fight.

note to hustlertwo, i buy an teddy bear and some pajamas

2012-03-08, 02:31 PM
"Aha, finally a challenger!!"

"Hey, arena guy, fix us up will ya!!"

2012-03-08, 11:25 PM
Wilstaff smiles.

Always nice when we get to help two people find each other, isn't it, Bennett?

He leads the two fighters into the arena.

And your private thread.

2012-11-09, 09:01 AM
Bump for revival!

2013-01-25, 07:51 AM
Ian gives them a wary look, and then decides to check out the arena instead.

You walk inside.

2013-01-25, 08:31 AM
The newcomer is greeted by a pair of Extracity Watchmen outside the entrance; one a rather brutish-looking female that initially appears to be a goliath, but is instead just a gigantic human, and the other a hobgoblin who is engaged in the rather unsafe practice of picking his nose with a dagger. They wave him in without a word. Inside he is directed to an office doorway, with another pair of guards posted outside. These two are substantially less intimidating, mostly because they are sprawled in their chairs, fast asleep. As he approaches the doorway, he can hear the sounds of an argument emanating from inside, and suddenly a small spheroid of energy flies past him from inside, missing him by inches and not disturbing the guards in the slightest.

2013-01-25, 01:25 PM
Oh god, I should have chosen the hobgoblins instead.

Ian recoils back as the projectile flies out, and the lack of reaction from the guards concern him. He decides to wait by the door until the angry people on the other side calm down or kill each other.

Listen Check: [roll0]

2013-01-25, 10:05 PM
With your keen ears, you notice that there are no other sounds of physical conflict. Instead, you hear what appears to be one side of a rather heated argument that ranges from what to have brought in for lunch to what 'form' someone would be taking that evening, whatever that might mean. Curses in various languages are tossed off casually and some colorful references to the questionable parentage of a man named Bennett are made, but eventually it dies down, and before long laughter has replaced the shouts. The guards do not budge through it all.

2013-01-25, 10:12 PM
Making sure his posture and look convey confidence, Ian steps inside the office. With hope the man inside can provide opportunity so he can financially recover from recent incidents.

2013-01-25, 10:29 PM
Inside you see a rather simple office with a ridiculously large and ornate desk, and a handsome collection of skulls on a shelf next to an intact ogre skeleton. Atop that desk is a wild-eyed hobgoblin with red-tinted skin and a distinctive blue tattoo on his face. He's currently pointing and laughing at a heavily armed humanoid skeleton standing still beside him. He turns as you enter, and hops down from his perch, a wand clutched in his hand.

Hooray! More company for us, my bony brother. Greetings new friend, I am Wilstaff, and this-

He stops short, and shoots an angry glare at the skeleton, who has not moved or spoken.

What do you mean, 'why do I introduce myself first'? Because I'm in charge. I don't care if we are co-manager's this is Wilstaff and Bennett, not Bennett and Wilstaff. Don't start getting too big for your britches, or you'll force me to remind you that you don't wear any. Now kindly stifle yourself so I can go through the entry spiel for this shlub here.

The hob turns back to you, all smiles once more.

Ahem. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I am Wilstaff, this is Bennett, and we run the fighting ring that this structure was designed for, as well as the Extracity Watch, a guard group designed to bring some law to the areas of the city where those Aldhaven weenies won't bother to patrol. So, what can we do for you? Here to get killed temporarily fighting some exotic beasties, or to turn yourself in for some sort of crime so we can kill you for realsies? Or would you like to have a job sending others to meet their maker in the name of justice or just good ol' fashioned bloody fun?

2013-01-26, 04:51 AM
"I'm looking to apply under the 'questionable ethics' category, if you have any need of someone with that kind of experience." Ian says smoothly. "If not then I guess you can sign me up to kill something. I need a pick-me-up for my rough week, and murder should do the trick."

Diplomacy check (if it even matters): [roll0]

2013-01-26, 02:00 PM
Ha, I like this one, Bennett. Knows all ethics are questionable, really. What do you think?

Wilstaff glances the skeleton, who stares forward with empty sockets.

Bah, you never trust anyone. And just because you were right with that cop stooge doesn't mean you are here. We won't hire you on as a Watchman, I'm afraid; that's a legitimate enterprise not fit for hired killers. Luckily for you, we're also, as you can tell, members of the illustrious and facially illustrated Blue Hand clan. And the clan just plain loves cold-blooded murderers. Shall we discuss this further while engaging in some good old-fashioned bloodshed?

He gestures for you to follow him, and assuming you do so, you end up back in your own thread.