View Full Version : Playtesting a local homemade module...

2011-08-13, 08:00 PM
As the title sounds, I will be playtesting along with others a local guys homebrew module that he's getting published as third party material, he's got regenerated characters for us...

Question is what should I do to test his module to the limits? What should I do at all in this situation, should I go in an play it like any module? Or adventure? Or should I push the boundaries to see what he's planned for? What to do?

2011-08-13, 08:37 PM
Just play it like you'd play any module. That's what you're testing, how well it works as a module, not whether it can be pushed beyond it's limits.

2011-08-14, 10:32 AM
Just play it like you'd play any module. That's what you're testing, how well it works as a module, not whether it can be pushed beyond it's limits.

+1 Laughing Rogue

2011-08-14, 01:22 PM
Module testing went smoothly we finished faster than his previous group, I liked that it had a twist at the end. Though the dwarven fighter pregen I had could have used a better CON than 13, it had a 16 WIS. All in all worked out, I'm going to be picking them up at my friends local gaming store.

The publisher is Blackbyrne publishing. I don't remember the module name.