View Full Version : Desprate need of advice Pathfinder

2011-08-14, 01:02 AM
Im gm'ing a game, and ive reached a point where im going to give each player their own time in the spotlight. But ive reached writers block the game is gestalt and my party consists of.
(magic is illegal in my game)

Well the monks background, he wants to open a bar,and he can't resist a drink. Im planning on a Succubus buying him a drink and escorting him upstairs where he will have to fight off her advances, and finish her off.

The gunslinger is an assassin for the church, and I have plans on one of his marks being there, so he can get the info out of them man he has to.

The Ranger recently lost his animal companion and i have made a replacement, but he will have to fight a young red dragon in order to gain the egg to his new companion(a half gold psuedodragon)

The cavalier will be fighting for her kings honor in a deathmatch with a vampiric knight from another kingdom.

However I can't get anything going for the rogue, he is a fairly new player so im not sure how to get him into the spin of all this.

The whole purpose behind this solo thing, is to see if each individual is worthy of a job offer from a Wizard who came out of hiding.

2011-08-14, 01:47 AM
Can you tell us anything about the Rogue/Fighter's character? Their background, fighting style, attitude, theme, that sort of thing?

Totally Guy
2011-08-14, 02:06 AM
Can you ask all the players to be proactive and to define a worthwhile goal for their characters? Then the act of challenging those goals becomes the element that you are currently lacking.

2011-08-14, 05:16 AM
my first advice would be to never use gestalt

it's worse than punching a baby

2011-08-14, 01:02 PM
my first advice would be to never use gestalt

it's worse than punching a baby
"Well, hey, your honour - at least I didn't use gestalt class in my PF game."
I'll be sure to use that defence in court next time. :smallwink:

Seriously, though, that's not a very helpful comment. You may think poorly of gestalt, and you may have a lot of support in that, who knows - but it doesn't bear any relation to the question the OP is asking.

Back on topic:
The rogue/fighter's spotlight time will really depend on the style of character. Both the classes are generic enough to not bring their own flavour to the table, so we need to know what flavour the player is bringing.

Examples: if the rogue/fighter is a dashing swashbuckler type, then some damsel / hunk (as fitting) begins flirting with the PC, only to be interrupted and challenged by the jealous husband / wife - a famously cruel and seasoned fighter. Cue bar-room brawl / escape / duel as the PC decides. (The Wizard patron from later in the story maybe planted the suggestion that the damsel / hunk go and flirt with the PC, in order to stir up this trouble.)
Very different to what might be appropriate if the rogue/fighter is a bit of burglar - the local thieves' guild take exception to this newcomer not paying his / her dues, and set him / her up by sending in the Watch, with planted evidence. Cue a daring escape, or jail break, and the need to clear the PC's good name (if they have one).

2011-08-14, 06:27 PM
Rogues are usually attached to thieves guilds. Maybe you could have his background story be related to stealing from the church the gunslinger is apart of and his joining the party allows him to gain access without suspicions. Maybe he has an assignment to find and steal a specific relic or item.

2011-08-14, 08:34 PM
I agree with Xtom, unless this rogue isn't a sneaky/stealthy kind of rogue then he would really enjoy a solo mission where he goes and steals some important maguffin.

Perhaps it's from a rival wizard. Or an item that the wizard had before he went into hiding or... something that will actually help them on the job offer that the wizard will eventually give them.

2011-08-15, 12:28 AM
my first advice would be to never use gestalt

it's worse than punching a baby


As for actual advice, you could wound the rogue's pride by having something valuable stolen from him by another rogue, and he must track it down.

2011-08-15, 08:52 AM
Another option is the Stargate Route (lol) have the Rogue be a deserter of some evil empire or something and have him try to scrounge allies and support to turn against the empire.

2011-08-15, 04:07 PM
my first advice would be to never use gestalt

it's worse than punching a baby

You win the thread.