View Full Version : Corrupting an Exhalted character

2011-08-14, 09:14 PM
Hi guys (first post ever!)

I'm semi DMing a campaign with a friend, and theres an exhalted guy playing a monk with vow of peace and poverty etc, all the good stuff. Now in his backstory, there was some stuff about a devil possessing his father and going on a murderous rampage and killing his whole tribe/village/whatever.

Now he's finally found the devil, who's willing to give up the name of the dude who caused the possession to happen (some kind of magical poison or something).

Now here is the main question i wanna ask, would swapping out his exhalted feats for devil-touched feats (from fiendish codex II) on a 1 for 1 basis (he has 4 atm, level 5) be too overpowered? The devil would also probably give him infernal gear (or cash) to match his current expected wealth to make up for vow of poverty (maybe minus one feat for that?)

Im kinda going for a complete fall to evil here, and the player is totally down for it, but i dont wanna cripple him (or make him too OP)

2011-08-14, 09:17 PM
He's playing a monk. Unless the rest of the party is similarly low-op, you're fine.

2011-08-14, 09:20 PM
He's playing a monk. Unless the rest of the party is similarly low-op, you're fine.

yeah, everyone in the party is fairly new to the game, so there's not much, if any, character optimisation going on, that said, he's actually doing some of the most damage aside from my psion (who ive now changed to a complete pacifist for the purpose of letting the other players have some fun in combat)

2011-08-14, 09:37 PM
yeah, everyone in the party is fairly new to the game, so there's not much, if any, character optimisation going on, that said, he's actually doing some of the most damage aside from my psion (who ive now changed to a complete pacifist for the purpose of letting the other players have some fun in combat)

Ah, then I'll let someone else field this one. Sounds like this is actually something that can affect party balance.

2011-08-14, 09:51 PM
for a bit of an idea of the character strengths, we used a fairly strong array (18,16,16,12,12,10) and everyone got an heirloom of about 8-10k gp worth.

The monk chose a permanent effect similar to the monks belt, plus he's a goliath, so his unarmed damage is quite significant, also considering he has 23 str (18+4(from goliath)+1 from level 4). So his damage is something like 2d8+6 (+1 from exhalted stuff) per hit.

that said, we also have an expanding psychic warrior, a fighter orc who somehow managed to stay on par damage wise, a druid who likes to use control spells (as in controlling the battlefield, not like charming/dominating) a sorcerer whos obessed with using fire spells, the most humble rogue ever (poor guy is currently totally overshadowed by everyone) and an average barbarian (ironically played by the only other guy whos played dnd before). Oh and a demon worshipping cleric who buffs the party... i think thats everyone

Anyway, so while there isnt alot of character optimisation going on at a player level, the game is fairly high powered, and there are alot of other players.