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2011-08-14, 11:52 PM
It is early morning, and you are all in The Hearty Halfling, having enjoyed a hearty breakfast indeed. The breakfast was even more enjoyable due to the fact that it was paid for by Mayor Brynt. He had remarked that he wanted to make sure everyone was well-fed and strong for the job of finding his daughter.

You each think back to that conversation. The mayor was clearly a main in pain, worried about his missing daughter. Stephanie Brynt is the town's medicine woman, and she frequently goes to the swamp that is nearby the town to get ingredients for her poultices. Such journeys take a day or two given the fact that the swamp itself is almost a day away by foot and horses are not always available. But when she didn't return after being gone for 3 days, the mayor began to worry. On the fourth day, he had put out a call for assistance in finding her.

He had been pleased to see a group of such size ready to come to his daughter's age. He described what she looked like, and what her normal habits were. There's a cottage that the town maintains by the swamp for the purpose of people staying there while down that way. His daughter is the main person to use it. It would be a logical place to start an investigation, and the group is welcome to stay there while searching.

That meeting had been fairly late in the evening. The mayor urged you to spend the night in the town, have a good breakfast, and head out as early as possible in the morning.

So now, a mere hour after sunrise, you are all ready to do just that.

Map Info

Plain's Edge is at the edge of a plain.

The town is on the plains, which stretch to the north and west. To the east is forest and mountains. A road runs southeast into the forest, sort of making a circle around one big mountain base. The forest slowly changes to swampland, with the water coming from runoff from the mountain itself. The swamp expands out, and there is no road past the cottage.

The area is fairly safe by day, with little to no monster activity then. At night, there are nocturnal threats in the swamp, but in general they stay away from the cottage.

From the dock, the swamp opens to the southwest. The dock is situated on a clear entrance to the swamp, but after about 1500' it's impossible to tell without going in.

Current Map
Light green water is 2' deep
Medium green water is 4' deep
Dark green water is 6' deep

2011-08-16, 12:58 AM
Seregon stirred the remains of her pottage absently. She kept her head low, her hood up, and occasionally tossed an uneasy glanced at those around her.
She was clearly uncomfortable.

She had eaten as much as she had been able to stomach (she would never get use to human food) and placed some more in her pack for the road. She still didn't think it enough, who knows how long they could be in this swamp? Still, she wasnt about to voice such concerns.

2011-08-16, 01:05 AM
Rigby took yet another glance at his company. Rough, to be sure, but they seemed a reliable enough lot. He glanced out the window idly, checking his gear for what was likely the thousandth time. He felt like it was hardly the first. He had taken down the remainder of his meal a quarter hour ago, and now waited patiently for the remainder of the group to be prepared to move out.

2011-08-16, 02:04 AM
Vandria sits quietly, studying her spellbook in preparation for the day's task. A yew staff rests against her right shoulder alongside the blond braid draped over it. After a few more moments, she closes the book and looks up, amber eyes taking in her new companions. A pleased look dances across her slightly angular features before she speaks softly. "I've finished readying my magic for today, and am ready to proceed. Two spells once again; I seem to have made lasting progress in my studies."

2011-08-16, 02:28 AM

The brawny elf finishes woman finishes her breakfast with a grimace. How can a whole species fail to understand that food is supposed to have flavor? At least we don't have to pay for this crap. She gives Seregon a stern look upon seeing that she is not finishing her food. In elven she quietly scolds her sister, "<We will be journeying extensively this day, dear sibling, you should eat all that is offered offensive though it may be to our palettes.>"
Standing up from her meal, she looks over her erstwhile companions and says "You all ready to, uh, leave?"

2011-08-16, 02:53 AM
Seregon looks up at her sister. Her bright eyes sparkling and for a moment she seems free of the tension. "<I am trying, sister.>" A mischievous smile appears on her face. "<I had almost forgotten how much you sound like mother.>"

Seregon finishes the pottage, wrinkling her nose.

2011-08-16, 02:59 AM
Rigby hauls his pack up over his shoulder, his head jerking down in a brief nod the moment the elven woman had spoken in common. To make certain this was enough, he spoke softly.

Ready and waiting, good miss.

Twin Blades
2011-08-16, 03:33 AM
"I know I am" said Corvin. He had wanted to leave the previous night, but the Mayor had been insistent so he had kept quiet. The prospect of finding something to fight was making his skin tingle. He said a silent prayer for the girl, hoping she would be found in one piece. But secretly hoping that there would be a better reason for her disappearance than her just taking a bit longer than usual. People could be so flighty. No focus, that was their problem.

Happy to leave as soon as everyone else is.

2011-08-16, 07:26 AM
"Oh come on you lot. There is adventure afoot and narry a one of your seems excited. This world holds many great things, your should be happy to be paid, fed and given a reason for living. This young lass should be easy enough to find, probably taking a holiday or run off with a man," Gruv belted out as he finished the last of his meal. It wasn't often that a mayor paid for his bread, willingly. He leapt onto the table with great ease, looked around at everyone and danced a short jig before bounding down and heading for the door. "Hope that livened you up."

Twin Blades
2011-08-16, 08:52 AM
"Yes, let's get going" said Corvin getting up and striding towards the door. "The trek will take most of the day, I suggest we head for the hut as quickly as possible. We don't want to waste another night."

2011-08-16, 12:35 PM
Vandria nods in response to the question of reaadiness. "Quite so." She stands, slinging the large haversack she keeps her things in over her shoulder and taking her staff in hand. As Corvin starts to leave, she trails after the paladin.

2011-08-16, 11:57 PM
Without waiting for everyone else to stand, Rigby joins the party on it's way out, clearing his bastard sword again in it's scabbard. Just to be sure. As ever. He looks to the remainder of the party, a small pang of guilt in his stomach over the free meal, despite the fact that it was voluntary.

2011-08-17, 05:39 AM
The party finishes off their meal, and prepares to head out. The innkeeper is clearing your table as you exit, and he looks at you and says, "Good luck to you folks. Stephanie is a fine girl who does a lot for our little community here. I do hope you find her well."

You exit the tavern into a fairly warm, sunny morning. You journey down the road, which is fairly well maintained and clearly traveled periodically, stopping for quick meal breaks so as to maintain a good pace. As you finish your midday meal, the sky begin to cloud up ever so slightly, but the day remains warm and the weather is still excellent traveling weather. As you travel, you keep the mountain to your east, and the forest gets thicker around you. At no time do you see or hear anything other than typical wildlife for this area, and certainly no sense of danger.

Towards early evening, the clouds overhead begin to get a little thicker as the temperature drops due to the sun going down. The ground around you is beginning to show signs of getting wetter, and making the transition from forest to swamp. You begin to think about stopping for dinner when you notice the cottage off in the distance. It seems a typical cottage, constructed the same as the ones back in town. You see nothing amiss, no damage to it. The land around you is definitely more swamp than forest at this point, and as you approach the cottage you see the road end at what appears to be a makeshift dock a little ways past the cottage. Attached to the dock are 2 rafts and poles, clearly intended to be used to navigate into the swamp.

You stop roughly 200' from the cottage, the door is shut and everything seems serene.

Twin Blades
2011-08-17, 05:57 AM
"We should check out the cottage and then see if there are any signs of a third raft. Keep alert though, we have no real idea what could be out here." said Corvin, moving off towards the cottage, one hand on a morning star.

If no one shouts wait or stop I will continue to walk towards the door and then knock.

2011-08-17, 07:11 AM
"I will go check the dock, anyone look to join me," Gruv asks as he starts down the road. "It will take less time and the sun is setting, so the outdoors part should be done first, shouldn't take long though."

2011-08-17, 11:24 AM
Vandria inspects the ground for tracks, wondering whether something might have kidnapped Stephanie. Once her inspection is done, she'll head towards the cottage to help search it.

2011-08-17, 11:38 AM
Looking back wistfully at Corvin and Vandria, Seregon sighs and heads after the one known as Gruv. She gives one imploring look at her sister.

2011-08-17, 12:07 PM
Vandria looks up at Seregon's sigh. "Is something wrong, Seregon? You look a bit upset."

2011-08-17, 12:15 PM
Seregon shakes her head. "Just getting use to our new...friends." She smiles feebly.

2011-08-17, 12:26 PM
Vandria nods, returning Seregon's smile. "I understand. Still, they seem alright. Corvin's a good sort; I doubt he'd choose to bring bad folk along for this."

2011-08-17, 12:40 PM
Seregon's smile became genuine then. "Keep him safe until we get back."

Seregon hurried after Gruv.

2011-08-17, 12:57 PM

Red nods at her sisters look and follows down toward the dock. Striding silently down the path she checks that the pair of longswords sheathed across her back are loose in their scabbards. Her eyes seem to be more on the local flora and fauna than on the cottage or dock.

Twin Blades
2011-08-17, 04:32 PM
Arriving at the cottage, Corvin knocks the door "Anyone there? Stephanie?".

If there is no response Corvin checks to see if the door is open, giving it a gentle push.

2011-08-18, 01:12 AM

As you approach the cottage, the feeling of serenity remains. You knock on the door and call out, but hear no response. You try the door experimentally, and nothing happens. You try a little harder, and it is definitely locked. There are a couple windows on each side of the door, with flower beds on them. The flowers look fresh and healthy. Peering in the windows you see some sparse furniture, such as chairs and a small table, in one room. the other room is clearly a kitchen, with a wood-burning stove in it, a large table, and some dishes and what looks like shelves with various food items on them.


You inspect the road and the area around it, but find nothing that strikes you as suspicious. Every once in a while you find an animal print, but never of anything larger than a fox.

You make your way towards the cottage, inspecting the ground as you go. As you approach, your hear Corvin testing the door with no luck, and then moving about looking in the front windows.

Gruv, Seregon, Red:

You head down to the dock. It is maybe 1000' past the cottage. It is about 30' long and 10' deep, built out of logs clearly cut from the local woods, and it seems to be very sturdy. It was clearly placed where it is due to a nice, relatively open stretch of water that leads straight from it into the swamp. The rafts also appear to be made from trees that are in the forest around you. Each one is a 10'x10' square, and they look very sturdy. They were certainly made by someone skilled. They are tied to the dock right next to each other, each with a 15' pole lain diagonally across it.

You don't see any animals, although as night falls you certainly hear plenty, especially crickets, frogs, and similar noisy creatures. The plant life looks as you expect. Towards the forest, it's a lot of trees with some underbrush away from the road. Quite a few trees have moss on them, and almost all the trees are deciduous. Towards the swamp, the trees become sparser, and you see more vine growth. In the swamp, plant life tends to be "clumpier", growing in groups on mounds that are not completely covered by water. Plenty of plants grow on the surface as well, things like lily pads. There are flowers around as well.

No actions from Rigby or Aldren yet.

2011-08-18, 01:26 AM
Seregon crosses her arms, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "There's nothing here, lets get back. They said nothing from that swamp ever approaches the cottage and I'd rather not find out whether that applies to these docks or not."

She turns to head back. "Hopefully the others found something useful."

2011-08-18, 01:28 AM
"I didn't find any tracks big enough for people. Nothing out of the ordinary." Vandria watches Corvin trying to gain access to the cottage. "If we need to get inside, we could maybe have Aldren open the door."

Twin Blades
2011-08-18, 05:58 AM
"Aldren! Gruv! Can either of you get this door open without damaging the lock?" calls Corvin. "Looks like there's not much of interest inside, but we should take a look around." 'Should we stay here tonight or go into the swamp' Corvin thought to himself. They were losing time but the thought of going into the swamp in the pitch black struck him as slightly reckless.

DM: How dark do we think the swamp will get based on what we have seen so far? Will the moonlight make things visible or will the humans need torches?

2011-08-18, 06:45 AM
Looking up at the sky, Corvin notes that the cloud cover that had started to gather during the day is still there. The moon is approaching being full, so it does provide some light despite the clouds, but surely a torch will be needed to truly be able to see.

2011-08-18, 07:09 AM
"Yes, back to the cottage indeed," Gruv will say as he starts the trek back.

Upon reaching the cottage he will offer, "I can get the door open if needed," and then pats a small pouch on his backpack.

Twin Blades
2011-08-18, 07:15 AM
As Gruv arrives Corvin says "Yes that would be useful. Try not to damage the lock though. We will have to pay to have it fixed if you do."

2011-08-18, 02:08 PM

She looks at her sister and says in elven, "<Dear sibling, please keep an eye on the others for me, I've an uneasy feeling about this place. My task shall be to converse with denizens of the forest to determine if the human girl was here recently. Please take my pack up with you, so that I might endeavor to move in stealth.>"
Handing her backpack to her sister, Red looks over at Gruv and says in common, "I'ma check the woods," and begins moving silently into the trees without waiting for a reply.

2011-08-18, 02:13 PM
"Ok, well then, let us see if this lock will give way," Gruv says as he pulls his picks and starts working. [roll0] (I have 30% chance)

2011-08-18, 02:34 PM
Seregon watches her sister disappear into the woods and turns to see Gruv having difficulty with the lock.

"We could force it open."

Lord Loss
2011-08-19, 07:18 AM
The quiet dwarf near the back speaks up.No need to smash your way through. says the dwarf irritably. I'll pick the lock.

The dwarf has orange-red hair and a short beard which is more than made up for by his extravagant hair shaped like backwards-curving horns. He exudes a peculiar smell uncommon for a dwarf, that of the forest. He seems something like a wildman, wearing tattered leather armor and carrying a hunter's knife. Despite wearing a silken belt and carrying a fine blade, he seems none the more civilized. You don't know quite what to make of him.

He silently waits for the paladin to finish with the door.

If Rigby fails:

I have 45% in open lock. I roll a D100 and see if I get 45% or less, right? [roll0]

2011-08-19, 07:55 AM
Since two people posted IC after I posted this OOC:

No, it's a good idea to let me say what the result of a skill/NWP check is before you assume what the result is.

You never know what modifiers I've placed on it.

I'm sitting in a rest stop somewhere on I-90 in NY, so the next IC post will be a bit delayed. Almost definitely not until tomorrow sometime.

So, seriously, please wait for me to respond to checks and give results.

It's only been 18 hours since the check occurred.

For those that have yet to figure out the subtext to me saying this repeatedly: The initial check succeeded. I've been trying to find some time to post that in a nice, thematic IC way, but I just drove for 14 hours of those 18.

Edit: Six/Lord Loss, I would like it if you would delete your posts after Sploosh's. They will not make sense with the skill check result.

2011-08-19, 11:23 AM
With the door now open, Vandria tentatively peers inside, looking for any sign about where Stephanie might be. If there are any, she'll also identify whatever herbs Stephanie collects, since that could help narrow down the areas she might have gone.

Herbalism (12): [roll0]

2011-08-19, 02:45 PM
(Post deleted)

Rigby waited for Vandria to clear herself from the way, before slipping in, a hand upon his sword as his eyes scanned the cabin for any signs of disturbance.

2011-08-20, 10:00 AM
Gruv has a little trouble with the lock, but fortunately the cottage's lock is on the simpler side so he manages to get it open. He moves back a bit as Vandria goes in and starts looking around. The door opens into the kitchen and on the shelves she finds various herbs, flowers, roots and other plant parts.

She picks them up and inspects them. Most are used for treatment of fever, joint pain, cough, and similar everyday ailments. Some come from the forest, but the majority definitely come from the swamp.

Seeing Vandria head into the kitchen, Ribgy goes into the other room. Alert for signs of trouble, he doesn't see any. None of the furniture appears to be damaged or disturbed, although you have no way of knowing if anything is out of place. There's a doorway off the room to a hallway and what appear to be bedrooms. Going back into the bedrooms, just as in the front room, you see no signs of a struggle, nothing is damaged. There is also no sign of Stephanie.

Red heads into the forest, moving as stealthily as she can. A sense of peace certainly pervades the area as she becomes almost one with her surroundings. Locating some deer nearby, she learns that there is a woman that spends time doing something with the plants in the area, but she has not been around since she went into the swamp a couple days ago.

2011-08-20, 10:15 PM
Seregon watches the others search the room. It was clear Stephanie wasn't here. "If she isn't here, she must be in the swamp." She turns to Corvin "We could wait until tomorrow when it isnt crawling with who knows what and we can see where we're going." She doubted he was even listening.

Hopefully her sister found something useful.

2011-08-20, 10:38 PM
Rigby made his way back into the central room of the cottage, hearing Seregon's words as he did. He shook his head.
"No. She could be injured, or fleeing someone, or something, for her very life. We shouldn't stop until we must. For her sake."

2011-08-20, 10:44 PM
Seregon sighs and pulls out the map of the area. If they were going to run off blindly into a swamp, she wanted to memorize the layout as much as possible. She didnt bother to unpack.

Lord Loss
2011-08-21, 09:29 AM
Alarmed by Seregon's suggestion, Aeldren speaks up.

"I agree with Rigby. A swamp is no place for a girl, especially not this swamp. The stories I've heard... I wouldn't leave my worst enemy there for the night..."

Having said what he needs to, Aeldren explores the rest of the house. Perhaps he can find something the others didn't.

I have Local History, Tracking and Detect Noise. Would any of these help me look for clues in the house? Also, I'd like to make a local history check to see what I know about the swamp. How would I make such a check?

2011-08-21, 10:55 AM
"If we aren't going to wait for morning, we should go now while there's still some light. Not all of us can see in the dark, after all."

2011-08-21, 11:25 AM
Re: Using NWPs

To use any NWP you simply state your desired goal, the NWP you are using to achieve that goal, and the target number that is the baseline. This is the relevant stat modified as appropriate (the [Stat Modifier] bit). Remember that non-Rangers take a -6 penalty to tracking. Then roll 1d20. I will then determine if any modifiers apply (almost never more than +2/-2) and tell you the results. I strongly prefer to see any crunch into behind spoilers.

To use a thief ability, it's essentially the same process, except you have a % chance to succeed and you roll 1d100.

In both cases, the lower you roll the better.

2011-08-21, 01:11 PM

The mercenary woman appears in the doorway of the cottage almost magically, with nary a sound preceding her arrival. Without preamble she announces "She, uh, went inna the swamp couple days back. You all ready to move out?" Not really waiting for an answer she takes her pack from her sister and starts soundlessly striding back down toward the dock.

Twin Blades
2011-08-21, 03:50 PM
"I guess ... we should go. We have wasted enough time already. The swamp will be murky even in the daylight so I doubt that we will lose that much. Let’s go and see if we can take both rafts. I suggest me, Red and Seregon on one raft, Aldren, Gruv, Vandria and Rigby on the other. That way we have two people who can see on each raft even if our torches go out." With that Corvin strides towards the door and follows Red down the dock.

2011-08-21, 07:46 PM
Rigby claps Corvin on the back as he strides after him.
"I concur, and excellent thinking, good sir."
He rests a on just over his shoulder, on the hilt of his blade in idle habit as he strides with Corvin at the head of the group to the rafts.

2011-08-21, 08:15 PM
"I see no problem with that plan. I'll be unable to cast on the raft because of the instability of the platform. Because of this, I'd like to cast a spell on myself first. It will take only a moment." Vandria extracts a bit of cured leather from her pouch and begins tracing an arcane rune in the air with it, chanting. When she finishes, she touches the leather bit to her shoulder, causing the leather to disintegrate. There is a momentary flash of silver about Vandria as the spell takes effect, then she calmly trails after Corvin. "Ready."

Casting Armor on myself. Duration is indefinite; 9 HP damage to me before the spell is discharged.

2011-08-21, 10:03 PM
Putting away the map, Seregon pauses at the door. She looks around for anything like rope, a hammer and nails.

2011-08-22, 07:09 AM
Gruv looks around. "I wish this was in a city, I do so hate the swamp. I assume this will not bode well, or I was right and she found her someone to run off with."

Twin Blades
2011-08-22, 09:55 AM
Corvin continues to walk down the dock and when he reaches the end, he steps onto the raft. Looking around he starts to contemplate the problem of following the girl into the swamp.


Is there an obvious waterway? Or are there many directions that we could head off in? What can we currently see?

2011-08-24, 03:12 PM
Searching around, you find supplies sufficient to rig up some torches to the rafts. Each raft comfortably holds 4 people, so you get on the rafts as planned. The swamp stretches out before you to the southeast. There's a clear waterway the dock is built on that extends for a while, but it's difficult to tell how far in the gloom of the falling night. A light mist has begun to rise from the water. For now, it doesn't obscure anything.

You begin to pole your rafts into the swamp, the water appears to be roughly 5-6' deep here. Once you are about 500' away from the dock, the waterway appears to branch out more to the south and east, but the general southeasterly direction of the swamp is maintained. You can barely see the woods behind you in the cloud-obscured moonlight. Your torchlight clearly shows plenty of vegetation, but so far you are easily able to steer around it. The crickets, frogs, and similar noises surround you.

You see no obvious signs of anyone else's passage through the swamp. The water eddies around you, in a clear, if not straightforward, path from the mountain in the northwest to the southeast. As you look behind you, even your passage isn't very obvious without intentionally making marks on trees, vines, and other plant growth and hoping nothing disturbs those marks.

2011-08-24, 03:20 PM
Vandria watches for any patches of herbs of the sorts that Stephanie might collect, as well as for any signs that such things have been picked recently, figuring it's her best chance of finding which way the girl went.

2011-08-24, 03:41 PM

After having nervously examined and tested the wood and bonds of the rafts, Red gets onto one of the crude vessels and takes up a pole. She stands upon the prow, well ahead of the torches to spare her vision. Softly in elven she speaks to her sister. "<It is my mind that you keep vision toward the other vessel dear sibling. If set upon they made need the aid of your arrows, having limited space for tactical maneuvering and avoidance of harm given their greater numbers.>"

Placing a coil of rope at her side she speaks more loudly in common, "For if... falling in. I mean, to get you out. Of the water." With a grimace and shake of her head she turns back to poling the raft through dark waters.

Twin Blades
2011-08-24, 04:35 PM
"Hold positions a moment! We need to have a strategy for finding our way back. If the waterway divides or we miss a hidden entrance and then take it on the way back we will be lost."

2011-08-24, 04:39 PM
"Blaze the trees on our way. Simple enough. At least half of you have swords to do it with."

2011-08-24, 06:14 PM
You halt the rafts here, still roughly 500' from the dock. Looking about at the plants, it's virtually impossible in this light to tell much about them without getting within torchlight range. You also do notice that, at least in this area, there certainly are enough trees to mark.

Rafting movement note:
You can move the raft at roughly 1 MPH, which is ~90 feet per round. So it took you about 5-6 minutes of poling to get this far out.

Also, who is actually doing the poling on each raft?

Twin Blades
2011-08-24, 06:54 PM
"Let us continue on and follow Vandria's suggestion. Let's make our markings regularly. Red, give me the pole on our raft so that you can mark the trees with your sword. That way Seregon's bow can be at the ready." Having taken the pole Corvin starts to move the raft onwards again.

2011-08-24, 07:24 PM
Red pauses, her hands tightening around the pole until it begins to crack. "I ain't yer servant, human. An' I ain't gonna dull a good blade," she says, unblinking eyes locked on Corvin. Before he can respond she roughly tosses him the pole, and crouches down to rummage in her pack. Moments later she stands with a grappling hook, unattached to any rope, and reaches out to roughly score a tree with it at the raft floats past.

2011-08-24, 08:12 PM
Seregon nods at Corvin and her sister. "As you wish." She draws her bow, keeping it knocked and watches for trouble, focusing on the other raft.

"<Corvin means no offense, Sister. He is a good man.">

2011-08-24, 08:12 PM
Vandria attempts to placate Red, switching to Elven both to not embarrass Gwynaerie and to avoid any problems with her apparent difficulties speaking Common<He meant no offense. And there was no need to snap over the sword; that was my suggestion. We need to work together, for now, at least.> Vandria looks to Seregon for support.

I have infravision. Is that not helping with the sight issues?

2011-08-24, 08:15 PM
Seregon's eyes sparkle, impressed by Vandria's mastery of the language. She nods at the surprising half elf and quotes an old elven anecdote about trees being stronger against the winds of trouble when they stand together, working her way into a soothing elven song.

Lord Loss
2011-08-24, 10:51 PM
Silently, Aeldren looks off into the distance. He looks around for something to use as a paddle, to help in the rowing. Seeing nothing, he keeps watch on the opaque water, looking out for danger and resolving to use one of the floating tree branches as a second paddle, if one floats sufficiently close to the raft.

2011-08-25, 01:23 AM
Rigby keeps his eyes peeled on the area around them, his blade stowed in favor of his longbow, held with an arrow nocked. He had muttered something sounding like an excuse as he drew it. His eyes dart around regularly, and he pulls at his eyebrows from time to time.

Twin Blades
2011-08-25, 10:19 AM
Corvin considers replying but hearing the others talking in Elvish he decides not to interfere. What was the elf's problem? He had asked her to do something for the good of the group. He made a mental note that she could potentially be trouble. This was why it was better to work in small groups. With trusted companions. Or even alone.

He quelled those thoughts. Rationally he knew enough to realise that he needed companions for this expedition through the swamp. And though he wouldn't admit it, the knot in the pit of his stomach was eased by the fact that other people were with him in this dark place. His leg ached and he took this as a warning sign.

Using Detect Evil ability

2011-08-25, 10:34 AM
Gruv will offer to push his raft.

2011-08-25, 12:58 PM

Somewhat sharply in elven she responds, "<I do not need to be managed or mollified, I have been testing my temper against human rudeness and arrogance for near as long that fool has been alive. As I am not in the employ of any of our current companions, I see no reason I should be expected to treat kindly to orders barked without thought or courtesy.>" Taking a slow deep breath after she little speech, Red turns to Vandria and continues, still in her native tongue, "<You are no warrior child, I would not expect it of you to know the proper care of a weapon. But no matter anyway, it is over and done with. We have things of more import to turn our attentions toward,>" with that Red once again turns her eyes toward the darkened swamp and continues scoring passing trees with her hook.

2011-08-25, 01:01 PM
"Hey, you want all of the forest to hear us as well as see us," Gruv calls over to the elven exchange on the other raft.

2011-08-25, 01:30 PM
Night continues to fall as Corvin and Gruv push their rafts deeper into the swamp. Before long the only light is the moonlight filtering through the clouds and your torchlight. The mist that began to rise with nightfall continues to get thicker, until you can barely see the water more than 5' away from your rafts. The noise from insects and other creatures gets louder as you get deeper into the swamp, until it almost feels like you are surrounded by a wall of sound.

Red continues to score trees with her grappling hook, and during those times Vandria inspects plants for signs of disturbance and use. Some of the plants appear to be missing parts, and they certainly could have been picked, but it's almost impossible to be sure.

During one such temporary stop, Gruv feels a solid bump on his pole underwater. Looking around, the party sees no evidence of what it was.

Continuing to the southeast, the mist begins to get even thicker, becoming almost like a fog surrounding you. It becomes virtually impossible to see, and the sounds that seemed so oppressive not too long ago seem to fade into the background. The near-silence is almost complete.

Infravision: I consider it to be somewhere between the extremes of 2e: It's not like seeing in light, but it's also not so limited as to being only "heat-based vision".

Detect Evil: Shows nothing during any of this.

Twin Blades
2011-08-25, 02:10 PM
"If she is unconscious we could go right by her and not even see her." Corvin says mainly to himself. Then addressing the group, ""What say you all, do we press on? She could have left the waterway and we wouldn't even know it. I see two alternatives, press on during the night and make our way back during the day or stop now and wait for the daylight."

How far off the waterway could you conceivably go if you were to leave a raft. Or is it too boggy to walk anywhere?

I am using Detect evil at reasonably regular intervals (every few minutes) at least until we can see more easily.

2011-08-25, 02:54 PM
Thinking back over the journey so far and surveying the area, Corvin assesses what it would be like to go on foot. Although the fog makes it difficult to see, most of the area is under water. Dry land has been fairly rare, with most patches being no more than small bumps, maybe 5-10' in diameter. The water has been no deeper than 7', and in many places only 2-3' deep. Not a very pleasant trek by foot, but certainly possible. The plant growth would also present problems. While the raft is able to skim over a lot, and push other stuff out of the way, trekking by foot would be difficult.

Gotcha on the Detect Evil.

2011-08-25, 09:57 PM
"If our charge is lost in this swamp, we want her to hear us." Seregon turns to Corvin. "Why not sleep in shifts?"

Twin Blades
2011-08-26, 04:18 AM
"It is not the sleep I am concerned about. It is that we could go right past her in this mist and not see her. We could spend days searching deeper in the swamp only to have passed her on this first night."

2011-08-26, 12:38 PM
"As much as I hate to say it, we do no good searching blindly through this fog. I think it might be best to tarry until the morning, rather than risk passing her by."

Twin Blades
2011-08-26, 03:31 PM

Approximately how long have we been travelling for?

2011-08-26, 05:11 PM

Staring blindly out into the fog, Red says "Maybe we oughta stop. Can't see a damn thing anyways."

2011-08-26, 06:22 PM
Once the fog got worse, you slowed your rate of poling so as to have more time to search through the fog.

It's been a few hours now, and vision is limited to 30' in the best spots, 5' in the worst. Having made the decision to stop for the night, you find a larger mound at pull the rafts up onto it.

Need sleeping shifts (unless you feel like braving no watch in a swamp :smallamused:). It's almost midnight now you think, so you think you're roughly 2 miles from the docks. This assumes that you've been covering ground in a somewhat zigzag search pattern rather than heading straight out.

2011-08-26, 09:46 PM
"Unless there is an objection, I shall take the first watch. It would be better for my ability to ready my magic in the morning that I not be interrupted, and I can still see a little."

2011-08-26, 10:01 PM
"I will take second." Seregon said as she helped set up camp and making what little fortifications were available. She was content to keep quiet, saying nothing about how she told them it would be better to wait until morning.

2011-08-26, 10:15 PM
"Third," says Red while setting up her small tent.

Twin Blades
2011-08-27, 03:47 AM
"I will take the fourth watch."

2011-08-28, 10:44 PM
Vandria's shift passes uneventfully. The fog neither gets worse nor lets up. Vandria turns over watch duties to Seregon. An hour into Seregon's shift, the sounds of insects and small insects fade. Alert to the change, Seregon shouts an alarm as 4 frogs emerge from the fog and attack!


Edit:Eww that map is huge, I'll try to fix that. Also, only the first attack hits, so Seregon you take that damage.

Seregon gets 1 action in the surprise round here, next round I'll roll initiative, everyone but Seregon will only get a partial turn due to waking up. After that, full actions for all!

Edit: Map moved to the same post the Init is in.

2011-08-28, 11:26 PM
(Posting my action ahead of time)

As the sounds of battle reached his ears, Rigby would've liked to have snapped into action, ready for anything. Instead he drearily began forcing himself from the ground, fumbling to reach his blade as he attempted to lock on to the evil creatures which...Giant Frogs?

2011-08-28, 11:34 PM
"We're under attack!" Seregon draws her bow and fires as the giant frogs close.


2011-08-28, 11:41 PM
Seregon's arrow goes sailing into the fog, and you hear a 'thunk' as it slams into a tree.

{TABLE=head]Name | Base Initiative | Modifier | Reason | Total Init
Aldren Thaerbranch | [roll0] | +3 | Broadsword | 12
Vandria | [roll1] | Varies | By Spell or Weapon | 5 + Spell
Gruvious Flingkelter | [roll2] | +3 | Short Sword | 11
Corvin | [roll3] | +7 | Morning Star | 8
Seregon Shalandaerl | [roll4] | +2| Dagger | 5
Red | [roll5] | +5 | Longsword | 10
Rigby Du Shiring | [roll6] | +6 | Bastard Sword(1h) | 13
Frogs | 10 | +3 | Natural Weapons | 13[/TABLE]

Remember, everyone not Seregon gets a partial action this turn.

1 Square = 5'x5'
Blue = lovely swamp water
Black = trees
Tokens = limited choices in this program, so oh well.

2011-08-29, 01:25 AM
At Seregon's shout, Vandria jumps up, grabbing for her spell components as she does, the words of her spell coming easily to her lips. Pulling a handful of dried rose petals from her pouch, she sweeps her hand out, pointing to a spot behind the monstrous frogs and releasing the crushed petals in a spray of white dust that settles over the attackers and Seregon.

Casting Sleep, initiative is 6 with the adjustment.

[roll0] HD of frogs affected, starting with the lowest and working up. As an elf, Seregon is immune, so no allies are affected. Any creature with 4 + 3 HD or higher is also immune.

2011-08-29, 02:17 AM
Frogs #1 and #2 fall asleep as the white dust falls on them.

Twin Blades
2011-08-29, 07:14 PM
Corvin rolls and gets to his feet, unhooking his weapons from his belt. He then clubs the adjacent frogs with his morning stars.

Thac0: 20
Attack1: 1d20
Damage 1:2d4+1
Attack 2:1d20
Damage 2:2d4+1

Twin Blades
2011-08-29, 07:27 PM
Rolls didn't work because I edited and put them in as I hadn't read the OOC
Thac0: 20
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1:[roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

2011-08-29, 07:42 PM
Standing quickly from her trance, Red casts her gaze around with a look of confused consternation on her face. Seeing that the frogs by her sister have been incapacitated, she draws forth her swords and advances upon the beast next to Aldren.

"Looks like we'll eat good in the morning, my friend," she says to the dwarf as she approaches.

2011-08-29, 07:50 PM
Thrown off by being awoken, Corvin swings his morningstars at the frog that attacked him, but he misses wildly. The frog emits a load croak, almost as if laughing at him.

2011-08-29, 10:00 PM
Seeing Corvin struggle with his froggy opponent and unwilling to risk a shot hitting him, Seregon drops her bow and draws her dagger from its sheathe,
dashing behind it to take advantage of its distraction.


2011-08-29, 11:20 PM
Seregon's bow lands with a dull thud on the soft ground as she drops it. In her haste to get over to aid Corvin, she midjudges a step and slips on a muddier patch of ground she failed to see. While not losing her balance, her stab at the frog misses wildly.

I probably should have noted this earlier, and I apologize, but the frogs are "small" sized, about 3.5' long. Your bow comment made me think of it.

2011-08-30, 08:19 AM
Gruvious will leap to his feet, short sword in hand and charge up to F16 to attack Frog4.


2011-08-30, 03:22 PM
Gruv charges the frog next to Corvin, but at the very end hits a slippery patch and almost charges into the tree instead! Fortunately, he stops himself, but he also misses the frog by a mile.

Note, F16 is next to Frog3....

2011-09-01, 05:54 PM
Aldren wakes at Seregon's shout and instinctively grabs his broadsword. Seeing a frog practically in his face, he takes a mighty swing at the creature.


2011-09-01, 06:00 PM
Despite his grogginess from just waking up, Aldren's aim is true. He hits the frog in the head, carving a deep gash in it. The frog falls over, dead.

The awake frog seems intent on his original meal and swipes its claws at him before trying to bite him.




The frog's first claw hits Corvin square in the side, and cuts him deeply. The second claw begins to hit Corvin, but as the claws find their purchase, he's able to shift his weight and stop the blow from hurting him. The sudden weight shift throws the frog off, and its bite misses wildly.

Corvin took 2 damage total.

2011-09-02, 04:50 AM
Seregon shouts, distraught as she sees the frog lunge at Corvin again, this time it sounded like it struck true. She lunges again with her dagger, hoping to distract it long enough for her companions to finish it. "DIE!"


2011-09-02, 07:12 AM
Gruv will attempt his attack again.


EDIT: Sweet, nat 20 and max damage, yay shortsword!

2011-09-02, 07:39 AM
Seregon's shout echoes into the mists. Her attack misses, but the noise and motion do distract the frog.

Gruv steps up and takes full advantage of that distraction as he stabs his shortsword through the frog's back and into its heart. The frog dies instantly.

Note that you actually did x3 damage for crit on a backstab. Technically, it was Corvin or Vandria's turn to go, but in this case a little line-jumping is okay. Depending on future circumstances I may do it differently.

Oh and try to keep OOC behind spoilers please.

So you just have 2 slumbering froggie foes now. Since they are both asleep, you can just auto-kill them.

So I guess that means fight's over!

Corvin and Red quickly dispatch the two sleeping frogs.

Twin Blades
2011-09-02, 10:39 AM
"Thanks Gruv" says Corvin nursing his side. "I guess we should try to get some more sleep before dawn, wake me for my watch." He settles back onto the ground.

2011-09-02, 11:03 AM
Seregon clutches at her side trying to keep the pressure on as she tries to wrap her wound.

2011-09-03, 02:18 PM
Vandria, seeing her two wounded friends, rushes over to help them, the words of a spell on her lips. She touches each of their wounds in turn, bathing them in a soft light that soon fades, leaving little trace of Corvin's injuries. Unfortunately, she seems to have less success with Seregon's wound, so she resorts to more mundane means of treatment.

Burning my CLWs on Corvin and Seregon. Here's hoping we don't need more.

Corvin: [roll0] HP healed.
Seregon: [roll1] HP healed.

2011-09-03, 05:23 PM
The party returns to resting for the night. As you are making your morning preparations, eating breakfast, memorizing spells, and similar activities, you realize that the fog that had risen overnight has not receded. If anything, it has gotten worse. The silence of the morning and in the fog is almost stifling.

Finishing your preparations for the day, you get your rafts back in the water and prepare to resume your search for Stephanie.

Twin Blades
2011-09-04, 12:42 PM
After saying his morning prayers (including one for the missing girl Corvin stands up and looks at Vandria."Thank you for the healing spell last night. Not sure our situation has improved much. Guess we will have to just keep searching slowly." Glancing at Red he says "Is everyone happy with the same raft arangements?"

2011-09-06, 12:18 PM

"Yeah, fine," she replies to Corvin. Looking around into the fog she says, "Think we're gonna have to start calling out for the girl. Ain't seeing crap in this fog."

2011-09-06, 12:48 PM
Vandria nods, closing her spellbook and returning it to her bag. "I have no issue with yesterday's arrangement."

Spells prepared today:
Wiz 1: Detect Magic, Sleep
Clr 1: Bless, CLW x2

2011-09-07, 01:53 AM
The party shoves off, continuing as before. Around mid-morning the mist falls away completely, but the clouds overhead seem to have gotten very much worse. It appears as though a tremendous storm is brewing.

As you pole your rafts, you notice the swamp start to take on a more... dead... feel. There appear to be fewer flowers, fewer leaves on trees, and more logs floating in the swamp. Even the water seems more stagnant than before. The darkening sky casts everything in an unpleasant gray pallor.

2011-09-07, 11:57 PM
"I like the look of this less and less. This feels...wrong. Stagnant, dark, and empty. All we see are stupid....logs? Why are there so many logs here?"

Seregon will head to the edge of the raft to take a closer look at the logs. Halfway there though she will stop to rub her shoulder wound and decides to pick up her bow, the image of giant frogs fresh in her mind. Knocking it, she peers over, looking for detail. A scorch mark? A knick? Beaver teeth?

2011-09-08, 01:21 AM
As Seregon leans over to inspect the logs, she realizes something isn't quite right when one of the logs attacks!

{TABLE=head]Name | Base Initiative | Modifier | Reason | Total Init
Aldren Thaerbranch | [roll0] | +3 | Broadsword | 7
Vandria | [roll1] | Varies | By Spell or Weapon | 5
Gruvious Flingkelter | [roll2] | +3 | Short Sword | 12
Corvin | [roll3] | +7 | Morning Star | 16
Seregon Shalandaerl | [roll4] | +7 | Composite Longbow | 16
Red | [roll5] | +5 | Longsword | 9
Rigby Du Shiring | [roll6] | +6 | Bastard Sword(1h) | 13[/TABLE]

Only Seregon gets to act in the surprise round with the crocodile.

2011-09-08, 01:24 AM
The crocodile manages to move faster than Seregon can react to, and tries to bite her!


The crocodile's lunge catches Seregon in the leg, and it delivers a vicious bite that causes her leg to start to bleed.

2011-09-08, 01:41 AM
Seregon stumbles back as the jaws snap at her. She cries out in shock and pain and feels blood running down her leg where it bit her. Gritting her teeth she puts her bow into motion.

Move back a few feet,
3 attacks and the bow spec bonus attack if I get it.



2011-09-08, 01:58 AM
Seregon's arrows fly true, nailing the crocodile in the head and upper body. The raft tips slightly as the crocodile falls onto it and then slides in the water, apparently dead.

You know what's funny?
A) The bonus attack, the one I said you didn't get, is the only one that missed. So in effect my ruling saved you an arrow.
B) In 3E, if you're on the raft with 4 people, what you just did wouldn't be allowed under the rules since it would have required entering into an ally's 5x5 space.

2011-09-08, 02:01 AM

I thought we only had 3 on our raft.

Twin Blades
2011-09-08, 09:46 AM
"Keep your weapons drawn, it seems we need to look out for more than just a lost girl. Keep an eye on those other logs."

Starting to use Detect Evil regularly again

2011-09-08, 12:02 PM
Gruv will tap the logs with his pole as they pass.

2011-09-08, 02:02 PM
Vandria quickly attempts to heal Seregon, though the raft's motion makes it more difficult for her to concentrate on the spell.

Unstable casting check (Dex 10 + 6 +/- mods): [roll0]
CLW: [roll1] HP restored.

Twin Blades
2011-09-08, 03:57 PM
"Seregon, cover me with your bow while I check these logs" Corvin poles the raft slowly forward and tries to approach the logs one at at a time. Then from as far a distance as possible he pokes the logs with the pole.

He will do this four or five times to different logs if nothing happens

2011-09-08, 04:39 PM

The swordwoman stows her grappling hook and draws both her swords as Corvin poles over to the other logs. She gets into a wide low stance to give better balance if the raft is upset by further combat.

2011-09-08, 04:50 PM
As the party begins moving, Gruv and Corvin test the logs with their poles, but nothing happens. It appears that either there was only one crocodile, or that any others fled when the first one was killed so quickly.

The party continues moving for a while, until dusk begins to fall. There remains no sign of Stephanie, or really any other person, in this swamp. The feeling of stagnation that began earlier grows, and as dusk settles in, the sounds of the insects and animals of the swamp seems more subdued than last night. Even the wind doesn't blow as much. The only constant is the cloud cover.

Then, about an hour later, you suddenly see a light in the distance. You can't be sure what it is, but it is certainly not a normal part of the swamp.

2011-09-08, 07:15 PM
Gruv will continue pushing his raft ever closer to the light.

2011-09-08, 10:05 PM
"Caution, who is to say that is Stephanie? How would she have survived here so long?"

2011-09-09, 05:45 AM
"Should check it out regardless."

2011-09-09, 08:11 AM
"She is familiar with the area, she may even have an understanding with the animals here," Gruv adds to the conversation as he continues toward the light.

Twin Blades
2011-09-09, 10:16 AM
Corvin continues to quietly pole his raft after Gruv.

2011-09-12, 11:49 AM
As you pole your rafts closer to the light, you see what looks like a gypsy camp resting on a small island. The light is coming from a campfire that's been set up next to a colorful wagon and a couple old horses. Sitting around the fire are an old woman, a young man, and three children. An old man comes from around the wagon and goes to sit next to the fire when he turns and looks at your approaching party.

He smiles and motions you to come join him by the fire.

2011-09-12, 12:01 PM
Under his breath, "This cannot be good," Gruv says in an exhausted tone.

2011-09-13, 12:22 AM
Vandria looks the gypsies over quizzically. "Hardly what I would've expected to find in the midst of a swam." When the raft is close enough that she should be able to speak to the gypsies without shouting, she calls out to them. "Have you seen a woman passing this way? Her name is Stephanie."

2011-09-13, 04:22 AM
Red stares at the strangely dressed humans suspiciously, sword in hand, but leaves the talking to those better suited.

2011-09-13, 08:48 AM
Seregon will keep her head down but squeeze her sister's hand.

Twin Blades
2011-09-13, 07:04 PM
Corvin finishes poling the raft towards the island and then disembarks. He then pauses for a second and walks towards the old man. "Greetings sir and thank you for your kind invitation."

Use Det Evil during the pause

2011-09-13, 10:03 PM
As you approach the camp, the young man seems to glare at the old man before standing up and tending to the horses. The old man shakes his head and looks at you and says, "Do not mind my son. Carloni is simply eager to get going, and he knows I enjoy lingering with new folks. Please, sit by the fire and enjoy some dinner with us." He motions to the fire, and as he does so the older woman begins preparing servings of what appears to be stew for each of you. The old man continues, "My wife Ryana makes a mean batch of stew."

He turns to Vandria, and as he does so you notice that his left eye is milky white. "As to your question young lady, we did in fact see a lovely young woman a couple days ago. We sent her on towards Marais d'Tarascon since that is the only town near here." At the mention of the town Carloni grunts and says, "Would have been kinder to tell her to stay in the swamp on a night like this." Ryana looks up sharply at Carloni and says, "Shush you, to speak of evil is to invite it to dinner."

The old man nods, "Indeed it is, we shall speak no more of that place. I merely mentioned it because these folks appear to be looking for their friend. My name is Old Scarengi, and please, enjoy some supper and share our fire." He gets a twinkle in his eye and says, "Perhaps, before you set off again, there will be time for a fortune telling."

2011-09-14, 10:00 AM
Gruv approaches cautiously. "The girl, do you know her name? And why would you send her someplace so decidedly evil," he directs his question at th older man.

2011-09-14, 06:38 PM
Scarengi nods and says, "Yes, I do remember her name, The young woman's name was Stephanie. Quite the spirited girl. I understand your concerns, but when we mentioned that Marais d'Tarascon had been suffering lately she insisted upon going there to help. She did seem to have a rather impressive knowledge of plant and herbal medicine. There's also the fact that it's the only town within days of here. Port d'Elhour is quite a ways north."

2011-09-14, 09:08 PM
"Well, sounds as though she is well, and we have a lead," Gruv continues as he sits near the fire.

2011-09-15, 12:14 AM
Red furrows her brow in confusion at the humans words, trying to recall what she knows of the local geography. "<Dearest sibling,>" she says quietly in elven to Seregon, "<do the names which this human elder speaks of have an air of familiarity to your ears? I find myself bereft of recollection in their regard...>"

2011-09-15, 12:16 AM
"We had better go after her, though. I don't like the sound of this Port d'Ehlour, and I like the fact I've not heard of it less. The thought that it's the only town for days is doubly worrying, considering that we were in another yesterday." Vandria looks worried as she realizes the implications of that particular statement.

2011-09-15, 07:10 AM
"Well, we dont have to worry about the port, Marais d'Tarascon is where she's headed. We should be able to catch up with her there, unless you think your mission ends with knowing where she went and not her fate," Gruv responds thoughtfully. He smiles a bit as he enjoys the smell of the stew.

Twin Blades
2011-09-15, 08:57 AM
"Despite the sound of that place it seems that she is in no immediate danger, so I suggest, with your leave sir, we camp here for the night." (Addressing the old man) "Could she not also have simply headed back to Plain's Edge as that is only a couple of days away."


Have we heard of these places, Did my Det Evil give me anything?

2011-09-15, 11:33 AM
Seregon checks her maps quickly, seeing no sign of any of these places mentioned. She whispers in hushed tones "<Nothing, sister. It seems almost as if...we are someplace else.>" She gives a quick look to Vandria and offers a comforting hand.

Seregon the bites her lip and boldy speaks. "Suffering?" She rubs her ring finger, "Please, tell me everything you know about this..Marais d'Tarascon. Help us find Stephanie and keep her safe.*"

* Seregon uses suggestion for those last two sentences on Scarengi.

2011-09-15, 07:16 PM
Scarengi looks at Corvin and says, "By all means, please share our fire. This swamp is no place to be travelling at night, especially with the storm that is brewing. But I must admit, I have never heard of a town called Plain's Edge. Of course, we keep mainly to the swamps and the couple towns here."

Ryana serves each of you some stew, it appears to be meat with a hearty broth and root vegetables. For those that like this sort of food, it smells extremely delicious. "Please," she says as she serves you, "eat heartily. We have more than enough to share, and travelling is hard work."

Carloni merely grunts in the background as he continues to tend the horses. The children giggle at his mood as they eat their stew.

Scarengi sighs as he turns to Seregon. "We have stayed out of the events at Marais d'Tarascon. The town is named after the Tarascon family which owns a large plantation there. All we truly know is that death has visited that town lately, and he appears to be staying." At this, each of the others in the camp, including the children, make little blessing motions over themselves. "The only help we can truly provide is a fortune, my daughter has some talent in that regard."

No, you have never heard of these places.
Detect Evil detects nothing.

2011-09-17, 02:02 PM
Red watches carefully as stew is served, and then waits for one of her hosts to eat before she has any. She is also sure to keep her sister from eating before seeing that the food is safe, though she says nothing. Settling down to eat, she finds a good sized tree to sit with her back against.

2011-09-18, 01:01 PM
Seregon smiles at her sister's doting. She didn't realize how badly she missed her family until Red found her again. She gazed into the fire and for a moment she was back in the lush forests of her youth. It didn't last long though, and she was once again back in this fetid swamp with questionable hosts and she had a mission.

Her eyes hardened, "Death? Speak clearly, without these riddles. That girl you sent there is under our protection. If you put her in peril..." She ended it unsaid, unwillingy to actually commit to any threats she might utter.

2011-09-19, 07:33 AM
"Sharp tongue," Gruv says before putting a spoonful of stew in his mouth. "By the way, what year is this," he asks aloud with his mouth still full then waits for an answer from anyone.

2011-09-19, 12:25 PM
Scarengi focuses on Seregon and says, "I have already said more than I wished, for you seem to genuinely care about this girl, which is to be commended. But our earlier admonishment to not invite evil to dinner is not to be taken lightly." Turning to Gruv he says, "The year? It is 736 of course."

You would have expected the answer to be 585.

2011-09-19, 12:51 PM
"Ok, that is enough then of the town and its problem, thank you for your information. Have you ever heard of Plain's Edge, I hear it is a most hospitable place, on the other side of this swamp," Gruv says cheerfully as he continues to eat.

2011-09-19, 01:04 PM
"I think we've established we are not where and when we should be. Given that information, we need to find Stephanie and find a means to return to Oerth. The sort of magic needed for such a thing is well beyond me, so that leaves either a very long wait or finding a mage or priest able and willing to send us back. Between the night, the terrain, and the storm, I think we have little hope of making progress until tomorrow at the earliest." Vandria glances around at the rest of the party, trying to gauge their reactions to the situation and her analysis of it.

Twin Blades
2011-09-20, 01:05 PM
"I agree, we should stay here tonight and head after Stephanie tomrrow. Getting back is of secondary concern to ensuring the girl is safe. I wouljd also like to undersatnd what is going on in this town."

2011-09-20, 03:31 PM
Scarengi merely listens to your conversation. "I am pleased to hear that you will be sharing our fire. As to this Plain's Edge town, I have not heard of it. But then, we do not explore this swamp very much."

As he says that, the door to the wagon opens up casting a sudden light into the camp. Standing in the doorway is a beautiful young woman.

"Ahh," says Scarengi, "that is my daughter Valana. Allow her to read your fortune."

As Valana steps from the doorway a light breeze kicks up, swirling her skirts and hair. She approaches the campfire as Ryana shoos the children to bed.

"The trouble began when I cast the runes for that quiet and lost young man," Valana says as she focuses intently on the group. "Perhaps it will end with another casting."

2011-09-20, 03:45 PM
"I am a good sport, feel free to read my fortune," Gruv laughs out.

2011-09-21, 03:55 PM
Red continues to keep a quiet eye on these strange humans. Figuring most of the others will focus on the fortune telling, Red makes sure she has a good vantage point to watch her allies backs (and pockets) while whatever so-called divinations are performed.

2011-09-21, 04:47 PM
Vandria watches the divination closely, trying to determine what magic, if any, is being used.

Spellcraft (Int-2 = 14): [roll0]

2011-09-21, 08:17 PM
Seregon continues to brood and mope.

2011-09-22, 12:49 AM
As Valana prepares to read your fortune, Carloni climbs up into the driver's seat of the wagon and he wraps a cloak around himself.

Valana holds a flat pan in her lap and stone tiles in her hands. Then, after gazing once again into your eyes, she drops the tiles into the pan.

"The lost one has called you!" Valana gasps. Each member of her family hastily makes a protective gesture. "The dead will walk with the coming storm, and you must find a way to put them to rest. If you cannot, the rain will turn to blood! It will drown you-you and all of Marais dTarascon."

Scarengi quickly ushers his wife and daughter into the wagon. "No charge for your fortune," he says hastily. "It is time to rest after the adventures of the day."

2011-09-22, 07:08 AM
"Most foreboding. Obviously it has disturbed our hosts. Have a good night then," Gruv says as he keeps a surprised and distressed look on his face.

2011-09-23, 12:38 PM
Red keeps watching suspiciously, and is surprised when the hosts rapidly enter their wagons. She clearly wasn't really paying attention to the fortune.

2011-09-23, 10:20 PM
"<I do not trust our hosts, their stories are ominous and their tricks suspicious. I shall keep an eye on them tonight.>"

2011-09-24, 11:55 PM
The party settles in around the fire and sleeps, taking standard watches.

Vandria's watch passes normally, and she alerts Seregon for his watch. His watch starts normally, but as it continues a fog rolls in, and the heavier the fog gets, the sleepier Seregon becomes.

Eventually, sleep claims Seregon and when he wakes up, both the fog and the gypsies are gone.

2011-09-24, 11:58 PM
"Wake up! Trickery is upon us."

2011-09-25, 12:42 AM
Red is awake and on her feet in an instant. Still armed and armored due to her distrust of the gypsies, she has her swords out before she even realizes they are gone.

"Sound off people," shes says as she looks around in confusion, "let's make sure we haven't lost anyone or anything."

2011-09-25, 09:44 AM
"Still here," Gruv says as he sleepily awakens.

Twin Blades
2011-09-25, 10:42 AM
"Still here as well." says Corvin, slowly rising to his feet. "A strange form of trickery to run away without doing anything to us. I think they were more afraid of us than we were of them. I am not afraid of that fortune, if the dead do indeed walk we WILL put them to rest. I am beginning to think Pelor had led me here."

2011-09-25, 04:54 PM
Rigby and Aldren both wake up at Seregon's call.

Looking around, Rigby says, "Pelor, eh? I hope for our sake that you are correct on that one."

2011-09-25, 07:40 PM
"Here." Vandria replies, a bit groggily. She looks around, trying to spot the threat.

2011-09-25, 08:16 PM
"Let us hope there is no need of that, Corvin, but we need to check out the town for Stephanie in either case. Curse or no curse."

Twin Blades
2011-09-26, 07:07 AM
"Let us move off." says Corvin, gathering together his things.

2011-09-26, 07:13 AM
"Did they point us in a direction," Gruv asks as he rises to his feet.

Twin Blades
2011-09-26, 05:49 PM
"Not that I heard. Although my memory is bity hazy. They did say something about a young man as well. Maybe he also travelled to the town. Can any of you track?"

2011-09-26, 06:45 PM
After verifying that everyone is present and there is no immediate danger, Red starts going through her things to ensure nothing has been stolen.

"Not really," she says to Corvin.

2011-09-26, 10:08 PM
Vandria shakes her head. "Sadly, no. Nor do I have magic to find the way."

2011-09-27, 07:48 AM
"Well then, time to look for wagon tracks," Gruv says as he starts to purvey the ground.

2011-09-27, 09:45 AM
"We know the port is some ways north. We could head there and ask for directions."

2011-09-27, 11:24 AM
Looking around the little island, no evidence of wagon tracks can be found. The island is only about 50'x80', after that it's water.

The party gathers their belongings and pushes off into the swamp heading north.

Twin Blades
2011-09-29, 08:24 PM
"Hmmm, I wonder how they moved those wagons over the water..." Corvin wonders aloud.

2011-09-30, 05:04 AM
The day wears on as the part makes its way through the swamp. The air is still, yet charged with the energy of the impending storm. The clouds overhead remain as thick as ever, but there is still no rainfall or any other storm like activity. Biting insects harass the party in the unmoving air.

Suddenly, four large crocodiles erupt from underneath the surface of the water and attack the party!

{TABLE=head]Name | Base Initiative | Modifier | Reason | Total Init
Aldren Thaerbranch | [roll0] | +3 | Broadsword | 6
Vandria | [roll1] | Varies | By Spell or Weapon | 6
Gruvious Flingkelter | [roll2] | +3 | Short Sword | 8
Corvin | [roll3] | +7 | Morning Star | 8
Seregon Shalandaerl | [roll4] | +7 | Composite Longbow | 8
Red | [roll5] | +5 | Longsword | 13
Rigby Du Shiring | [roll6] | +6 | Bastard Sword(1h) | 10
Crocodiles | 5 | +6 | Size | 11[/TABLE]

Surprise Round:
{table=head]Monster | Target | Attack Roll | Damage Roll
Crocodile 1 | Rigby | [roll7] | [roll8]
Crocodile 2 | Aldren | [roll9] | [roll10]
Crocodile 3 | Rigby | [roll11] | [roll12]
Crocodile 4 | Corvin | [roll13] | [roll14][/table]

As the crocodiles erupt from the water, two of them attack Rigby simultaneously while the others go for Aldren and Corvin. The one attacking Aldren manages to get in the way of one attacking Rigby, and gets bitten in the process. The other crocodile attacking Rigby lands a savage bite, as does the one attacking Corvin.

Round 1: Go

2011-10-02, 10:38 PM
Seregon whips out her bow and fires at the crocs near Corvin



Targeting chance:

Fumble rolls:

Take two, shouldnt post when I am so tired.

2011-10-03, 02:11 AM
Vandria fumbles in her pouch for rose petals, voicing arcane words as she struggles to cast her sleep spell on the crocodiles.

Casting sleep to catch the upper two crocodiles.

Concentration: Dex 10 + 6 +/- mods: [roll0]
HD affected: [roll1]

2011-10-03, 07:26 AM
Gruv will stab at the croc attacking Corvin.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Twin Blades
2011-10-07, 07:51 AM
Corvin draws his morning stars and swings them in a wide arc onto the croc's head.


2011-10-07, 11:22 PM
Aldren swings at the crocodile that attacked him, but being off-balance from the surprise attack he misses.

Then, Vandria's spell hits the crocodiles and two of them fall asleep. As Vandria finishes her spell, Corvin, Gruv and Seregon each begins their attacks. The slight rocking of the raft causes Corvin's attacks to miss wildly while two of Seregon's arrows fly past a croc and disappear into the swamp water. The last of Seregon's arrows bounces off the croc's hide as Gruv stabs the croc he was aiming at, drawing a little bit of blood.

Rigby loses his balance and falls off the raft. As he hits the water, the crocodiles on either side of him each grab a limb and submerge while fighting over the meal. You see a bit of blood swirling in the water of their wake.

The other crocodiles each attack Aldren.

After the crocs attack, Red takes a step towards a croc swinging her swords. Her swings are strong, but the timing her timing is off and she cannot land a blow due to the thrashing of the croc as it attacks.

End Round 1. Round 2: Go.

2011-10-17, 07:18 AM
Gruv attacks the scaly beast again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

I know this is out of turn, but no one is posting.