View Full Version : [Rogue Trader] Voyage of the Night's Saber: Pt 1, A Simple Plan

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2011-09-13, 10:11 AM

Still deep in thought and altering the conditions on his Astrae display to account for Warp drift he only belatedly noticed the Captain's Commands. At once Lady Captain. I am in no rush to leave Lady Captain, we may gain much here., he answers sipping recaf from a fine silver decanter with the Nostromo crest emblazoned it.

Settling into a large and comfortable leather chair that was older than most members of the ships crew behind a vast wooden desk that dated back almost 2 millenia he picked up the vox controls. "Comms, please patch me through to the Frigate... as he waited to be patched through he considered who the enemy navigator might be. "Gladius this is Nostromo from the Night's Saber. Please put me through to your ship's Navigator immediately and have all of his and your navigation files transferred to us immediately."

2011-09-13, 12:28 PM
Francis Holomek (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11669620&postcount=5)

Francis acknowledges the captain's request, and sends the Sabre's senses stretching out into the void once more as he remembers the various augur overhauls that the ship's he'd crewed had undergone and considered how long such a thing as the captain had asked would take...

Scrutiny 48 + Detection 2(5) = 73 [roll0]
Trade (Voidfarer) = 55 [roll1]

2011-09-13, 12:52 PM
Finally, the Lady-Captain of the Night's Saber smiled at Lourdes and spoke in simple Low Gothic. "Does the Twelve expect a signal to be sent back from the Gladius, saying 'we succeeded' or 'we failed'? Or was this more an autonomous cell of privateers, who report back only when they succeed?"

Lourdes swallows deeply, his Adam's Apple bobbing visibly before you, "Uh, n-no, ma'am. No signal, not really. These patrols last several months apiece usually, sitting around waiting for likely targets. It's pretty usual for us to not have contact for months at a time, and we only left port a few weeks ago." He thinks for a moment, then continues. "You, uh, you may have some visitors soon, though, anyway. If that Plasma explosion was detected in-system, the Governor may be sending out ships to look into us. Maybe a couple days, if that. If they saw it, that is, which... I guess is maybe a 50-50 chance?"

Cornelius"Gladius this is Nostromo from the Night's Saber. Please put me through to your ship's Navigator immediately and have all of his and your navigation files transferred to us immediately."

After a few minutes, there is a reply from an audibly weary individual on the other end of the comms. "Saber, this is Gladius. We apologize, but our Navigator suffered burns and smoke inhalation wounds during the attack and will be indisposed for some time. We are preparing the logs for transfer, but will require an order from the Captain prior to transmittal. Over."

Francis Holomek (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11669620&postcount=5)Francis acknowledges the captain's request, and sends the Sabre's senses stretching out into the void once more as he remembers the various augur overhauls that the ship's he'd crewed had undergone and considered how long such a thing as the captain had asked would take...

Scrutiny 48 + Detection 2(5) = 73 [roll0]
Trade (Voidfarer) = 55 [roll1]

Your sensors still show clear skies all about you; at least for now, you're still alone. As for stripping out the Auger array, it is certainly possible to do so, but without the assistance of a Spacedock's heavy moving and retrofitting equipment, you're talking about a very long and hard process, at least a month under the most ideal of circumstances and with willing crews on both ships to help facilitate things. Even Zero-G, it's hard to move and secure an array that's 100 meters long and that weighs the better part of 100 metric tons.

Did I miss anything?

2011-09-13, 02:07 PM

After a few minutes, there is a reply from an audibly weary individual on the other end of the comms. "Saber, this is Gladius. We apologize, but our Navigator suffered burns and smoke inhalation wounds during the attack and will be indisposed for some time. We are preparing the logs for transfer, but will require an order from the Captain prior to transmittal. Over."

Cornelius frowns, saddened by the injuries down to another Homo Navis, it was regrettable that his kind did get injured in petty Homo sapien quarrels. "Gladius. You're captain is temporarily indisposed, and I suggest that you release your logs immediatly lest I have to mention your intransience to my Lady Captain.

Page 8 I had been analysing the navigational data from the destroyed raider
Navigation (Stellar) 50 out of 68
Navigation (Warp) 50 out of 83

And an Intimidate check [roll0] TN 32 + any bonuses from crushing their ship

2011-09-13, 02:19 PM
Sorry 'bout that: The data that was retrieved from the Destroyer was fragmented and largely incomplete. Still though, enough came through that you are able to get some analysis in on it. Firstly, the starchart uses a method that you're completely unfamiliar with; you can still read it after a fashion, but no Imperial would lay a design out in such a... 'scattered' way. You are also able to determine some celestial landmarks relating to the last jump the ship took, likely back to the Pirate base. Not enough to determine a location in and of itself, but it will certainly narrow down the search and could be used to confirm other telemetry data.

The same voice replies to Cornelius some few minutes later, sounding both more frightened and agitated. "Saber, this is Gladius. I apologize, but our Captain was incredibly specific in her orders to not release any information without her explicit personal order to that effect. The Captain will need to send over her authorization codes, then we can release the information she allows to you."

2011-09-14, 08:15 AM
"Saber, this is Gladius. I apologize, but our Captain was incredibly specific in her orders to not release any information without her explicit personal order to that effect. The Captain will need to send over her authorization codes, then we can release the information she allows to you."

Cornelius shakes his head sadly in his luxurious state room, still lit in shades of electronic greens and reds from the rotating hololiths of planetary systems. "Very Well Galdius though you have brought whatever fate befalls you on your own head.

After that he'll contact his terrifying Captain. "Lady Captain, I am sorry to intrude. The gladius is refusing to release its navigational data and is claiming its navigator is incapacitated. They say they will only release the data with release codes from the Captain. I don't think they understood the concept of unconditional surrender.

In addition Lady Captain I have some fragmentary data suggesting some clues to the pirate base from the fragments Relas recovered from the destroyed Raider. Though the data is... unusual.

2011-09-15, 02:37 AM
Relas pauses as the order comes in, stopping in his work for an instant before tapping his vox.

++Yes Lady Captain, I understand.++ He finished his task, then shook his head. The ship may have been crippled and the crew decimated, but it was still a potentially hostile enviroment and he would have greatly desired avoided setting foot there.

It was for that reason that the Explorator ensured he had all his tools and weapons to hand, before setting out across the void with a retinue of tech priests, within the Guncutter.

As they approached the Gladius, he enured to put codes in place on the powerful craft, to ensure chances of theft were lowered before he voxed the ship. ++Gladius. Open your landing bay doors.++

2011-09-15, 04:19 PM
The boarding team Relas put together lands aboard the Gladius to find more or less what was expected: A fairly grimy Pirate ship that has recently gotten grimier thanks to the internal and external damage suffered. Her crew members are rough-looking and ill nourished, but no more than an average crew of off-beat Ratings, and while you receive the occasional angry glance most of the team seem to hurt and exhausted to give you a second thought.

If it is repair work you are looking for, there is plenty to go around. Most systems suffered at least minimal damage and could use recalibration, while some systems may need to be completely replaced at Space Dock. Oddly enough, you seem more or less left to your own devices aboard the Gladius, and practically noone speaks to you or bothers you at all...

If you pass a Perception -20 Check:
Well, not entirely alone. There is a rotating group of about 20-25 Ratings that seem to be shadowing you at a respectable distance; they don't exactly look armed, but they are certainly tracking you through the decks and watching where you go.

To the Planet? Interrogate the Captain? Party Cruise Ship time?

2011-09-18, 09:58 AM
Benedict caught up with Anastasia and Alan in an upper corridor. "Ma'am!" he shouted, jogging to walk alongside them. "You haven't already spoken to the captain? I was hoping to be present to help." He gestured at Alan. "For one thing, if something goes wrong having a medic on hand could be helpful".

2011-09-28, 01:32 AM

Having been rebuffed by the rebellious enemy Cornelius shakes his head sadly at their foolishness. He presses his microbead to talk to Alan. "Alan, could you please have a word with these people and explain what will happen to them if they don't release their information and their navigator.

Shall we ask Relas to vent part of their ship into space?

2011-09-28, 04:41 AM
Alan looks over at Tas to see no dissent coming from that quarter. Flicking his head a little, Alan replies via microbead "I am moving the money man to the healer. I can come yell at the new guys soon. What information do you need". After receiving the reply Alan reaches down and lifts the seneschal to eye level, asking "What is code to release information".


Intimidate Seneschal again: [roll0]

Just in case - Intimidate guy on the other ship via vox roll: [roll1]

I don't know that they are going to be releasing any information. Might need to start spacing them while our guys are over there with big bullseyes on their backs.

2011-09-30, 01:29 AM
The Seneschal, his feet dangling beneath him, gulps and replies, "The... The Captain's codes are her own, she doesn't share them with me... Sorry..."

Unsatisfied with the Seneschal, Alan then proceeds to make the same demands from the ship itself. After a few minutes, the same voice from before comes over to your bridge's Vox systems, "Gladius to Saber, I repeat, we require explicit authorization and codes from the Captain to release that information. What is the status of our Captain?"

2011-09-30, 07:35 PM
Alan turns on the vox and (edit: slowly) tears the poor seneschal's arm off, after which he says "You will comply or you will die. Make your choice"

2011-10-01, 01:10 AM
As the Seneschal screams and slowly loses consciousness from bloodloss, the other end of the Vox stays silent and no reply is returned...


Aboard the Gladius, Relas' tech team starts to notice a sudden uptick of activity, as the ratings aboard the craft are summoned to their stations by their shift commanders. No one approaches your team, or communicates with you to cease your activities. They seem to be ignoring you completely...

Awareness Check:
The group of Ratings following your team is growing in strength, and you're starting to see them wielding some scatter guns and a couple metal batons...