View Full Version : Mark of the Death Dealers IC

2011-08-16, 12:29 AM
Recently turned, you just starting to learn what it means to be a vampire. Your past human lives were meaningless and dull. Most of you were sickly and weak. You were brought to the fold by senior death dealers to deal with the lycanthrope menace. After a stalemate fight with a group of lycanthropes your conclave was weak and susceptible. A group of humans known as The Burning Hand attacked your safe-house managing to kill off the rest of our conclave. The Burning Hand were known zealots who follow Pelor. They care little that the Death Dealers oppose a common enemy, the lycanthropes. Your group was the only ones that survived. You manage to hide inside an abandoned house on the outskirts of a village known as Blacksville. After resting and feeding on the homeless who’s home you have confiscated you group together and decide what your group will do next. You found a cave the night before that was enclosed enough to recover during the daylight. You are fully recovered from the blood taken and you have about 4 hours till daybreak.

2011-08-16, 08:16 AM
"I say we take watches, the daytime is still dangerous and we are being hunted," Jubilex states as she watches out the window of the house.

2011-08-16, 10:26 AM
You guys are actually inside an old house. The day before you were in a cave.

2011-08-16, 10:38 AM
Looking around the house Ared frowns in disgust. Well, at least it is better than that cave. Still this would just not do, this is no proper lodging for someone of his status, nor for his companions either for that matter.

"Keeping a watch might be a good idea, we don't want to be caught by surprise. Still I don't intend to be staying here long. I say we look for a proper city, someplace where we can actually start and rebuild the power we lost."

In a city there were always plenty of people, easy to keep beneath notice. And of course cities held all the luxuries he had grown accustomed to, at least he could work his way back to well-to-do. The near endless supplies of fresh food were welcome too, naturally, and in most cities it shouldn't be to hard to gain somesort of underground hide-out. Preferably underneath a large mansion, of course.

2011-08-16, 12:01 PM
"I must be honest sweety, but the whole idea about going to a city where the murderers of our conclave probably come from.
Not to mention the wolves, hunters and other creatures out there that rather see us even deader then we are now."

says Annaneko (but anyone calls her Anna) while she wipes some dust from her dress. She sits calmly in a corner of the room, a cat curled on her lap.

"But I must agree that this is no way of life, and those homeless tasted terrible...ever tasted the blood of royalty? They say it's a feast only fitted for the oldest of vampires, well I don't want to wait untill I'm old..."

The cat seems to wake up from it's slumber and looks around dazed, then she makes a quiet miauw.

"Yeah you wan't some royalty food too, don't you."

As Anna strokes the cat she suddenly looks shocked

"Look at what this dusty cabin does to my sweetheart! Her fur is al dusty! You are right Ared, we have to find a better home, and quick!"

2011-08-16, 12:18 PM
Stanley do a spot check for me.

2011-08-16, 12:18 PM
"Debutants, I have been left with debutants," Jubilex sighs. "We could free this town of its zealots and shifters, make ourselves comfortable and suck this place dry," she continues as she looks back at her companions.

2011-08-16, 12:20 PM
SPOT [roll0]

2011-08-16, 12:27 PM
As you peer out the window you notice a couple humans in cloaks bearing the mark of pelor hiding in the treeline next to the house. One is up in a tree and the other on the ground. Looks like they are armed and have their sights set on the door.

Battle Thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11652771#post11652771

2011-08-16, 12:45 PM
"Get ready for company," Jubilex says as she draws her silver katana and backs away from the window.

2011-08-16, 01:06 PM
With a glance at where Jubilex is looking, Ared says: "I could try flushing them out with some of my little friends." Obviously referring to the swarms everyone knows he can summon.

2011-08-16, 01:24 PM
"I will try to get out behind them and push them toward the house. Can you use your swarms to keep them from running in other directions," Jub wispers as she heads for the other side of the house.

2011-08-16, 01:29 PM
"They found us allready? damn.."

Anna stands up, whipes her dress again and says :

"I could shift and take a look outside if there is another way out of this house. and even if whatever is out there comes in, then I can at least attack them from behind, they won't know what hit them!"

2011-08-16, 02:14 PM
Simon drops out of the rafters where he has been perching, landing effortlessly on his feet. Bare pads making no noise on the floor. A large Black Panther lands beside him.

I smell man-flesh! he growls

he begins to move towards the men keeping the wagon outside in between him and them. his movements are fluid and silent, those of a natural predator.

2011-08-16, 02:15 PM
Does this mean you open the door of the house ?

2011-08-16, 03:27 PM
If he indeeds jumps down and intends to go through the door and out, I'll shift and after that jump out of a side window into the dark. My cat will hide.

As it will probably go in rounds from now, this is not neccesary but anyway, when I'm outside I'll sneak (hide + move silently) towards a good hiding place (in my opinion) outside where I reform.

2011-08-19, 03:05 AM
Does this mean you open the door of the house ?

No, I go out a window if there is one.

2011-08-19, 04:29 AM
I'll tag along with Simon

2011-09-02, 07:52 PM
Simon grins in the moonlight and runs blood covered fingers through his panthers soft black fur. Well done pet... Then he strips the man at his fee naked, looking for any useful items, and stabs his long claws through the man's sturnum. He yanks sharply, opening his ribs with a sound like splintering wood, and plucks the warm heart from the man's chest. Through the death of our enemies are we made stronger, by the power in their blood we live longer. He bites into the heart, tearing it in half and feeding the other half to his Panther.

2011-09-02, 08:20 PM
You find Masterwork leather armor, Masterwork silver longbow and a silver short sword. 2 sets of each. You find about 40 silver tipped arrow's.

2011-09-02, 08:38 PM
Simon runs off into the sunset (rise?) in search of better prey and better company.

OOC: I Quit.

2011-09-06, 07:14 AM
Jubilex will look to see if the men carry any letters or maps of the location or thier order to acertain the threat in the area.