View Full Version : Sculpt spell + Legion of Sentinels

2011-08-16, 05:46 AM
The spell Legion of Sentinels (Ph2) summons a solider in each of the squares in a 10 ft burst, they can attack, flank and give out AoO to moving creatures, by RAW i see no reason why you can't sculpt this to say 4 10ft squares and quintuple the amount of soldiers or even make it a 20ft radius burst and make an army from a single cast, not to mention a 120 ft line.... (24 soldiers!!)
I just wanted confirmation from you guys that this is fine, and also can the soldiers move? It says no description in the spell if they can move or not, so i suppose no, but it would be awesome to have a summoned army

Edit: How many squares is a 20ft ball? I counted 57 but i'm pretty sure i got that wrong... still around 57 soldiers is..... who needs an army when you're a wizard?

Dark Kerman
2011-08-16, 06:01 AM
See no problem, quite like it. Never seen that spell before...

2011-08-16, 07:05 AM
As it's an Area spell with a duration, Legion of Sentinels can't move away from the area of the spell. If you want a mobile army, consider the Shadow Guardians spell in RoD. Creates 50% real 4HD constructs, 1 per CL, lasts CL hours.

2011-08-16, 07:28 AM
The spell Legion of Sentinels (Ph2) summons a solider in each of the squares in a 10 ft burst, they can attack, flank and give out AoO to moving creatures, by RAW i see no reason why you can't sculpt this to say 4 10ft squares and quintuple the amount of soldiers
Ah... it's a ten foot *radius* emanation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/spellDescriptions.htm#area).

So on the ground...
If you center the effect in open terrain, you get a dozen soldiers (and that's not counting the ones that appear in the air). Sculpting it to four ten-foot *squares* gets you up to 16. The 120 foot line does indeed double the number of soldiers, but, well, unless you're fighting in a hallway, that's mostly useless.

2011-08-16, 07:34 AM
Oddly enough, the line one may be the best option on a larger battlefield. Think of the soldiers as a 'stone' wall (albeit one you can chop through, and that chops back). Would you rather create a long wall cutting off part of the battlefield entirely (line), or a big stone sphere (burst)?

There are situations where both can be useful.
Also, awesome spell is awesome.

2011-08-16, 07:46 AM
For anyone wondering why the spell doesn't list information about the swordfighter's attacks, the errata for the PHB2 states:

Page 116 – Legion of Sentinels
Should include the following text at the end of its
description: “The swordsmen’s attacks are at a
bonus equal to your caster level, they threaten
critical hits on a 19 or 20, and they deal 1d8 points
of slashing damage with a +1 bonus per three caster
levels (max +5). They only make attacks of
opportunity, and their weapon damage is slashing
and is affected by damage reduction.”


That's a pretty awesome spell when spread out. A Recaster could do some very interesting things with that spell.

2011-08-16, 08:09 AM
Oddly enough, the line one may be the best option on a larger battlefield. Think of the soldiers as a 'stone' wall (albeit one you can chop through, and that chops back). Would you rather create a long wall cutting off part of the battlefield entirely (line), or a big stone sphere (burst)?

There are situations where both can be useful.
Also, awesome spell is awesome.

The trouble with the line is that it has to start at a corner of your square. That reduces its flexibility in my book, as I would usually want the wall guarding one of my sides.

2011-08-16, 08:15 AM
Since they can make AoOs, a quickened Legion of Sentinel line along the path to a charging creature is a very good deterrent.

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-16, 08:24 AM
You can shape the 4 squares is a way to increase the covered area.


Set the party spellcasters in the center and coat the space in the gaps with a shaped grease spell.

2011-08-17, 02:55 PM
For anyone wondering why the spell doesn't list information about the swordfighter's attacks, the errata for the PHB2 states:


That's a pretty awesome spell when spread out. A Recaster could do some very interesting things with that spell. They only make attacks of opportunity? Bugger. Still, this would be great to make invisible AND sculpt, placing it on enemy ranks/casters. Move? Get attacked. Lots. Cast? Same thing

Big Fau
2011-08-17, 03:05 PM
They only make attacks of opportunity? Bugger. Still, this would be great to make invisible AND sculpt, placing it on enemy ranks/casters. Move? Get attacked. Lots. Cast? Same thing

That's the entire point. Anyone caught inside it either takes a ton of hits trying to escape ASAP, or they spend a few rounds doing nothing. You can also center it on your party and use it to protect your allies for a few rounds while peppering the enemy with ranged attacks.

Its the Illusionist's Fireball, only a hundred times better.

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-17, 03:08 PM
it's a pain in the backside anti caster spell as well.

Also it is very deadly if you tack fell drain or fell shaken on it. Now you get negative levels or fear effects for getting hit!

The Cat Goddess
2011-08-17, 03:20 PM
it's a pain in the backside anti caster spell as well.

Also it is very deadly if you tack fell drain or fell shaken on it. Now you get negative levels or fear effects for getting hit!

Invisible Spell + Fell Shaken...

"Oh God, what just hit me?!" "Hey, something just hit me too!" "Run!"

Fax Celestis
2011-08-17, 03:27 PM
That's the entire point. Anyone caught inside it either takes a ton of hits trying to escape ASAP, or they spend a few rounds doing nothing. You can also center it on your party and use it to protect your allies for a few rounds while peppering the enemy with ranged attacks.

Or, you can have your fighter buddy bull-rush someone through it for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

2011-08-18, 06:40 AM
Or, you can have your fighter buddy bull-rush someone through it for MASSIVE DAMAGE.

Ahahaha have them somehow bullrush them along the 120ft line... xD 24 AoOs .... Wow. 24d8 + 120 ( +5 x 24 )