View Full Version : [3.P] Prying Eyes prearranged protocols

2011-08-16, 05:04 PM
Prying Eyes
School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5

Casting Time 1 minute, Components V, S, M (a handful of crystal marbles)

Range 1 mile, Effect 10 or more levitating eyes, Duration 1 hour/level; see text (D), Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no


You create a number of semi-tangible, visible magical orbs (called "eyes") equal to 1d4 + your caster level. These eyes move out, scout around, and return as you direct them when casting the spell. Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions.

While the individual eyes are quite fragile, they're small and difficult to spot. Each eye is a Fine construct, about the size of a small apple, that has 1 hit point, AC 18 (+8 bonus for its size), flies at a speed of 30 feet with a +20 bonus on Fly skill checks and a +16 bonus on Stealth skill checks. It has a Perception modifier equal to your caster level (maximum +15) and is subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and any other factors that affect your ability to receive visual information about your surroundings. An eye traveling in darkness must find its way by touch.

When you create the eyes, you specify instructions you want them to follow in a command of no more than 25 words. Any knowledge you possess is known by the eyes as well.

In order to report their findings, the eyes must return to your hand. Each replays in your mind all it has seen during its existence. It takes an eye 1 round to replay 1 hour of recorded images. After relaying its findings, an eye disappears.

If an eye ever gets more than 1 mile away from you, it instantly ceases to exist. However, your link with the eye is such that you won't know if the eye was destroyed because it wandered out of range or because of some other event.

The eyes exist for up to 1 hour per caster level or until they return to you. Dispel magic can destroy eyes. Roll separately for each eye caught in an area dispel. Of course, if an eye is sent into darkness, it could hit a wall or similar obstacle and destroy itself.

Given that the eyes know what you know, this allows you to have them search for "Leeroy Jenkins" if you know what he looks like. It also allows them to dance the dance of the fireflies, if you know what that is, what it looks like, what route they'd have to fly.

Therefore, arguably at least, if you know that:
"Search protocol alpha, target [target name]"
"Spread out in pairs in a spiral pattern out, going no further than a mile from caster's current position, looking for the target, if found then one of them returns to you the other stays watching it, if not, return to the caster's original position, if caster not found there then search for him, once the caster is found, then if not adressed, go out on another search vector that hasn't yet been looked at, if told to 'abide', then stay by the caster (so he can move to another location), and start a new spiral search pattern when he says "Engage". Return to the caster if you hear [whistle signal A], unless you're already watching a target. Even if already watching a target, return if you hear [whistle signal B]."

Then by saying "Search protocol alpha, target Leeroy Jenkins", your prying eyes will go out and do that.

It's also arguable that if you give them the order "Await more detailed instructions from me", you could give them the above search pattern without having to have pre-memorised it.

I'd argue both the above are acceptable by RAW. I can see people having differing thoughts on whether they're RAI. I don't think they break the spell, and fitting your instructions into 25 words has the advantage that the eyes are then out and doing it within one round, compared to telling them longer instructions. I'm vaguely curious about people's views on the acceptability of it, but the person who really matters — my GM — has already said he's okay with me doing it that way.

What I'm really after is people's thoughts on what 'protocols' would be a good toolset to have.

Search Protocol Alpha is probably a decent one, though could possibly use a bit of honing. You'd also want a 'Search Protocol Alpha Herpō", which would be the same as Alpha, but with added sneaking. Indeed, Herpō as a general suffix added to pretty much any command for 'do this sneakily' would be good. Search Protocol Beta could be for when you're less worried about them running away, or need the added speed, and gets rid of the pairing. You'd want some sort of nighttime guarding protocol, and a dungeon exploration one. You'd also want 'Protocol Anameneteon' holding pattern which would be something along the lines of:

Hover and wait to be touched by the caster. Number yourself based on the order in which you were touched compared to the other eyes (first eye touched is one, second is two, etc), then enter the container indicated by the caster, and await further instructions addressed to 'Optikos [number]'

So, what other sets of instructions can people think of? And can you improve on the ones I've come up with so far?

2011-08-16, 05:10 PM
My default for using them is something along the lines of "When I order you to go search somewhere, you go down the hall to the first intersection, then come back. Otherwise, stay within 2 squares of me."

2011-08-16, 05:13 PM
I think this would default to rule of cool. :smallcool:

2011-08-16, 05:23 PM
better yet, try this command: "do what I mean."

2011-08-16, 05:37 PM
I think this would default to rule of cool. :smallcool:

The idea originated from reading a post where someone had worked out getting them all to read books, with a casting of Servant Horde to turn the pages.

I think it is a sufficiently cool and interesting (and unbroken) idea for it to be worth playing with. But OTOH, I think a balancing factor is the need for having all the protocols written up beforehand.

better yet, try this command: "do what I mean."

That'd get you nowhere. "Do what I want" might, but that would be hard to adjudicate, so I'd rather just avoid that.

2011-08-16, 05:44 PM
That'd get you nowhere. "Do what I want" might, but that would be hard to adjudicate, so I'd rather just avoid that.

make up some internal monologue just before you cast the spell, of course!

2011-08-16, 06:01 PM
Right, Dungeon searching protocols

Protocol Exploration Antron Alpha

Explore in the direction(s) indicated by the caster, splitting as equally as possible if more than one direction is indicated. Hide as best as possible whilst moving — move at half speed to facilitate this.

If you come across a junction or other place where there's multiple ways to go, split as equally as possible to go down as many directions as possible. If you come across any creatures of a size larger than a normal rat, or smaller creaturesin unusually large clusters, other than the caster and those there with him at the time of casting, then half of the eyes that get there will stay and watch, half will return to the caster's last known position. If there's only one eye left in the group when it comes across the creature(s), then it will return. All eyes return if they hear [whistle signal A]

Protocol Exploration Antron Beta

As Protocol Exploration Antron Alpha, but instead moving at full speed. Still being as stealthy as possible within that speed though.

make up some internal monologue just before you cast the spell, of course!

Heh. But then my DM will make me roll concentration to get it right!

More seriously, I'm doing something a bit funky, so I want to make his job as easy as possible.

2011-08-17, 12:26 AM
To make his job easier write out your protocols ahead of time. :)

Common tasks..

Search for target(person/landmark)
Fetch(get someone's attention, and then backup a few feet, wait for them, then repeat until they are next to you)
Map an area(new town/area)
Stand guard

During battle fly straight into the baddies face and stay 1-2 inches in front of their eyeballs. Probably going to die, but people will certainly be distracted.

I'm really curious about this because I'm probably going to be using this trick as well.

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-17, 08:17 AM
"follow the instructions on this scroll I just wrote" should cover just about anything if you have time to stop and write.

2011-08-18, 12:26 PM
"follow the instructions on this scroll I just wrote" should cover just about anything if you have time to stop and write.

Works, but you can just say it. And as I've said, my DM is fine with me saying "Wait for full spoken instructions" or similar.

To make his job easier write out your protocols ahead of time. :)

Pretty much my plan; what I'm wanting to use this thread for is getting ideas for what the protocols should be, and for honing the protocols.

Common tasks..

Search for target(person/landmark)

That's what search protocol Alpha and Alpha Herpō are for. You probably also want one that specifically specifies to avoid going into buildings, and one that specifically does look in buildings, and one which takes the dungeon exploration general approach, but searches for a particular target.

Search Protocol Alpha Domē
"Spread out in pairs in a spiral pattern out, going no further than a mile from caster's current position, looking for the target. Preferentially enter buildings if able to do so, wait up to a minute for an opportunity to enter if the prospect of being able to do so seems likely. If found then one of them returns to you the other stays watching it, if not, return to the caster's original position, if caster not found there then search for him, once the caster is found, then if not adressed, go out on another search vector that hasn't yet been looked at, if told to 'abide', then stay by the caster (so he can move to another location), and start a new spiral search pattern when he says "Engage". Return to the caster if you hear [whistle signal A], unless you're already watching a target. Even if already watching a target, return if you hear [whistle signal B]."

Search Protocol Alpha Ex Domē
"Spread out in pairs in a spiral pattern out, going no further than a mile from caster's current position, looking for the target. Do not enter buildings If target is found then one of them returns to you the other stays watching it, if not, return to the caster's original position, if caster not found there then search for him, once the caster is found, then if not adressed, go out on another search vector that hasn't yet been looked at, if told to 'abide', then stay by the caster (so he can move to another location), and start a new spiral search pattern when he says "Engage". Return to the caster if you hear [whistle signal A], unless you're already watching a target. Even if already watching a target, return if you hear [whistle signal B]."

Arguably, you also want to add to all the eyes that *don't* find a particular target something that lets you carry on using them for the rest of their duration, rather than getting the info off all of them when you've found one guy. I may actually see if I can get a dragonshard item made to let me get the information without ending that eye.

Fetch(get someone's attention, and then backup a few feet, wait for them, then repeat until they are next to you)

Sounds like a good one. Possibly also good if you can either cast light on them, or Arcane Mark.

Map an area(new town/area)

Explore the target area, concentrating on the layout, areas of interest and general flow of creatures through it.

For outdoor searching I'd add the search pattern Gamma, which would be something along the lines of:

Half of the eyes hover 100 foot up, half at ground level split up the target area in the most efficient way possible based on their starting position, one on the ground one in the air for each area. Go across the target area

Stand guard

Currently lacking inspiration, will come back to this one.


Sneak to what end? I need more than that to build a protocol around it.

During battle fly straight into the baddies face and stay 1-2 inches in front of their eyeballs. Probably going to die, but people will certainly be distracted.

That's quite a nice one. Risks their destruction, but oh well.

I'm really curious about this because I'm probably going to be using this trick as well.

Well, feel free to muck in and write up a protocol or few, we can hone it to perfection as we go.

Hmmm, thinking about this some more, I think keywords are the way to go. Herpō added to any protocol means 'do it as sneakily as possible, Hēmeros for 'try not to be seen but move at full speed' and Dēlos for 'Don't try and hide'. Domē and Ex Domē meaning 'definitely try and look inside buildings' and 'don't go into buildings' respectively.

Then you can break it down into 'search' 'exploration', 'guide', guard, for what it does, and the 'protocols' become just what kind of search you do; the spiral pattern (alpha), the 'split at the junctions' (beta), the 'half high up in the air and half on the ground" (gamma) and so forth.

2011-08-18, 12:32 PM
If you want to be strict, telling them what to do must still be conveyed by 25 words... so get ready to make up new words :p

Eh, I'd let it. Just write the protocols before preparing the spells, and let me know, and I'll let them follow it that way.

2011-08-18, 06:10 PM
If you want to be strict, telling them what to do must still be conveyed by 25 words... so get ready to make up new words :p

Eh, I'd let it. Just write the protocols before preparing the spells, and let me know, and I'll let them follow it that way.

Heh. There's a reason I'm using Greek. As I've said, my DM is fine with it, I'm just using Greek (standing in for old High Goblin) because it means I'm unlikely to accidentally misstate the commands or command them accidentally.

Essentially what I'm mostly after is people to suggest new commands and wordings thereof, or to hone what I've already written.

2011-08-18, 10:39 PM
Arguably, you also want to add to all the eyes that *don't* find a particular target something that lets you carry on using them for the rest of their duration, rather than getting the info off all of them when you've found one guy. I may actually see if I can get a dragonshard item made to let me get the information without ending that eye.

Nice. :)

Deep Recon:
Stalk target(s) and learn everything possible their habits and how their businesses work. This includes their family members and friends. Read lips as applicable. Return at end of duration.

Read targeted book(s) or stacks of books. Helpful only if you have some other method of turning the pages - unseen servant or regular servant? May need DM approval.

Stand Guard:

Spread out in an even manner and go out as far as possible while maintaining visual contact on two other eyes. Hide as possible. Wait until trouble or unauthorized movement (including one of the other eyes it can see being destroyed) and then and then return. Possibly helpful if bells can be attached.

Stand guard Target(s):

Form up an maintain full visual field on target including hands and feet. Have at least half of them maintain eye contact if possible. Signal danger if target attempts escape.

Gently squeeze a small object like a thunder rock or rope between two of them and then lift it into the air. From there always have the rock pressed between two so it's always suspended. If one of them is destroyed the rock will be dropped(useful for guarding). Not a good use of a spell, but hey if they are already out and waiting for orders, might as well.

Sneaking was a keyword like Herpo you are using. I just didn't phrase it well.

Flashy Protocol:
You may want to create keyword so the eyes act in as flashy was as possible. Sometimes it's useful to have people know that you are about and you are watching. Fly over guard posts, zoom around in shops, sit in bowls of soup until noticed and then fly out, etc... Perhaps roll on the ground in front/around you as you stroll through town. Maybe not a common use depending on how you play; but people behave differently when they know they are being watched.

Ignore or Opposite protocol:
Ignore the next/previous uttered protocol or do the exact opposite of the referenced protocol. Useful if the villain starts learning your protocols. Perhaps even if they try to impersonate you(after they return from one protocol to find the impostor).

Hmmm, thinking about this some more, I think keywords are the way to go. Herpō added to any protocol means 'do it as sneakily as possible, Hēmeros for 'try not to be seen but move at full speed' and Dēlos for 'Don't try and hide'. Domē and Ex Domē meaning 'definitely try and look inside buildings' and 'don't go into buildings' respectively.

Then you can break it down into 'search' 'exploration', 'guide', guard, for what it does, and the 'protocols' become just what kind of search you do; the spiral pattern (alpha), the 'split at the junctions' (beta), the 'half high up in the air and half on the ground" (gamma) and so forth.

I agree!

2011-08-19, 08:00 AM
Deep Recon:
Stalk target(s) and learn everything possible their habits and how their businesses work. This includes their family members and friends. Read lips as applicable. Return at end of duration.

The eyes don't need to understand what they see for you to understand. They convey the visual information directly so any interpretation by the eyes is just on how to float around so the behavioral interpretation is all up to you.

Stand guard Target(s):

Form up an maintain full visual field on target including hands and feet. Have at least half of them maintain eye contact if possible. Signal danger if target attempts escape.

They can't "signal" anything to you in any way other than reaching you. I guess they could do a little pattern dance, but that's not much better.

Gently squeeze a small object like a thunder rock or rope between two of them and then lift it into the air. From there always have the rock pressed between two so it's always suspended. If one of them is destroyed the rock will be dropped(useful for guarding). Not a good use of a spell, but hey if they are already out and waiting for orders, might as well.

Too fragile for that.

I'd avoid using them as anything other than cameras (be they intentionally visible or invisible).