View Full Version : Help me pimp out my PC's new base!

2011-08-17, 10:34 AM
In our latest Eberron campaign, the party has successfully ousted a malevolent spirit controlling most of the townsfolk's minds in the Mournland-bordering town of Vathirond. Completely praising their efforts, they have been bestowed the Key to the City and a permanent residence in the town (it is Vathirond, so hey, most of the buildings are empty anyway).

The next session will start with the PC's in their new base, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to what all to describe. For your insight, the party is level 4 and consists of:

Human Ranger, Dragonmarked member of House Orien
Warforged Fighter
Kalashtar Telepath
Human Cleric of the Dark Six
Shifter Ranger
Changeling Binder

The warforged fighter is attempting to amass an armada of carts (that's his term; he even got a pirate hat) and is up to 5 right now. They also have a cohort, a failed slacker Human Paladin turned Factotum.

That's just to gauge their particular interests, but any general adventuring swag would be handy. Basically, what would you want with a permanent base of operations in a city indebted to you to be pimped out with?