View Full Version : Culinary oriented character

the clumsy bard
2011-08-18, 09:59 AM
Just as the title says I am trying to make my character into a culinary oriented type of character. The only problem is I don't have the foggiest clue what to do as a character concept!

The game we have run for the last 6-7 years is coming to an end 2 weekends from now and after that we are starting in my other friend's (currently a pc) homebrew setting, which for all intensive purposes he is calling greyhawk etc

All characters are starting at ECL 4. The DM has not banned any books, but he has last veto rights and can and will ban anything he sees as downright broken.

The following is a list of the roles and classes already being played:

Rogue 4 (focused on social skills)
Cleric 4
Barbarian 4 (half-ogre) - going for warhulk class
ranger 4 (archer type character)
sorcerer 4 (player doesn't really optimize)

Then there is where I come in.

Immediately I think of the feat knowledge devotion and how it synergizes with the knowledge a chef / cook might have when dealing with attacking and killing monsters it might turn into meals. It seems to make sense. The higher the knowledge check the more it makes sense that the character would know things about x monster and how to hurt it and eventually take it down for eventual consumption.

My problem is what class would make the most sense thematically?

Bard for being a flashy know it all type with knowledge devotion and collector of stories skill trick.

Factotum because it would allow for a broader selection of skills and the ability to one shot from a distance with cunning strike.

More then unlikely and a little out there... an erudite or psion, which would represent unlocking different parts of the mind from eating random things such as dragon steaks, deepfried illthid tentacles, beholder eye pasta etc...

Also my dm might allow me to take the apprentice feat and take masters as chefs to gain 2 skill points to put towards profession chef, craft food

The feat would be free as it is completely not broken in any sense.

Please let me know any ideas, as crazy as they may seem and any suggestions. I don't want to step on anybody in my groups toes, so would prefer anything not centered around there concepts or at least perceived role based on class choice.

The Clumsy Bard

2011-08-18, 10:27 AM
Perhaps I watch too much One Piece (http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Sanji), but a swift hunter build comes to mind.

Focus on non-social skills and 'archer' isn't really enough of a role to be bothered by a team-mate, but if your dude's a bit possesive, just go TWF, that's viable for it too.

2011-08-18, 02:10 PM
Some kind of beastmaster class. When you're hungry, you kill your pet and eat it, and then get a new one.

Also, get that feat from PHBII that lets you make trophies out of your enemies, since it would be a shame to waste the parts of them you can't eat.

EDIT: The gnome racial feat Trivial Knowledge (RoS) lets you roll twice for all Knowledge checks. Great for Knowledge Devotion.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-08-18, 02:18 PM
Perhaps I watch too much One Piece (http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Sanji), but a swift hunter build comes to mind.

Beat me to it. I think Sanji's an unarmed swordsage who names his attacks though.

2011-08-18, 03:34 PM
I had a friend who played a chef halfling... who was really good with knives, stabbing with them or throwing them. he went rogue, and Master Thrower. He point a point every level or two into profession: chef, and that was that.

he ended up having problems getting sneak attack damage on the thrown daggers ( a common problem with ranged rogues). but other than that, it was fun times.

2011-08-18, 04:21 PM
Cannibal Wizard based on Hannibal Lecter.

Shadow Lord
2011-08-18, 04:26 PM
The Omnomnomicon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=165297) is your friend if you want a culinary oriented character! Gaze upon it! It's rather neat!

2011-08-19, 12:24 AM
I actually have a similar character but have already outlined a bit of his concept. For a 3.5 build I recommend Artificer or Factotum. You might want to also find an alternative to some of the more damaging attacks be it weapons or spells so as not to ruin the ingredients. Check out my Vivisectionist thread for some help in that regard.

Oh if you become an Artificer using poisons obtained from a Minor Creation Eternal Wand also make a Purify Food and Drink Eternal Wand to remove the toxins after the target is dead. That way you don't accidently poison yourself in the process.

Shadow Lord you mind posting that over in my thread as well so the others there may see it. Considering that looks homebrew I wonder how much I can get allowed of the dishes that is.

2011-08-19, 07:11 AM
Pathfinder Witch can cook people to get buffs. But this is a bit disturbing.

2011-08-19, 01:49 PM
I'd think some character with a bladed weapon, like a butcher. The blades cut monsters as easily as they slice through meat. Do carry lots of alcohol to clean and sterilize your weapons if you expect your party to eat your cooking. And if you want to get technical then carry cooking oil to prevent rust rather than lamp oil, since alcohol strips the oil off. A pint should last you forever.