View Full Version : Cheating with alignment

No brains
2011-08-18, 10:59 AM
I have an idea for a fun build, but it uses one class that is nongood only and another that is good only. The good class features are the ones that I lose when I change alignment, so if there's any way I can cheat to keep them all, that would be super.

In case you're wondering, I want to use Hexblade's curse, mettle, and arcane resistance with the paladin's class features.

2011-08-18, 11:00 AM
Using a nongood paladin variant would be the simplest solution.

2011-08-18, 11:01 AM
Use one of the evil paladin variants from Unearthed Arcana.

Bone Knight would work to regain some paladin class features. Blackguard may also give you what you're looking for. Yeah, basically no way to do this and stay good.

2011-08-18, 11:08 AM
Dragon 312's 3 evil paladin variants include one (Despot) that is a bit less malevolent than the Paladin of Tyranny.

It is not forbidden from associating with Good characters, or from committing Good acts.

And it has a Lawful aura instead of an Evil one.

Dragon 310 has paladin variants of every alignment but evil or LG.

No brains
2011-08-18, 11:31 AM
I specifically want to get immunity to fear, immunity to disease would be nice, but it not necessary, lay on hands, and divine grace.

Aren't there some races I can choose to cheat? Aren't Hellbred able to be good and not good at the same time? Theoretically anything with a subtype could work, but I think the subtype always matters before your actual alignment...

2011-08-18, 11:34 AM
Hellbred can only use evil spells and items.

No brains
2011-08-19, 08:19 PM
I suppose the mutually exclusive alignments of hexblades and paladins was specifically to prevent the stacking of arcane resilience and divine grace.

But if I'm going to spend three levels in a class, I want to be able to take more than one EX feature out of it! (even if it's all I really wanted...)

So everyone's certain there's no way to keep hexblade's curse and arcane resistance in going into paladin?
I can't recall off hand which word the ability was...

2011-08-20, 09:04 AM
Again, the non-good paladin variants in UA and Dragon would work. That's about it.

2011-08-20, 09:38 AM
Click this (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#paladinVariantsFreedom SlaughterAndTyranny)...

Yeah... like stated, if you go Evil Paladin Variant, the only thing from that list you loose is Lay of Hands (you get "Deadly Touch" instead). The Aura of Courage replacements is a bit on the arguable side on whether or not it gives you immunity to fear... I'd say yes, your GM may not, run it by him first. The argument point is the statement "This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature."

And when you get down to it, Deadly Touch may heal you, if you somehow become undead or otherwise find a way to heal on negative energy... I'm sure there are a lot of people here who can help you with that one...

2011-08-20, 10:06 AM
And when you get down to it, Deadly Touch may heal you, if you somehow become undead or otherwise find a way to heal on negative energy... I'm sure there are a lot of people here who can help you with that one...

Tomb-Tainted Soul feat from LM. Something anyone who's played a Dread Necromancer is happily familiar with.

2011-08-20, 10:07 AM
Thank you, Yorrin.

2011-08-20, 03:26 PM
And when you get down to it, Deadly Touch may heal you, if you somehow become undead or otherwise find a way to heal on negative energy... I'm sure there are a lot of people here who can help you with that one...If you become undead you'll be immune to mind-affecting effects anyway, which is most (maybe all?) fear effects. Immunity to disease too.

One of the classic debuff builds is Paladin of Tyranny/Hexblade with the Dark Companion ACF.

2011-08-20, 03:29 PM
You could just ask your DM if you can play a good Hexblade.