View Full Version : The Trials of blood-Hawk

2011-08-19, 08:29 AM
When you step out of the teleportation, you find yourself in a huge burnt up room.
On the ground what remains of books and bookcases litter the area, a faint smell of burning can be detected in the air, small amounts of light leak in via cracks in the old ceiling, it becomes very apparent you are within an old library. As you wander through you find a sleeping quarters tucked away in a corner, a small bedroll and desk, which is were you find a small letter addressed to you.
The games begin.

2011-08-19, 06:06 PM
After taking great, if subtle, pains to check she is unobserved. Angrel walks over to the letter and inspects it carefully, before picking it up and (if nothing happens when she does) opening it.

Spot Check: [roll0]
Search Check: [roll1]
Listen Check: [roll2]
Hide Check (to hide that she's making the above checks actively): [roll3]

OOC note:
Will use the gender pronoun of whatever shape Angrel's currently occupying for simplicity's sake. I can just stick with 'he' if you'd prefer, though.

2011-08-19, 07:09 PM
The letter is short, and after making sure that no-one is in the building, nor in the nearby grounds, which are in fact disearted, you read it.
Dear Angrel.
Congratulations on accepting my invitation and best of luck in the contest.
As a sporting chance to all contestants, I have made it impossible to locate one another via magical means, this will allow each of you to utilize your own cunning to find your foes when needed. If you are to become Lord Assassian, you will find reliance on your own abilities, rather than magic, is far more useful.
Incased in the box is a small device with which you may contact your Sponser, who will aid you in many ways. Please Open the box immedietly to recive your first assignment.
Best regards
The Spider
P.S, I personally have taken an intrest in your skills, do not dissapoint me. I have money on you.

2011-08-20, 06:01 AM
Angrel narrows her eyes, and slowly runs her fingers close over the surface of the box, but doesn't actually touch it. She then carefully sniffs the length of it, before stepping back and looking around the room for something she can use to open the box without actually touching it.

If she can't find anything, Angrel will take a greatsword out of the Bag of Holding and use it to flip the catch and lift the lid from as safe a distance as she can manage, preferably with something large and heavy between her and the box if she can arrange it.

2011-08-21, 04:57 PM
There is no-one else here, save the bugs.
As you hand goes near the box, it shakes, then suddenly, without warning a creature rips through the box.
A small worm like creature tears out and lands on your skin, beofre you can stop it the creature burrows into your skin, leaving a fine pool of blood behind it. A sharp pain runs through your arm, then your chest, in less than ten seconds the creature has reached your brain. A sharp pain in your head makes it seem like your life is over.
Then a voice rings out, one that seems to speak this entire sentence in a single breath.
~HelloAngrelIAmYourSponser!IHaveYourFirstAssingmen t!YouMustMakeYourHomeDefendable!YouHaveUntillNight Fall!!~

2011-08-21, 05:23 PM
Angrel snarls and brings her fist down sharply on the box in response.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

"Defensible? You..." Angrel's speech devolves into a lengthy string of insults in draconic, the mildest of which is 'cow-faced monkey-whelped elf-loving dung-brained half-wit'. It is the mildest by a considerable distance, and the rest have been ommitted to keep things board-safe.

Her anger temporarily sated, she looks around the ruined library critically.
"Bah. The need for defense implies failure of concealment. Concealment is the only defense required. First, though, I need information."

She steps outside and attempts to guage the time she has until sunset. If she has more than twelve hours, she spends the first hour sorting through the ruins for anything useful or interesting, such as intact books, in particular taking note of any signs that people may have been here recently, and any indications of a cellar or attic.

Search: [roll2]

With this done, she heads out on to the streets, trying to remain unobserved, to see where her hideout is located, and to make discreet inquiries in the local bars and inns about the history of the place, and any current owners, or plans for it. She spends an hour doing this.

Hide to leave unobserved: [roll3]
Gather Information: [roll4]

2011-08-21, 05:55 PM
You have 6 hours till sunset.
You do manage to find the entrace to a very small cellar under a bookcase, however, you find no indication of anyone being here in a long time.
The General knowledge you manage to pull from civilians is that the old library caught fire about a month ago and there are no plans for it as far as anyone knows.

The library is in one of the main merchant quarters of Jeneroa

2011-08-22, 07:25 AM
With 4 hours left until sunset, she spends another half-hour trying to find out if there are any other deserted buildings in the city, and if there have been any sightings of draconians, half-dragons or people wearing long, hooded robes and bandages with strange accents (in other words, disguised draconians) in the city.

Gather information: [roll0]

After that, she finds somewhere conveniently deserted, such as an alley, and uses the Glamer of her armour to change it from her dress into a matron's outfit. With this new appearance, she spends another half hour trying to learn who owns the building, and if there is an owner, trying to locate them. If she is questioned about why she wants to know, her story is that she aims to set up a shelter for the homeless in the city and wants to buy the ruined library for that purpose.

Gather information: [roll1]

I'm willing to roleplay out these encounters if you want, but for the sake of speed figured general descriptions of what Angrel's doing would be best.

2011-08-22, 06:49 PM
You actually find one or two draconians within the city whilst asking around, you also find out that whilst the goverment owns the library, no-one has any particular stake in it.

2011-08-23, 04:50 AM
Excellent. So long as they're not Auraks, she will try and hire them as guards. I'm pretty sure that the draconians don't count as "general public" and she's not about to tell them the details of her mission in any case. She just wants guards for her base.

She will also give up on her initial plan of creating a homeless shelter and belding in with the other homeless people, and instead buy a lot of fine thread, a number of glass bottles and anything else cheap that will create noise when knocked together or dropped, along with some screw in hooks for the walls. She uses the thread to suspend a bunch of bottles/rattly things at either end, screw a hook in at either side of an opening, and suspend the thread between the hooks, so any contact with the thread sets them rattling and clinking together. She does this to every available entrance apart from the main door, and puts so many up it is impossible for a small or medium creature to slip through without touching one. In front of the main door, she only rigs up one at ankle height.

Going to be away until monday, so will have really low posting rate. Sorry.

2011-08-27, 05:50 PM
The Draconians are citizens like everyone else, but you hire them none the less, you get a total of ten Minor Draconian mercinaries in your employ for 50 gold pieces a day. Your traps are easily set up.

2011-08-28, 03:15 PM
The draconians are posted as guards in alternating two-draconian shifts.

Angrel leaves them with instructions as she goes out again;

"Kill anyone who attempts to enter that is not wearing a red arm band on their left arm. If you feel you cannot kill them, then retreat and locate me and warn me. Do not fight to the death. You're no use to me dead."

As she leaves, she activates the Glamer property on her armour to change her clothes into a posh-looking strapless black dress. She rearranges the contents of her Bag of Holding so that her +5 Greatsword is near the top. She then heads for a rough area of the city and wanders around the alleys.

"Oh dear. I'm lost, alone, and vulnerable. I hope I find someone to help me find my way back to the main streets."

What kinds of draconian is she employing? Baaz, Kapak, Sivak, Bozak?

2011-09-02, 04:13 AM
OOC: They are all kapaks.
People moving through the streets generallly pay you little attention, seemingly activly avoiding you, occasionally someone will walk right past you however, bumping into you, or spitting on the ground before you.
Do a spot check please.

2011-09-02, 11:55 AM

I meant more the kind of empty alleys where people get mugged.