View Full Version : First Person Shooters with a Developed Melee Component?

2011-08-19, 10:18 AM
As thread title.

To be honest, the idea of an FPS which actually does more for melee than the standard "emergency weapon" setup we've seen since Wolfenstein 3D seems rather counter-intuitive (after all, it's a First Person Shooter, not a First Person Stabyouintheback-er) but the idea of slaughtering my foes in First Person that isn't just a dull smack to the face with the butt of a rifle intrigues me.

I mean, I played the holy hell out of Hexen when I was younger, and there was nothing more fun that smacking monsters in the face with a clerical mace, but nowadays I'd like a system a little more complex.

Are there any FPS's that allow for a more detailed melee combat system? (Aside from the later Dark Forces games)

2011-08-19, 10:23 AM
Dark Messiah, and Zeno Clash (I hear).

2011-08-19, 10:24 AM
Unreal Championship 2 for the consoles had some melee combat in it, but sadly it's third person.

No first person shooters come to mind where the melee is anything but a gimmick or a one-shot kill (often both).

EDIT: Well, TF2, but even then you rarely use melee unless you're a Sniper, Spy or Pyro.

2011-08-19, 10:33 AM
From what I know of Zeno Clash that has a pretty worked out system for melee, tough I might be wrong.

2011-08-19, 11:23 AM
Bioshock 1 and 2? One perfectly viable playstyle is running around as the Wrench/Drill that will Pierce the Deep.

2011-08-19, 04:37 PM
TF2 has a number of classes with legitimate melee combat options.

2011-08-19, 04:44 PM
Halo allows you to punch people with fists when wielding pistols and the butt of guns when not. And there is the Energy Sword.

Not the best developed but it is decent.

2011-08-19, 04:55 PM
I believe that there's a zombie fps coming out that puts a huge emphasis on melee combat, moreso than it does shooting. Dead Island was the title, I think it was.

2011-08-20, 02:56 AM
What about the original Deus Ex? One of the most powerful weapons in the game (albeit one you get later on) is a high-tech *sword*!

Deth Muncher
2011-08-20, 05:25 AM
Er...Fallout 3/New Vegas and/or Half Life 1/2?

2011-08-20, 05:51 AM
I've played pretty much everything you guys suggested except Bioshock, TF2, Zeno Clash, and Deus Ex (GASP). I'm actually checking out Zeno Clash as soon as I can, since it looks pretty kickass. Thanks guys!

2011-08-20, 06:17 AM

this may interest you

2011-08-20, 07:39 AM
Mount and Blade: Warband maybe?

Giant Panda
2011-08-20, 07:42 AM
Dark Messiah has one of the most developed first-person melee combat systems I've ever seen, and is generally a very underrated game.

2011-08-20, 08:21 AM
An old multiplayer Half-Life mod "The Specialists" had an okay Kung Fu system, you had an energy bar that depleted a little when you attacked and recharged between attacks, punches would take little energy and kicks would take a lot. There were special moves that you could do by back flipping near opponents and the like. Most importantly you could kick the guns out of someone's hands forcing them to fight you with Kung Fu.

2011-08-20, 01:07 PM
There's always the Elder scrolls games, but I'm sure you've played those.

Another great one that I've been having a lot of fun with is Red Steel 2 for the wii. It has literally nothing to do with the original red steel, so you won't miss any story if you skip #1. Red steel 2 focuses on Sword fighting for that shooting, to the point where shooting is generally a bad idea due to it's low damage and the fact that many enemies can block bullets easily. It's loads of fun, and doesn't really devolve into random waggling like most other sword-games do on the wii.

Zeno clash is great, but don't play deus ex for the melee combat, while one of the best later weapons is a melee weapon, it's only around for the last half of the game. Still, play deus ex for I'll throw something long and pointy at you.

Oh, and fallout 3 (And new vegas I assume) is always fun to do a melee weapon only run.

2011-08-20, 04:18 PM
I came here to say what dragor said. The elder scrolls games, well, morrowind at least, are first person melee games with occasional shooter aspects.

2011-08-20, 07:38 PM
Deus Ex still does awesome Melee. Early on there's the riot prod, and the Police Baton. Both non-lethal weapons.

2011-08-20, 09:54 PM
EDIT: Well, TF2, but even then you rarely use melee unless you're a Sniper, Spy or Pyro.

Or Solider or Demo(knight)man or Medic or Engineer. TF2 has good melee. And is free. Try it.

2011-08-20, 10:04 PM
Or Solider or Demo(knight)man or Medic or Engineer. TF2 has good melee. And is free. Try it.

Of course, Soldier and Demoman are far weaker with melee weapons and Medics (against competent opponents) will just die if they're in a position where melee is even worth considering. I will concede that Engi will wrench people in the face to spycheck, but the Shotgun remains a far better alternative, never mind the Sentry Gun.

By comparison, the Spy relies on backstabs to get many kills, the Pyro most effective style is arguably Puff n' Sting, and the Sniper relies on his melee weapon every time someone gets close (which is actually fairly often).

All classes have times where they will pull out a melee weapon and take a swing, but I'd say only 2 have melee weapons that are integral to playing the class effectively, and one gets forced into using it often enough for it to count.

2011-08-20, 11:20 PM
Of course, Soldier and Demoman are far weaker with melee weapons and Medics (against competent opponents) will just die if they're in a position where melee is even worth considering. I will concede that Engi will wrench people in the face to spycheck, but the Shotgun remains a far better alternative, never mind the Sentry Gun.

By comparison, the Spy relies on backstabs to get many kills, the Pyro most effective style is arguably Puff n' Sting, and the Sniper relies on his melee weapon every time someone gets close (which is actually fairly often).

All classes have times where they will pull out a melee weapon and take a swing, but I'd say only 2 have melee weapons that are integral to playing the class effectively, and one gets forced into using it often enough for it to count.

But Demoknights are fun.

Kuma Kode
2011-08-21, 05:45 AM
Hunted: The Demon's Forge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RouU1Ts1eX8&feature=related). The game is designed with co-op in mind: one player plays an elf archer, while the other plays a big meaty human with an axe and a shield. The game is set up much like a FPS, but Cadoc's role is primarily to tank the monsters in melee. The two characters can buff each other and have unique powers that are dangerously effective when used together.

Cadoc, for instance, can create a whirlwind that holds enemies near him up in the air, and Elara's arrows do extra damage to them while so suspended. If you've got a buddy who's also big on FPS, I highly suggest you give it a shot. It's got some pretty hairy tactical battles, though, which kept my ex-military friend interested.

2011-08-21, 08:43 AM
Of course, Soldier and Demoman are far weaker with melee weapons

Try telling that to my decapitated corpse.

Soldiers I'll grant you aren't so effective in melee.

2011-08-21, 01:49 PM
I also remember some Garry's mod gametypes being melee focused, and also very fun. I totally forget what they are though....

I forgot about the prod in Deus ex. Stick with the prod.

I've heard that hunted is terrible when played singleplayer, and not much better in multiplayer. I've never played it though, just going by what a few reviewers have said.

Kuma Kode
2011-08-21, 02:48 PM
I've heard that hunted is terrible when played singleplayer, and not much better in multiplayer. I've never played it though, just going by what a few reviewers have said.

My friends thoroughly enjoyed it, and I enjoyed watching them the few times I was over. Depends on what these reviewers were expecting, I guess.

2011-08-21, 08:44 PM
Though I mention it, I personally hate the Riot Prod. A melee weapon that uses ammo is pretty thoroughly stupid, in particular when it doesn't always work the first time.

2011-08-23, 04:17 AM
Condemned: Criminal Origins is more or less entirely about melee combat.

And hobos. Murderous, murderous hobos.

2011-08-23, 04:29 AM
While it isn't exactly FPS (actually it's 3rd person) You should enjoy Blade of Darkness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severance:_Blade_of_Darkness), or Heretic 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heretic_2) if you can find it, both are great games, with melee components (Blade of darkness is primarily melee, heretic 2 is more of a shooter, with melee weapons...)

2011-08-23, 07:31 AM
Condemned: Criminal Origins is more or less entirely about melee combat.

And hobos. Murderous, murderous hobos.

And scaring the ever-loving heebie-jeebies out of you. This is a great recommendation as the combat does focus almost entirely on melee (run out of bullets? hit them with the butt of your gun), and is a first-person perspective game. Most of the weapons are make-shift (Locker Door FTW!) and different weapons have varying stats and durability, so you have to weigh your options. You can block and dodge attacks, and most times wildly mashing the attack button will get you killed, so some thought does have to be put into the fight.

It also doesn't hurt it's a fantastic game all-round. I suggest playing it at night, by yourself, with the lights off, and with a good set of headphones, preferably surround-sound ones.

The 2nd Condemned game does focus more on combat, but it's a lesser game when it comes down to it. Check them both out, in proper order if at all possible, for a solid dose of what it sounds like you're looking for.

2011-08-23, 08:04 AM
While it isn't exactly FPS (actually it's 3rd person) You should enjoy Blade of Darkness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severance:_Blade_of_Darkness), or Heretic 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heretic_2) if you can find it, both are great games, with melee components (Blade of darkness is primarily melee, heretic 2 is more of a shooter, with melee weapons...)

Geeez, Severance: Blade of Darkness seems honestly rushed, finished in half, not well developed and generally incomplete.

And, with all of those it is one of the best games ever IMHO. Maybe that's slight exaggeration - depending on your taste - but melee component is easily the best I've ever seen in video game.

I just wish somebody remade this game with better tech, better planning out the gameplay but without screwing the sheer feel of it.

So while not First Person this game may interest you, as hacking stuff with swords and stuff absolutely rocks socks off.


2011-08-23, 08:17 AM
One of the characters in Borderlands is really good at punching people. I played through most of the game as him doing nothing but melee.

2011-08-23, 09:01 AM
FPS that's mostly melee:
Xeno Clash. It's... different. Imagine Mad-Max with real aliens then add a dose of LSD.

FPS with some melee:
I'm probably missing the point, but F.E.A.R has off-hand melee along with slide-kicks and jump kicks.
Clive Barker's Undying has you using a weapon in one hand and slinging magic with the other. One of the weapons is The Scythe of the Celts and it's awesome. The addition of the magic makes melee more interesting.

Another vote for Severance: Blade of Darkness (Sword of the Goddess, subject of the War of the Sword) as it's a great 3rd-person melee-combat game. Loooooong as well.
'Oni' also deserves a mention, wonderful melee combat with some gunnery mixed in. One of my favorite games to go back and replay.

2011-08-24, 11:18 AM
OOOO, good point with F.E.A.R., you will NOT make it through the game without using the slide kicks.

2011-09-01, 10:00 AM
Okay, so I just snapped up Zeno Clash.


This game is FRIGGIN WEIRD.

Most fun I've had in a long time, though. Thanks for the suggestion!

warty goblin
2011-09-01, 10:40 AM
Okay, so I just snapped up Zeno Clash.


This game is FRIGGIN WEIRD.

Most fun I've had in a long time, though. Thanks for the suggestion!

If I remember correctly, the beginning may be among its more normal portions.

2011-09-03, 01:16 PM
Well, it's not an FPS, but what about Prince of Persia?

2011-09-03, 02:15 PM
Well, it's not an FPS, but what about Prince of Persia?

I've always thought of that as more of a platformer with the occasional sword fight thrown in (which I am terrible at, but am told can be quite fun if you're good at it)

Edit: Oh my...I just remembered they make a new prince, but decided to use that new confusing naming convention where they name the newest game the same as the oldest one......

I haven't play the new one, so disregard this.

2011-09-03, 02:37 PM
I meant PoP in general. While it's true that it's main focus is on grabbing ledges and whatnot, the fights inbetween, especially the bossfights, are quite engaging.

2011-09-03, 03:07 PM
Depends which game you're on about. The combat in the 2008 version of Prince of Persia was really not very good at all, but fortunately that game really *was* mostly parkour with occasional combat interludes. Quite unlike Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, which seemed to be more of a beat'em'up with occasional parkour interludes!

Probably the best balance was struck in Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, heretical though it may be to voice such an opinion! The combat flowed better than the 2008 game but was not as insanely difficult as the Sands of Time trilogy, and furthermore, there wasn't so much of it that it outstayed its welcome.