View Full Version : Spellstitched spell selection

2011-08-20, 05:19 AM
Good evening!

I have a DM who, throwing caution to the wind, gave us an off-the-wall character generation, which consisted of 5 levels, free +7 LA, and mut be evil. All stats are base 10, and we can move around up to 10 points however we want.

My character (still on the drawing board, but looking beastly) is a... *deep breath*


Ravenous fleshvigor netherhound greater phantom incarnate construct ice beast half-Minotaur Unseelie
water Orc evolved swarmshifter undead legionary fire-souled nimble hunting deathknight. I'm probably going to make him into a either a bard for Dragonfire Inspiration abuse, or a monk because really, poor class choice can't hurt me right now.

The character is a mix of the first boss from castlevania games (the Minotaur knight), and an inexorable force of entropy. Clad in thick plates of blackened iron and rattling chains, it marches like a tank, being a mobile platform for darkness and evil. Sieging cities, razing villages, and generally tilling over the entire campaign world. Risen from therefor waters of an abandoned arcane ruin, forgotten by even it's aboleth masters, and bound by magic and oaths to serve as the vehicle of a mad sorcerer. Unknown to the sorcerer, this... Thing is Pestilence incarnate, bringing the world to ruin, under the unknowing eyes of a mortal who believes he can control the fate of the world.

I was looking at spells, trying to figure out what would be both fun and thematic (yes, there is a theme there, trust me :smallwink:). I'm going to grab magic jar as a 5th level spell. But I can't decide what to do for 6th level, as I only get one.

I've looked at Revive Undead (somewhat useless to me if I die), Planar binding (http://www.electricsamurai.com/forums/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif), and create undead. Actually, create undead is useless since all I get are ghouls... Better to summon shadows or wights with Summon Undead.

Animate dead at 2nd is a good go, too. Reading the template, it doesn't matter what class the SLAs come from, so long as they are of the Conjuration, Evocation or Necromancy schools. I believe; I reread the page several times, but maybe I was hasty...

Oh look, create undead is 5th level for Death Masters! Haha.

Anyway, any help or guidance at all is appreciated. I've always found the playground to be a grand resource. You are all so clever. Cleverer than me at 03:00, at any rate. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway. What spells would the Playground suggest? I did a search but found nothing.

Silva Stormrage
2011-08-20, 01:27 PM
Well the classics are always spells that you can't get access to or at least spells with expensive material components. Since you don't seem to be able to cast spells (Not looking up all those templates >.>) here are some suggestions

1: Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement
2: Glitterdust, Web
3: Sepia Snake Sigil, Sleet Storm
4: Animate Dead, Solid Fog
5: Teleport, Magic Jar
6: Animate Dread Warrior (This campaign looks like cheese only choose this if I am right.)

Hope that helps.

2011-08-20, 01:45 PM
Animate Dread Warrior can be fun, create one dumber version of any notable characters you end up killing to serve as your loyal minions with supply limited only by worthwhile bodies & days to cast it.

2011-08-20, 08:53 PM
Ah, animate Dread Warrior. A good one, that. Best Dread Necromancer EVER.

I have to pass it by for now, though. The only restriction the DM gave is "nothing campaign specific" because he wants the backdrop to be Eberron. So no Dread Warrior, Jotunbrud, useful samurai, useful ninja, or horrific unbalanced Ravenloft stuff.

I forgot about the Material component/experience component bit. Rather, I remembered but didn't actively think to use it as criteria...

Magic Jar I want, so I can try and pair it with an eternal wand of Imprison Possessor and try to steal souls thereby. Shaky but maybe it will work... *shrug*

I will probably end up using most of your list, come to think of it. A lot of battlefield control stuff there. Hay, I'll probably use it next time I play a sorcerer, if only to try new spell methods. Thanks for that.

As for the templates, not counting the currently unlisted Spellstitched bonuses, I have this list:

Sum total of Template Cheesery

Deathknight (crusader 5, Ravenous fleshvigor netherhound greater phantom incarnate construct ice beast half-Minotaur *unseelie*
water Orc evolved swarmshifter undead legionary fire-souled nimble hunting deathknight)
+30 hp+2/HD, 10/magic,
+32 Strength
+12 Con
+4 Dex
-4 int (int set at 3, then 4d6) -2
+2 Wis (base 14, not 10)
+12 Cha
Track x2
Improved initiative
60ft Darkvision
Fast heal 3
Magic strike
Demon fever w/natural attacks
Gore Attack (1d8)
Bite Attack (2d6, improved grab)
1d8+<cha> negative NRG +1 con touch (will 1/2, neg)
Can eat corpses, gain 5 hp/hitdie (DC 15 Will to not eat)
+30ft Movement speed (40 base)
+20 Natural Armor
+ <cha> deflection to AC
+4 initiative
Attract 2xHD undead w/in 200 miles
Summon skeletons HD/per day
Become corporeal/incorporeal as swift action
Take +50% damage from ghost touch/jade
Count armor, NA, Deflection, Shield against incorporeal
Can attack incorporeal (no grapple)
Living nonfae w/in 5' take -<cha> to saves (morale)
Haste, cloudkill, profane fireball 1/day CL=HD
+1 attack/+2v/fear w/in 10' (morale)
+4 hide/move silently
+8 swim/climb, always take 10
+6 spot/search/survival/listen
Explode for 1d6/2 HD negative energy (reflex 15) upon death
Immune cold/fire/polymorph/turning
Resist acid 5, sonic 10
Cold subtype

<stat> is shorthand for the ability modifier.

Considering that I almost gave up on looking through all of these and double checking their stacking effects, and I enjoy doing this stuff, I don't blame you for not bothering with looking through all (or any!) of them.