View Full Version : Xenoblade

2011-08-21, 01:54 PM
Didn't see a thread for this, which is something of a surprise. I mean this has all the markings to be the greatest (in both scale and quality) JRPG to come around in years, certainly the best JRPG on the Wii, probably the best game on the Wii and a very likely contender for the title of the Game of the Year. It's awesome, in as many definitions of the word as you can think of.

More info in this box, just to avoid an intimidating wall of text:

Set on the surface of two world-sized titans, Bionis and Mechonis, our hero must venture from his hometown near the Bionis' knee to the far reaches of both of these physical, inanimate gods to seek vengeance against the machine armies that arrive from Mechonis to bring destruction upon his home.

The story is great, the characters are likeable and the world is truly epic in scale. The high concept, two titans frozen in combat who make up the world you roam in, is grand enough in itself, but the areas you actually go out and explore are huge in themselves. Huge (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBAz4Twd40w&feature=grec_index).

There's an unbelievable amount of content in this game, making completionists wince in pain every time they enter a new map to explore. You can either follow the main storyline like a bullet or spend dozens of hours walking around, helping people and getting to know them, and roaming around the massive fields seeking adventure and riches. And, funnily enough, doing these sidequests is made fun and streamlined enough that you actually find yourself diving into the world with pleasure, spending hours and hours doing what would in any other game amount to MMO-like grind. In Xenoblade it's all about getting constantly rewarded for the things you do and seeing the communities of likeable NPCs around you grow and prosper.

There's a whole bunch of exciting new mechanics to be appreciated here, too, from your ability to sense the future in battle and adjust your tactics accordingly to the bonds of friendship, which influence the game mechanics in a very tangible way, that you build with your party as you fight together and encourage each other to rise to even greater heights.

The battles in the game are dynamic, real time, happen on the same field you explore without separate 'arenas' and flow really well, creating some heroic moments of withstanding waves upon waves of enemies or standing up to enormous monstrosities, bringing them down with solid teamwork.

To top it all off, the game features a beautiful soundtrack by some of the greatest names in the industry and a really good localization with a great cast of British voice actors who really put a lot of effort into making this story heroic and immersive.

I find myself hacking, slashing and exploring my way through these massive worlds with joy the genre has been unable to muster in a long time. I'm only in the beginning, mind, with some 15 hours of gameplay behind me, but the scope of the game has already done a great job at dropping my jaw.

At the moment it's not available in the US, and I'm not quite sure if it ever will be. If you live in Europe or Australia or feel like importing, though, definitely give this game a go. It's great.

And to give this thread some proper discussion value, for those who have played the game: Is Dunban the manliest man alive and is his Wisdom skill tree the greatest skill tree in the game?

2011-08-21, 02:20 PM
I want this game. Stupid NoA, localize the darn thing already.

2011-08-21, 10:11 PM
Didn't see a thread for this, which is something of a surprise.
Not really. It's only out in Japan and Europe, and a healthy chunk of this forum is from the US. Or Australia, but at least they're getting the game come September. Us Americans are out of luck.

I mean this has all the markings to be the greatest (in both scale and quality) JRPG to come around in years
:smallconfused: Considering some recent JRPGs (Persona 4, Devil Survivor, Radiant Historia), I have a bit of a hard time swallowing that. Granted my knowledge of specifics about Xenoblade is limited, but what I've heard hasn't given me the impression that it's that fantastic.


2011-08-21, 10:27 PM
Also, I should mention Operation Rainfall (http://oprainfall.blogspot.com/), the fan project to get Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower international localizations.

2011-08-21, 10:30 PM
Also, I should mention Operation Rainfall (http://oprainfall.blogspot.com/), the fan project to get Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower international localizations.
To which NoA has already responded, flatly telling us that they have no plans to localize any of those games.

Maybe if they sell particularly well in Europe (and Australia) NoA might be forced to reconsider, but... well, they're JRPGs, and their name doesn't contain the words "Final Fantasy." The odds of them selling exceptionally well outside of Japan itself are not good.


2011-08-21, 10:54 PM
To which NoA has already responded, flatly telling us that they have no plans to localize any of those games.

Maybe if they sell particularly well in Europe (and Australia) NoA might be forced to reconsider, but... well, they're JRPGs, and their name doesn't contain the words "Final Fantasy." The odds of them selling exceptionally well outside of Japan itself are not good.


That remains to be seen. Friday was the European release, and there is a campaign to pick it up in Europe now and to mail letters to NoA that would hopefully arrive then. The coming week should have news on the success of those two endeavors.

2011-08-22, 03:38 AM
Xenoblade has hit #4 on the UK sales charts (Likely will still be there next time, as it sold out everywhere)

2011-08-22, 05:21 AM
Considering some recent JRPGs (Persona 4, Devil Survivor, Radiant Historia)

Persona 4 and Devil Survivor are among my favourite games of all time, and Radiant Historia is nothing to laugh at either. So yeah, the competition is tough. Still, I think this game might have them beat in some key aspects. The focus of these games in relation to Xenoblade is pretty different, though, so mileages will obviously vary.

Persona 4 and Devil Survivor both have this beat in terms of story, I can say that much even though the story in Xenoblade is very good indeed. In terms of the amount of stuff to see and do, though, Xenoblade is really something quite unique.

I won't go saying that this is the best game ever, but I am saying that it is very likely that some people might easily find it more appealing than any of the above due to the huge amount of meaningful content and the epic scale on which it takes place. It's just blatantly clear that the team spent an amazing amount of time fleshing this world and story out and it really shows in the scale and the details of everything you do.

I was pretty lukewarm towards the game when I first heard about it. Seeing is believing, though, and now I am completely hooked. This is the sense of adventure and wonderment that the genre has been missing for so long.

2011-08-23, 01:11 AM
Maybe if they sell particularly well in Europe (and Australia) NoA might be forced to reconsider, but... well, they're JRPGs, and their name doesn't contain the words "Final Fantasy." The odds of them selling exceptionally well outside of Japan itself are not good.

Someone needs to tell them "that's what they said about Persona".

2011-08-23, 01:57 PM
Someone needs to tell them "that's what they said about Persona".

See also Disgaea (and..pretty much the entire NIS catalogue, really), now ticking over merrily on it's 4th installation.

Rising Phoenix
2011-09-01, 11:33 AM
Haven't played any of the other JRPGS mentioned so far, the last good one I played prior to Xenoblade was FF8 and FF7...

But yes, this game has amazing scenery and an extraordinarily complex world to explore. The music is fantastic and the story so far good and getting better. Most importantly none of the main characters are annoying and yes it will cause you to drop your jaw both scenery wise, scope wise and story wise... in the first 2-3 hours of game play no less.

I really wasn't expecting the main character's sister to get killed

The game doesn't use gore much, but when it does use it (and yes it's notch higher then any FF game I've ever played in this department) it does have a lasting impact.

Gameplay wise, it's fun, very fun. The combat system is fluid enough and tactical enough to immerse you every time things get a little challenging.

Finally there's a LOT of dialogue and even some minor actual roleplay. Don't expect to be able to do anything but the good guy though.

Edit: Oh and the world, the actual material plane whatever you want to call it, is the most innovative I've seen in years.