View Full Version : For Great Authenticity

Lord Raziere
2011-08-21, 05:23 PM
Hello, I'm thinking of starting an OOTS style webcomic called "Munchkinz."
Basically it will be about an entire party of munchkins trying to play the cheesiest builds of their class, but harsh reality will throw them problems they don't know how to deal with, showing why such a party wouldn't actually work.

for an authentic munchkin character, I turn to you who I expect are experts on such matters. I need the munchkinest builds possible of these classes:

The fighter
the rogue
the cleric
the wizard
the bard.

there will be a sixth member that would be the Pun-Pun- but said character would be a demonstration of how the Pun-Pun build would fail to work in the first place, so the character would be more of a kobold paladin looked down upon the rest of the party and used as a luggage carrier. so kobold paladin build for a failed pun-pun would be appreciated as well, but isn't required.

basically? I want builds that a real munchkin would make, so I can be as accurate as possible. Please :smallbiggrin:

2011-08-21, 05:44 PM
Just off the top of my head...

The fighter - Warblade 1/Fighter 2/Warblade (whatever)
the rogue - Factotum, maybe?
the cleric - Just straight Cleric? I dunno.
the wizard - God-Wizard. The problem being that while they rule at debuffs and battlefield control, the Fighter is the only one _actually doing damage_.
the bard - one of the goofy multiclasses like Bard/Sublime Chord/Virtuoso/whatever. Unfortunately, they've got so many class features that they never know which one to use.

Pun-Pun: Kobold Paladin, who the GM shut down by saying that no, the Candle of Invocation isn't available. Still mutters to the others about how "when I achieve godhood, your death shall be terrible" and such....

2011-08-21, 07:32 PM
Cleric. Player acts selfishly and gets alignment shunted out of his dieties range so often he has to do GOOD before he can even access his powers

2011-08-21, 07:51 PM
Hello, I'm thinking of starting an OOTS style webcomic called "Munchkinz."
Basically it will be about an entire party of munchkins trying to play the cheesiest builds of their class, but harsh reality will throw them problems they don't know how to deal with, showing why such a party wouldn't actually work.

for an authentic munchkin character, I turn to you who I expect are experts on such matters. I need the munchkinest builds possible of these classes:There's a big difference between 'munchkin' and 'optimized'. Munchkin is a playstyle, not a build design. An optimized character can have a mechanically powerful character who plays well with others. A munchkin is specifically a jerkface character who can and will cheat to make sure he comes out ahead.

So... munchkin builds are any that would violate the rules. Have fun.

I suggest Lightning Warrior. It's just the kind of homebrew a munchkin would try to play.

2011-08-21, 07:58 PM
You seem to be conflating munchkins and optimized builds. If you are attempting to authentically represent the most optimized builds known, you're going to have some trouble because they honestly can do everything without much trouble. If you want what I would consider actual munchkin builds/personality traits..

Wizard: Blaster of some variety, possibly some rendition of the Mailman depending on how competent you want him to look. Almost certainly uses Searing Spell, but never took Heighten, so his lower-level "sure kill" spells are stopped by Globes of Invulnerability (see also: Nuclear Dan of Another Gaming Comic, if you've heard of it.) If he runs into an enemy with Ray Deflection/Scintillating Scales/Evasion/Globe of Invulnerability, his response is to sulk about how unfair it is that he can't blow them up- he never memorizes Dispel Magic so he could just remove the defenses, because it's a wuss spell for Clerics.

Cleric: DMM Persist Clericzilla, his non-zillaing spells are all Flamestrikes. He never bothered with CL optimization or Dispel-proofing, so his 'unbeatable spell combo' is actually rather fragile. Never preps healing or status-restoration spells- that's what items are for! And you'd better not ask him to use his precious character wealth on them, either, he takes care of himself.. Also never preps Dispel Magic either, because it doesn't beat face.

Bard: Diplomancy/bluffomancy. Never bothered to read the DM's houserules list before building the character, and is continually frustrated by the Diplomacy/Bluff changes that were, like, the first thing on it. Actually quite useful if he'd settle down and play along, but he really wanted those hordes of Fanatic followers that thought they were really dragons. You know. For RP reasons.

'Fighter': Frenzied Berserker. Doesn't care about the 'downsides' of Frenzy, and the rest of the players didn't give any thought to the rest of the party when they built their characters either, so this guy is a walking TPK waiting to happen. Good place to take a jab at oversized weaponry and/or template cheese if you want to- he's probably a Half-Minotaur with a weapon two size categories bigger than he is.

Rogue: I actually don't know of any special Rogue builds I would consider particularly munchkin-friendly.. for a Rogue, a munchkin mindset is more likely to express itself in in-game behaviors. This is the guy that's always shoplifting random things, trying to Sleight of Hand the dagger out of the belt of the quest-givers, sneaking off to try to loot the royal treasure room at the celebration dinner given to honor the party, and eventually taking interesting things from the rest of his party members.