View Full Version : adventure time question

2011-08-22, 12:23 AM
I am having an all day dnd game relatively soon. 5 players and me as the dm. It will be a one shot deal roughly 12-14 hours. Roughly how big should I make this adventure as far as number of encounters with moderate roleplay.

2011-08-22, 08:39 AM
Well, how experienced are the players? And what mix of RP/encounters do you want? There are a number of threads on here about how to speed up combat, but the time-per-enouncter is mostly dependent on the group playing.

I've been running 4-6 hour sessions and getting in 3-4 combats per session, wihtout using any of the speed tricks.

2011-08-24, 07:59 AM


I would plan at a minimum of 1 hour per combat. Now, that is if you can go without distraction or mechanics debating. To play it safe, 2 hours per combat may be the best bet.

And as said before, it depends on how much RP you want in between combat and so many other factors.