View Full Version : Creative uses of Unseen Servant?

2011-08-22, 04:29 AM
Hey, does anyone have any ideas for fun/smart ways of using an unseen servant in daily life? One i had was just casting it at the start of the day so it lasts all day, then before you go into shops telling it to grab an item when you snap your fingers, or shift your foot or something. Sort of like contingent spell, could be combined with a bluff or distraction so that the unseen servant can grab the item and stand behind you so the item isn't visible, then you open the door and the unseen servant is infront of you the whole time until you leave and put the item in your pocket after the door closes. Free item, only one check necessary, or none if you can distract a shop-owner right.

Also giving it a chain of commands at the start of the day so you don't have to talk to command it, this way you can be quieter and more wizard-like in appearance ( E.g. Point at a door and it opens )

Any ideas?

2011-08-22, 06:39 AM
The BoEF presented at least one creative use of this spell.

2011-08-22, 07:23 AM
The BoEF presented at least one creative use of this spell.

Oh lawdy. That's almost worth sig-ing.
But really, any non BOEF ideas?

2011-08-22, 07:31 AM
Hey, does anyone have any ideas for fun/smart ways of using an unseen servant in daily life? One i had was just casting it at the start of the day so it lasts all day, then before you go into shops telling it to grab an item when you snap your fingers, or shift your foot or something. Sort of like contingent spell, could be combined with a bluff or distraction so that the unseen servant can grab the item and stand behind you so the item isn't visible, then you open the door and the unseen servant is infront of you the whole time until you leave and put the item in your pocket after the door closes. Free item, only one check necessary, or none if you can distract a shop-owner right.

Also giving it a chain of commands at the start of the day so you don't have to talk to command it, this way you can be quieter and more wizard-like in appearance ( E.g. Point at a door and it opens )

Any ideas?
Do you really think nobody is going to notice random objects floating out the door?

The spell is mostly limited by your creativity. Do note that you don't need to speak to command it - as a spell effect, it can be directed as a move action by default. But seriously: It's a servant. Have you ever wanted someone to hold something for you when you were alone? Have you ever wanted to not get up from your desk to go get a snack out of the icebox, but still wanted the snack from the icebox?

2011-08-22, 07:51 AM
Starting bar brawls.

Had my unseen servant pinch the tush of the serving wench as she was passing by a particularly obnoxious, drunk, and macho individual. She naturally assumed it was him, and let him have it with the serving tray.

After all is said and done, the whole tab went to the huge oaf, since he was the one who clearly started it by making an improper forward pass at the serving wench.

Can also be used to:

Cheat at darts (if the dart hits in a high-scoring area, make it immediately fall out, as though it had bounced)

Cheat at cards (if a player has [insert qualities of good hands], signal by [something innocuous]).

Impress ladies (pluck a rose bud from that bush and deliver it to said lady)

Pretend to be a fortune teller (use unseen servant to operate a Ouija Board, dowsing rod/pendant, or other such common divination tool).

Pretend you are a powerful warrior with highly enchanted gear (unsheath my sword and place the hilt in my hand - "See? I even have a Loyal Sword!")

Get subtle revenge on jerks at a bar (spill his drink every time he sets it down)

Perform camp chores (start fire, haul wood for fire, pound tent stakes and set up tents)

Fetch my [whatever i need]

Drag a bag of rocks along the ground 100' in front of party to set off any traps that may exist that are set off by weight.

Hold that lever so it does/n't move so the party can get by

Press that suspicious button over there

Carry this torch for me so I have both hands free

Lift that skirt for amusement value (can also lead to aforementioned bar brawl if done properly)

Turn the water faucet in the shower of the arrogant, stuck-up fighter to cold once his shower has begun.

Place this poison ivy within the fighter's full plate, and rub it into his armor padding.

Drizzle brandy-wine along the top of the mirror so it looks like blood dripping down from above.

Close the door behind me and flutter my cape as I pose for my Grand Entrance.

Throw glitter into the air as I strike my manly pose (works particularly well if you are a Warblade focusing on Stone Dragon with high Con and Str scores)

Light, then drop, this smokestick with the torch you are carrying when I yell 'NINJA VANISH!'
Untie that obnoxious oaf's boots, and tie the string from the left boot to the string from the right boot

Undo, but do not remove, his belt buckle as well

Undo the fastening on his backpack, but do not take anything from it

Drop this 'mickie pill' into his drink when he isn't looking

Once all these are done, knock on his door]

2011-08-22, 03:42 PM
You would have to be a very high level to make it last all day, because the duration is 1h/lvl. Considering you must sleep for 8h to regain spells, you would have to be level 16, unless your an elf, then level 12 (because elves only need "trance" 4h) Also, to have it 100ft in front of you you would need to be at least lvl. 30, by time if you were actually going to use that spell, you would have most likely researched an epic-level version by then. However, Unseen Servant is a very useful spell for squishy spellcasters, as it can hold up a cape in front of him/her and provide concealment, while the caster can just cast around it (casting around corners). Also, this can be combined with enlarge spells to provide more concealment and seams can be used to climb up and cast over, keeping your foes guessing where you are going to attack from next.

2011-08-22, 03:44 PM

I use it all the time. Its one of the first items I make as a wizard.

"Collar of Perpetual Attendance
Price: 2000 GP
Weight: 0.25#
(WotC online article, Fabulous Cats!)
Unseen servant at will. How is this so powerful? Well, it may be a mindless, shapeless force, but it can perform any activity that an unskilled human can do. This means it gets the same actions every round that any other creature would get: one move + one standard action, or one full-round action. Although it usually takes a move action to direct a spell, this means you can convert your move action into another standard action or more. It has a speed of 15' (10' if encumbered), so it can move up to 30' a round, and while it doesn't have a fly speed exactly (it has no weight, so it can't "fall"), it can move vertically up or down within the spell's range (up to 30' from the collar).

Unseen servants can also make skill checks so long as the skill is not "trained only" and the DC is 10 or less. This does allow them to "Aid Another" on skill checks (DC 10), although they can't take a 10 on the check. This allows them to Aid Another on:

Balance, Bluff (including feint), Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Info, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope, and maybe a few of the other non-PHB skills out there.

Other things an unseen servant can do:

* retrieve/fold a net
* reload a crossbow or sling
* drop/pick up caltrops
* light/carry a smokestick (mobile concealment) or noxious smokestick (save vs. nausea)
* light an oil slick or web on fire
* drop a sack full of 19 acid flasks in a square (19 splash damage, no save), 19 acidic fire flasks (38 splash damage, no save) or a sack full of 39 firestones (39d6 damage, no save)
* drop a bag of flour or torch bug paste into a square
* spread a bag of marbles into a square (5' x 5' nonmagical grease)
* pump a sprayer full of holy water, oil, aboleth mucus, or poison (area effect, 5' x 10' line, autohit/no save).
* apply an oil/cream to a willing/unconscious target
* apply a blessed bandage/healing salve or forcefeed a goodberry/cure potion to a dying creature
* hold a darkwood feycraft tower shield
* activate a feather token such as a tree or swan boat (20d6 falling object damage, no save)
* blow a horn of fog, play drums of panic, or spin a babbling wheel
* block a charge (if told not to get out of the way, charger has to treat it as an unintentional over-run or bull-rush)
* bull-rush a kobold into oncoming traffic
* open a fire trapped item while holding a piece of parchment inscribed with explosive runes (burning parchment = attempt to erase)
* crush a skull talisman (Frostburn)
* drop/break chardalyn stone (Silver Marches Web Enhancement) or Shalantha's Delicate Disk (Lost Empires of Faerun)
* activate an explosive pack (Secrets of Sarlona)
* activate/carry/drop a ditherbomb (Races of the Dragon)
* open a screaming flask (Complete Mage)
* blow a sand pipe (Secrets of Xendrik), 15' cone of burning sand
* spread powder of the black veil (MIC), 10' cube of no save blindness
* set/trigger a blast disk (Heroes of Battle) or exploding/sleeping/stunning spike (MIC)
* spread/drop slashing sand (MIC) or vial of icy sheets (Frostburn)

2011-08-22, 04:49 PM

I use it all the time. Its one of the first items I make as a wizard.

"Collar of Perpetual Attendance
Price: 2000 GP
Weight: 0.25#
(WotC online article, Fabulous Cats!)
Unseen servant at will. How is this so powerful? Well, it may be a mindless, shapeless force, but it can perform any activity that an unskilled human can do. This means it gets the same actions every round that any other creature would get: one move + one standard action, or one full-round action. Although it usually takes a move action to direct a spell, this means you can convert your move action into another standard action or more. It has a speed of 15' (10' if encumbered), so it can move up to 30' a round, and while it doesn't have a fly speed exactly (it has no weight, so it can't "fall"), it can move vertically up or down within the spell's range (up to 30' from the collar).

Unseen servants can also make skill checks so long as the skill is not "trained only" and the DC is 10 or less. This does allow them to "Aid Another" on skill checks (DC 10), although they can't take a 10 on the check. This allows them to Aid Another on:

Balance, Bluff (including feint), Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Info, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope, and maybe a few of the other non-PHB skills out there.

Other things an unseen servant can do:

* retrieve/fold a net
* reload a crossbow or sling
* drop/pick up caltrops
* light/carry a smokestick (mobile concealment) or noxious smokestick (save vs. nausea)
* light an oil slick or web on fire
* drop a sack full of 19 acid flasks in a square (19 splash damage, no save), 19 acidic fire flasks (38 splash damage, no save) or a sack full of 39 firestones (39d6 damage, no save)
* drop a bag of flour or torch bug paste into a square
* spread a bag of marbles into a square (5' x 5' nonmagical grease)
* pump a sprayer full of holy water, oil, aboleth mucus, or poison (area effect, 5' x 10' line, autohit/no save).
* apply an oil/cream to a willing/unconscious target
* apply a blessed bandage/healing salve or forcefeed a goodberry/cure potion to a dying creature
* hold a darkwood feycraft tower shield
* activate a feather token such as a tree or swan boat (20d6 falling object damage, no save)
* blow a horn of fog, play drums of panic, or spin a babbling wheel
* block a charge (if told not to get out of the way, charger has to treat it as an unintentional over-run or bull-rush)
* bull-rush a kobold into oncoming traffic
* open a fire trapped item while holding a piece of parchment inscribed with explosive runes (burning parchment = attempt to erase)
* crush a skull talisman (Frostburn)
* drop/break chardalyn stone (Silver Marches Web Enhancement) or Shalantha's Delicate Disk (Lost Empires of Faerun)
* activate an explosive pack (Secrets of Sarlona)
* activate/carry/drop a ditherbomb (Races of the Dragon)
* open a screaming flask (Complete Mage)
* blow a sand pipe (Secrets of Xendrik), 15' cone of burning sand
* spread powder of the black veil (MIC), 10' cube of no save blindness
* set/trigger a blast disk (Heroes of Battle) or exploding/sleeping/stunning spike (MIC)
* spread/drop slashing sand (MIC) or vial of icy sheets (Frostburn)

Awesome! Just what i'm looking for!

You would have to be a very high level to make it last all day, because the duration is 1h/lvl. Considering you must sleep for 8h to regain spells, you would have to be level 16, unless your an elf, then level 12 (because elves only need "trance" 4h) Also, to have it 100ft in front of you you would need to be at least lvl. 30, by time if you were actually going to use that spell, you would have most likely researched an epic-level version by then. However, Unseen Servant is a very useful spell for squishy spellcasters, as it can hold up a cape in front of him/her and provide concealment, while the caster can just cast around it (casting around corners). Also, this can be combined with enlarge spells to provide more concealment and seams can be used to climb up and cast over, keeping your foes guessing where you are going to attack from next.

I'm assuming an 8 hour day, if it fades, it fades. Plus it only has to be in range relative to you, not where you cast it from so i'd walk around getting it to open doors for me etc

I would expect people not to notice if they are looking the other way, the unseen servant picks it up then holds it below counter level, then walks behind me and then between me and the door as i go out. Or prestidigitation on something in the room as a distraction and leave. While i'm disguised

2011-08-23, 12:30 AM
Use #145: Retrieving items trapped or guarded. Sure, I would wake up the sleeping dragon. But an invisible noiseless unseen servant sure won't.

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-23, 07:12 AM
Have it open all doors and chests after the rogue checks for traps. I had a DM who liked contact poison.

2011-08-23, 09:29 AM
Considering you must sleep for 8h to regain spells, you would have to be level 16, unless your an elf, then level 12 (because elves only need "trance" 4h).

You inverted the math (your elf needs MORE hours of servant, not less), and that's not how the resting rules work for spell preparation.

If the character does not need to sleep for some reason, she still must have 8 hours of restful calm before preparing any spells.

An unseen servant could carry a mirror to help you peek around corners.

If an unseen servant can drop caltrops and ready an action, you can tell it to ready an action to drop caltrops in front of anyone who charges you. That should cover 9 squares.

2011-08-23, 09:38 AM
You could run a legal Brothel.

1. Ask the customers what they want in a "partner".
2. Create an unseen servent.
3. Use Minor Image to give the unseen servent the "appearance" of what the customer wants in a "partner".
4. Customer gets their "Happy Ending" from the Unseen Servent.
5. You get lots of repeat customers because the Unseen Servents never get tired, are disease/drug free, and don't complain about their clientel.

2011-08-23, 10:09 AM
Have it "walk" through a room with sheet/cloth over its "head"

In a much more broad, but admittedly more boring follow up to Kansaschaser's tip, they can do a lot to help add tangibility to, and sell illusions.

Have it handle hot objects during cooking/crafting.

2011-08-23, 11:12 AM
I give mine a broom wearing a smelly old cloak, and a bullseye lantern in the dark. As I walk in the dark area behind it, it becomes the defacto ambush target.

2011-08-23, 05:25 PM
You could run a legal Brothel.

1. Ask the customers what they want in a "partner".
2. Create an unseen servent.
3. Use Minor Image to give the unseen servent the "appearance" of what the customer wants in a "partner".
4. Customer gets their "Happy Ending" from the Unseen Servent.
5. You get lots of repeat customers because the Unseen Servents never get tired, are disease/drug free, and don't complain about their clientel.
It's mindless. You'll have to sit there, watching, personally directing it the entire time (except for highly repetitive bits).

2011-08-23, 05:33 PM
You could run a legal Brothel.

1. Ask the customers what they want in a "partner".
2. Create an unseen servent.
3. Use Minor Image to give the unseen servent the "appearance" of what the customer wants in a "partner".
4. Customer gets their "Happy Ending" from the Unseen Servent.
5. You get lots of repeat customers because the Unseen Servents never get tired, are disease/drug free, and don't complain about their clientel.

No fair, I already mentioned the BoEF's variant.

2011-08-23, 05:54 PM
One I have heard of used in the past is directing it to hold up a large object, like a tower shield, in front of you as to protect you. When it is destroyed you immediately summon it again to do the exact same thing.

2011-08-23, 09:45 PM
Give yourself a massage.

2011-08-24, 12:38 AM
It's mindless. You'll have to sit there, watching, personally directing it the entire time (except for highly repetitive bits).

...How is this a catch? :smallconfused:

2011-08-24, 02:43 AM
A trick we used to use back in 1E and 2E (and I can see no reason it shouldn't work in 3.X) was to use the Servant to tote around a humanoid mannequin of a light material, like woven bamboo. We'd then drape robes and such on the mannequin, and have it out in front of the rest of the party, so to a casual observer it looked just like another party member - meaning it would often draw fire for a round or so in combat.

2011-08-26, 10:14 PM
One idea I've seen suggested (though for the life of me I can't recall where) was for an Unseen Servant to hold an unfolded blanket/sleeping bag to create cover for you when needed.