View Full Version : Help building a group of villains

2011-08-23, 01:18 AM
I am working on a new campaign for my RL players, and I've begun working on a basic backstory/plot/threat for the game.

Backstory/Threat (warning, really really short, just simple ideas)
Long ago the world (or a good chunk) was one big empire, and the ruler had two children. Both wished to inherit the throne, and so they had a duel (mage duel probably, but straight up fighting could work, or even an elaborate tournament) and one of the children won. So the losing child left the empire, and went into the dark places of the world, learning foul secrets and cultivating a cult of personality. Now, ages later, the old empire is split, small kingdoms scattered across the land. The heir who lost is ready to make her/his return, and seeks to incite war between certain nations to bring about chaos so that she/he can swoop in and re-unite the land under at first a benevolent hand, turning swiftly to an iron fist.

So, as I'm a lover of tropes, I went to a certain site (look up whatever you want on your own time, but friends don't give friends links to tvtropes):smallwink: I will attempt to summarize info that pertains below:

There is a concept on said site, and of course in tropes, called the Five-Man Band, five archetypes that make up a solid five person group:

Hero, Lancer (opposite of the Hero, but they get along very well), Big Guy, Smart Guy, Chick (emotional centre, stops everyone from killing each other)

These archetypes can even be combined into a single character, i.e. the Lancer is also the Chick, like several episodes of Avatar the Last Airbender.

There is an evil version of this, entitled the Five-Bad Band, the dark mirror if you will to this group:

Big Bad, Dragon (the super dangeorus guy who guards the big bad generally, i.e. Bellatrix Lestrange, Darth Vader), Brute (big and strong), Evil Genius, Dark Chick (a member who is different in appearance and method from the other four, mostly a girl)

I know that was way too little info, but I don't want people killing me for linking to tvtropes.

So, I'm looking for the playground's input on whether I'm on the right track with my group thus far, and any advice they have for what to make the Big Bad.

Dragon- originally the idea was some big bad evil knight, so I tried to figure out the most expedient way to do it. Since I'm working with CR and not ECL, I toyed with the idea of a shadar-kai, and I liked it. He was once a great warrior for his people, a light in the shadows of his plane, but his draconian methods in keeping the peace eventually led to him falling, and he has sought ways to hold onto his power for as long as possible, even becoming a bone knight (Eberron, Five Nations) to regain his paladin abilities. Most shadar-kai wear a gal-ralan, a bracer with cold iron nails on the inside that constantly tortures them to keep them focused and on the material plane. He wears an entire suit of fullplate festoned with spikes on the inside.

That's the only one who's staying the way he is unless I get inspired to the contrary.

Brute/Dark Chick- my girlfriend (also one of the players, jsut happens to be the one I'm in contact with most frequently) suggested combining the two, and I dusted off an old build to do it (monk (in this case given full BAB)/fist of the forest/shou disciple with mighty arms and mighty legs (warforged/robotic limbs, Faiths of Eberron). This leaves the character at 13th/14th level depending on whether I want more slow fall/wall climbing/whatever, so there's room for more classes and such if scale is needed. The idea is she's the big bad's go-to for practical problems. The dragon might be a mighty warrior, but he can't out-strength this brawler, and she can go anywhere because her weapon is herself, blending in at parties and the like (most likely needing more sneaky class levels, or alternate class features). Fluffing the mighty limbs as more elegant looking than warforged limbs hopefully, I guess I just like the idea of someone who fights like this dressing nicely.

Evil Genius- Least work on this one, besides my zero work on the Big Bad. The only idea that hit me was a Black Ethergaunt, because when you need an evil genius, get one who is biologically able to cast as a 17th level wizard and has a 30 Int and doesn't believe the gods really exist. And can make poisons that make other people question their faith in gods. Especially with some magic enhancements from Dragon on these poisons, people could quickly become permanent gibbering wrecks. The only issue is that the big bad needs a hell of a reason to get one of these guys to work for her/him, because these guys have their own plans to invade the Material Plane. One idea was that it's a renegade from its race, and that makes an interesting three sided battle, the good guys, the bad guys, and the extraplanar conquerers who've just stepped up their launch date because one of their high philospher-scientists went rogue.

Edit: I understand that the certain site says the Dragon is generally the best dressed/most style conscious of the group, and this would point to my Brute/Dark Chick being the Dragon instead. I don't agree, but does anyone have an opinion?

2011-08-23, 01:35 AM
I say for teh most part You got the 'role's down pat.

the only thing that I disagree with is having your Brute also be your sneak/socail face.

that is, to me at least, the opposite of what the Brute 'role' is all about.

I would make the Dark Chick a courtesan, have her be the 'inside man' for the Dark Genius. seducing other rulers into doing what teh Dark Genius wants. Chaos, wars, etc. And when he seduction attempts fail well, she is highly skilled and very precise. to use your Avatar example. the fire nation princess. Mostly without emotion, very cold, calculating and highly, highly skilled. oh and she would be some type of assassin (not forcing the prestige class on you, that is a huge gripe i have about 3rd ed but that is a rant for a MUCH later time) Good at getting in getting the job done and maing it look effortless less. also she would be 2nd in command.

2011-08-23, 01:41 AM
I say for teh most part You got the 'role's down pat.

Why thank you. Glad to see I'm not keeping myself up at nights for nothing.

the only thing that I disagree with is having your Brute also be your sneak/socail face.

that is, to me at least, the opposite of what the Brute 'role' is all about.

I can see what you're saying. Even if the brute is smart (which they can be), subtlety is not their area of skill.

I would make the Dark Chick a courtesan, have her be the 'inside man' for the Dark Genius. seducing other rulers into doing what teh Dark Genius wants. Chaos, wars, etc. And when he seduction attempts fail well, she is highly skilled and very precise. to use your Avatar example. the fire nation princess. Mostly without emotion, very cold, calculating and highly, highly skilled. oh and she would be some type of assassin (not forcing the prestige class on you, that is a huge gripe i have about 3rd ed but that is a rant for a MUCH later time) Good at getting in getting the job done and maing it look effortless less. also she would be 2nd in command.

Perhaps a split personality? Like there's this horrible monster inside her (psychologically). Because this build stands to do quite a bit of damage.

Or perhaps make truly magnificent brute to accompany her, something large size so I can make it a were-dire polar bear (huge size, and the highest CR animal in DnD if I recall, 18 HD for +5 CR). And none of that would prevent either classy action or just being a straight up thug.

2011-08-23, 01:46 AM
I was just about to post this exact thread, now I'm going to look like a tool. :smallannoyed:

I like the idea of the Brute and the Dark Chick working together closely a lot more than the Dark Chick also being the brute. As has been said, their roles don't really jive with each other. It would also give the villainous band a nice little 'sub-group' thing that isn't a quirky miniboss squad.

I have kind of a cool/funny mental image in my head of the Dark Chick and her werepolarbear 'animal companion'.

2011-08-23, 01:56 AM
I have an alternative idea/modification for your Dragon, part of a five bad band I designed a while back, although it is still a martial artsy Shadar Kai.

Death JR.

Swordsage 10/Teflammar Shadowlord 6/Swordsage +4
Swordsage 10/Teflammar Shadowlord 4/Swordsage +6 (easier to kill, more maneuvers)

See, now you have skillpoints, too. You don't have BAB, but we'll get to that in a bit. And a very effective bodyguard, what with his ability to teleport as either a swift, move, or standard action depending which maneuver he uses... and to full attack at the end of teleportation. Essentially, he can get off three full attacks every other round if he feels like it, and has all sorts of free movement.

He works just fine unarmed, thought I usually give him a scythe to fit the theme. Most of his maneuvers will be Shadow Hand (and he will get two level 9s), with the rest probably being Diamond Mind or Setting Sun (obviously up to you).

For your evil genius, I suggest my boy Madigan:

Grey Elf Factotum 8/Warblade 12
OR Grey Elf Factotum 3/Swashbuckler 3/Warblade 14

Both are Int-based death machines with plenty of skillpoints (which you should spend mostly on skill tricks), and can still take care of themselves in combat.

Important Feats: Faerie Mysteries Initiate (You no longer need Con, and you HP is great), Keen INtellect (He no longer needs Wis, which I love for villains), Font of Inspiration (only if you take the 8 levels of Factotum, in which case take it more than once), Improved Trip (since he also adds his Int to trip attempts, this makes his trip checks fantastic; Martial Study for some Setting Sun makes it even worse), Able Learner (I forget, it may be human only, but you're taking it mostly for Iaijutsu Focus anyways; Skill Knowledge will do otherwise), and Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Gnomish Quickrazor (I love the idea of a planner/clever type who specializes in hitting with surprising concealed weapons). Knowledge Devotion's a nice fit for him too unless you're putting all your skill points into tricks/social skills/other stuff. I usually have him as part of a five-bad band with Death Jr, who handles the stealth, and another character (explained below) who handles the social stuff.

He also usually wins Initiative, since he only need Int and Dex (and Str if he didn't take the Swashbuckler levels) and he gets both. Feel free to use Warblade Bonus Feats for Improved Initiative to make it better.

And for your "Dark Chick/Brute" there is their friend Faust:

Hellbred (Spirit Type) Bard 1/Marshal 1/Battle Dancer 1/Crusader 2/Uncanny Trickster 3/Crusader +12
Bard 1/Marshal 1/Battle Dancer 1/Crusader 17 (depending on whether or not you count Uncanny Trickster as inflating Initiator Levels)

He always takes Song of the White Raven, and the various feats/items that beef up inspire courage. He pumps Cha, which he gets to some of his saves as well as to his AC, and he doubles it with his Cha aura. He spends a lot of skillpoints on Diplomacy and Bluff (and takes the necessary feat to keep pumping Bluff in Crusader). Generally, he ends up around +40 or 50 something to Diplomacy and a bit less to bluff by level 20.

I usually give him the Slippers of Battle Dancing and Gauntlets of Heartfelt Blows as well. His weapon for me is usually a violin bow with a blade on the other side (treated as a +X keen shortsword), but you can do whatever you like. He can play his Inspire Courage to buff his allies while in also being an awesome tank, so he does.

They had two other buddies, but it doesn't seem like you need them. And while I designed Faust as a man, you could easily make a female character with the same build.

2011-08-23, 01:57 AM
I would make the Dark Chick a courtesan, have her be the 'inside man' for the Dark Genius. seducing other rulers into doing what teh Dark Genius wants. Chaos, wars, etc. And when he seduction attempts fail well, she is highly skilled and very precise. to use your Avatar example. the fire nation princess. Mostly without emotion, very cold, calculating and highly, highly skilled. oh and she would be some type of assassin (not forcing the prestige class on you, that is a huge gripe i have about 3rd ed but that is a rant for a MUCH later time) Good at getting in getting the job done and maing it look effortless less. also she would be 2nd in command.

I agree along the same lines as this.
Here's my suggestion for how to alter the emerging Dark Chick.
If you've seen Firefly then you'll have a bit clearer idea of what I'm picturing, but think of a geisha-type character. Beautiful, serene, extremely adaptive and highly perceptive. Mix that all together with a heaping spoonful of deception and a twist of, I'm thinking, lower-planes-bargain magic and poof, sexy beast. I see her as a charming and beautiful seductress trained in all aspects of society and entertaining, but with a dark magic admixture. Build-wise, perhaps a gestalt bard/warlock or maybe something meaner. Just keep the outward appearance from giving away the dark nut inside. She should be able to make a paladin feel like she can help take his pain and frustration away with a night of relaxation and good conversation as easily as she can make a daemon-trafficking necromancer feel seduced.

2011-08-23, 01:57 AM
that might work.

I had a very similar recurring villain in my campaign that was Swordsage 3/rogue10/something i cannot remember LOL, but It did give her full BaB and her BaB at the end was around +12 or so.

The groups I play with are 'low' optimization or nul optimization so undobtely you would have to tweak to get a caharcter capalbe of doing anything at all in most normal games. but in mine she was most dangerous not form actual combat but form her seductions, PCs had town guards after her she literraly tore her clothes once and yelled rape and they had to run from royal guards as well as hide form everybody due to her being beloved by everybody but the heros who knew the real her. She could fight one on one versus any of teh PCs and againts most she could probably win but not against the Fighter he was just too durable and was equal in terms of fighting skills (that ultimate was her downfall the fight actualy got smart and faked a sever wound or something then pulled a princees bride and was liek " Oh by teh way.. Ive been lieing" and by that time she had put too much into teh fight with him.

2011-08-23, 02:43 AM
Here's what I'd do:

Dragon: The brother who lost the fight, possessed by a Half-Fiend Shadar-Kai Fiend of Possession. Otherwise keep it as you'd originally planned, but he'd be often mistaken for the Big Bad. He could even be The Starscream, but is too distracted by keeping the brother under control and remaining on the plane to pull off a coup.

Evil Genius/Big Bad: Black Ethergaunt, who has enslaved the brother who lost the fight via the Dragon. The brother is likely to break free (or be released in the Dragon's betrayal) and aid the PCs in battling the Big Bad, which anyone familiar with the tropes can appreciate. I'd give it the Shadow Creature (LoM) or Dark Creature (ToM) template to make it native to the Plane of Shadow, so the Shadar-Kai would be much more fitting as a lieutenant. That would also make this particular Ethergaunt outside their typical hierarchy and again easier to explain.

Brute/Dark Chick: I'd go with some sort of shapechanger, make her subtle and tricky but able to turn into a brute form. Maybe go with a Human Divine Minion (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a), Undying Way (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#undyingWay) Monk 2/ Master of Many Forms 7/ Warshaper 4, with Able Learner. I'd replace Toughness with Improved Toughness on the Monk bonus feats, and give her Multiattack and maybe even Improved Multiattack. She can Flurry with unarmed strikes for full iteratives and use any natural weapons her form has as secondary attacks. She could even begin her full attack in one form, make her unarmed strikes and natural attacks, then Fast Wild Shape into a form that has different natural weapons and make secondary attacks with those as well. Divine Minion gives her Wild Shape at will and with MoMF 7 she'll be able to take forms up to 18 HD. That means she can charge in Dire Tiger form, pounce with unarmed strikes, claws, bite, and rakes, turn into a Darktentacles (MM2) and make 12 tentacle attacks, then switch to Mountain Troll (MM3) for making AoOs.

In this case, the brother who lost the duel wouldn't actually be a bad guy at all. After the Big Bad and the Dragon are defeated and retreat back to the Plane of Shadow he could become king in a happy ending.

2011-08-23, 11:11 AM
I have an alternative idea/modification for your Dragon, part of a five bad band I designed a while back, although it is still a martial artsy Shadar Kai.

Death JR.

Swordsage 10/Teflammar Shadowlord 6/Swordsage +4
Swordsage 10/Teflammar Shadowlord 4/Swordsage +6 (easier to kill, more maneuvers)

See, now you have skillpoints, too. You don't have BAB, but we'll get to that in a bit. And a very effective bodyguard, what with his ability to teleport as either a swift, move, or standard action depending which maneuver he uses... and to full attack at the end of teleportation. Essentially, he can get off three full attacks every other round if he feels like it, and has all sorts of free movement.

He works just fine unarmed, thought I usually give him a scythe to fit the theme. Most of his maneuvers will be Shadow Hand (and he will get two level 9s), with the rest probably being Diamond Mind or Setting Sun (obviously up to you).

For your evil genius, I suggest my boy Madigan:

Grey Elf Factotum 8/Warblade 12
OR Grey Elf Factotum 3/Swashbuckler 3/Warblade 14

Both are Int-based death machines with plenty of skillpoints (which you should spend mostly on skill tricks), and can still take care of themselves in combat.

Important Feats: Faerie Mysteries Initiate (You no longer need Con, and you HP is great), Keen INtellect (He no longer needs Wis, which I love for villains), Font of Inspiration (only if you take the 8 levels of Factotum, in which case take it more than once), Improved Trip (since he also adds his Int to trip attempts, this makes his trip checks fantastic; Martial Study for some Setting Sun makes it even worse), Able Learner (I forget, it may be human only, but you're taking it mostly for Iaijutsu Focus anyways; Skill Knowledge will do otherwise), and Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Gnomish Quickrazor (I love the idea of a planner/clever type who specializes in hitting with surprising concealed weapons). Knowledge Devotion's a nice fit for him too unless you're putting all your skill points into tricks/social skills/other stuff. I usually have him as part of a five-bad band with Death Jr, who handles the stealth, and another character (explained below) who handles the social stuff.

He also usually wins Initiative, since he only need Int and Dex (and Str if he didn't take the Swashbuckler levels) and he gets both. Feel free to use Warblade Bonus Feats for Improved Initiative to make it better.

And for your "Dark Chick/Brute" there is their friend Faust:

Hellbred (Spirit Type) Bard 1/Marshal 1/Battle Dancer 1/Crusader 2/Uncanny Trickster 3/Crusader +12
Bard 1/Marshal 1/Battle Dancer 1/Crusader 17 (depending on whether or not you count Uncanny Trickster as inflating Initiator Levels)

He always takes Song of the White Raven, and the various feats/items that beef up inspire courage. He pumps Cha, which he gets to some of his saves as well as to his AC, and he doubles it with his Cha aura. He spends a lot of skillpoints on Diplomacy and Bluff (and takes the necessary feat to keep pumping Bluff in Crusader). Generally, he ends up around +40 or 50 something to Diplomacy and a bit less to bluff by level 20.

I usually give him the Slippers of Battle Dancing and Gauntlets of Heartfelt Blows as well. His weapon for me is usually a violin bow with a blade on the other side (treated as a +X keen shortsword), but you can do whatever you like. He can play his Inspire Courage to buff his allies while in also being an awesome tank, so he does.

They had two other buddies, but it doesn't seem like you need them. And while I designed Faust as a man, you could easily make a female character with the same build.

All of those guys are awesome. I won't be using them to replace my guys, but they are now part of the villainous organzation as maybe a quirky miniboss squad, or perhaps I'll use them individually.

I agree along the same lines as this.
Here's my suggestion for how to alter the emerging Dark Chick.
If you've seen Firefly then you'll have a bit clearer idea of what I'm picturing, but think of a geisha-type character. Beautiful, serene, extremely adaptive and highly perceptive. Mix that all together with a heaping spoonful of deception and a twist of, I'm thinking, lower-planes-bargain magic and poof, sexy beast. I see her as a charming and beautiful seductress trained in all aspects of society and entertaining, but with a dark magic admixture. Build-wise, perhaps a gestalt bard/warlock or maybe something meaner. Just keep the outward appearance from giving away the dark nut inside. She should be able to make a paladin feel like she can help take his pain and frustration away with a night of relaxation and good conversation as easily as she can make a daemon-trafficking necromancer feel seduced.

Of course that's also an idea. One of the ideas I had kicking around was adding warlock to her build, as Eldritch Claws can work with monk. Of course said build works better without the monk, and just taking Superiour Unarmed Strike, but hey, whatever. Perhaps I could invest in homebrewing or getting someone to homebrew a feat the combines Warlock and Monk like Swift Hunter.

that might work.

I had a very similar recurring villain in my campaign that was Swordsage 3/rogue10/something i cannot remember LOL, but It did give her full BaB and her BaB at the end was around +12 or so.

The groups I play with are 'low' optimization or nul optimization so undobtely you would have to tweak to get a caharcter capalbe of doing anything at all in most normal games. but in mine she was most dangerous not form actual combat but form her seductions, PCs had town guards after her she literraly tore her clothes once and yelled rape and they had to run from royal guards as well as hide form everybody due to her being beloved by everybody but the heros who knew the real her. She could fight one on one versus any of teh PCs and againts most she could probably win but not against the Fighter he was just too durable and was equal in terms of fighting skills (that ultimate was her downfall the fight actualy got smart and faked a sever wound or something then pulled a princees bride and was liek " Oh by teh way.. Ive been lieing" and by that time she had put too much into teh fight with him.

That's a good Dark Chick right there.

Here's what I'd do:

Dragon: The brother who lost the fight, possessed by a Half-Fiend Shadar-Kai Fiend of Possession. Otherwise keep it as you'd originally planned, but he'd be often mistaken for the Big Bad. He could even be The Starscream, but is too distracted by keeping the brother under control and remaining on the plane to pull off a coup.

Only problem is that shadar-kai are fey and not outsiders, so possession isn't within their capabilities (barring becoming an evil outsider/being a mage). He can still be mistaken for the big bad even if he's just the character I wrote up there, no point in the big bad revealing her/himself all for nothing.

Evil Genius/Big Bad: Black Ethergaunt, who has enslaved the brother who lost the fight via the Dragon. The brother is likely to break free (or be released in the Dragon's betrayal) and aid the PCs in battling the Big Bad, which anyone familiar with the tropes can appreciate. I'd give it the Shadow Creature (LoM) or Dark Creature (ToM) template to make it native to the Plane of Shadow, so the Shadar-Kai would be much more fitting as a lieutenant. That would also make this particular Ethergaunt outside their typical hierarchy and again easier to explain.

Now this could work, although I'm wary to put a villain who is entirely alien in the top spot.

Brute/Dark Chick: I'd go with some sort of shapechanger, make her subtle and tricky but able to turn into a brute form. Maybe go with a Human Divine Minion (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a), Undying Way (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#undyingWay) Monk 2/ Master of Many Forms 7/ Warshaper 4, with Able Learner. I'd replace Toughness with Improved Toughness on the Monk bonus feats, and give her Multiattack and maybe even Improved Multiattack. She can Flurry with unarmed strikes for full iteratives and use any natural weapons her form has as secondary attacks. She could even begin her full attack in one form, make her unarmed strikes and natural attacks, then Fast Wild Shape into a form that has different natural weapons and make secondary attacks with those as well. Divine Minion gives her Wild Shape at will and with MoMF 7 she'll be able to take forms up to 18 HD. That means she can charge in Dire Tiger form, pounce with unarmed strikes, claws, bite, and rakes, turn into a Darktentacles (MM2) and make 12 tentacle attacks, then switch to Mountain Troll (MM3) for making AoOs.

Though I love shapechangers, and this does make her both a dark chick and brute . . . well, it's a good idea, I'll keep it in mind definitly.

In this case, the brother who lost the duel wouldn't actually be a bad guy at all. After the Big Bad and the Dragon are defeated and retreat back to the Plane of Shadow he could become king in a happy ending.

Well, if we went with your idea, we don't really need a Five-bad band at all, it's a power trio. I guess the dark chick is the id, the ethergaunt the superego and the shadar-kai the ego in that case.

2011-08-23, 12:12 PM
Only problem is that shadar-kai are fey and not outsiders, so possession isn't within their capabilities (barring becoming an evil outsider/being a mage). He can still be mistaken for the big bad even if he's just the character I wrote up there, no point in the big bad revealing her/himself all for nothing.

Dragon: The brother who lost the fight, possessed by a Half-Fiend Shadar-Kai Fiend of Possession. Otherwise keep it as you'd originally planned, but he'd be often mistaken for the Big Bad. He could even be The Starscream, but is too distracted by keeping the brother under control and remaining on the plane to pull off a coup.

With that in mind, you could also use a Half-Fiend Variant (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a) to change up his ability bonuses, spell-like abilities, DR, etc. You can use the Ritual of Alignment in Savage Species (page 148) to give him the Evil subtype.

2011-08-23, 12:17 PM
With that in mind, you could also use a Half-Fiend Variant (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a) to change up his ability bonuses, spell-like abilities, DR, etc. You can use the Ritual of Alignment in Savage Species (page 148) to give him the Evil subtype.

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of him being a great hero of the shadar-kai? I'll admit that evil can have heroes, but it stops being as tragic when he's just another cackling evil demon.

2011-08-23, 12:22 PM
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of him being a great hero of the shadar-kai? I'll admit that evil can have heroes, but it stops being as tragic when he's just another cackling evil demon.

I guess the hero is the brother who lost the duel, possessed and turned to evil by the shadar-kai. It could still work out.

2011-08-23, 12:32 PM
I guess the hero is the brother who lost the duel, possessed and turned to evil by the shadar-kai. It could still work out.

Well, as I said at the outset, I'm not really willing to change the shadar-kai unless a truly awesome idea occurs.

Why do you think the sibling who lost the duel should be good instead of the villain?

2011-08-23, 12:59 PM
Well, as I said at the outset, I'm not really willing to change the shadar-kai unless a truly awesome idea occurs.

Why do you think the sibling who lost the duel should be good instead of the villain?

It just sort of worked out that way with the direction I went with the group. If The Dragon betrays the Big Bad in the end and goes back to good, then it would be a classic happy ending if the good brother had lost the duel originally and now gets to be king. If the evil brother had won, maybe it was due to an underhanded trick, and it would certainly explain why the kingdom has fallen apart so quickly.

I seriously don't think a Black Ethergaunt would settle for anything less than the Big Bad position, although he could be The Starscream biding his time to usurp control.

2011-08-23, 10:02 PM
It just sort of worked out that way with the direction I went with the group. If The Dragon betrays the Big Bad in the end and goes back to good, then it would be a classic happy ending if the good brother had lost the duel originally and now gets to be king. If the evil brother had won, maybe it was due to an underhanded trick, and it would certainly explain why the kingdom has fallen apart so quickly.

I seriously don't think a Black Ethergaunt would settle for anything less than the Big Bad position, although he could be The Starscream biding his time to usurp control.

But then couldn't the Starscream be the Evil Genius, in the way of Beast Wars/Beasties (Tarantulas)?

Edit: I just realized something important. Ethergaunts can't really communicate with people. Perhaps the ethergaunt could stll be involved, but as an advisor to the Evil Genius that only the Evil Genius is really aware of (through comprehend languages allowing him to understand the vague rustling an invisible ethergaunt's face tentacles give off (their only way of communication)). I was thinking maybe the build suggested above, with the elf factotum/swashbuckler/warblade or duelist, but instead of a grey elf, a ghost elf (dragon magazine, found it with crystalkeep, gains SLAs as it levels, can eventually travel to the Ethereal Plane) so that he could have met the Ethergaunt there. Still very smart and used for his knowledge, but can fight when needed and the rest keep a healthy distance back because he's always talking to himself.

Two ideas concerning the Dark Chick/Brute discussion:

1. What if the monk build was the were-dire polar bear. This would require serious investment in social skills to make the dual-nature work, and a way to make her count as large size or just be large size in order to make the lycanthropy work.

2. Two different people, same issue of what sort of large thing to make the brute in this case. Ogre Mages can turn into medum sized humanoids, perhaps one masquerading as a human?

2011-08-24, 03:57 AM
Must the dark chick be a brute, and must it be an infiltrator type of foe? Because I am looking at MM5 at the moment and the frostwind virago is looking kinda cool...:smalltongue:

2011-08-26, 02:22 PM
Okay, this is what I'm looking at now, after some weighing of comments and reworking things:

Big Bad
I've decided to go with the suggestion that the sibling who lost be possessed, allowing for that person to reunite the land at the end of the campaign (assuming the players don't kill her/him). So that then begins how to go about that. Well let’s look at the others first.

He’s staying that same as before, just included for completeness sake.
Shadar-kai Blackguard 5/Shadowbane Inquisitor 10/Bone Knight 1/Pious Templar 1/whatever to increase him from CR 18
Note: Makes him a bit skills starved, perhaps I should find a way to increase his skills (Int increase/allowing him to have taken Nymph’s Kiss when he was a paladin?)

Evil Genius
Changing, for reasons noted above, to the proposed build of grey elf factotum/swashbuckler/warblade (perhaps with duelist to add Int to AC as well), with the black ethergaunt being an unseen assistant to his work, with the elf somehow able to understand the ethergaunt’s language. Still going to have him doing what the ethergaunt was doing (making doubt bombs (as he has the ethergaunt’s knowledge to help), being the Starscream)

Splitting into her own character, but still paired with the Dark Chick for missions and the like. Previous background with the Dark Chick (growing up in an orphanage/workhouse/monastery) the Brute left that life while the Dark Chick remained and learned to manipulate the system. Tall, stout, broad-shouldered, thick white hair, all due to being a were-dire polar bear (which is dungeonbred (Thanks Rich!) in order to allow a medium size character to assume that form). Thinking Crusader and/or Barbarian and/or Dungeoncrasher Zhentarim Soldier, definitely looking into ways to make her magic items not break when she changes.

Dark Chick
Going with the monk/warlock multiclass, using a homebrew feat I requested on the Request a Homebrew thread, along with the Eldritch Claws feat. Either thinking of multiclassing and taking the prestige classes Fist of the Forest and Shou Disciple (unless there’s a prestige class that actually would advance the two bases better) or just having her be a warlock with superior unarmed strike.

Enigmatic Minion
Because I felt this group could use another person, because that wildshaping build was so intriguing. Either a Divine Minion template or a Wildshape Ranger going into Master of Many Forms and Warshaper. Motivation not necessary, though I might switch this build for the chick’s build and make that one the Enigmatic Minion instead.

So that being said, what does everyone think the Big Bad should be?

2011-08-27, 10:56 PM
The Dragon should be, you know, an effing DRAGON.

Evil Genius: Exemplar, Marshal, or some ridiculously optimized version of same (see the NANOBOTS concepts for the basic kind of flavor you want here. This guy has spent a lifetime trying to break the system. Why do we think he hasn't done it?

Dark Chick: Beguiler! Maybe a gnome who constantly Alter Self's to Drow form.

Brute: Barbarian/Blackguard charging type. Don't need to completely cheese it out; even moderate optimization on charge can be scary, especially with smite on board.