View Full Version : [PF] Need some ideas please!

2011-08-23, 03:26 PM
So in the current campaign I am DMing I just had my PC's get stopped on the road by a cloaked man, He threw back his hood that revealed a ancient man and pointed at the druid and asked " Eat Cake or Die?" (Stole this from somewhere cant remember where though), So being the crazy druid she is she said die, so the old dude pointed a finger and her, cackled madly and teleported away, she then felt like she had something growing in her chest, So our wizard figured out it was an egg and managed to keep it from growing too big, they then went to the nearest city where they found a mad Alchemist named Steve (One of my old PC's) who then performed surgery and got the egg out of her chest. Here is my problem, i have no idea what is in the egg, that's where the playground comes in, Any suggestions? I'm kinda steering away from dragons cause that's kinda overdone. But really anything goes after that.

2011-08-23, 03:35 PM
An aleaz? (That construct thats a copy of you but better). Inside the fleshy egg is a clockwork egg that eventually (at some dramatically apropriate time) assembles into Druid+++.

2011-08-23, 03:41 PM
cake, obviously! :)

2011-08-23, 03:42 PM
The seed of a genesis demiplane.

A Solar egg (they have wings, the MM doesn't specify, I say they reproduce by laying eggs).


A lich's phylactery. Now he wants it back.

A macguffin.

2011-08-23, 04:21 PM
A cloudkill spell.

A three-eyed chicken

A tiny Sphere of Annihilation.

A cockatrice

The egg is a pylactery, but not for a lich. This one hold the druid's soul. Her body will slowly skeletalize and she will wither away unless she eats cake.

The reference might be to a bit from Eddie Izzard's stand-up special Dressed to Kill.


2011-08-23, 04:47 PM
Or could roll on a chart that as just about everything, and yes even the kitchen sink. That way you don't have to stress and just leave it to the table with over 9000 different items.

2011-08-23, 04:51 PM
Hmm where can i find this chart?

Zenith Knight
2011-08-23, 08:50 PM
There are actually things in nature that do this. I think there is a bee that lays its eggs in tarantulas so that its newborn larvae can devour it from the inside out as their first meal.

It could be something like that.

2011-08-23, 09:13 PM
Well good thing they removed it before you had a chestburster.:smallcool:

2011-08-23, 09:18 PM
Deck of Many Things of course

cake, obviously! :)

A winner is you

Zenith Knight
2011-08-23, 09:19 PM
I understand that removing other thing's eggs from your chest is generally a good idea :smalltongue:

2011-08-23, 09:33 PM
Hehe i was kinda hoping they wouldn't get it out to tell ya the truth, i mean cmon, chestburster would be awesome:smalltongue:

2011-08-23, 10:29 PM
A tumor familiar (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo---alchemist-discoveries/tumor-familiar-ex)?

Zenith Knight
2011-08-24, 09:05 PM
Actually, now that I think about it, there was a wonderful creature for this: it was a medium sized worm that this searing hot plate on its head that it could use to bore through stone by melting it.

Anyone know the name if this thing?

2011-08-24, 09:13 PM
Maybe a Thoqqua? Wait a sec...yea a Thoqqua.

Zenith Knight
2011-08-25, 05:42 PM
YES! That's it. That is probably one of the toppers of things I don't want growing in my chest.

Image link: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG242a.jpg

2011-08-25, 05:55 PM
A baby version of the mysterious old man.