View Full Version : I need 1 cleric feat

2011-08-23, 10:24 PM
Extra Turning, Extend Spell, Persist Spell, DMM: Persist, Improved Domain: Healing

I'm willing to drop the last one if need be. Anyway, that list included, I have space for one more Feat. I'm looking for something to help with healing, maybe something that turns excess healing into temporary hit points or something? Cloistered Cleric 6/Radiant Servant of Pelor 3, domains Healing and Sun.

HALP. One or Two feats that will improve my build.

2011-08-23, 11:48 PM
Reserve feats are always nice, as is an extra Extra Turning. Failing that, maybe Martial Study for a maneuver?

2011-08-23, 11:51 PM
Oooh, reserve. I'll look into that.

2011-08-24, 12:12 AM
Complete Champion is your friend. Consider Sacred Healing or Pool of Healing, not to mention Imbued Healing.

2011-08-24, 12:20 AM
depends on whether you accept 3rd part material in your campaign
Cheat Death-allows you to revive a character who has fallen to (-30)hp...the target acquires a negative level & is @ (-9)
this feat is in Feats by AEG press (one of the best 3.0 books out there, imho)


you could design your own Feat

Cup Runneth Over-
Prereqs: 5th lvl Divine Spell Caster, 14 Wisdom
When casting a healing spell, any hp over the target's max hp become temporary hp. These temporary hp last the Priest's Chr (or Wis) modifier rounds or until lost through damage dealt.

Morbis Meh
2011-08-24, 04:09 AM
Strength Devotion is a pretty awesome feat, it is in complete Champion, it allows you to basically hack through anything for a minute. Another great feat is Power Attack, if you are persisiting then you will be a melee machine, take this feat and never look back.

2011-08-24, 10:39 AM
Strength Domain, no thanks, but I'm thinking about Sacred Healing as a divine feat...
Or the Temp. HP one.

2011-08-24, 11:02 AM
I can't recommend sacred healing from complete enough. Done two clerics with it. Won't do another without it.

2011-08-24, 12:28 PM
Might I suggest Travel devotion? The additional movement could make the difference between getting the downed character healed/ moved to a semi safe spot and healed, or seeing them die. And if your going to spend a few rounds smacking things, move+full attack is nice.

Morbis Meh
2011-08-24, 12:34 PM
Strength Domain, no thanks, but I'm thinking about Sacred Healing as a divine feat...
Or the Temp. HP one.

You do not need the strength domain to take strength devotion good sir!

2011-08-24, 12:38 PM
It's boring, but I'd just do another Extra Turning if it'll put you up enough attempts to Persist another spell; a well chosen spell will do things far more powerful (and potentially interesting) than any feat.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-08-24, 12:38 PM
DMM: Persist

There's no DMM: Persist, it's just DMM, and you can use it on Persist Spell.

I say... Extra Turning! Another two level of metamagic gone. Persist Divine Power and Righteous Might, then rampage across Tokyo while using Flame Strike!

2011-08-24, 12:40 PM
There's no DMM: Persist, it's just DMM, and you can use it on Persist Spell.

Choose a metamagic feat that you have. This feat applies only to that feat.


2011-08-24, 03:57 PM
Augment Healing, or Ranged Spell [to make your heals 30' range]

Keld Denar
2011-08-24, 04:06 PM
You have DMM, so you won't have a lot of extra TU attempts to do other neat things, so I'd suggest you stay away from feats that require you to spend TU uses to use, incuding things like Divine Ward, Divine Spell Power, or any of the Devotion feats (other than Knowledge).

What about Augmented Healing? Works really well with Mass Cure Light Wounds (extra 10 HP healed, or 15 with a free Empower).

Also, make sure you jump out of Radiant Servant after 5 levels. 6th level is a trap and 7-9 are pretty dead. You'll pretty much automatically qualify for Sacred Exorcist at that point, which is a much better investment. Cleric6/RSoP5/SacEx9 or Cleric6/RSoP5/SacEx8/Contemplative1 are both pretty decent builds.

2011-08-24, 05:51 PM
Knowledge devotion.
Free action to use it, and you don't burn your Turning attempts to use it either.
Or just swap your knowledge domain for knowledge devotion.

Also, make sure you jump out of Radiant Servant after 5 levels. 6th level is a trap and 7-9 are pretty dead. You'll pretty much automatically qualify for Sacred Exorcist at that point, which is a much better investment. Cleric6/RSoP5/SacEx9 or Cleric6/RSoP5/SacEx8/Contemplative1 are both pretty decent builds.

Isn't divine oracle pretty much a free entry PrC like Sacred Exorcist? If I recall correctly, it grants you a form of evasion that works even with heavy armor. And a bonus domain.