View Full Version : [PF] Optimize my undead paladin!

2011-08-23, 11:15 PM
So, I'm in a campaign where I can't take any levels in a spellcasting class, and we're starting at level 1. I've never played a PF Paladin before, and I've decided to go wild and crazy...by playing an UNDEAD Paladin! I have a 25 pt-buy with Charisma costing double the normal costs due to my race. Because I can't take a spellcasting class, I am required to take the "Warrior of the Holy Light" variant from the APG.

So, I'm looking for advice on what other variants and archetypes to take from here. I'm thinking of taking either Shining Knight variant (APG) or the Sacred Shield archetype (Ultimate Combat). If I go with Shining Knight variant, I'm guessing I'll grab a lance and do Spirited Charge for damage. If I go with Sacred Shield...I really have no idea what to do to make sure my character can contribute well. I know I'll be damned good defensively though since all allies within 10 ft of me take half damage vs the target of my "smite" and I get a deflection CHA to AC vs the target of my "smite."

Any build advice (evne if it's not from one of these two archetypes) is appreciated! Below is the custom undead I made and is GM-approved!

Renegade Undead
Renegade Undead are defined by their class levels - they don't possess racial Hit Dice. They have the following racial traits.

-2 Dex, +2 Charisma: Being dead sucks. Some of your joints just don't work as well anymore. On the other hand, you're probably more willful than the average joe in order to be able to hang on to your personality and free-will while being undead.

No Constitution score: Your force of personality keeps you going. Renegae Undead (like all other Undead) use their Charisma score in place of their Constitution score when calculating hit points, Fortitude Saves, and any special ability that relies on Constitution.

Senses: Darkvision 60 feet.

Aura of Chaos and Evil: You have auras of Chaos and Evil (see the detect evil spell) with their powers equal to your character level. Whatever your actual alignment is, you also register as Chaotic and Evil, and count as such for any effects or items used on you or used by you. This means that Smite Evil and Holy Word can always be used on you, even if your alignment is Good. You can also use items that can only be activated by Evil or Chaotic creatures, and on the flip-side you also can't use any items that specify that Evil or Chaotic creatures cannot use them. Note that you still count as your actual alignment as well for effects and items. Thus, Axiomatic, anarchic, holy, and unholy weapons would all work on you.

Divine Weakness: You have a -2 penalty to all saving throws against spells and effects from a Good divine source (such as a spell cast from a Good-aligned cleric or paladin), and against any spells with the [Good] descriptor.

Immunities: Being undead isn't ALL bad. You get most of the standard Undead immunities like Bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, stunning, ability drain, energy drain, ability damage to physical ability scores, fatigue, exhaustion, and anything that requires a Fortitude Save (unless it can affect objects). Given that you still have a mind, however, you are still vulnerable to mind-affecting effects and nonlethal damage (you can still be knocked out).

Negative Energy affinity: You're healed by negative energy, and hurt by positive energy.

Kind-of-Natural healing: Your body heals naturally as an undead with an Intelligence score, but you still have less access to reliable healing compared to others. To supplement your natural healing, when you have down time (at least one hour), you may use the Heal skill (or an appropriate Craft or Profession skill) to try to put your body back together, stitch wounds shut, etc. The amount of healing is equal to the Charisma bonus (if any) of the character + 1 per 5 points of the skill check result, so if a character with a Charisma of 14 rolls a Heal check (or Craft: Taxidermi check for example) of 16, the healing would be 2 + 3 = 5.

Can't be raised: You are not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Ressurection and True Ressurection will work on you, but will only bring you back in your Renegade Undead form. No mortal magic can turn you back into your pre-undead form.

No upkeep required: Renegade Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

Looks: You look like a pale, slightly rotted version of your old self while you were alive.

2011-08-23, 11:45 PM
How about undead scourge or oathbound against undeath? Just kidding, just kidding.

2011-08-23, 11:58 PM
How about undead scourge or oathbound against undeath? Just kidding, just kidding.Oathbound has spellcasting doesn't it? I don't have ultimate magic in any case. Undead Scourge would be funny, but it won't work well at all.

I also just realized that with the Dex penalty, I probably won't be able to do any two-weapon style (which includes sword and shield fighting). I'm probably going to go for a two-handed style. Does that pretty much mean Lance + Mount? I guess it's Shining Knight time...

2011-08-24, 10:24 AM
*bump* any ideas?