View Full Version : [PF] Cosmetic Magic

2011-08-24, 01:52 PM
I've got a character that wants to change her appearance permanently, but for purely cosmetic reasons (think real world cosmetic surgery). I've ruled that a permanent Polymorph would do but I'm not sure what the GP of diamond dust would be or if there's a more appropriate spell... help?

2011-08-24, 02:25 PM
A hat of Disguise is only 1800gp.
Permanent Alter Self is going to be cheaper than Polymorph.

Is this a part of the plot? maybe you can develop a one use magic item that bonds permanently to her face.

2011-08-24, 02:52 PM
Don't think there's a ready "facelift spell" for you. I'd just make a custom spell that is basically an Instantaneous disguise self.

2011-08-24, 03:24 PM
Flesh to stone + stone shape + stone to flesh? :smalltongue:

2011-08-24, 04:52 PM
Don't think there's a ready "facelift spell" for you. I'd just make a custom spell that is basically an Instantaneous disguise self.

Well, there is Youthful Appearance. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/y/youthful-appearance)

You could home brew a "Configuring Touch" that's basically the inverse of Disfiguring Touch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/disfiguring-touch).

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-08-24, 08:19 PM
Maybe magic makeup? Something like this?


2011-09-07, 05:42 PM
I'm thinking like Extreme Makeover before it got stupid, like Dr. Hollywood stuff. Full Body. She wants the change to actually be physical (and ending only with her life or strong disspelling magic) so I'm not sure Disguise would work...

I'm thinking more like the opposite of Disfiguring Touch as Baroncognito suggested... in this case what's the Permanency cost?

2011-09-07, 06:12 PM
Maybe magic makeup? Something like this?


Take a level in Rouge.