View Full Version : Adventure path handbook?

2011-08-25, 03:46 AM
Just wondering if anyone had made a handbook / review of Paizo's adventure paths similar to the Red Handbook of Doom.

I've been looking through the Age of Worms path, and noticed that the lizard folk encounter seems a little weak. Also, the three faces section seems badly edited.

Are there any other parts to watch out for?

2011-08-25, 05:41 PM
I'm going to bump this once before I go to work.

Does any one have any tips or experience to share for running the Age of Worms adventure path?

Or have a link to a dm's guide for it?

2011-08-25, 07:04 PM
I've actually been considering making one for Savage Tide, similar to what Saintheart did with RHoD. However, it would be a pretty massive project, FILLED with spoilers, which would kind of ruin a lot of the campaign. I'd have to tread carefully.