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2011-08-25, 12:41 PM
Cosmologist (3.5)

Abilities: -

Organization: -

Alignment: -

Religion: -

Background: -

Races: -

Other Classes: -

Role: -

Class Features

Hit Die: d6

Starting Gold: -

Skills: -

Skill Points: 2 + int

{table=head] Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Refx Save | Will Save | Special
1st| +? | +? | +? | +? | Astrorhm, Astrology, Shooting Star (+1d6)
2nd| +? | +? | +? | +? | Special Ability
3rd| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+1d6, +1)
4th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Astrology
5th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+2d6, +1)
6th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Special Ability
7th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+2d6, +2)
8th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Astrology
9th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+3d6, +2)
10th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Special Ability
11th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+3d6, +3)
12th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Astrology
13th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+4d6, +3)
14th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Special Ability
15th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+4d6, +4)
16th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Astrology
17th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+5d6, +4)
18th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Special Ability
19th| +? | +? | +? | +? | Shooting Star (+5d6, +5)
20th| +10 | +12 | +6 | +12 | Astrology, ???

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies: You are proficient with all simple weapons. You are not proficient with armor or with any shields.

Class Abilities

Lv1 > Shooting Star:
You acquire the ability to fire a bolt of concentrated plasma that deals damage as listed on the chart. This damage is considered plasma damage (see excerpt below abilities). This bolt of energy has a range of 30ft + 5ft per level of cosmologist and requires a successful standard action ranged touch attack to hit a target. You may not fire Shooting Star in the same round that you have activated an enigma and vice versa.
Additionally this ability gains an ‘enhancement’ bonus (listed beside the die of damage) which may be spent on increasing its capability. Any bonus unspent grants a bonus to attack rolls equal to twice its number when aiming your shooting start ability. After an hour of meditation you may change which bonuses to apply to it back to an attack roll bonus or to the following (with their ‘cost’ not exceeding the enhancement bonus):
Falling Star (+2)
Shooting Star initiates a bullrush attempt. It uses your wisdom modifier in place of strength, pushes the target the full distance, and moves the target for every 2 points you exceed their check instead of for every 5.

Swift Blast (+1)
You may use shooting star as an attack of opportunity. With the exception of this and attack roll bonuses, you do not include any of the enhancements granted by the shooting star ability.

Blazing Star (+1)
Your shooting star deals an extra 1d6 die of damage.
Special: This may be taken multiple times.

Channeled Strike (+3)
Shootings star deals double damage, but must be dealt through a standard action touch attack or standard action melee attack.

Comet (+1)
Half of shooting star’s damage is converted to cold damage.

Spectral Meteor (+2)
Half of shooting star’s damage is converted to force damage.

Stale Air (+2)
Your target must make a fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 level + wisdom modifier or begin to suffocate. They may make a new save as a free action at the start of each turn to end this effect.

Implosion (+1)
Condition: Stale Air must be applied in order for this to be applied.
Half of shooting star’s damage is converted to vacuum damage (see excerpt below).

Empowered Star (+2)
Your target must make a reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 level + wisdom modifier or shootings star deals maximized damage.

Deep Impact (+1)
Shooting Star doesn’t require an attack roll and instead explodes at the point you designate (within range), dealing its damage in a 15ft radius. However anyone within its range may make a reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 level + wisdom modifier to half damage.

Fallout (+2)
For every die of damage shooting star deals beyond the first, 1 point of damage it deals is converted to radiation damage. A fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 level + wisdom modifier negates radiation damage
Special: When coupled with deep impact, all damage outside of the targeted square is replaced with your wisdom modifier points of radiation damage, which is negated on a successful fortitude save (as listed above).

Cancer (+3)
Condition: Fallout must be applied in order for this to be applied.
Your foe takes 1 radiation damage per round (not including the first) after being struck until they are healed for hit point damage or subject to a fullround DC 30 heal check.
A target immune to magic is immune to this (as normal usually), but entering antimagic, gaining immunity after being effected, or being subject to a ‘dispel’ effect does not suppress or remove this.
Radiation damage caused by this ability may not exceed half your targets level to a minimum of 1 (this limitation does not include radiation damage caused from other sources).

Antimagic (+3)
Your target must make a will save DC 10 + 1/2 level + wisdom modifier or any magic items they have are ‘shorted out.’ These items are treated as mundane items for the next 1d4 + 1 rounds. Unattended magical items subject to a burst (such as from deep impact) get no save. Intelligent items however always receive a save (even if attended).

light area or foe on fire on failed save
freeze area or foe on failed save
blind witnesses on failed save
affect area with glitterdust
allow this to be used in antimagic with a will save on your part
you may affect a creature immune to magic but it is granted a save to half (+3) and negate other effects (in addition to their normal saves)
you may affect a creature immune to magic (+4)
it ignores concealment and cover (this does not negate the roll if you don’t know where they are, but still negates the miss chance)
you may fire shooting star on the same round that you cast and enigma, and vice versa

Lv1 > Astrorhm:
As a cosmologist you have the ability to cast Enigmas. You start with 1 enigma at level 1 and acquire an additional enigma at each odd level of cosmologist. You must have a wisdom score of at least 14 to cast enigmas and some enigmas have a level requirement.
An enigma is a spell-like ability with a save DC of 10 + 1/2 your level + your wisdom modifier. An enigma is neither divine nor arcane and is not subject to spell resistance unless listed otherwise, but is subject to arcane spell failure. An enigma is delayed instead of suppressed by antimagic and any attempt to dispel an enigma takes a -4 to such rolls.
Anytime you cast an enigma not related to your sign, you risk creating a conundrum (listed within the enigma). You must make a will save DC of 5 + 1/2 your targets level rounded up + the number of enigmas you have cast since you last had 8 hours or more of rest. Upon a failed save a conundrum is initiated and the enigma’s normal effects are ignored. If an enigma has multiple targets on the round it is initiated, then this is determined by the one with the highest hd. Secondary targets (or those not announced to be affected initially) do not count for this.
If the enigma does not specify a target you must still make a will save, but the save is instead a DC of 10 + twice the number of enigmas you have cast since you last had 8 hours or more of rest. Upon a failed save a conundrum is initiated and the enigma’s normal effects are ignored.
You never risk creating a conundrum with an enigma related to your sign, but still must make a save to see if it functions or not.
All enigmas have more powerful versions. Indicated under the description of an enigma’s effect are various extra effects that can also be initiated (in addition) based on your level. Each step up, increases the save DC to avoid a conundrum by 2. You do not have to initiate all effects, but must initiate them in order (aka you can’t initiate the level 9-12 effect without also initiating the 2-8 effect).

Lv1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 > Astrology:
As a cosmologist you draw your power from the stars. You must choose a zodiac sign to represent you tie to the beyond from one of the following: Aries (Ram), Tauros (Bull), Gemini (Twins), Cancer (Crab), Leo (Lion), Virgo (Maiden), Libra (Scales(Balance)), Scorpio (Scorpion), Sagittarius (Archer,Centaur), Capricorn (Sea-Goat), Aquarius (Water Carrier), or Pisces (Two Fish.
When activating any astrorhm enigma related to your sign (listed in the enigma), you do not risk a conundrum.
Additionally at each level indicated after one you gain a new feature based off your choice:
Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the fire type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > - When facing a foe of a CR or HD of 2 or more above yours, you may treat yourself as being 1 level higher for the purpose of how an enigma affects them. This does not grant additional effects granted from being a higher level if it would affect targets of a lower CR, or has an area or duration with effects beyond the target.
Lv12 > - If you are dropped to 20% or lower hp you may treat yourself as being 1 level higher for the purpose of how an enigma affects your targets. This stacks with the level 8 effect.
Lv16 > - You gain an ability similar to true seeing. While it functions generally the same, the DM makes a secret will save for you versus the DC of the effect you are trying to see through (creating a save they think proper if none is present). If you fail the will save, then true seeing doesn't function against that effect. A new save is made each round for such effects.
Lv20 > - Any enigmas, spells, mysteries, powers, or invocations that you cast that deal damage in an area (w/o specific targets being declared), they also deal damage to objects and terrain.

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the earth type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > - Once per round you may take an immediate action to make a will save in place of a different save.
Lv12 > - You gain your wisdom modifier as a bonus to resist any effect that would attempt to forcefully move you (magic or otherwise).
Lv16 > - You gain DR equal to your wisdom modifier. This DR is supernatural in nature and may only be overcome by an attack that bypasses your natural armor bonus (whether or not you have one).
Lv20 > - Once per day when you cast an enigma and don't create a conundrum you may, as an immediate action, heal yourself or an ally within 30ft for your level worth of hit point damage.

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the air/wind type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > - create a temporary duplicate of self

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the water or cold type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the fire type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the earth type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 >
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the air/wind type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the water or cold type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the fire type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the earth type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the air/wind type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv4 > Any damage dealt by enigmas with the water or cold type that you cast is increased by 1 point per die. If an enigma deals multiple sets of damage, this only applies to one of them (of your choosing).
Lv8 > -
Lv12 > -
Lv16 > -
Lv20 > -

Lv2, 6, 10, 14, 18 > Special Ability:
At each level indicated choose a single ability from the following list:
Radiation Burn
Any creature with radiation damage that is struck by plasma damage from one of your enigmas or from any other cosmologist ability takes an extra amount of plasma damage equal to the radiation damage they have, to a maximum of your cosmologist level.

Improved Radiation Burn
Requirements: Requires you first gain radiation burn
A target dealt by extra plasma damage from radiation burn must make a fortitude save DC of 10 + 1/2 your cosmologist level + your wisdom modifier or take an additional point of radiation damage.

Ruinous Cleave
If you deal enough damage to drop a creature below 0 hit points with an enigma (immediate damage caused upon casting only) you may cast another enigma as a free action. If your spell drops multiple targets this feat only grants you a single ruinous cleave.
Your secondary target must be adjacent to the target you dropped and you may only use an enigma that targets a single subject. You may not continue onto a third target.
The will save to prevent a conundrum for this second casting is increased by 2.
*this ability is an adaptation of the ruinous cleave ability from ‘When the sky falls’ and is considered open game content

Radioactive Spell
A creature damaged by an enigma cast (immediate damage caused upon casting only) by you must make a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your cosmologist level + your wisdom modifier. On a failed save the subject takes 1 point of radiation damage.

Improved Radioactive Spell
Requirements: Requires you first gain radioactive spell
The radiation damage listed is improved to your wisdom modifier worth of radiation damage. On a successful save they instead take 1 point of radiation damage.

Reflect Spell
You may reflect a spell or spell-like ability that targets you or the area around you back at the caster. If it has an area you only reflect the part you would have been affected by. Doing so requires and opposed caster check and each successive use imposes a cumulative negative one penalty until you receive 8 hours of rest.

Return Spell
If you succeed on a save to half or negate the effects of a magic effect that can be turned by spell turning, you may activate this as an immediate action and the effect and is reflected back upon the caster automatically. If your save only halved the effects this affects both you and the caster at half, but if the save negated the effect, the caster takes the entire brunt of it.

Hawking Radiation
Whenever you are dealt energy damage you may spend an immediate action to deal radiation damage equal to your wisdom modifier (to a maximum of half your cosmologist level rounded down) to your attacker as long as they are within 120ft. They may make a fortitude save DC of 10 + 1/2 your cosmologist levels + your wisdom modifier to negate this damage.
You may not use this ability against the same target more than once in a 12 hour period (and if you attempt to do so, the action is wasted).

Improved Hawking Radiation
Requirements: Requires you first gain hawking radiation
Your target still receives 1 point of radiation damage on a successful save. Additionally your target is slowed for 1 round on a failed save.

Antimatter Conversion
You acquire two options either of which may be activated as an immediate action, but you take 1 point of radiation damage when you use one of these:
>Anytime you are subject to a heal spell or healing effect you may immediately deal plasma damage equal to your wisdom modifier (to a maximum of half your cosmologist level rounded down) x the level of the effect to a target within 30ft with a ranged touch attack.
>Anytime you are subject to a spell or magical effect that deals damage you may immediately heal an amount of damage equal to your wisdom modifier (to a maximum of half your cosmologist level rounded down) x the level of the effect to a target within 30ft (with a ranged touch attack against unwilling targets) You may not heal yourself with this.

Improved Antimatter Conversion
Requirements: Requires you first gain antimatter conversion
When using one of the damaging effect of antimatter conversion your target must also make a fortitude save of a DC of 10 + 1/2 your cosmologist levels + your wisdom modifier or take 1 point of radiation damage as well.
When using the healing effect you may heal radiation damage, but only on a 4 for 1 basis.

Lv20 > ???:

New Types of Damage
Plasma Damage
A creature with resistance to fire and/or electricity is also resistant to plasma damage, but their resistance against plasma is equal to half the summed total of the two types. A creature immune to one type takes half damage, while a creature immune to both fire and electricity is immune to plasma damage. A creature that heals from either type of damage or both types of damage is not healed by plasma damage.

Vacuum Damage
Vacuum damage only deals damage to creatures that need to breathe. A target with vacuum damage takes a negative to all saves to resist suffocation equal to the vacuum damage they have.
If at any point your target gains the capability to breathe again (even if they can already breathe when they take vacuum damage) this damage fades on the next round (assuming they don’t begin suffocating again before then) during the same action it was initiated.
A target killed while they have vacuum damage at least equal to their level has their organs spectacularly expunged.

Radiation Damage
Radiation damage ignores all resistances and immunities (excluding complete immunity to magic). It is also treated as lethal damage against foes with regeneration. Radiation damage can’t be healed by any effect or method except as listed: from natural healing, fast healing, an effect that is labeled to aid resting, an effect that is listed specifically to treat or heal radiation damage, or the target is first treated with 1 hour of work and a DC 25 heal check (while still alive). It even persists upon resurrection after death otherwise (but is not carried to another body if you can leave yours somehow).
Radiation damage ‘bleeds’ out of a dead body at a rate of 1 point per minute.

Design Notes

This class spawned from the idea of creating a space-themed class. And is based off of new mechanics, because of my failed foray to create the magus and my attempt to cling to 'spells' (a thanks to epsilon rose for his help anyways, and for some neat ideas and good points). I ended up combining ideas from both spellcasters and warlocks and completely removed point and per day limitations.
Shooting Star has basically taken the warlock’s eldritch blast and warped it into functioning more like a weapon (in the idea of using enhancements anyways) and then building ‘invocations’ into it.
I came to the conclusion that enigmas (my version of 'spells') should scale, so that they are always useful. I believe that lack of scaling is the biggest problem with spells, because it highjacks class progression with its massive number of spell levels over the course of a 20 level class.
The addition of conundrums was inspired by the incursions that xenotheurghy had, although they ended up quite a bit different from my original intentions for them, and balanced the class without hard limits per day to enigmas.
The astrological signs are more of a way to add some individual flavor to the class and to provide minor bonuses to fill up dead levels.

2011-08-25, 12:42 PM
New Feats
Greater Ruinous Cleave
Requirements: Must have the cosmologist’s ruinous cleave class ability
As ruinous cleave, except that you have no limit to the number of times you can use the ability per round.
The will save to prevent a conundrum for each additional casting is cumulatively increased by 2 (so the second would be + 2, the third +4, the fourth +6, etc).
*this feat is an adaptation of the ruinous cleave, greater ability from ‘When the sky falls’ and is considered open game content

Capture Spell
Requirements: Must have the cosmologist’s reflect spell class ability
You may capture a spell or spell-like ability that targets you or the area around you. Doing so requires and opposed caster check and each successive use imposes a cumulative negative one penalty until you receive 4 hours of rest. This penalty stacks with that created by reflect spell.
Upon success you store the captured spell and may cast it later (as if you were a caster of the type required for the spell equal to your cosmologist level). You may not capture a spell of a level more than half your cosmologist level and may not have more spell levels captured than your cosmologist level. Any captured spells fade away in 24 hours if you don’t recast them.
When casting the spell or effect you must succeed on a will save as if you could initiate a conundrum from casting an enigma. Failure results in the spell or effect being lost and you taking untyped damage equal to the level of the spell or effect multiplied by your wisdom modifier.

Strengthen Shooting Star
Requirements: Must have the shooting star class ability and it must deal at least 2d6 damage
Your shooting star ability deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Strengthen Shooting Star
Requirements: Must have the shooting star class ability and it have at least a +2 'enhancement' bonus
Your shooting star gains a +1 to its enhancement bonus. This may be spent on modifications for it as normal.

Rad Detector
Requirements: Must be a Cosmologist
You gain a supernatural ability equivalent to blind sense out to 60ft, but only detect subjects that have radiation damage.

Vacuum Specialist
Requirements: Must be a Cosmologist
Anyone who is suffocating because of you takes 1 point of vacuum damage per round they are suffocating. This is supernatural in nature.

Rad Counter
Requirements: Must have the rad detector feat
For any target that you can sense with rad detector, you also know how much radiation damage they have taken.

Plasma Resistance
Requirements: Must be a Cosmologist of at least 6th level
You gain 1 plasma resistance. Half of this resistance also applies to electricity and fire damage.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. It's effects stack.

Deep Lungs
Requirements: Must have the Vacuum Specialist feat
You delay any vacuum damage you receive until the exact same action next round. If you cease suffocating before then (and don't start suffocating again) you never receive the damage.

Null-G Training
Requirements: Must be a Cosmologist of at least 3rd level
When in a condition of lower gravity (but not zero gravity), you may treat conditions as if you were in the gravity known for your home plane. This does not allow you to ignore gravity manipulating abilities however, although you receive your cosmologist level as a bonus to any saves allowed.

Heavy-G Training
Requirements: Must be a Cosmologist of at least 3rd level
When in a condition of higher gravity, you may treat conditions as if you were in the gravity known for your home plane. This does not allow you to ignore gravity manipulating abilities however, although you receive your cosmologist level as a bonus to any saves allowed.


Conjuration [Earth, Plasma]
Minimum Cosmologist Level: 1
Description: As a standard action you summon a small hunk of rock from space to strike a single target within 30ft + 5ft per wisdom modifier. It streaks towards its target twinkling as it melts from friction. A target who succeeds on a DC 15 spot check may sidestep it if they still have both a 5ft step and an attack of opportunity left (which they expend both of to dodge this).
A target who fails to ‘dodge’ the meteorite takes 1d6 damage + 1d6 damage per 3 cosmologist levels. Half of this is bludgeoning damage and the other half is plasma damage.
Level 4-8: You may summon a second meteorite. You may not aim it at the same square (barring you from hitting a target who only occupies one space more than once). It otherwise deals the same effects as the other meteorite.
Level 9-12: All bludgeoning damage this enigma deals is instead dealt as plasma damage.
Level 13-16: You may summon a third meteorite. You may not aim it at the same square (barring you from hitting a target who only occupies one space more than once). It otherwise deals the same effects as the other meteorites.
Level 17-20: In addition to the normal damage dealt, the meteor(s) each deal 1d6 radiation damage.
Conundrum: As the meteorite(s) streaks through the sky it burns much faster than anticipated and explodes in mid-air, releasing a flash bright enough for anyone within a mile to see briefly. This flash makes things as bright as daylight within half a mile (if they aren’t already) and as one step brighter (no brighter than daylight) out to the rest of the mile for 1d4 + 1 rounds. In addition several shards from the meteorite slam into the cosmologist dealing 3 plasma damage + 1 plasma damage per cosmologist level.

Planetary Nebula
Evocation [Wind/Air, Plasma]
Minimum Cosmologist Level: 3
Description: You breathe out a cloud of plasma and rock straight up into the air. Molten dust rains down in a 15ft + 5ft per 2 levels of cosmologist radius (to a maximum of 30ft) anywhere within 60ft + 10ft per wisdom modifier. This dust is not blown away be wind and remains for 1d4 + 1 minutes. If anyone uses an ability that generates heat (such as fire or electricity) it lights the air on fire as if it were a flammable object for the remaining duration. Unlike a normal fire however this may not be put out by mundane means and it deals plasma damage.
Level 9-12: Anyone within the cloud must make a fortitude save on each round or progress through the stages of suffocation (a save may be made each round to end or prevent from starting).
Level 13-16: On any round someone fails their fortitude save to prevent suffocating they take 1d4 vacuum damage.
Level 17-20: Anyone within (or that passes through) the cloud takes 1 radiation damage per round, no save.
Conundrum: As you attempt to spew out plasma you instead gag, swallowing it and burning your own innards. Your insides are lit on fire taking the 1 plasma damage +1 plasma damage per 3 cosmologist levels on each round, for 1d4 + 1 rounds.

Minimum Cosmologist Level: 5
Description: With a moment of meditation your eyes fade to black briefly and a black rift in space appears within 30ft of you (or your choice) taking up a 5ft space. This singularity has no 'duration', but you must sustain it as a standard action each round and must make a new save (as listed for initiating conundrums) each round or initiate a conundrum ending the effect.
Anyone within 10ft of it is pulled inward as if they were bullrushed using your cosmologist level in place of a strength check. They are pulled the maximum distance possible.
Anyone between 10ft and 20ft of it is pulled inward as if they were bullrushed using half your cosmologist level (to a minimum of 1) in place of a strength check. They are pulled the maximum distance possible.
Anyone between 20ft and 40ft of it is pulled inward as if they were bullrushed using no modifier in place of a strength check (so simply a d20 roll). They are pulled the maximum distance possible.
Unattended un-anchored objects are also pulled in, but have a special opposed d20 check that adds or subtracts their size modifier. Unattended anchored objects must still make a check but gain a bonus equal to their hardness to resist breaking away.
If something is in the way of this movement pulled creatures and objects are instead pulled to the side to go around. Someone who has managed to hold their ground and not move may make a reflex save as an immediate action to grab someone being pulled by (but takes a -2 penalty per size over small to checks to resist further bullrushes by the singularity.
No subject is forced to occupy spaces they could not without squeezing and stops movement once such a circumstance presents itself.
Level 9-12: Any subject or object within the singularity takes damage equal to your cosmologist level each round they remain. Additionally targets must make a grapple check (versus your caster level + wisdom modifier +d20) in order to move away.
Level 13-16: Targets are moved 5ft per 2 points over the check instead of 5. Additionally the singularity itself becomes completely invisible and may not be detected by any means other than observing or participating in the effects it causes. Targets immune to being physically moved are now moved by this, but gain a +8 bonus to resist the singularity.
Level 17-20: The damage within the singularity increases to 1d2 per levels instead of 1 point per level. Additionally the singularity is treated as if it took up infinite space once entered (effectively any number of subjects can be within now). Nothing may leave the singularity through any means that doesn't allow them to travel faster than light (teleport would help escape for example).
Conundrum: -


2011-08-29, 03:39 PM
Ugh... So much homework and not enough time to homebrew... Anyways...
I have updated the Enigmas (added one and revised the other two)
Added level requirements for enigmas (they shouldn't exceed level 7 as a requirement)
Finished two of the astrology signs