View Full Version : Heresy in the Cor Leonis

2011-08-25, 06:05 PM
Janus sits behind a large desk studying some charts, not acknowledging anyone until all of you have arrived. Around the walls are hung tapestries showing great victories of the Imperium, wars and warriors long past, many of which you have never heard of. Apart from this, the room is empty of ornament, clearly meant to inimidate with it's large, empty space.

Dice rolls go here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11718511)

2011-08-25, 06:51 PM
Wood enters silently and presents herself to Janus,
'Lolita Hardwood, Sell-Steel Assassin, I present myself at your order sir.'

She bows and retreats to the shadows of the room observing the more violent tapestries.

2011-08-29, 06:38 AM
Wrax enters the room and throws a half hearted salute at the man behind the desk.

"Wrax Grisha reporting as ordered sir, whats on the cards?"

Wrax proceeds to stand easy to the left of the desk and studies the woman in the corner with less than pure intent.

2011-08-29, 03:02 PM
From the unnatural slightness, pale skin, black eyes and completely hairless nature of the man who has just entered the room, it is easy to see he is void born.

Even without visual clues, it is immediately apparent he is a psyker.

"Wolfe." He says to the man at the table, offering no more.

To the two waiting in the room, he offes a curt nod, then retreats to the darkest corner he can find.

2011-08-29, 07:13 PM
Wood returns wolfe's nod and glances breifly with distaste at the guardsman before returning to her perusing of the tapestries.

2011-08-30, 05:33 PM
Wrax, whose curiosity has been stirred by the two other people in the room straightens up his large frame and moves to get a closer look. As he steps into the light his obvious size and power becomes apparent and between the plates of his flack armour hundreds of tiny scars criss cross his bear skin in a silvery web.

Walking straight past the woman he comes to a stop a few paces from the void born and studies him carefully. More to break the silence than anything else he addresses the psyker in an almost jovial manner.

'So...void born eh?... Don't know how you can handle that, I cant be done without at least some natural gravity at least once in a while.'

2011-09-01, 06:37 PM
Janus looks at his watch and tuts before clearing his throat for silence and beginning. You aren't sure if he was waiting for someone else and gave up or just wanted to make you wait, from what you've seen of him in the few months you've been here it could be either.

"Wood, Wolfe, Wrax." He nods to each of you in turn, "Inquisitor Payne has need of a new Acolyte cell and has commanded me to provide one from our recent intake of recruits." He seems less than pleased at the prospect.

"Against all probability, you three are the best i have, so you are hereby being promoted to full Inquisitorial Investigator status." Standing , he plucks three Inquisitorial Rosettes and reluctantly hands one to each of you, "These will identify you as members of the Emperor's Inquisition, be aware of when to use them and when to hide them."

He turns and walks back to his desk, settling himself and straightening up some files before speaking again.

"I am assigning you to the Cor Leonis system, not far from here, where you will work to root out all signs of heresy, and defend against xeno and daemon alike. From time to time I will assign you missions as intelligence I receive dictates, but at the same time I need you to be vigilant yourselves and take initiative. You are not the only cell in the system, and it is not the only system that I must deal with." As he speaks, Janus looks at you through heavy hooded eyes with what could be mistaken for outright contempt.

"You will be provided with a basic shuttle that can get you from planet to planet and the equipment you have been issued so far is yours to take with you. Be mindful that this equipment belongs to the God-Emperor and do not squander the resources of his most holy Inquisition. That being said, if you do manage to prove yourselves useful, the resources available to you will increase commensurately."

He throws a ratty looking data-slate towards the front of the desk. "There is some basic information about the system here, but don't expect any hand-holding from now on. You're investigators, investigate." He rubs a hand over his hairless skull, scratching the metal plate in the side of his head absentmindedly before continuing, "Any questions before you leave, ask them now."

2011-09-03, 10:36 AM
Wood takes the data slate, glances at the screen, then lowers it.

"Sir, when do we depart?"

2011-09-04, 11:42 AM
Wrax moves round behind wood and glaces at the dater slate over her shoulder.

'Seems like we may as well get on with it immediately ladies and gents'

2011-09-04, 05:58 PM
Janus looks pointedly at Wrax, "Your shuttle departs in one hour. Unless you have any further questions, you are free to go and gather your effects."

Wrax, Wood
Glancing at the data slate you see it is an overview of the system, but far from thorough.

2011-09-09, 05:26 AM
Wrax turns away from the data slate. The lack of information contained there has given him a sinking feeling. If theres one thing he picked from his time in the IG its that the less you know the less of you come back.

'Well this looks good, im going to the shuttle. Wake me before we set off.'

Wrax throws a final salute to Janus and with his stuff already packed he heads to the shuttle to get his head down while he can.

Wrax leaves the room.

2011-09-10, 07:01 AM
Wrax Leaving the room you realise you don't know which hangar you are supposed to go to, A, B or C? Do you want to wait in the corridoor or just guess?

Wood and Wolfe Janus looks at the two of you cooly, "I assume your silence means you have no more questions. Well begone with you, but make sure you are in Hangar B in an hour ready to go." He turns and continues to examine the data slates he was studying when you came in.

2011-09-10, 07:11 AM
The door opens again and Wrax pushes his head through.

'Which hanger are we birthed in again...?'

Looking slightly sheepish he awaits the answer.

2011-09-10, 07:40 AM
Janus waves his hand at the other two to fill him in, but otherwise ignores all of you.

2011-09-10, 12:31 PM
"Hangar B," Wolfe replies, "Give me a minute and I'll come with. Chuck me that data slate."

Leaving for the hangar with Wrax, Wolfe tells him "Many Imperial craft have artificial gravity, though I am used to low or no G environments. I can also pilot spacecraft pretty well, assuming this shuttle doesn't already have a pilot."

Wolfe studies the data slate, hoping to gain more information on the mission.

2011-09-11, 10:29 AM
Wood turns to follow the other two.
After catching up to them she mutters.
"Well that wasn't very informative, hopfully this inquisitor Payne can give us an idea of what we're actually ment to do."

2011-09-12, 04:32 AM
Are you guys going straight to the hangar or is there anything else you want to do while you're still on the main ship?

Wolfe Examining the data slate you see that there are 12 main planets in the system named Leonis Prime through Duodecimus. Prime and Tertius are both hive worlds with Prime being the larger at about 60 billion people and also seat of the governor for the system, a man named Gael Morisus.

Secundus is a factory planet producing a large amount of armaments for the imperial war effort. Apart from this, none of the other planets look particularly important, a scattering of agri worlds, mining colonies and even a forest planet.

Make a perception check. (D100 under your perception stat)

2011-09-12, 07:38 AM
Wrax looks to wolfe while they walk.

'To be perfectly honest i would rather have a spacer at the controlls than one of the pilots that i spend my time with in the bar. Half of them can barely speak most of the time'

Turning his attention from Wolfe to Wood, after the intejection.

'Well I bloody hope so, there is nothing worse than going planet side blind. Have seen to many men killed that way before." Adressing both now his tone lightens slightly "Well theres nothing else I need to do before we go, if you guys are ready id like to just get on with it, could do with standing on some terra firma...been in space to long.'

2011-09-14, 07:11 AM
"I'm good to go... Getting tired of waiting on board ship, i get tense when nothings trying to kill me, see you two on the shuttle"

Wood lengthens her stride and walks off towards the hanger.

On arrival at the hanger she approaches a likley looking pilot.

"Which one of these hulks is headed to the Cor Leonis system?"

2011-09-15, 05:04 AM
Right you've had a few days so i'm guessing you're ready to set off

Arriving at the hangar, Wood approaches the pilot who just waves her off and points to an off-white shuttle at the end of the strip. It looks like it's seen better days but it seems functional.

Approaching it, the door opens and a fresh faced young man walks down the ramp, waving at you manically. "Hi folks, I'm Narth, and i'll be piloting for you!"

He arrives at the bottom of the ramp, puts his hands on his hips and grins round at everyone, "Come on board, stow your stuff and we'll be off!"

You notice nothing amiss.

2011-09-15, 12:19 PM
Nodding to the pilot Wrax climbs into the shuttle. Once inside he throws everything but his weapons into a corner and begins inspecting the inside of the shuttle.

As a matter of reflex he begins plotting possible bording points and mappind defensive positions.

'You guys comming...shes not much but i have been shipped in worse'

2011-09-15, 04:37 PM
Wood clambers into the craft, takes a seat and begins preping her rifle, keeping herself busy while waiting to embark.

2011-09-16, 06:09 AM
As you settle your stuff on board, Narth clambers into the cockpit and starts prepping for launch. The passenger area could probably hold around 50 people so you're rattling around in it a bit, but it means you all have plenty of room.

You strap yourselves in to whichever seat you happen to have picked as the engines rumble to life and pretty soon you taxi down the short strip to the launch bay and drop out into space.

The flight is about a couple of hours in when the main communicator starts buzzing.

Janus's face appears on the console and he looks around at you all. "While you're headed in to Cor Leonis, I have a little task to start you off. We need you to pick someone up for questioning. His name is James DiBenedetto and he may be reluctant to come with you. You are to deliver him to the ship I will have waiting for you in orbit above Leonis Prime in 3 days time. He is a minor crime boss so you may have to eliminate some guards, and he was last seen on Leonis Tertius. Don't disappoint me."

Before you have a chance to respond the screen flickers and turns off.

A couple seconds later it comes back to life only this time it is Narth grinning at you from the screen. "Almost in system now, where do you want me to drop y'all?"

2011-09-17, 12:08 PM
Wood complains, "Does he have to be so vague..."

To the pilot, "Put us down in the largest population centre on Leonis Tertius. Any idea what the planet's like?"

She then turns to her two companions, "Seems like as good a place as any to start searching for this lowlife."

2011-09-18, 05:14 PM
Wrax looks back at Wood. 'his vaugeness is all part of his 'look how damn scary the inquisition is' thing!'

'The major population center is a good bet, having said that once, back in the gard we did a boarding action on a ship running guns to feed a chaos cult. Turns out the guy who was running the opperation was doing it from a small shack on a jungle moon.' Wrax chuckles at the memory. 'Good times.'

Wrax seems to let the memory slip and adresses the group. ' Ok...if were going in soon it would be real nice to know what we all can do, least then we will be killing of the same hymn sheet... Ill start...As u will have guessed my name is Wrax, im ex gaurd and a combat specialist, im basicaly here to keep u guys alive if it kicks off. Thats basicaly it. Whos next'

Wrax looks between the other two in the cabin.

2011-09-18, 06:41 PM
'Seems more like an unhelpful git thing'

She pauses thinking about how best to sum herself up.

"My name is Lolita Hardwood, Wood to you or anyone else, got that."
She stares hard at the two of them.
"I'm an assassin specialising in ranged weapons, I'll be your cover and if needs be will nutralise threats before they even know we're there, still i'm pretty appept with a mono blade if things get too close. Outside of combat I trust no one, everyone has their own agenda my only concern is how this affects the mission."
She ***** her unloaded weapon to check the mechanism then waits to hear what the psyker will bring to the table.

ooc: why the hell can't i c0ck my weapon, stupid language filter

2011-09-19, 03:54 AM
"I'm Wolfe, I can heal people, and I can shoot straight. Also If I spend a couple of hours applying my psychic imprint to an object, I can instantly summon it to myself, which could be useful."

Wolfe looks around nervously.

"You should also know that I'm a bit of a coward to be honest, I'm fairly useless in close combat, and being void born doesn't leave you with the toughest of constitutions. I also don't like needles. Oh, and don't make fun of me being bald, you're likely to get a nosebleed, can't be helped"

2011-09-19, 06:12 AM
As you all introduce yourselves you can see the planet growing beneath you. It being night time the ground is covered in millions of tiny pinpricks of light from the billions of windows below you. Its hard to tell if there's more of them below or stars above.

Floating down, Narth pulls up suddenly and you land in a hangar in the middle of a busy starport.

As the engines wind down the fore hatch slides open and Narth strides through grinning at you. "Right folks, this is where I leave y'all, and if you need me i'll be right here. You can reach me on my radio but I ain't picking you up if it's too hot, that's above my pay grade i'm afraid." He shrugs apologetically.

"Anyhow, welcome to Manthis, the main spaceport on Leonis Tertius. I hear good things about the sewack races here so I may have to check them out. Laters!" With that he strolls down the ramp and out into the bustle of the starport.

Outside you can see about a hundred shuttles similar to yours berthed in this hangar, with more flying in and out all the time. To your right you can see a seedy looking bar and next to it the exit into the city proper.

2011-09-19, 04:28 PM
"Well, seedy bars are usually good for info, especially ones in spaceports. Also good for gettting your head thoroughly kicked in, but still could be worth a look."

Also Carter Do i assume that having my ability to summon objects to myself, I will have already spent the required time doing so to my pistol, or will I still have to do that at some point.

2011-09-19, 06:31 PM

Tell me now what you want to have already done this for, max 3 objects that you own.

2011-09-20, 12:59 PM
"Seems as good a place as any to start."
She lowers her voice so as not to be over heard, "Wolfe how adept are you in mind reading, think you'd be able to pick anything up about DiBenedetto if any of his cronnies are in there?"

2011-09-20, 03:43 PM
Just my pistol, I can only do it with one prepared item at a time.

2011-09-25, 02:47 PM
Turning to wood, Wolfe explains, "Sorry, not adept at all at mind reading, I'm only a novice at the moment, but I was always told I had much potential."

Wolfe nods towards the bar, "Shall we."

2011-09-27, 04:51 AM
"Well I'm always up for a beer."

Wrax stands in the cockpit and checks the charge indicator on his Lasgun. Appearing satisfied he pulls the arming leaver and moves towards the door.

"Hope everyone is carrying... Probably wont need them but I have seen fights in these places go from a split drink to Las-shots and bullets in seconds"

Smiling to himself he clambers out of the shuttle and waits for the others.

2011-09-29, 03:44 PM
She grins at wolfe, "Ah well, something for you to work on, we'll just have to get by on a more conventional investigation."

Wood slings her rifle onto her back and checks her knives.

"If all else fails a few rounds of Amasec will loosen most tonges, lets see what we can find out"

She follows Wrax out of the shuttle

2011-10-04, 04:36 AM
Entering the bar you see a rather grimy looking bar studded with bar stools to your left and a few rather rickety tables to the right. The bartender is wiping a glass with a grubby towel and you're pretty sure it was cleaner when he started.

Two of the tables are occupied, one by two large men drinking pints and talking in low voices and the other by a tall, skinny man in dark clothes who appears to be asleep - hat tipped over his eyes as he leans back in his chair with his feet on the table.

The bartender raises an eyebrow in your direction.

2011-10-06, 12:54 PM
"Yeah Laughing Girl has a tendency to make people quite talkative herself." Wolfe says, patting the hand cannon at his hip. The weapon is engraved with runes, and faintly glowing with psychic energies. "She's never far from my side, even if galaxies seperate us."

"Well, I've barely two thrones to rub together, so who's buying? Should talk to the barkeep as well, see what he knows."

2011-10-08, 01:58 PM
Feeling more at home than he had in months Wrax turns to his companions. a huge grin splits his face.

I'll get this...I love places like this, always good for a scale up."

Digging some credits out of his pocket he walks to the bar.

"hows it going" he address's the Bar man "Ill have 4 double sacra" he looks at the change in his hand. "I only got imperial is that good here? Haven had a chance to stock up on local yet"

2011-10-22, 11:38 AM
The Barman nods absently and puts the glass on the bar. Reaching under the bar he pulls out 4 glasses and a ceramic bottle and pours a measure of some vile-smelling substance you're not sure qualifies as sacra, but it's damned sure alcoholic.

"That'll be 10 credits then." He places a hand either side of the glasses and leans on the bar.

2011-10-25, 01:08 PM
Wood glances enquiringly at the glasses,

"Much appriciated, but who is the fourth glass for guardsman?"

2011-10-26, 08:31 AM

Wrax knocks the second shot back and smiles.

"Right lets see who we have in this place"

Wrax looks around the bar and tries to spot any shady types...well more shady than the norm

2011-10-26, 04:38 PM
The liquor burns horribly on its way down.

Not much has changed since you entered the bar. Two of the tables are occupied, one by two large men drinking pints and talking in low voices and the other by a tall, skinny man in dark clothes who appears to be asleep - hat tipped over his eyes as he leans back in his chair with his feet on the table.

The barman clears his throat meaningfully. "10 credits pal."

2011-10-26, 08:01 PM
Not looking at the barman Wrax drops ten credits onto the bar.

Wrax turns to wood

"OK darling since you have the arse for it, how bout you go and see if you cant get a bit friendly with the guy in the hat, see what his story is. I'm gonna go and see if I cant stir something up with those two"

Wrax heads towards the two men sat at the table, on his way past one of the empty tables he grabs a free chair and carries it with him. Spinning it round and placing it down between the two men, he sits backwards on the chair and folds his arms over the back rest.

"Alrite lads, don't mind me just come in from off world and saw you two having a nice quiet drink. I thought to myself, those two look like they no who to ask about work round here, so here I am...Max by the way"

Wrax looks the man to his left in the eye, smiles and holds out his hand to shake.

2011-10-27, 09:36 AM
Wolfe downs his drink, then mutters to himself "should have asked for a clean glass"

Watching the other leave, he turns to the barman, "so, anything going on around here mate?"

2011-10-31, 02:02 PM

The two men at the table look somewhat irritated at being disturbed and sit up, eyeing you up and down. After a moment or two the taller of the two speaks.
"Strapping lad like you should be able to get work at the stardocks or on one of the cruisers that come through the system... That sort of thing?"


The barman shrugs nonplussed, "Plenty goes on around here, you're gonna have to be a bit more specific i'm afraid."

2011-11-03, 03:46 PM
Wolfe Muttering " He mentions my arse again and i'm taking a bollock"

Wood turns to speak to the barman as well, lowering her voice but keeping a casual tone.
"We're looking to meet a man who we here is pretty big around these parts, goes by the name of DiBenedetto. you heard of him?"

2011-11-03, 06:19 PM
Wrax looks at the man who spoke and then smiles down towards the tables.

"I don't think I'm cut out for your line of work friend...Im looking for DiBenedetto. I hear hes the one to speak to if your looking for some... shall we say..higher risk ventures."

Wrax glances between the two men as he awaits the reply

2011-11-04, 04:24 AM
Everybody roll Inquiry....

2011-11-04, 04:35 AM
rolled, got 81...

i'm noticing nout

2011-11-04, 06:17 AM
Don't need to post what you got in here, i'll just check the dice thread... but no that was a bad roll.

2011-11-04, 06:20 AM
"Yeah, we heard this guy might be looking for a few unscrupulous fellows like ourselves for a spot of work."

2011-11-04, 06:40 AM
The barman backs away from you hands raised slightly at the mention of DiBenedetto, "Hey, I don't know anything about him, I'm not in that line of business... I run a clean place here!" The irony of that last statement seems to be lost on him, but the fear in his eyes is pretty evident.

2011-11-11, 03:45 AM
The men seem to take offense at Wrax's words and lean forward menacingly.

"Listen 'friend'," one of them hisses, "You got something to say about 'our line of work' you come out and say it..."

The other mutters something that sounds a lot like "Clucking off-worlders" but you can't be sure you heard it right.

Roll perception that was abysmal.

Wood, Wolfe
Roll perception at -10

2011-11-19, 06:14 AM
The men seem a bit miffed at your comment

You notice that there is a sudden degree of tension from the table behind you and the men talking to Wrax seem quite agressive.

You turn and see one of the men speaking to Wrax pulling a pistol from it's holster and aiming it at Wrax under the table.

2011-11-19, 06:32 PM
Wrax looks at the man who spoke.

"All I'm saying is that big space port like this there must be a lot of lonely sailors, which means your business is probably booming. Now im not making a judgement im just stating its not for me."

Now look i came into this bar looking for some one so I suggest if you know were he is you tell me because me and my associates will find him" he motions to the other two in the bar "and when we do if i find you have lied to me, you will regret it. Now do you or do you not know where i may find Mr DiBenedetto"

Wrax leas away from the table slightly so that he has both men in his feild of vision,

"I wont ask again"

2011-11-20, 01:03 PM
Wolfe turns to the barman, "It's pretty obvious you know of him, so I'll be needing to know everything you know about DiBenedetto, Hold on a minute, I'll get back to you."

Wolfe turns to the table Wrax is at, draws his hand cannon, and points it at the man holding a gun under the table. The Laser sight dances across his face.

"Might want to rethink that idea friend, a slight aggreivence really isn't worth losing your head over now, is it?" Wolfe says, in the most menacing tone he can muster.

2011-11-20, 01:51 PM
The man opposite Wrax slumps slightly, eyeing the hand cannon out of the corner of his eye... He slowly pushes his own pistol back into his holster and puts his hands on the table in plain sight.

Turning to look fully at Wolfe now, the man glowers at him, "I didn't come here to get insulted and threatened Barney!" he shouts in the direction of the barman, "come on Maz, let's go find someplace else to drink."

The two men stand and start to walk out, glaring sullenly at the three of you, but hands carefully away from their weapons.

2011-11-21, 04:33 PM
Wrax, shocked that he missed such a basic danger stands and turns to face Wolfe any jovial tone has left his voice

"Thank you.." he says sincerely and meets the psykers eye "I owe you one. I'm Not always the most subtle man in the galaxy and his has caused problems in the past"

Wrax looks at the ground and then back up. His face has readopted the slightly childish grin. "So spacer, you find anything"

2011-11-21, 09:44 PM
Wood survays the events with an amuzed smirk.

She turns back to the barman.

"Look, we don't want to take any more of your time, you have a buisness to run and I'm getting bored. So how about this, we are a trio of spacers looking for a bit of excitement while we docked. Do you know of any clubs, gambling dens, seedy bars, questionable pubs, brothels, coc figthing pits, dog fighting pits or quaint little eateries which may be owned but a cirtain afformentioned party.
As our time is short here we would of course, at your kind recomentation, be delighted to sample such cultural delights which are available to simple travelers as quickly as possible therfore leaving your bar"
She pronounces the last words very poiniently her voice sugests that this would be a very good option for all concerned

2011-11-22, 03:43 AM
The barman is still stood with his hands slightly raised, mixed emotions flitting across his face. "Look I don't want no trouble," he begins, "If that's what you're looking for you could do worse than try district 5. That's where the uh, 'action' is..." His eyes flick down to Wolfe's pistol almost involuntarily, "Just leave me and my bar in peace.... please."

Get 50 Xp for that little encounter, nice roleplay.

2011-11-22, 04:53 AM
She nods at the barman "Thank you sir for your kind travel advice."

turning back to her companions
"Well lads i fancy checking out the nightlife, will you be joining me?"

She waits for a reply from the group.

carter do imperial cities have taxie shuttles ect?

2011-11-22, 04:01 PM
Wrax stands moves towards the door

"Yeah I'm in the mood for dancing, lets get it on"

A huge grin on his face he turns and leaves the bar.

2011-11-22, 05:12 PM
Wolfe quickly holsters his pistol. "Sorry about that little altercation there, and thanks for the advise. I hope we didn't cause you too much trouble there."

"Well then, to district five."

2011-11-23, 04:49 AM
Coming out on to the street again, you look around for the nearest transport terminal or taxi (yes there are clink). As you stand there you hear a voice from down an alley over to your left.

"Pssst, Cowboys!" Though none of you noticed him leave, the tall thin man from the bar beckons you down the alley.

Over to the right you can see a taxi just starting to pull down this street, looking for custom.

2011-11-23, 06:01 AM
Looking at the thin man Wrax turns to the others.

"How about this, if Wolfe come's with me, I think we should check this guy out, Wood see if you can find an elevated spot, a fire escape or something. if this is an ambush i wouldn't mind having someone a bit dangerous covering my back."

Wrax, still annoyed by the simple mistake that nearly cost him his life in the bar, partly hopes this is an ambush just so he can knock some heads together.

2011-11-23, 05:08 PM
wood looks at wrax "I think he might notice me taking up a fire position, he's looking right at us"

Wood glances around the alley for anything suspicious.
(Awareness roll)

2011-11-23, 05:19 PM
The man looks at you and gestures for you to hurry up and come over.

You don't see anything suspicious, just the guy getting impatient.

2011-11-23, 05:20 PM
Wood strides towards the man. "Can we help you?"

2011-11-24, 04:49 AM
The man retreats down the alley, leaving you no choice but to follow until you are out, away from the street and have a little privacy.

"You're Janus' new lot aren't you?" A quick glance at your faces confirms this for him apparently because he continues, "Throne but that guy's an arse. Let me guess, he's just sent you down here with the old 'root out heresy' spiel and maybe a vaguely outlined mission with next to no intel..."

2011-11-25, 07:04 AM
"Yes," Wolfe replies cautiously, "the man is an arse, and yes, he did give us a not dissimilar "spiel" as you call it. But if the inquisition give you a task, I gather that you damn well do it, so for you I have three questions. Firstly, who are you? Secondly how do you know who we are? And thirdly of course, why shouldn't my guardsman friend here, who looks like he is just itching for a fight, paint this alleyway with your organs?"

Wolfe regards the man. Though a small portion of his mind is terrified that he may have been led into an ambush spot only to antagonise the leader, after the almost brawl in the bar he is mostly too annoyed to care.

2011-11-25, 07:56 AM
The man smiles at Wolfe, "Name's Gerard, pleased to meet you!" He flashes a brilliant smile and an Inquisitorial Rosette, "and I know who you are because I make it my business to know who everyone is. As to your third point, lets just say it would be mutually beneficial for all of us if that did not happen." Gerard winks at Wood, "You folks need intel on anyone or anything in this system you come to me and I'll be happy to provide it, for a small fee of course." He shrugs as if to say 'gotta make a living'.

2011-11-26, 12:25 PM
Wrax looks at the man intensely, There are a lot of questions he would like to ask this man but even he must admit he tends to rub people up the wrong way sometimes.

Deciding that silence is a good medium or him at the moment, he steps marginally closer to emphasize Wolfs remark and proceeds to check the alley for any aggressors.

2011-12-24, 08:27 AM
Wood looks at Gerard "Given that you’re with the inquisition and that my large companion was less than subtle in his enquiries back there, i presume you know about the inquisitions interest in DiBenedetto. We've been tasked with bringing him in.
So if you would be so kind, we'd appreciate known whereabouts, the protection he may have in place and any expected resistance, if we can do this clean all the better though i'd never be adverse to spilling a little blood." She grins at this point, showing her desire to kill.
"Oh and your fee for this information of course."
She awaits his reply leaning against the alley wall arms crossed.

2011-12-24, 02:12 PM
Gerard raises an eyebrow at the group. "DiBenedetto? As in James DiBenedetto? What's Janus told you about him so far?"

2011-12-24, 07:27 PM
"Your assessment of Janus was extremely accurate. We have a name and that he's crime boss the inquisition would like for questioning last seen on Leonis Tertius. So any more information would be helpful."
The last line is said with an impatient tone, Wood clearly wanting to get on with the assignment.

AllMerry christmas douchefags

2011-12-26, 05:32 PM
Gerard looks to the ground and scratches his head. "Sounds like Janus alright." He looks back up at you, "Technically he's not a crime boss, just the left hand man of one... But it's pretty academic at this level. Alright I'll see what I can dig up for you. Meet me back here in four hours and bring two hundred thrones to cover expenses."

2012-01-07, 08:35 PM
"Great, well unless my companions have any more questions, we'll see you in four hours and if your information's good we shall compleat our transaction."
Wood glances at Wrax and Wolfe to check if they have further question.

2012-01-09, 06:38 AM
"Oh well, seems it's time to make some money." Sighs Wolfe. "Any plans?" He asks the others. "We could go and rob the bar we just left. I would feel sorry for the barman, but he is pretty terrified of us, which should speed up proceedings."

2012-01-10, 05:59 AM
A look of concern crosses Gerard's face. "Hey, uh guys. Before you start some sort of crazy crime spree, If you don't have the money just say so." He shrugs, "I'm sure I could find some use for a favour from folks with your skills."

2012-01-16, 06:12 PM
Wrax looks at his companions and back at Gerard.

"Uh....yeah we don't have the money, What did you have in mind?"

2012-01-18, 06:47 AM
Gerard grins at you, "Like I said, I could always use a favour from folks like you. Could come in handy at somepoint."

2012-01-18, 05:40 PM
Wrax, a little irritated by the evasiveness, takes a step towards Gerard.

"look we don't have time for this, you either have a job for us or you don't. If you do great, let us know what it is and we will see what we can do. If not just say and we can go find some work somewhere else."

Wrax turns and flashes a smile at wolf, before turning back to Gerard.

"At least his plan would get the blood flowing"

Without breaking eye contact he awaits the man's reply.

2012-01-19, 06:03 AM
Gerard blinks at the boorish guardsman, "Do you not know what a favour is on your planet?" he asks, speaking slowly and slightly louder than before, "I mean that I'll do this for you, and when I need something in return I will contact you." He looks at the other two as if to say 'Really?'.

2012-01-20, 09:43 PM
"right well witty banter aside we really need to be somewhere else. we'll be back in four hours with either Thrones or favours... laugh and i'll kill you."
Wood turns and begins to walk away.

2012-01-27, 06:47 AM
Gerard nods and then backs down the alley dissappearing round a corner, leaving you to your own devices.

2012-01-27, 12:22 PM
Wrax walks past Wolf and towards Wood.

"I have been thinking, were here to track down a criminal right?. Well the best way to find one is to step on his toe's a little. I reckon if we stir up enough trouble then he's going to notice us sooner or later."

Wrax feels a rush of excitement at the thought.

"Doesn't have to be anything major just set up a small operation, you know, protection, debt collection that sort of thing. We start making the money and the criminals will want a piece....We will need some start up capital however...Wolf's idea of knocking over that bar might not be a bad idea...what do you think?

As Wrax finishes he pulls up alongside Wood and steps in front of her stopping her dead.


2012-01-27, 08:24 PM
"Well first guardsman you need to get out of my face"
She pushes him lightly aside.
"I'm always happy to get a little dirty to get the job done. shall we adjourn to said watering hole then?"

2012-01-28, 06:34 AM
Wrax feels that little prickle of adrenaline at the base of his spine.

"Always wanted to be a gangster when I was a kid... this just got inserting"

Wrax turns and heads off from the ally back into the bar...

2012-01-30, 02:24 AM
The bar is still devoid of customers when you walk back in, but the barman puts the glass he is 'cleaning' down as soon as he sees you, "Hey, I already told you guys, district five is where you want to go... Just leave me and my bar in peace for throne's sake!"

2012-01-30, 09:21 PM
Wrax looks around the bar. Realising that his companions have not yet entered he has an idea and moves over to the barman.

"Well hear goes nothing" he thinks to himself as arrives at the bar.

"Ok, listen this is how it is" Wrax fixes the barman with what he hopes is his most menacing stare. "Now you remember my associate, the void born with the pale face, well very soon this is going to be his district and it would be a shame if you and him got off on the wrong foot because believe me he can give you the mother of all headaches if he wants to. In fact my associates are outside right now and the pretty lady has a real passion for tube charges. Have you ever seen what a tube charge can do in a small room, no, well I have and I wouldn't like to be the one cleaning it up...anyway I digress... All were asking for is 10% of your take per week and we will make sure nothing unfortunate happens to this fine establishment. Of course we will need to take the first payment up front."

Wrax pauses a second to let this information sink in, and to force down the nervous excitement he's feeling. While he talks Wrax also drops the lasgun off of his back and holds it in his right hand just below the bar.

"I mean its of course up to you if you wish to take out this 'optional' insurance policy but I must warn you that if I don't leave here with the 10% in the next 5 mins then my associate may deem it appropriate to indulge her need for vandalism...I assume we have an understanding"

Wrax stares at the barman and awaits the response.

2012-01-31, 04:00 AM
Make an intimidate check.

2012-01-31, 06:05 AM
Wolfe, upon hearing wrax's dialogue, enters and takes up position by the door, trying to look menacing, and secretly hoping that 10% of the bar's weekly intake actually amounts to something, and thinking that a straightforward, "empty the till" would have been far more sensible considering we probably won't be spending many weeks on this planet in all likelyhood.

2012-01-31, 08:39 PM
Wood turns to wolfe.
Speaking conversationaly
"probably shouldn't have let him go in alone, I wonder how he's doing"

2012-02-01, 02:47 AM
The little speech Wrax has prepared for this moment seems to go wrong before it's even out of his mouth... He develops some sort of a stammer and as he pulls the lasgun off his back, the power pack slides out of it and clatters onto the floor, forcing him to scrabble around for it before managing to push it back in and lean on the bar in what he hopes is a threatening way.

The barman laughs in his face, hands planted on a ledge below the bar, "Nice try kid... now beat it before I call the cops!" He gestures out the window at a couple of arbites enforcers who are patrolling not far from the bar. "This is a busy spaceport, not the back of beyond!"

2012-02-04, 06:11 PM
Deciding that this may have been a bad idea wood decides on a different course of investigation.
She walks towards a couple of arbators near the spaceport.
"Officers, could you possibly assist me in an enquiry."
She reaches them and lowers her voice.
"I'm trying to find a man in this city by the name of debenitto. Any information on his whereabouts would be greatly appriciated, if not do you know of anyone who might have such information?"

2012-02-05, 05:49 AM
Wrax smiles at the barman and follows wood out of the bar rifle in hand.

With one had on the door he turns back to the bar man.

" Its lucky you got me on a polite day gak head, normaly I'd have just shot you through that smug grin and taken the money...if we meet again I will put a las round in your scull"

With that he steps out into the street. He knows that little outburst hasnt got him anyware but it made him feel better. Back on his homeworld that whole confrontation would have ended up bloody..maby..he thinks to himself..maby im growing as a person.

Laughing to himself he slings his rifle over his shoulder and aproaches Wood and the arbators.

2012-02-05, 07:25 AM
Wood: Roll inquiry.

Everyone: if you can anticipate when rolls are needed it'll make things go a little faster.

2012-02-06, 05:51 AM
One of the arbites officers shrugs "Never heard of him... This is a hive city miss, we can't keep tabs on everyone coming in and out of here. Good luck finding him though." He touches his helmet and they carry on patrolling.

2012-02-06, 05:59 AM
"well worth a try."
Wood turns to Wrax
"so shall we try District 5 then?"
Not waiting for a reply wood now begins to stride towards a taxi(?)
She looks over her shoulder at the others.
"is anyone else getting alittle bored of this spaceport?"

2012-02-06, 06:12 PM
Wrax follows wood.

"yeah this place is getting old, lets get the feth out of here"

2012-02-07, 03:33 AM
It takes a few attempts to find a hovercab that'll take you to district five, but eventually you get down there and the guy charges you 20 thrones for the ride before speeding back off the way you came. You've come several levels down the hive to the edge of what is considered "downhive" and things are looking decidedly more rundown here. Three manky looking hookers are stood on a corner near where you were dropped and you can see various signs for bars, stripclubs and other such establishments dotted around all over the place.

2012-02-07, 08:55 AM
Wrax climbed out of the cab and handed the driver 20 thrones.

"Emperor protect that was pricey, I reckon a drink is in order" Wrax begins walking towards the closest and grimiest looking bar he can find. "You guys are paying so you better hurry up...Don't worry I'm not going to start a war just ask a few questions"

Wrax flashes a large grin and walks through the bar door.

2012-02-09, 07:23 PM
Wood sighs.
"Some how i doubt that" she mutters to herself and follows the guardsman into the bar.

2012-02-12, 05:24 PM
It's hard to make out exactly what is in the bar or even how big the bar is due to the thick pall of smoke that seems to hang in the air like a curtain. Approaching the bar you see the barmaid is a heavily tattoed young woman with a bright pink mohawk, and almost definitely is not a maid. She is deep in conversation with a lank dark young man who is leaning across the bar towards her and they seem to be enjoying each other's company.

2012-02-12, 05:53 PM
Before they reach the bar Wrax signals with a quick gesture for the group to spread out. He then precedes to take a seat on the bar. Once seated he takes a closer look at the girl behind the bar. She reminds him of some of the hive gang members he had fought beside in the Jani 12 Liberation wars. If she was anything like those crazy fethers this was not a bar to start a fight in.

Wrax tries to attract the girls attention "Bottle of Beer when you get a chance..."

He then turns side on to the bar and watches the others on his company while he waits for service.

2012-02-14, 06:01 AM
Wondering if it is the stupidest idea in his life, Wolfe hesitatingly heads towards the manky hookers, who appear mankier with every step. Still, if they have a pimp he might have some info on the criminal underworld.

2012-02-14, 06:07 AM

since you've separated at the moment, put your posts in spoilers since you won't know what the others are doing

The couple ignores your attempts to get their attention, seemingly far too engrossed in each other to notice you.

The manky hookers start catcalling as you walk towards them, "Hey sugar you want a good time?" They seem to almost have a full set of teeth between the three of them.

2012-02-14, 07:11 AM
Wrax starting to get a little upset that he hasn't been served yet leans his elbows on the bar.

"Excuse me....Oi...You...Bar woman...Any chance of two beers over hear for me and my mate...Im assuming you dont get paid to stand there doing feth all..."

2012-02-15, 04:56 AM
Eventually the girl sighs heavily, and clearly upset about having been disturbed she plonks two bottles of beer in front of you, leaving the caps still on. "Is that it?" she drawls, head leaning to one side impatiently.

2012-02-18, 08:27 PM
Approaching the manky hookers Wolfe says "Yeah ladies, I am looking for a good time actually, but I'm after something a bit... Specialist. Perhaps you could introduce me to somebody wo I can talk business with, if you know what I mean"

2012-02-20, 05:26 AM
Wrx smiles in a jovial way and picks up the beers Handing one to wood he turns back to the woman.

"My mates paying...oh by the way were looking for a man named DiBenedetto we were told he could be found around here."

2012-02-20, 05:53 AM
As you approach the women the one closest to you recoils slightly. "You'll definitely need to get something 'specialist' honey, you don't get many witch-fiddlers around these parts..." she turns and shouts through an open doorway behind her, "Zeke! Some guy wants to talk to you!"
Zeke turns out to be a rough looking bald man in a scruffy trench coat who appears at the doorway and beckons you in.

The woman's eyes go wide at the mention of DiBenedetto's name. "He ain't been around here for months..." she shrugs, "I don't really know why you'd want to go looking for HIM though, you're best off staying out of his way." With that, she turns and walks off again, not even bothering to take your money.

2012-02-20, 07:39 AM
Carter and wood
Wrax turns back to wood

"Well she was useful...At least we got a free beer...Did you see the fear? I think we may be closing in on this guy what do you think we go from here. I don't think were getting anywhere by asking around. These people are terrified. I think we need another plan.

2012-02-21, 01:00 PM
Wolfe suddenly regrets heading off on his own without informing the others (well wood at least), but follows the man into the building.

2012-02-23, 01:49 AM
Walking past Zeke you scent the acrid stench of stale alcohol on his breath. Entering the room, all is dark, but once your eyes start to get used to it you can make out a few unsavoury looking fellows playing some sort of card game round a makeshift table. Zeke leads you through a doorway into another room and bids you sit on a ratty looking sofa. He hops up onto a table across from the sofa and his mouth breaks into a crooked smile, "So you wanting someone to do freaky psychic **** with? Or something even more depraved? I've got the girls for it if you've got the thrones... What's your pleasure?"

2012-02-23, 08:51 PM
"Well" Wolfe says to Zeke, "You being an intelligent businessman, I'm sure that you're aware that us psykes can only truly enjoy a similarily empowered woman, if you get my drift." Wolfe winks at the man. "Of course, finding one is the problem, not an easy task at all. My extensive sources tell me that a Mr. Debenitto is the man to talk to. I of course would be willing to reward any man willing to introduce me to him."

2012-02-24, 02:30 AM
Zeke shakes his head "Debenitto? Never heard of him. But ol' Zeke will see you right... I can get you what you're looking for but it's going to cost some major thrones, cause getting that type of merch ain't easy... You got that kind of cash to throw around though, and i'm your man!" He puffs out his chest as if this is something to be proud of.

2012-02-24, 08:26 AM
Carter "Sure I've got the thrones," Wolfe says "But I'm going to need some assurance on your part that you can get the merchandise before I part with any of them."

2012-03-01, 06:50 AM

Zeke takes his dark glasses off, revealing a small tattoo by the corner of his eye, and looks deep into your eyes.

Roll d100


The barmaid has gone back over and resumed kissing the lanky man at the other end of the bar, but every now and then she keeps looking over to see what you're doing.

2012-03-01, 08:09 AM
Carter wood
Wrax, noting the looks of the barmaid. Hands his beer to Wood and walks over to the two figures.

He places a hand on the lanky mans shoulder and pulls him away from the bar and the girl.

"Excuse me a second I Just need a word with the lady." smiling gently wrax turns to the barmaid. "Hey I have seen that look before, im not trying to cause trouble, and this will have no comeback on you, i just need to no were he is, or were I can find someone that can lead me to him" Frustrated by the lack of progress Wrax makes a snap decision. Reaching into his jacket he palms his aquilla and shows it to the barmaid, he quickly pockets it again, leaving it exposed only long enough for her to get a glimse. "I will make shure nothibg happens to you but im going to need you to help me."

2012-03-01, 09:16 PM
Wrax and Carter
wood continues to lean relaxed on the bar observing the events, she takes a swig from her drink as her other hand slides to the hilt of her Knife ready for trouble. She is reluctantly impresed at the bold move from the guardsman but keeps here eyes pealed for danger. (hightend sight roll)

2012-03-02, 03:48 AM

The punk does not take kindly to being pushed aside and pulls Wrax off the barmaid, pushing him back against the bar. "What the feth man? You want to get messed up?" He pulls a knife and gestures in the air in front of Wrax.


Heightened senses: You notice the bargirl seems to be reaching slowly for something under the bar.

2012-03-02, 05:06 AM
Carter wood

Wrax sends up a silent prayer of thanks to the emperor as he locked eyes with the punk. He could probably end this in a few seconds with his lasgun, but even he new that would bring a lot of unwanted attention. So he decides to settle this the old fashioned way.

"Bad idea gakk head"

Wrax throws his head forward towards the bridge of the punks nose.

2012-03-02, 05:07 AM
Carter wood

Wrax sends up a silent prayer of thanks to the emperor as he locked eyes with the punk. He could probably end this in a few seconds with his lasgun, but even he new that would bring a lot of unwanted attention. So he decides to settle this the old fashioned way.

"Bad idea gakk head"

Wrax throws his head forward towards the bridge of the punks nose.

2012-03-02, 06:30 AM

The punk reels as blood spurts from what looks like a nose that has been broken a few times before, and he advances towards you menacingly.

Roll Initiative

2012-03-03, 07:32 AM

Initiative is 1d10 + Ag bonus folks, try again.


Your eyes are momentarily drawn towards the tattoo next to Zeke's eye, but soon he puts his shades back on. "Alright fella, I'll level with you. You've come to the wrong end of the hive for merch like that. We've had some problems from psykers who don't see eye to eye with how we do things though so we have to be careful. You seem legit to me though so if you're serious about having that kind of cash then go here," he hands you a business card that just says Sliscus on it, "It's a fancy nightclub uphive. Ask at the bar for Marcus. But be warned, I mean it about the cash, you have to pay more at the door than I'll earn in this place all month." He leans back in his chair and looks at you as if watching for a reaction.

2012-03-05, 05:39 PM
Wrax enraged by this little feths unwillingness to just go down launches himself at the punk and throws a right hook with the intention of shattering the man's jaw.

2012-03-05, 07:41 PM
Noticing the barmaids movement wood leaps over the bar drawing her knife. (agility roll)
She restrains the woman letting her feel the point of the blade. And whispers into her ear
"I wouldn't do that honey"

2012-03-06, 03:04 AM

Wrax swings at the punk, but he pulls under the punch and stabs Wrax in the chest! Fortunately for Wrax the knife glances off his flak armour harmlessly, but he is still at quite a disadvantage against an armed opponent. Meanwhile Wood leaps over the bar, almost reaching the barmaid before she panics, turns and blows a large hole in the shelf of booze next to her with the shotgun she's pulled from it's resting place under the bar.

OOC Wood/Wrax
Wrax you're at -20 to hit vs an armed opponent and Wood grapple is a full action i'm afraid, and you were that bit too far away.

2012-03-06, 05:06 AM
Carter wood
Wrax, wrax barely hears the shotgun as he winces at the impact of the blade, and draws his sword from its resting place. If this is how this guy wants to play it so be it. the 3 foot blade makes a menacing hissing noise as it is released. Now with a blade in hand he thrusts the blade towards the punks neck.

2012-03-06, 07:30 AM
Wood continues to grapple with the barmaid intending to subdue and not kill her.

2012-03-10, 07:24 AM
"Well then, thanks for the information." Wolfe stands up. "Best I get going then, wouldn't like to keep the ladies waiting would I"

2012-03-11, 06:02 PM
Wrax slides his sword from it's sheath bringing it swinging out in one smooth motion, but overbalances as the punk ducks under his blow, stabbing the knife into Wrax's right leg, the armour not being enough to turn aside the blow this time. Wood lunges for the barmaid who backpedals wildly, firing the other chamber of her shotgun just as Wood clears the muzzle, the deadly buckshot shattering yet more bottles and producing a fine haze of alcohol behind the two ladies.
Wrax take 1 damage, Wood you need to make an unarmed attack to initiate a grapple so i took your roll to be that instead.

Zeke touches the side of his glasses with his finger as a parting gesture. As you come out of the bar onto the main street you hear a gunshot, followed by another echoing out of the bar your associates walked into earlier.

2012-03-12, 03:28 PM
Carter wood
Wrax, letting out a grunt of pain and rage, transfers his weight off his injured leg, spinning round with his blade hoping to land a blow on the punks back.

2012-03-12, 08:07 PM
Carter"Oh for feth's sake!" Exclaims wolfe. Unholstering Laughing Girl, he holds it ready, and steps into the bar.

2012-03-12, 08:18 PM
Wrax Carter
Wood still trying to get the barmaid under control.
"Put the gun down you mad bitch"

2012-03-15, 07:27 AM
Wolfe bursts into the bar pistol raised in time to watch Wood take down the barmaid and roll around, locked in a grapple behind the bar.

Wrax is engaged in a swordfight with the punk and seems to be starting to get the better of it as he manages to slice into the punks arm with his sword, the punk's attack going wide as a result.

2012-03-16, 05:31 AM
Carter is there any way to subdue rather than kill?

2012-03-16, 03:47 PM
"Wolfe!" wrax growls noteing his pistol. "put this fether down, try ur best not to kill him tho"

2012-03-17, 01:01 AM
OOC Clink
Just keep grappling her and you should knock her unconscious long before you kill her.

2012-03-17, 07:21 AM
Wood shouts as she tries to force the barmaid down
"Is that wolfe... where you been you're missing the fun."

2012-03-22, 05:40 AM
Wrax having forgotten the pain in his leg for the moment takes another swing at the punk.

2012-03-24, 08:33 PM
Wolfe shrugs, then looses off a shot at the punk tangling with wrax.

CarterHelp me out here, fairly sure I roll on my ballistic skill with +10 for the sight but -20 for firing into melee combat. Not sure about ranges at all.

2012-03-29, 02:48 AM
Those two modifiers are correct, you get an additional +10 for short range and then you have another half action that you could use to either aim (+10) or use your psy power unnatural aim (change to point blank range +30 instead of short) psy power would be 1d10+4 vs a target number of 8 btw.

2012-03-29, 08:52 PM
wood is starting to fall asleep waiting for wolfe

2012-04-03, 06:24 AM
Wrax brings his sword round in a huge arc, and the punk leaps back just in time to catch a shot from Wolfe's pistol in the chest, spinning him around. Sensing the fight is going against him, he attempts to flee out the back. (Wrax you can take a free attack against him as he runs if you want.)

Behind the bar the girls are still wrestling manically, although Wood definitely seems to be getting the upper hand as the barmaid is tiring fast.

2012-04-03, 07:22 AM
Wrax, glares at the man as he leaves but decides not to push the point. Plus creating a ripple may get them noticed by the right characters. wrax walks around the bar to come up behind the woman wrestling with wood.

2012-04-14, 05:42 PM
As much as Wolfe would like to attempt to put the man down for good, he's just arrived and figures if Wrax is letting him leave it's probably for some reason. Instead he just shrugs and wanders over to the bar to survey the fight going on behing it.

2012-04-15, 07:10 AM
Wood notices her companions looking at her as she continues to fight to control the bar main.
"Don't worry guys i got this"
She makes a fresh attempt to force the girls head into the floor

2012-04-17, 06:00 AM
The barmaid's head smashes against the floor and she finally goes limp.

The punk has escaped out the back and the only sound is the dripping of alcohol from behind the shot up bar.

2012-04-17, 06:44 AM
Wrax rushes round the bar and pickes the barmaid up. Gently laying her on the bar he begins to try anf bring her round.

"Wood, check that door, make shure he hasnt gone to bring his mates.!."

2012-04-26, 06:11 AM
Unsure as to whether he could trust Wrax with an unconsious woman, Wolfe nevertheless wanders over to till, intending to steal as much money from it as possible.

2012-04-29, 04:46 PM
wood walks to the door the punk left through, opens it slowly and tries to spot the punk.