View Full Version : Super Telekinesis

2011-08-25, 08:38 PM
Is it possible to get uncapped telekinesis? 500 pounds telekinesis limit at level 20 is 20d6 damage a turn by throwing things, which isn't great for novas but is fine as an at-will attack IMO. Getting at will telekinesis at your CL is possible with staffs pretty easily, but uncapping it is needed for real usefulness.

Also, I just watched Scott Pilgrim again and I want to play Todd Ingram :P.

2011-08-25, 08:40 PM
The way to do more with telekinises is to throw more things at once. Like, sayyy, several weapons sized for huge or bigger creatures. at once.

I think the trick was to fling 15 Colossal Sianghams or Colossal+++ Crossbow bolts or.... uh, lemme quote one of the existing things

"If you don't want to keep replacing ammunition, you can use a mixture of colossal++ mithral annulats (8d6 damage, 16 pounds) and colossal+++ mithral annulats (12d6 damage, 32 pounds). That can get you 92d6 damage on a violent thrust at caster level 9."

Also, you will need to start taking levels in Ghost.

2011-08-25, 08:44 PM
Sure I could throw 5 Colossal Greatswords for 120 damage, but being able to drop 500 pounds on someone or throw it at them is way cooler.

2011-08-25, 08:45 PM
Reread my edited post...

2011-08-25, 08:47 PM
How does the ghost help? Other then making me awesome.

2011-08-25, 08:53 PM

When you start taking the ghost template progression class, you get Telekinesis as an at will power, level 12 or AT YOUR HD WHICHEVER IS HIGHER.

2011-08-25, 08:55 PM
Ghost; the most amazing class in the game! Mass immunity, flying, ethereal mode, at will telekinesis and draining touch. Yeah, if given the chance I am soooo playing one.

Also, this version combines well with Bard for extra HD.

2011-08-25, 08:58 PM
Think of it... you float around, a huge ball of gigantic weapons floating next to you, and when you look at someone you don't like, they all point and fly to them, coalescing at the center.... where that thing you didn't like USED to be... And 92d6 at caster level NINE... think about that...

2011-08-25, 08:59 PM
Think of it... you float around, a huge ball of gigantic weapons floating next to you, and when you look at someone you don't like, they all point and fly to them, coalescing at the center.... where that thing you didn't like USED to be... And 92d6 at caster level NINE... think about that...

You have now discovered the Lady of Blades' secrets. :P

2011-08-25, 09:00 PM
Oh this was a well known trick at brilliantgameologists. I'm just the messenger. ;)

2011-08-25, 09:22 PM
After 5 levels of Ghost what would you take? Nothing with a bind mechanic, since it has no Con. Maybe Psion Uncarnate for Uncarnate Bridge.

2011-08-25, 09:27 PM
You only REALLY need two levels... What else do you want to do other than TK?

2011-08-25, 09:31 PM
You only REALLY need two levels... What else do you want to do other than TK?

But its a solid tier 3 class! :P Seriously, immortality and the Malevolence ability are pretty dang good. But yeah, 2 levels and then Psion would be amazing.

2011-08-25, 09:32 PM
Is it possible to get uncapped telekinesis?
You mean like this?

2011-08-25, 09:34 PM
You mean like this?

YES. Except also withhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm75mgcQJz1qgtit2o1_500.gif

2011-08-25, 09:34 PM
I think Ghost doesn't give you any hit dice, dude... no skill points, no hit dice, no bab, no saves...

2011-08-25, 09:43 PM
I think Ghost doesn't give you any hit dice, dude... no skill points, no hit dice, no bab, no saves...

But it also makes everything else d12s, so it would even out rather quickly using a d4 class. 3 levels with HD and it would be equal. But I see your point; 2 levels and then into Psion it is.

2011-08-25, 09:44 PM
After 5 levels of Ghost what would you take? Nothing with a bind mechanic, since it has no Con. Maybe Psion Uncarnate for Uncarnate Bridge.Master of the Unseen Hand comes to mind.

If you're actually casting the spell, then there's the Reserves of Strength feat... although it does come with a cost.

2011-08-25, 09:48 PM
Master of the Unseen Hand comes to mind.

If you're actually casting the spell, then there's the Reserves of Strength feat... although it does come with a cost.

That is...Beautiful. Also, kinda cheesy through Improved Caster Level on a ghost, since you get double the CL increase a level by Raw. Ignoring that though, its perfect.

2011-08-25, 09:49 PM
Wait... Master of the Unseen Hand... Ghost...

Is there any way to make an incorporeal creature corperal permanantly? I'm interested in knowing.

2011-08-25, 09:57 PM
Is it possible to get uncapped telekinesis?

The psionic version is uncapped, and the Pathfinder psionic version recombines Force and Thrust into one power again.

2011-08-25, 10:09 PM
The psionic version is uncapped, and the Pathfinder psionic version recombines Force and Thrust into one power again.

The Pathfinder version I might look into, but it would still be a secondary ability. I want the character to live and breathe telekinesis. Picking up his cups with it and the like.

2011-08-25, 10:13 PM
There's an Unseen Hand archetype for Kineticists in Psionics Expanded that gives you supernatural TK at-will. Sadly you need to wait until level 20 to get it.

Ghost is the only way I know to really go hog-wild with it, though you technically aren't "living and breathing it" (or anything else) at that point.

2011-08-25, 10:15 PM
There's an Unseen Hand archetype for Kineticists in Psionics Expanded that gives you supernatural TK at-will. Sadly you need to wait until level 20 to get it.

Ghost is the only way I know to really go hog-wild with it, though you technically aren't "living and breathing it" (or anything else) at that point.

Point taken :P However, level 3 versus level 20 makes it much better for my purposes.

Slii Arhem
2011-08-25, 11:05 PM
If you're looking for damage cheese, then shrink item hijinx are where it's at. Since it divides the weight by a bit over 4000 times, the 500lb cap isn't an issue, and you're really only limited to how large a rock you can shrink.

Let me dust off some old calculations.

Assuming level nine, when both spells are available to a wizard, you can shrink item an 18 cubic foot hunk of granite, which weighes 168 pounds per cubic foot, which is 3024lbs. Telekinesis deals 1d6 per 25lbs of solid object, which in this case works out to 120/121d6 of damage depending on whether you round up or down.

Since you can activate shrink item's command word as a free action (according to some interpretations) you could activate it mid-flight. Or just let it activate when it hits the poor sod, going from a sling stone to a boulder in no time flat!

Edit: Actually, the spell version has a 375lb cap, so it's even more restrictive without cheese than psionics is.

2011-08-25, 11:08 PM
I wonder, does unshrinking conserve mechanical energy? because then your horizontal velocity might be a bit insufficient.

2011-08-25, 11:10 PM
I wonder, does unshrinking conserve mechanical energy? because then your horizontal velocity might be a bit insufficient.

The solution then is to unshrink it above your target.

2011-08-25, 11:13 PM
The solution then is to unshrink it above your target.

true. or overshoot and hope you work out the physics before it's gone too far.

Slii Arhem
2011-08-25, 11:13 PM
The solution then is to unshrink it above your target.

Falling object damage caps at 20d6, so the best solution is really to let it hit them and unshrink, I think anyway.

2011-08-25, 11:55 PM
Falling object damage caps at 20d6, so the best solution is really to let it hit them and unshrink, I think anyway.

Nope, the comma indicates that the damage from distance fallen is capped, not from weight. This can be read either way, but the rule makes more sense that way.

Slii Arhem
2011-08-26, 12:39 AM
Nope, the comma indicates that the damage from distance fallen is capped, not from weight. This can be read either way, but the rule makes more sense that way.

Ah, well even so falling damage scales very slowly, at only 1d6 per 200lbs, as opposed to every 25, so with the same 9th level wizard you'd only be doing 15d6 damage, and there are far easier ways to drop damage on someone than that.

2011-08-26, 07:11 AM
I wonder, does unshrinking conserve mechanical energy? because then your horizontal velocity might be a bit insufficient.If you go with relativity, it can't. What's traveling at 0 mph in regards to one frame of reference is traveling at 1,000 mph in regards to a different frame of reference. If you change the mass of on object, you can conserve momentum in one frame, but doing so causes it to be violated in the other. Ditto for energy (which will also give you a different result than momentum will, with a few exceptions). If you posit an absolute frame of reference, then you can do so... but do watch out when players start using Baelful Polymorph on elephants to break the light barrier and cause things to detonate.

2011-08-26, 09:39 AM
If you go with relativity, it can't. What's traveling at 0 mph in regards to one frame of reference is traveling at 1,000 mph in regards to a different frame of reference. If you change the mass of on object, you can conserve momentum in one frame, but doing so causes it to be violated in the other. Ditto for energy (which will also give you a different result than momentum will, with a few exceptions). If you posit an absolute frame of reference, then you can do so... but do watch out when players start using Baelful Polymorph on elephants to break the light barrier and cause things to detonate.

... brilliant. tomorrow's headline shall be "SUPERLUMINAL EX-ELEPHANTS SLAUGHTER CATGIRLS."

2011-08-26, 04:55 PM
... brilliant. tomorrow's headline shall be "SUPERLUMINAL EX-ELEPHANTS SLAUGHTER CATGIRLS."
"film at eleven."

2011-08-26, 05:31 PM
I suppose spell research would be handy in this case. Research "Greater Telekinesis", the 8th level spell.

2011-08-26, 07:06 PM
Once you hit CL 18 on your telekinesis don't forget to grab quicken spell like ability to telekinesis twice per round. With master of the unseen hand you can do this by level 13 (ECL 15 if you took 2 levels in ghost).

2011-08-26, 07:46 PM
Once you hit CL 18 on your telekinesis don't forget to grab quicken spell like ability to telekinesis twice per round. With master of the unseen hand you can do this by level 13 (ECL 15 if you took 2 levels in ghost).

sure you can do it twice in the same round, but only if you wait 1d4 rounds in between.

2011-08-26, 10:23 PM
oh darn it...
Ok then you can do it as a swift each time plus something else too. Or keep someone pinned with one telekinesis (sustained force for multiple rounds) and then 1d4 rounds later you use a 2nd to violent thrust some greatswords without losing your hold on the first guy.